Best way to lose body fat?



  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    Hoping to learn something new. Nope.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    So you're either miscalculating or counting wrong.

    If you ate 1500 calories everyday, you would be losing weight.

    Not true. I am 5'9" 250 and eat under 1500 everyday. I workout daily, cardio and strength alternating.. and I am not losing. Some bodies are stubborn.

    Edit: and I weigh my food to the gram. So it is not a miscalculation.
    If you're not losing with that deficit, then you may have a metabolic/hormone issue.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • To the original poster: If you're eating something your body can't tolerate, it will go into self defense mode, per se, and that can greatly inhibit weight loss. Also, maybe eating too late at night could be a contributing factor? Good luck!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,905 Member
    To the original poster: If you're eating something your body can't tolerate, it will go into self defense mode, per se, and that can greatly inhibit weight loss. Also, maybe eating too late at night could be a contributing factor? Good luck!
    If it were something the OP's body can't tolerate, then there would be obvious signs. Also, timing of meals doesn't matter if one is at calorie deficit by the end of the day.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    thats a new one... self defense mode
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    simple question, simple answer: strength training and calorie deficit
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    To the original poster: If you're eating something your body can't tolerate, it will go into self defense mode, per se, and that can greatly inhibit weight loss. Also, maybe eating too late at night could be a contributing factor? Good luck!
    If it were something the OP's body can't tolerate, then there would be obvious signs. Also, timing of meals doesn't matter if one is at calorie deficit by the end of the day.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    As someone with a genuine food allergy, it always cracks me up to hear someone trying to explain away their excess food intake as a sign of allergy or intolerance.

    I'm all like "really? Because when I eat fish, I have to get medical treatment right away. Some foods make you fart, get over it.".
  • I see same thing happening to me.I try to b on calorie deficit even though I thing is:not all body types is same when it comes to weightloss.
    I do minium of 16km cardio a week&try to maintain 1300-1500 cal daily yet my loss is slower than my sister who feeds on junk,,no weightgain&no exercise.this is no self defense mode
  • captndalton
    captndalton Posts: 53 Member
    IMO, best way to lose body fat is to eat more saturated fat, drop carbs, keep at least a 1000 calorie deficit in addition to a regimented workouts (which you should do fasted .... unless you're long distance running)

    fact of the matter, if you burn more calories than you take in, you're gonna lose body fat... or you'll be dead. If you don't feel like you're neglecting yourself, you can stick to almost any diet. Finally, don't worry so much about eating 'clean'... you'll be far healthier losing your extra body fat than if you spend your days overeating organically.

    You can lose weight with a low metabolism. Long term, it's better to be low (studies show you'll live longer). You can do this by eating less and less often.

    Might also add, it's important to put workouts into proper perspective. You're gonna burn calories in exercise, no matter what you choose to do. Your body will adapt to the type of work you require it. There are too many variables to blanket state that cardio is better than weight training and reverse to burn body fat. When you've lost your excess body fat, your shape will be the product of the type of training you've done (runners ribs, weight lifters guns, or blah potato)
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    I weigh my food in grams. ALL of it. Every bite. No exceptions. I log gum.

    Go ahead and say that everyone is the same. It is just not true.

    You are nothing special in terms of losing weight. If you are in a caloric deficit you will be losing fat. There is no question about it. You are lying to yourself.
  • Warchortle
    Warchortle Posts: 2,197 Member
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    To the original poster: If you're eating something your body can't tolerate, it will go into self defense mode, per se, and that can greatly inhibit weight loss. Also, maybe eating too late at night could be a contributing factor? Good luck!
    If it were something the OP's body can't tolerate, then there would be obvious signs. Also, timing of meals doesn't matter if one is at calorie deficit by the end of the day.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    It can be very difficult to identify the signs and generally require you to do a food elimination diet for a period of time. My wife has a gluten intolerance (not an allergy). So used to take naps each day (since she was young and now she is in her 30's) and didn't realize it was because her body can't tolerate gluten. And we only found at after discussing different options with a GI doctor and we decided to eliminate gluten for 1 week. Within 3 days, it was huge turn around. About 6 weeks later we found out she had a condition called Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome which I later discovered comes with a gluten sensitivity.

    Point is, you don't always know the signs for issues. In fact, no other doctor has been able to identify this.
  • Hey guys, iv tried numerous times at weight loss, I succeed Nd then it all comes back.. Well most of it! I lost 5 stone and put 3 back on then lost 2.5 stone and put 1.12 back on! I ultimately want to loose another 3 stone and would find it very helpful if some of you guys could as me as friends for the support and just don't can see other people doing great on my news feed would really inspire me. Thanks :) Jadie x
  • andiebaco
    andiebaco Posts: 211 Member
    To the original poster: If you're eating something your body can't tolerate, it will go into self defense mode, per se, and that can greatly inhibit weight loss. Also, maybe eating too late at night could be a contributing factor? Good luck!
    If it were something the OP's body can't tolerate, then there would be obvious signs. Also, timing of meals doesn't matter if one is at calorie deficit by the end of the day.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    As someone with a genuine food allergy, it always cracks me up to hear someone trying to explain away their excess food intake as a sign of allergy or intolerance.

    I'm all like "really? Because when I eat fish, I have to get medical treatment right away. Some foods make you fart, get over it.".

    That made me laugh... Thank you! hahaha
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I see same thing happening to me.I try to b on calorie deficit even though I thing is:not all body types is same when it comes to weightloss.
    I do minium of 16km cardio a week&try to maintain 1300-1500 cal daily yet my loss is slower than my sister who feeds on junk,,no weightgain&no exercise.this is no self defense mode

    Do you log your sister's food after weighing it? No? Then you have no idea what she eats.

    There is only one body type: human. In humans, there is variation. But if you keep running a deficit and are measuring and logging correctly, you'll get there.

    I still can't figure out why this hopeful message is seen as hard hearted and arrogant. It's just basic science, and it means all you have to do is figure out your mistake. I move around a lot and wind up being exposed to very different portion sizes. Here in Japan, it's much harder to get total cals as high as in the USA on my eating schedule, and I've been cutting weight like nobody's business. And that is while eating way more sugar, carbs, and fat than I would normally eat. Basically, all the "bad stuff". So this whole clean eating thing gets a big WTF from me.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Self defense mode? hmmmm
  • andiebaco
    andiebaco Posts: 211 Member
    I see same thing happening to me.I try to b on calorie deficit even though I thing is:not all body types is same when it comes to weightloss.
    I do minium of 16km cardio a week&try to maintain 1300-1500 cal daily yet my loss is slower than my sister who feeds on junk,,no weightgain&no exercise.this is no self defense mode

    Do you log your sister's food after weighing it? No? Then you have no idea what she eats.

    Me and my sister are like that... Until I realized that she has no magic metabolism, she is/was more active than me and she skipped meals (she used to not eat breakfast, and maybe have only one main meal a day). When she took a less active life (out of college into the work world) she gained weight and she started working out so she is back to the size where she was at first.

    Your sister might feed on junk but you don't follow her around like a hawk and see exactly what she is eating (or at least I hope you don't!). Also, you don't know exactly how much active she really is, so it's impossible for you to know exactly the calorie deficit that she has.
  • pcastagner
    pcastagner Posts: 1,606 Member
    I see same thing happening to me.I try to b on calorie deficit even though I thing is:not all body types is same when it comes to weightloss.
    I do minium of 16km cardio a week&try to maintain 1300-1500 cal daily yet my loss is slower than my sister who feeds on junk,,no weightgain&no exercise.this is no self defense mode

    Do you log your sister's food after weighing it? No? Then you have no idea what she eats.

    Me and my sister are like that... Until I realized that she has no magic metabolism, she is/was more active than me and she skipped meals (she used to not eat breakfast, and maybe have only one main meal a day). When she took a less active life (out of college into the work world) she gained weight and she started working out so she is back to the size where she was at first.

    Your sister might feed on junk but you don't follow her around like a hawk and see exactly what she is eating (or at least I hope you don't!). Also, you don't know exactly how much active she really is, so it's impossible for you to know exactly the calorie deficit that she has.

    Yup. I was staying as a guest with a friend who is one of these magic high metabolism people. I basically force fed him to see if it was true. He started putting on visible belly fat. When I pointed it out, he started skipping meals. Like he always does, whether he thinks it or not.

    When people see me eat my post workout meal, their eyes pop out of their head, and they wonder why I'm not fat. They don't follow me for the 16 hours a day I don't eat. I have pics to prove I don't have a high metabolism.
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    245 lb male eats 1500 calories a day 35 yrs old 5-8. All. Water, no alcohol, workout doing one of the following: p90x, insanity, or running. All bloodwork checked out ok according to the doctor. I use a food scale.

    I take a multivitamin
    Vitamin d
    Fish oils

    My weight doesn't budge. I eat this amount based on medical doctor.

    I never took physics. However, everything says I should be losing weight. I check my weight daily and see the 5+. Ranges, but the top number is not. Moving down.

    If the label says 60grams is a serving. And the food scale says 60, what am I doing wrong. Over estimating calorie burn possible, but I eat 1500 daily. Regardless of burn. So I would still be at a deficit. Energy leves are fine, reps or weight amount is increasing so I am not losing muscle. I use precooked weight, unless label says otherwise. I log fat oils if I use them. If I drink protein shake I log it. If it is a calorie I log it.

    What now?