After 65 lb weight loss.. NOW being called fat?



  • K_Serz
    K_Serz Posts: 1,299 Member
    wow. i mean...just WOW. you totally got hit with *kitten* wagon there.

    people suck. they suck all the time, and out in the open and everything. they are stupid, moronic, hurtful, ignorant d*ckbags who should learn to keep their stupid, moronic, ignorant d*ckbag mouths shut.

    they won't, though. they'll keep saying mean, stupid, hurtful things...if not to you, then to other people. The best you can do is to realize that they have soul cancer, and go say something nice and wonderful to someone else. Balance out their negative vibes with your own positive ones and do your best to not let them get to you.

    i know it hurts, but i think that you are ADORABLE.

    ^^ All of THIS right here. especially the parts with the asterisk in it. Anyway, the worst thing you could have done was not return. Best thing to do is to do what you want to do (whatever that goal is).

    Youve made such great progress already. If it were me personally I would think about that moment every single time I thought about straying from the path that I needed to be on, and every single time that I wanted to push harder but wound up stopping.

    Everyone else in here cant possible be wrong!...Dont give up!!!
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    You will reach your goal weight, but they will be horrible bit**es forever!!

    As Judge Judy says: "Beauty fades, but stupid is forever"

    You have done amazing... keep it up and you CAN do it!!
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    I know your feelings were hurt by SCUM; and I am not going to give them my energy by way of responding about them.

    My plea to you is take your rightful place back at the gym and get back on course.

    You are very beautiful not just outside but inside. It took courage to share this with us.

    It's time to stand tall. With all this support and encouragement you are in receipt of on this post, you have the push you need to move forward.

    Hugs to you.
  • kaseymei
    kaseymei Posts: 164
    First of all.... you look amazing. You have done an incredible job. You should be very very proud of yourself.

    Secondly, don't let those stupid bi***** get to you. I can't believe how ignorant and cruel some people can be.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Oh, honey, it is an extremely sad and insecure person who needs to put someone else down to feel good about him or herself, which is what those girls did to you.

    You have made incredible progress and you should be so proud of that! Get back to the gym and tune those Bs out. What they did was about them, not you. Feel sorry for them.
  • SloRunner25
    SloRunner25 Posts: 89 Member
    I would've laughed in that girl's face! You can run and be heavier! I had ladies much heavier than me beat me in all the races I've run so far. Don't let ignorant people get you down. And as far as mean kids, I tell them that their parents are doing a horrible job raising them if that is how they talk and they should be ashamed. Now kids are kids an need to be taught that if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all. Obviously this new generation didn't watch Bambi! :laugh: :wink:

    The most important thing is that you're trying to be healthy so you will live a long, happy life. I've known many skinny girls who didn't have to try to be skinny, got pregnant, and gained A TON of weight and have no clue how to have a balanced diet. We who have to WORK for it have a better appreciation of other people and learning to eat well.

    Never give up.
  • redbev306
    Don't let others get you down PLEASE!!! You're doing an amazing job & are such an inspiration to me... I'm early in my journey to loose 105lbs. :) You look awesome, so get some tough skin & use any insult you encounter to fuel your motivation... knowing that you're working on improving yourself.... & they're clearly not.... (as for kids.... they just don't know better usually... I run into the same with adults with developmental disabilities. I have one guy who always asks me if I'm having a baby. Instead of getting hurt, I use it as a teaching moment & say "nope, there's no baby in there, that's where my cheeseburgers go when I eat too many" because he too needs to loose some weight, & cheeseburgers are his favorite food & he'd eat them for every meal if he had the option!) Take pride in your improved lifestyle & how you're feeling & what you have accomplished. For every negative comment.... I am positive that there are twenty other people who are impressed/want to compliment you, but don't want to hurt your feelings or something like that.

    Another thought... could this new attention you're getting be because when you were heavier you didn't put yourself out there as much? I know for me when I was heavy & down on myself, it took a lot to even get out of the house. I was feeling sluggish & embarassed about how I looked.

    Best of luck in your continued journey.... give it hell!!!
  • alexisdc
    alexisdc Posts: 117 Member
    If you stop now THEY win. Those *****es at the gym just are just that. Someone telling you not to sit in a chair because you might break it, nonesense. HATERs are gonna HATE. That is all that is. Don't let them stop you from your goal. Your stronger than that. People who fee they have the right to say what they want, usually have serious issues of their own which they mask it by being an asshat and douche bags. So keep going!!
  • pinkstp
    pinkstp Posts: 220 Member
    Wow you look amazing :)

    Work on your uppercut ;) Knock those bishes out! Surround yourself with people who love and support you, and eff the haters. There's always going to be someone who needs to make themselves feel better by putting other people down and it sucks that you're getting that (especially when you look great and are healthier and healthier every day!). But please continue your journey and be an inspiration to the many of us who can't wait to see you reach your goals! :)
  • davewilliamadams
    First, Great Job on loosing 65lbs! Second, and this is easier said than done....don't let it get to you. I have lost 36lbs thus far and if someone was to say that to me, I would simply say and have said......check me out in 12 months. Get back on your plan and don't let it get to you.
  • fatpanda3
    First of all, you look AMAZING. Don't listen to those girls. People can be so stupid sometimes. I just started my "healthy, better life" today, so if you want to pass on any secrets, I'm all ears! :)
  • happyheathen927
    happyheathen927 Posts: 167 Member
    wow. i mean...just WOW. you totally got hit with *kitten* wagon there.

    people suck. they suck all the time, and out in the open and everything. they are stupid, moronic, hurtful, ignorant d*ckbags who should learn to keep their stupid, moronic, ignorant d*ckbag mouths shut.

    they won't, though. they'll keep saying mean, stupid, hurtful things...if not to you, then to other people. The best you can do is to realize that they have soul cancer, and go say something nice and wonderful to someone else. Balance out their negative vibes with your own positive ones and do your best to not let them get to you.

    i know it hurts, but i think that you are ADORABLE.

    Every. Single. Word. of this. All of it. You are ADORABLE. And people are *kitten*; they think they can say anything to somebody who's overweight and it's okay. Girl, I have lived this my whole life. My cousin just wrote a blog post about this very thing.

    You are doing amazing things for yourself: body, mind and soul. Please don't let comments of cruel people derail you.
  • kevindhaliwal
    kevindhaliwal Posts: 17 Member
    ur doing great and dont listen to those kind of people. just keep pushing
  • ragingmrs
    So here is the thing. When you are too large to shop in most normal stores people see you as past the point of no return. Most people at that size will not make the changes necessary to lose the weight and they know they are fat so no one will say anything.

    Women who are that catty are insecure and want to tear down *any* potential competition to make themselves feel better. It is possible they come from the land where a size 6 is fat.

    The reality is they *do not* know where YOU have been. YOU have made that change and done the journey. You look good and healthy in the posted picture. Ignore those insecure little girls and be proud of what you have accomplished!
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    Never listen to those inner demons. OR to rude girly girls who don't know where their head is located. You have to make up your mind to go your own path and not listen to others. I too had a lady ask when I was due---I told her I was due the day she got some manners!! She walked off and had the good grace to look embarrassed as she SHOULD BE. You will always see an hear petty people, but look at it this way--you can change YOU but those girls can't change their stupidity level.
  • prairiedawg2014
    I don't understand it either cuz girl, you are looking awesome!! ignore ignorant people and focus on the great job you're doing because its paying off! I think you are looking amazing and beautiful!! keep it up and good luck on your journey!! :flowerforyou:
  • VioletNightshade
    Oh my gosh, I cannot believe those girls at the gym said those things to you! This has activated my angry mother lion side, and I'm just furious for you. My highest weight was 260 on the nose and I've NEVER gotten any comments from strangers about my weight. Children, yes, but that's why I generally avoid children. They've not been taught to have a filter yet and say incredibly hurtful things because they don't know any better.

    Just looking at the two pictures you posted, you're looking absolutely WONDERFUL, and even though you've had a bit of a backslide, I'm sure you still look great.

    If you cancelled your membership (which I hope you haven't because getting back on that horse and showing it who's boss might be a cathartic moment for you) I hope you told them why you left - because two of their other clients were so incredibly rude to you that you felt unwelcome and humiliated, and it discouraged you from your personal fitness goals and demotivated you. They should know that this happened in their gym so that they can stop it. That's unacceptable and if I were you, I would've wanted to backhand those girls so hard when they woke up their clothes would be out of style. How dare they say those things to you? I'm angry just thinking about it! They should have been applauding you and cheering you on because it's HARD to show up to a gym being one of the biggest people there and to have the courage to work your *kitten* off. When I see someone at the gym who's bigger than I am, I always secretly want to go over and tell them that they're doing great and tell them they're an inspiration, because that's what they are.

    If you haven't cancelled your membership, I hope you go back and get back on that treadmill and keep working your butt off because you've come so far, and you deserve to be there just as much as anyone else. If those girls say anything to you again, this is what I would've said "How do I do it? I show up every chance I get and work to build my endurance. I've done very, very well. Can I ask you a question, now? How do you manage to fit so much arrogance into such a tiny frame? Does it come naturally, or did you have to work at it? Do you still have trouble keeping it all in there? I assume you must've removed your sense of tact and decency in order to fit it all in. I was just wondering because I'm impressed; it seems to be oozing out of every orifice." Her comment was obviously meant to demean you, and I wish you'd have just thrown it right back at her because she's the one who deserved to be criticized and humiliated. Her behaviour was nasty and rude, and she should've been called on it.

    You've come a long way, and you don't deserve those comments. I hope things improve for you. Please don't let cra**y people discourage you from charging forward and accomplishing your goal. You're doing great, keep it up.
  • leahgoldgirl
    leahgoldgirl Posts: 61 Member
    Anyone who would make fun of a person trying to make a healthy lifestyle change obviously has issues. In general, I just don't like mean spirited behavior.

    It is one thing to suggest something nutritionally or workout routine wise, in a kind matter, if you are asked for suggestions, or to hold someone accountable if they make a ("you're so skinny and perfect. You must not eat/ it's great that you can eat anything you want" statement - I will tell a person that I work very hard for my body and if they wanted it, they could do the same and that I'd be more than willing to give them pointers to start out with), but to see someone at the gym and comment on that person's appearance as they are putting in the effort? That is horrible. We should all be supporting and cheering each other along in the fight to stay healthy.

    The child, you can not blame. Kids have no filter and their parents need to take responsibility for teaching them what is right and wrong. The person at work should be reported to HR and you should pity the girls at the gym, as they must have some really horrible insecurities of their own, to pick on a stranger who is trying to get healthy.

    Do not let a few sh*tty people be an excuse for failure. Push through, listen only to how you feel physically and the good motivation around you, and work at accomplishing your goals.

    We all get something.... I get told that my legs are too big and that I should stop lifting before I look like a man. I am also told that I should never wear my hair in its natural state by about half the people I encounter. I still lift weights and wear my hair curly.

    Just ignore mean spirited people and keep going. You are doing this for yourself, not for other people, so if it makes you happy to be on the way to being a fitter, healthier person, focus on that and keep going.

    Good job on your progress so far!!!!
  • flori204
    There is one thing I have learn, that never let what others think of me bother me...................I am proud of you for loosing all this weight and knowing you want to be healthy. But you got to be strong emotionally. Don't let others control what you do and don't do, of feel what you should not feel. Lift your head up high and walk back to the gym and continue to do what you have been doing that made you loose 65 lbs. There are evil people in this world and they only wants to see others stay in the rut. But don't let them already prove you are a winner.........and you are winning. You have lost 65 pounds....this is huge, very huge. So build a strong mind............a mind that is not going to listen to what others say...........u are going to use the negative things that they say as energy to burn off that fat. Keep on working out and keep on eating clean. Don't stop, you are stronger than you think. People who take time to insult you to make you feel bad about yourself, it only reflects how they think of themselves. They are worthless and they got nothing on you. Because having a great body with an evil heart and mind is very ugly. So my dear you got to get back to that gym and workout like your life depends on it and continue your journey and next time they walk up to you, scream out loud what they are saying to you, and scream out someone call the police this ladies are bullying me telling me i am fat. Shame them infront of others. STOP THEM IN THEIR TRACKS........because i am sure they are doing that to others who have never return to that gym or gave up on their goals. Be the first person to stand up to them. I am sure people will come to your rescue. Don't let this ugly people win. I wish you good vibration and positive emotions in continuing your goals....Go get them. Go back and workout...Don't be afraid and don't be ashame.
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    Please do not let other people control you. You determine if you are going to succeed or not. I know it is easier to say than do, but you have to do this for you no matter what anyone else says or feels. My heart hurts for you that you had to experience this type of behavior but know this....karma is a b*tch. Those two little assh*les will pay in the end for saying such horrible things to you. Use this as motivation if nothing else. You are strong, you are getting fit and you can do anything! In the meantime.....if you get a bad vibe at that gym, go somewhere else. Let the owner at the gym know what was said and why you are leaving that establishment .....nobody should be subjected to that crap!

    You have come too far to let two little twats get you down!!!!