What are good exercises/foods to reduce cellulite?



  • lucygoosyyy
    Have you tried massaging those areas? Have you heard of dry brushing? Basically, you get a special brush (pretty rough bristle) and massage your problem areas in circular motion BEFORE you hit the shower on dry skin. It will help with blood circulation and overall skin appearance.

    I've also heard that you can do wet massages with coffee grinds and sea salt when you're in the shower. Something about caffeine that helps improve skin appearance and again improve blood circulation.
    I've also read about the use of coconut oil for the to reduce cellulite (as a massage oil).

    Thank you I'll try this along with my regular diet and exercise. The dry brush is pretty inexpensive too, thanks for the link! Do you do this as well & have you seen improvements?
  • BrittanyMegan88
    BrittanyMegan88 Posts: 670 Member
    I had cellulite on my thighs and butt & didn't even think to try to get rid of it but I started doing Pilates and it vanished completely as if I never even had it to begin with.
  • maheenahmed14661
    Actually cellulite is not a skin issue. It is rather a muscle fiber issue which needs special exercises. Once you stimulate your muscles through these exercises you can get rid of it. I highly recommend this resource that works like a miracle. Learn here www.exerciseforcellulite.com
  • melodyr2
    melodyr2 Posts: 2
    It is genetics for the most part. My secret is weight training & don't shy away from challenging yourself. Try to focus on doing less reps because the weight is a bit challenging. If you can do more than 8-10 reps on a certain weight, try a couple of more lbs. I think the running is great for your heart and circulation but don't over do it :) Also, I agree with Brittany Pilates (or yoga) does help especially to stretch you out on off days for weight training and increases circulation.

    The idea is to try to increase your muscle and decrease the fat. Another secret of mine is to eat omegas; add some chia seeds to your breakfast or snack and grab some avocado and enjoy!

    PS-Take a 1-2 day rest (I find the best results with 2 day) day so that your muscles can recover and develop.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    What have you set your goal weight loss as? With only 6lbs to lose you should be aiming for a very small deficit and trying to lose 1/2lb per week.


    Is an excellent thread about setting your calorie goal.

    Don't stop running if you enjoy it, but maybe look into lifting weights as a supplement, it will help you maintain your lbm which means you'll look even better and avoid being skinny fat :bigsmile:

    I'll definitely read that when I get home, thank you for the advice it's actually really helpful. I'm trying to avoid the skinny fat thing because I hate it when I see it on others. I know I've gained muscle though because it's in my genetics to gain muscle quickly (and it usually comes in as bulky and not lean~I don't even do intense workouts that would provoke that)
    I range from 112-115 lbs but I'm trying to get from 105-108 because that's more suited for my height. Although my weight is in the healthy range already I'd just be happier if I was a bit slimmer. I'm 5' btw, I haven't checked if it shows that on my profile

    Even if it's in your genetics to "gain muscle quickly", quickly isn't a matter of weeks. Plus, from your diary, you're on a deficit. Muscle isn't "gained quickly" on a deficit (if at all), by anyone.

    You need to measure yourself to verify it's muscle, if you're "gaining muscle", how would that make cellulite worse? Shouldn't it be disappearing?
  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    if you get the suction part of a vacuum and put it on your cellulite it will suck it away. true story.
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • gluteflute
    All you really need is an adequate amount of water, vitamins, and butt busting exercises! Aim to drink at LEAST 8 cups of water each day (more if you live a hotter environment). Vitamins that help your body combat cellulite are vitamins A, B (all the B vitamins), C, E, EFA's (essential fatty acids) which include omega-3, 6, & 9; lecithin, gotu kola, horse chestnut, and ginko biloba. I know...that's a lot of pills, but they all aid in getting rid of cellulite. Also, when it comes to working out you should look to do a combination of both cardio and weightlifting exercises. I find that the best place to find these workouts are on Fitnessblender.com; they have a wide range of free exercises that you can do with a search engine that lets you choose what body area you want to focus on along with the difficulty of the exercises; they also provide the amount of calories burned (well, an estimate) and most of their videos require no equipment at all. I myself am fighting against cellulite and I have been doing so for about a month and a half and let me tell you, I can see a huge difference already; sure, the cellulite is still there, but I can see that it is improving wonderfully. I hope that you succeed in your journey to reduce cellulite((:
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I reduced mine to practically nothing by actually gaining weight in the form of muscle in my kegs....my legs went from smaller and jiggley to slightly bigger (and by bigger I'm talking 1/2 inch). I had more cellulite at 102 pounds/skinny than I do now at 110 pounds/athletic. I do lots of heavy deadlifts, squats (multiple varieties), lunges, leg curls & bridges, etc.. I also dry brush and exfoliate weekly, that helps make the legs look way smoother, also a little tan doesn't hurt either.

    Yes, it is genetic, but there are ways of reducing it and/or making it appear less noticeable. Gaining muscle really helped so much!
  • owieprone
    owieprone Posts: 217 Member
    Dry brushing as someone else mentioned will help the appearance of cellulite as well as make the skin on your legs look great. Someone else said it's genetic, it is, to a point you can make it look better like all things.

    if you are losing weight and didn't have cellulite before, be prepared to get some, if you did have cellulite before then be prepared for it to get worse before it gets better. Cellulite is basically your fat cells and your fat cells don't fill or empty symmetrically, making your lumpy bits look like orange skin, when you lose weight this can get worse before it gets better, that is down to [epi]genetics.

    running doesn't make it worse by anything other than it's helping you lose fat and toning the muscle underneath making it more apparant and hence the appearance as fat cells lose their contents will make your cellulite look worse (or better as it did for me, luck of the draw).

    there is nothing you can eat or put on it (don't waste your money on any sort of creams) that will sort it out long term and most won't work short term either... just better your diet (if it's ****) and get on with your exercise. Even 'skinny' people get cellulite, just look at that pic of Jerry Hall, if you lose tone it can appear again as your fat cells rearrange around the loss of muscle it was sat on before.

    one day you'll have a quick backside inspection and voila the old cellulite will be much improved. it's like magic, stop worrying about it, there are far better things to be putting your mind to ;)
  • takerbrat
    takerbrat Posts: 81 Member
    In addition to the dry skin brushing you might also try a homemade coffee body scrub (coffee, sugar, oil of choice, cocoa powder and cinnamon). The full recipe and a photo is on my Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/TeamDontMessWithTheMommaPage
  • dmorinn
    dmorinn Posts: 38 Member
    the only way you can reduce the appearance is by gaining more muscle and drink more water, worked for me
  • Temple_Fit
    Temple_Fit Posts: 299 Member
    A clean diet, strength training, and slow & steady fat burning cardio.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Even models have cellulite. As others have said, it is genetic. You cannot target cellulite, but a reduction in overall body fat may make it less noticeable.
  • cafeaulait7
    cafeaulait7 Posts: 2,459 Member
    Since it was mentioned earlier, I'll add that my cellulite looks worse now that my muscles are swollen/much tighter :D I know it will get better later, but the pull of the connective tissue is in a strange state at the moment. Or my skin isn't keeping up with the changes yet.

    Weight lifting really did help my cellulite last time, so I'm not freaking out a bit, but it's so weird to see after working so hard, with everything else looking better, lol.