How long to see results? Clean eating vs calorie counting?



  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    just pick one and do it. there is no perfect plan. and which ever one you pick, i assure you that you will probably screw up along the way and want to switch, but don't. stick it out.
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    I tried both methods, and this is what I learned. Balance is key, and protein is necessary! Try just mixing it up with healthy foods and non-healthy foods within your calorie allotment. I tried 1200 calories eating clean, and I felt like my stomach was going to die. I wasn't eating enough protein to keep me full. If you eat a lot of protein while eating clean, you should be fine. Now, I balance my meals with healthy and non-healthy food/drinks. I'm still losing weight. I noticed that exercising and burning at least 200 calories per day has helped me a lot too.

    *Do what works for you! But, if you do eat clean, eat protein! :)

    Disregard this post OP

    I don't eat 1200 calories still. It was a rough trial and error/experiment. I'm not sure what I said that is dismissive. I do TDEE now. I don't

    You're implying a "clean" vs "dirty" when Its a game of numbers, not choices.

    Fat/proteins/carbs and micronutrients if met properly, will provide results.

    Wait.. did you change your post?

    Okay, and I agree? lol I eat whatever I want. I did notice that eating meat/protein helped with the hunger pains though. I think you're misunderstanding me.

    Edited by mommy3457 On August 19, 2013 3:07 pm

    Guess it doesn't matter now. How the post currently reads is for the most part agreeable.

    LOL okay! :)
  • skinnymalinkyscot
    skinnymalinkyscot Posts: 174 Member
    you know when you log your food for the day in the food diary and it shows you how much fat, protein, carbs, sodium, fibre etc you have eaten plus your calories , then it has your daily allowance underneath and then how close above or under you have matched the numbers......are those macros, then ? and if they are has MFP set them automatically for a certain ratio for everyone? does anyone know what they are? eg

    protein so many percent, fat so many percent, carbs so many percent, what is the ratio?
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    I tried both methods, and this is what I learned. Balance is key, and protein is necessary! Try just mixing it up with healthy foods and non-healthy foods within your calorie allotment. I tried 1200 calories eating clean, and I felt like my stomach was going to die. I wasn't eating enough protein to keep me full. If you eat a lot of protein while eating clean, you should be fine. Now, I balance my meals with healthy and non-healthy food/drinks. I'm still losing weight. I noticed that exercising and burning at least 200 calories per day has helped me a lot too.

    *Do what works for you! But, if you do eat clean, eat protein! :)

    Disregard this post OP

    I don't eat 1200 calories still. It was a rough trial and error/experiment. I'm not sure what I said that is dismissive. I do TDEE now. I don't

    You're implying a "clean" vs "dirty" when Its a game of numbers, not choices.

    Fat/proteins/carbs and micronutrients if met properly, will provide results.

    Wait.. did you change your post?

    Okay, and I agree? lol I eat whatever I want. I did notice that eating meat/protein helped with the hunger pains though. I think you're misunderstanding me.

    Edited by mommy3457 On August 19, 2013 3:07 pm

    Guess it doesn't matter now. How the post currently reads is for the most part agreeable.
    her edit was to add do what works best for you.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    you know when you log your food for the day in the food diary and it shows you how much fat, protein, carbs, sodium, fibre etc you have eaten plus your calories , then it has your daily allowance underneath and then how close above or under you have matched the numbers......are those macros, then ? and if they are has MFP set them automatically for a certain ratio for everyone? does anyone know what they are? eg

    protein so many percent, fat so many percent, carbs so many percent, what is the ratio?

    You ca customize your macros to whatever you like. Default MFP is 55c/15p/30f I believe. That equates to being pretty low in the protein department if you ask me. Mine are more in the neighborhood of 45c/30p/25f
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    It takes longer than 2 weeks.
  • cromedome69
    cromedome69 Posts: 3 Member
    I honestly can tell you that I started doing this on June 1st. I've lost approximately 2 pounds every week since starting. I have lost 24 pounds so far. To answer you question about "clean" eating as opposed to junk....if you want lasting results, with the "feel better" goal and a lifetime change, you need to make a change. I allow myself indulgences every once in awhile. I would go insane I'm in it for the long haul so gotta my a habit change. Good luck!!!
  • MommyisFit
    MommyisFit Posts: 139 Member
    I do both. Clean eating and calorie counting. You can lose weight eating nothing but processed food if you don't go over your calories, however, eating a good balance of veggies, fruits, protein, and healthy fats are really what your body needs to operate at its peak. I have a "cheat" every once in while, but I try to eat a balance of clean foods at every meal.
  • skinnymalinkyscot
    skinnymalinkyscot Posts: 174 Member
    you know when you log your food for the day in the food diary and it shows you how much fat, protein, carbs, sodium, fibre etc you have eaten plus your calories , then it has your daily allowance underneath and then how close above or under you have matched the numbers......are those macros, then ? and if they are has MFP set them automatically for a certain ratio for everyone? does anyone know what they are? eg

    protein so many percent, fat so many percent, carbs so many percent, what is the ratio?

    You ca customize your macros to whatever you like. Default MFP is 55c/15p/30f I believe. That equates to being pretty low in the protein department if you ask me. Mine are more in the neighborhood of 45c/30p/25f

    thank you so much for letting me know I appreciate it :)
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
    Do you think you're getting the same vitamins from a hamburger vs. a garden salad?


  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    in...for the 1200 clean vs dirty debate.....

    OP - a calorie is a calorie more you gain, eat less you lose...

    should take four to six weeks to start seeing changes..

    /end thread
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    On the clean eating question, you would probably feel terrible in both scenarios. The 1200 in fruit and veggies only will leave you feeling bad because you won't be getting any protein and fat, and the cheeseburger and fries would be like one sandwich and a regular size order of fries for the whole day, leaving you starving most of the time.

    Balance is the key. Eat a variety of foods, fruits and vegetables, lean meat, dairy, whole grains, and fats. Have a cheeseburger and fries once in a while. Live your life.

    ETA: You have very little weight to lose. You'll get better results by eating more, not less. Try setting your goals at 1/2 pound a week and then making up the additional calorie deficit in exercise, instead of just eating a low calorie diet. Unless you have over 100 pounds to lose, severe calorie restriction doesn't work very well.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    abooutely yes, as not all calories are careated equally...1200 calories of veggies is far different 1200 of french fries and cheeseburgers...

    really? so if I over eat on veggies then I will not gain?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Do you think you're getting the same vitamins from a hamburger vs. a garden salad?



    You get protein and iron from the hamburger that you don't get from a garden salad.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I think its going to depend on a few things...including clean eating and calorie counting. In my experience, I tried just calorie counting with exercise but I really did not see any results until I started eating cleaner. Now the scale is moving on a regular basis. Good Luck! You will have to find out what works for you. Everyone is different.

    Ummm no we are all the same less = lose more = gain ...

    eating clean did not make you lose weight..eating in a deficit did...

    Unless you are that special snowflake that defies the laws of mathematics and physics?
  • S4r4hm00
    S4r4hm00 Posts: 14
    For me the importance is variety. I need to be able to eat what I feel like, within reason and try to go with the healthier options, but sometimes I dont. At the moment I have terrible hormones being a female and so I crave sugar, I try to eat more healthier options on those days, it usually only lasts a couple of days, but keep within my calories.

    I find the food diary on here an absolute must, and it keeps me safe.

    Only been here a week but I lost 6lbs by just keeping within my calories and not being too restrictive. As I go along I will become more disciplined with what I eat, but for me at the moment, I need to get used to the calorie watching first. Its been a long time since I did this.

    This week I will be adding activity as we didnt manage to get to the gym last week, so from now on we will be going to the gym twice a week for 45 mins.

    My way wouldnt suit many other people but it is working for me and it makes me happy. You have to do what suits you and what you are happy with. Its a change of lifestyle but you still have to enjoy life and be able to be adaptable. Accept that you will have good weeks and not so good weeks. If you mess up one day, accept it and get back on track the next day, dont beat yourself up so hard that you give up, you are human after all.

    A good health balance of different foods is the best I think as variety means you wont get bored.

    Good luck x
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    in for burgers and fries
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