Type of Protein shake for me



  • brit__2006
    brit__2006 Posts: 201 Member
    Obviously they've all said about the same, you don't have to have a protein shake if your getting your protein through your food, but if you're not reaching your macro for protein I suggest muscle pharm combat powder banana cream flavored. It's delicious 130 cals 24g protein per serving. Can mix with any liquid of your choice. I use water or milk. If you mix with 8 oz of fat free milk and throw in the freezer about 10-15 mins it's like a milkshake. Oh and I got a 4 lb container on amazon for $38 ish

    Good luck finding what you need.
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    I personally use Nutracore Lean Active 7 because of the taste and nutritional content, but it also contains some things geared specifically towards fat loss. It doesn't sound like you need that as much as you need the protein.

    As for when you take it, that's totally up to you. The pre-post-etc argument has credible sources on both sides. I tend to lean towards empirical data rather than opinion, so I try to make sure I drink one post workout. Something you have to remember in all this babble is that the protein you ingest doesn't just go away immediately if you don't use it. If you have a high-protein diet, there are raw amino acids in your system pretty much all the time. The exception will be early in the morning... I don't know who recommended working out fasted, but everything I've read and studied says otherwise. Your body doesn't start repairing muscles when you finish your workout, the process is continual, just slowed down while a particular muscle is under stress. You also don't digest the whole shake you're drinking immediately. It takes something like 3 hours to digest 60g of protein. You need to have a good balance of amino acids available all the time, but you need them most of all during *and* after your workout. Working out on depleted stores of, well everything, just seems like an exercise in futility, if you'll pardon the pun.
  • vikramtag
    vikramtag Posts: 67 Member
    There are no special protein shakes for building muscle or losing fat or pre workout or post workout. They're just nutrition in a blender. They have carbs, fat, protein, and calories just like anything else you eat. The only thing written on the container that is relevant is the Nutritional Facts panel. Everything else is marketing. The only other thing that matters is how it tastes to you and whether the price is reasonable.

    Aye aye .. Thanks you
  • vikramtag
    vikramtag Posts: 67 Member
    I personally use Nutracore Lean Active 7 because of the taste and nutritional content, but it also contains some things geared specifically towards fat loss. It doesn't sound like you need that as much as you need the protein.

    As for when you take it, that's totally up to you. The pre-post-etc argument has credible sources on both sides. I tend to lean towards empirical data rather than opinion, so I try to make sure I drink one post workout. Something you have to remember in all this babble is that the protein you ingest doesn't just go away immediately if you don't use it. If you have a high-protein diet, there are raw amino acids in your system pretty much all the time. The exception will be early in the morning... I don't know who recommended working out fasted, but everything I've read and studied says otherwise. Your body doesn't start repairing muscles when you finish your workout, the process is continual, just slowed down while a particular muscle is under stress. You also don't digest the whole shake you're drinking immediately. It takes something like 3 hours to digest 60g of protein. You need to have a good balance of amino acids available all the time, but you need them most of all during *and* after your workout. Working out on depleted stores of, well everything, just seems like an exercise in futility, if you'll pardon the pun.

    Haha thats fine !
    My trainer asked me to have a cup of coffee and some water before workout and asked me to let him know if Im falling short of energy when i do my workout. I never felt the need so I continue !
  • vikramtag
    vikramtag Posts: 67 Member
    Obviously they've all said about the same, you don't have to have a protein shake if your getting your protein through your food, but if you're not reaching your macro for protein I suggest muscle pharm combat powder banana cream flavored. It's delicious 130 cals 24g protein per serving. Can mix with any liquid of your choice. I use water or milk. If you mix with 8 oz of fat free milk and throw in the freezer about 10-15 mins it's like a milkshake. Oh and I got a 4 lb container on amazon for $38 ish

    Good luck finding what you need.

    Sounds good,especially the milkshake part :tongue: thanks
  • vikramtag
    vikramtag Posts: 67 Member
    As for when to take the shake, definitely immediately (well within 1 hour) after your workout. Research has shown that maximum muscle protein synthesis is stimulated by a protein intake of 20g post-workout, followed by another 20g 2 hours after that. These protein intake need to be fast absorbing (whey, egg whites etc) varieties to ensure they rapidly reach the required areas.

    not true

    What is your opinion about it then ?

    Have a protein shake whenever you want a protein shake.. that's my opinion.

    So whenever can be post work out also right ? so ill do that .

    Could be post workout, pre-work out, DURING the workout, could be after a 5 hour drive, it does not matter when.

    Got it.Thank you!
  • vikramtag
    vikramtag Posts: 67 Member
    If you can get enough protein through real food that is the best way. A protein shake will not do anything magical or make you lose more fat. They are simply a supplement to have when you will not reach your protein goals through food alone.

    If you want to have a protein shake because you aren't reaching proper protein amounts through real food go for whatever one you like best. Read labels, see what price points you are comfortable with and find one with a type of protein you prefer (whey, egg, soy, hemp, etc).

    I felt a decrease in muscle mass along with fat loss since a few days . I know protein shakes don't aid fat loss but I was wondering if they will help with recovery and maintain muscle since im losing it with fat coz of low calorie diet
  • vikramtag
    vikramtag Posts: 67 Member
    Obviously food is the best choice, but protein shakes are used more for convenience. Whey or Whey isolates. I have tried a variety of brands. My by far favorite is Beverly international UMP, others that are good Musclefarm banana, Syntha 6 strawberry , Optimal Nutrition Whey. Cyto sport whey Isolate, Eas isn't too bad Either you can pick that up at Sams Club.

    Ill try to do with food but will get one just incase :) thanks
  • vikramtag
    vikramtag Posts: 67 Member
    I have used a fairly wide range of protein powders, and the one I have settled on is Dymatize ISO 100 whey protein (Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey come a close second). Per 28g scoop, Dymatize has 24g protein and 0g of carbs or fat, tastes and mixes great as well.

    As for when to take the shake, definitely immediately (well within 1 hour) after your workout. Research has shown that maximum muscle protein synthesis is stimulated by a protein intake of 20g post-workout, followed by another 20g 2 hours after that. These protein intake need to be fast absorbing (whey, egg whites etc) varieties to ensure they rapidly reach the required areas.

    Of course you don't 'need' to use a protein powder specifically, but I find them a very efficient, convenient and portable way to obtain the necessary protein intake I require.

    Also make sure you are eating enough carbohydrates to fuel the training you are doing, particularly as you are training twice per day. Insufficient stored carbohydrate energy in the working muscles (glycogen) will cause the muscles to switch to the next most convenient energy source available, muscle protein.

    Good luck.

    I also need to up my calories by 500. Im in too much deficit on most days..Will do . Thank you !
  • levernepoisson
    levernepoisson Posts: 2 Member
    Have you found the shake that is right for you?

    I can also give you some comments, I have just started the Herbalife shake and it is AMAZING! in 3 days i lost 3% Body fat 2.5 kg's and 7.5cms!!
  • aliceclutz90
    aliceclutz90 Posts: 151 Member
    I find diet whey quite good - My Protein seems to be popular ww.myprotein.com - Impact Diet whey. But loads of places will do diet whey, I use impact diey whey from USC Nutrition (google them) I think they are quite new but the ingredients list is very similar to my protein so cant foresee any problems!
  • vikramtag
    vikramtag Posts: 67 Member
    Have you found the shake that is right for you?

    I can also give you some comments, I have just started the Herbalife shake and it is AMAZING! in 3 days i lost 3% Body fat 2.5 kg's and 7.5cms!!

    I haven't but that kinda numbers scare me ..lol
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member

    Lyle McDonald and Layne Norton, and i'd listen to them over anything you could ever tell me. What you said is bro-science nonsense, get out of here bro.
    Yeah that says it all really, "I listen to what these two have to say and refuse to believe anything else". Very narrow sighted view. Too many people spouting personal beliefs as science these days (about a whole range of subjects) is confusing and confounding the actually facts.

    Anyway, I think we hijacked the thread a bit here with our bickering. Obviously we are not going to see eye-to-eye so I will leave it at that.

    Ironically the study referenced actually AGREES with layne nortons stance on protein timing since his PHD research, so that wasn't the best name to drop. he still recommends regular protein intake throughout the day not the 'eat it whenever you want' approach. (although the timings are a bit different, every 3 hours instead of 4-6 hours).

    If you would like to read a review on the current studies on post workout nutrition then I suggest
  • vikramtag
    vikramtag Posts: 67 Member

    Lyle McDonald and Layne Norton, and i'd listen to them over anything you could ever tell me. What you said is bro-science nonsense, get out of here bro.

    Yeah that says it all really, "I listen to what these two have to say and refuse to believe anything else". Very narrow sighted view. Too many people spouting personal beliefs as science these days (about a whole range of subjects) is confusing and confounding the actually facts.

    Anyway, I think we hijacked the thread a bit here with our bickering. Obviously we are not going to see eye-to-eye so I will leave it at that.

    Ironically the study referenced actually AGREES with layne nortons stance on protein timing since his PHD research, so that wasn't the best name to drop. he still recommends regular protein intake throughout the day not the 'eat it whenever you want' approach.

    If you would like to read a review on the current studies on post workout nutrition then I suggest

    thanks,will check it out
  • czrewor
    czrewor Posts: 32 Member
    I use USN 100% Whey Protein, I find it the best one but I know alot use Isopure, you want one with low carbs.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Have you found the shake that is right for you?

    I can also give you some comments, I have just started the Herbalife shake and it is AMAZING! in 3 days i lost 3% Body fat 2.5 kg's and 7.5cms!!

    And how did you measure body fat? Because it's impossible to lose 3% body fat in 3 days. You can't barely lose a lb of fat in that time period. Herbalife is not a miracle drink. You are just being fouled by water weight losses.

    Just find a protein shake you can afford and taste good.
  • MG_Fit
    MG_Fit Posts: 1,143 Member
    Have you found the shake that is right for you?

    I can also give you some comments, I have just started the Herbalife shake and it is AMAZING! in 3 days i lost 3% Body fat 2.5 kg's and 7.5cms!!

    I haven't but that kinda numbers scare me ..lol

    Those numbers would be false.
  • ritchiedrama
    ritchiedrama Posts: 1,304 Member

    Lyle McDonald and Layne Norton, and i'd listen to them over anything you could ever tell me. What you said is bro-science nonsense, get out of here bro.
    Yeah that says it all really, "I listen to what these two have to say and refuse to believe anything else". Very narrow sighted view. Too many people spouting personal beliefs as science these days (about a whole range of subjects) is confusing and confounding the actually facts.

    Anyway, I think we hijacked the thread a bit here with our bickering. Obviously we are not going to see eye-to-eye so I will leave it at that.

    Ironically the study referenced actually AGREES with layne nortons stance on protein timing since his PHD research, so that wasn't the best name to drop. he still recommends regular protein intake throughout the day not the 'eat it whenever you want' approach. (although the timings are a bit different, every 3 hours instead of 4-6 hours).

    If you would like to read a review on the current studies on post workout nutrition then I suggest

    I also knew Layne said such thing, but I was fairly certain it was only considered even worth bothering with if you were a competition stage athlete.