After 65 lb weight loss.. NOW being called fat?



  • horseloverdawn
    horseloverdawn Posts: 16 Member
    My own mom insulted me with a comment on my belly sticking out to my grandma while I was standing right there! That motivated me to get back on track! I will not be insulted like that again! I have decided it only matters what I think and how I feel.... and that is better every day that I take care of me. Don't let ignorant people define you! You are amazingly and wonderfully made!
  • SaraLily
    SaraLily Posts: 30
    Wow....poor you! Some girls at the gym can be such bi..... I hate that. That's why I train at home. But I realize it's not possible for everyone.

    I am so proud of you. Look at what you accomplished! You are an inspiration for me :) You look great, you worked hard to lose all that weight. You should be proud of you. Don't let these girls get to you. You can't reason with idiots. Anyways, you'd lose an awful lot of your precious time by doing so ;)
  • lexoxoc
    lexoxoc Posts: 135 Member
    I am so sorry to hear this! People are so insensitive and cruel sometimes. You look INCREDIBLE! As hard as it is, don't let others influence your drive and motivation to the best of your ability. This process should be for YOU and only YOU! Keep your chin up!
  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    OK, so those other people you mentioned are terrible and I hope they have a bad hair day.

    That said, the real problem here is YOU.

    We all say it "I'm doing this for me" but you gotta mean it. I know what they said hurts, but you have to find a way to cope with it that doesn't include self-destruction. I always recommend counseling. Whatever you do, I hope you can find something that works for you.
  • DivaMaria225
    DivaMaria225 Posts: 70 Member
    First of all, you look amazing and you don't even look 265lbs! Your pic is taken from a side view and you look more 185 or even less!
    Secondly...who frakin talks like that! Are these morons for real?? Perhaps a child can make a comment because they see the obvious,but a grown god!! These *kitten* are just insecure and you should have told them mind your own business or make a nasty comment back to them! Im furious!! Girl, you keep going strong and stop hanging out with idiots and concentrate on your own beautiful've come too far to let anyone spoil your efforts!
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Similar things have happened to me. When I first started running and probably looked like I was going to pass out I ran past two soccer moms, larger than me, who laughed at me and told me to get some clothes to cover up my flubber, it was bouncing too much. I had earphones on and they didn't know I heard them so I shouted back, 'at least I'm not hiding behing my stroller, what the f are you doing to lose weight?'

    Then about a month ago, one of my so called friends quit talking to me and I don't know why. Now she is passively bullying me. Last week she was talking within ear shot about needing to lose 15 lbs, then the in next sentence she looks at me and says 'but (name), we are so lucky we are as thin as we are at our age.' We're the same age. It's like she decided that all the hard work and effort I've been putting into this means nothing.

    But it actually means a lot. I'm now motivated to show her up in all that I do in the same environment as her.

    Anyway, you are beautiful, obviously on the inside and the outside! Don't quit, be selfish and do this for you.
  • eaglefish
    eaglefish Posts: 130 Member
    Mean people are just that.. mean. Don't let them get to you. It's amazing to lose the weight you have. Forget them & their ugliness. Go back to the gym & run. I mean why not? Isn't a gym a place where people go to loose weight & get into shape? You have as much reason to be there as anyone else. After all, you're loosing weight for your self & not a couple of unhappy mean girls.
  • chelley_79
    chelley_79 Posts: 102 Member
    some people are *****es... sorry... but there you go. they are probably jealous they couldn't run like you were. use that hate they threw your way as fuel for your fire... keep it up, girl!! you are doing fantastic!!
  • sarah_lou22

    no one "is fat" -- people HAVE fat. there is a difference.

    people are really cruel. they are mean, heartless, and frankly -- @$$holes. there words hurt, even if you try to pretend that they don't. but there is something that you can do about it.

    HOLD YOUR HEAD HIGH. Continue being incredible and working hard toward your goal! Your goal isn't to have people stop laughing. Your goal is to get healthy. The fact that those two b*tches felt the need to say anything is probably because they can't run even for two minutes without stopping.

    Skinny does not equal fit.

    try toteach yourself to let what people say to you flow off. It can bother you in private -- don't let it bother you in public. unfortunately, because you didn't go back -- they won. DON'T LET THE EVIL IN THIS WORLD WIN.

    go back. raise your head high. and be the fantastic, fit, and beautiful you that you were before their comments. that girl is still there, you just have to fight for her :)

    keep up the great work, and don't let terrible words and hurtful thoughts affect the progress that you want to make.

  • chelley_79
    chelley_79 Posts: 102 Member
    some people are *****es... sorry... but there you go. they are probably jealous they couldn't run like you were. use that hate they threw your way as fuel for your fire... keep it up, girl!! you are doing fantastic!!

    fine... female dogs. LOL (no offense to any pups LOL)
  • crazorbaq
    crazorbaq Posts: 74 Member
    Haters gonna hate....don't be a hater to yourself. Those skinny *****es will get what is coming to them...LOL
  • wibutterflymagic
    wibutterflymagic Posts: 788 Member
    Wow, sorry to hear that. You've done a great job so far try to ignore what those people have said, but instead of letting little, *****y gym girls get the best of you, fire back. Call them on their rudeness. Say something like "doesn't it make you want to like kill yourself or something because your such a *****?" They're obviously trying to make themselves feel better because they probably don't have the stamina you do so don't let them win. People like that need to be called on this *kitten*.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I think a good strategy for coping with those types of people, is to feel sorry for them (similar to how Gandhi and MLK had their followers change their mentality about oppression). Because really, how miserable must a person be to say these kinds of things to other people?:flowerforyou:
  • krisjohnson121
    krisjohnson121 Posts: 87 Member
    One - you look great!

    So from some of the stories you discussed. What gym do you go to? I am sorry but that behavior just sounds so incredibly immature - is it at a high school or college? Maybe find a different place to workout - that is an atmosphere no one wants to be around.

    In terms of the kids - my daughter calling me fat is one of the things that motivated me on my journey. Hearing her say it was so painful, but it hurt not because she said it but because it was true. I had really let myself go. Now as I am losing the weight - she is still saying it but it no longer hurts. I was obese I am now overweight and getting healthier everyday - so why is she still saying it? because she is hearing it - at school with friends - my child is not overweight but there are kids in her class that are. I am currently toeing the line to teach her that you need to eat healthy but that saying words like 'fat' are hurtful and also working to teach her what healthy is - I am constantly correcting her you do not need to be skinny you need to be healthy.

    Unfortunately so many kids do not know what healthy is - so in the times of hearing that from kids I think its important to take the opportunity to teach them.

    One other note - I have found that at points in my weightloss I feel I look heavier than I did before. My husband is encouraging and says - you lost the weight but now you need to tone and your skin needs to catch up and he is right. I have lost alot of weight in my stomach and now there is loose skin that looks like fat in certain clothes - so I am continuing to lose weight but am working to ensure that I am toning and weight training and honestly just waiting. Hopefully i am young enough that my skin will tighten with time - until then I fore see spanx in my future!

    Hope this helps! Good luck! Feel free to friend me and we can keep each other motivated!
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    Hey honey YOU ARE DOING BRILL :bigsmile: trust me its not easy...:wink: personally I would have reported them at the reception desk of the gym to get them kicked out then who would have been embarrassed?:blushing: :blushing:

    Shame on anyone who even thinks like that tbh
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    Girl, you look GREAT!! Don't let insecure people put negative thoughts in your head.
    I am always impressed by ANYONE who can kill it on the treadmill, regardless of their size, because I have a hard time going at it for long at a constant speed.
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I was an overweight kid...was called fat. I lost 65lbs...and then started being told that I looked like I "had an eating disorder."

    You can't make everyone happy all of the time, so just do what you want and to hell with other people.

    I find the best way to deal with the negative comments is to remain calm and just answer people honestly. It really knocks them for a loop. If some teens ask how you exercise when you are "so big," just answer them with..."girl, I used to weigh 330 lbs. So I feel skinny and great now! I know I'm still big, but I'm gonna tear it up on the treadmill."
  • xmeganxtarax

    no one "is fat" -- people HAVE fat. there is a difference.

    people are really cruel. they are mean, heartless, and frankly -- @$$holes. there words hurt, even if you try to pretend that they don't. but there is something that you can do about it.

    HOLD YOUR HEAD HIGH. Continue being incredible and working hard toward your goal! Your goal isn't to have people stop laughing. Your goal is to get healthy. The fact that those two b*tches felt the need to say anything is probably because they can't run even for two minutes without stopping.

    Skinny does not equal fit.

    try toteach yourself to let what people say to you flow off. It can bother you in private -- don't let it bother you in public. unfortunately, because you didn't go back -- they won. DON'T LET THE EVIL IN THIS WORLD WIN.

    go back. raise your head high. and be the fantastic, fit, and beautiful you that you were before their comments. that girl is still there, you just have to fight for her :)

    keep up the great work, and don't let terrible words and hurtful thoughts affect the progress that you want to make.


    ^^ I love it!
  • gertudejekyl
    gertudejekyl Posts: 386 Member
    Don't be RIDICULOUS !! KEEP Working !! When you were 330 people probably felt too sorry for you to say mean things, now they are not that sorry for you. That is good ! I was up to 302 at one time. If you are 150 pds overweight and you lose 65 pds you are still overweight ! Even if you feel thin. I often feel thin and strong -- but I weigh 226 pounds so I don't appear thin :) Tell me you will put all these a-holes out of your mind and keep working...!
  • smp0723
    smp0723 Posts: 88
    Let me just say I am old enough to be your mother and I am so proud of you!! You look fabulous!! I've been struggling with my weight since I was your age and look at you!!! You are learning at a young age that you need to get healthy! WOOT WOOT!!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!

    Secondly, those girls don't matter....all that matters is you. You don't need to care what anyone else thinks of you---you are all that matters on this journey. Do it for YOU...for YOU to feel better....for YOU to feel healthy...for YOU to avoid illnesses that come with being overweight....for YOU to feel pretty when you look in the mirror....for YOU to love shopping for clothes.....for YOU to feel the SUCCESS that only you can give yourself.

    YOU'VE GOT THIS!! Keep up the good work!! We are all here to help you. You are inspiring me to keep at it--thank you!

    As for the kids....they have no filter....I have a 9 year old that said I was fat once-it brought tears to my eyes. When I said to him "that really hurt my feelings" and discussed how I got fat and what he can do to prevent it...he was apologetic, gave me a hug and now he is my biggest cheerleader. He runs with me-helps me prepare family meals that are healthy and even has agreed to homemade gluten free chicken nuggets over Wendy's!! :laugh:

    F THEM ALL!!! They don't matter!