Early Risers here??



  • Pixeebug
    Pixeebug Posts: 34 Member
    Up at 3:45 at the gym by 4:15. I love working out early...hardly anyone else is at the gym. I get my run do my workout and by the time I am done gym is getting busy. I never thought I would be a morning person but have totally adapted!
  • eargirl
    eargirl Posts: 15
    Woot! Third morning....hula hoop and some simple arms exercises this am.....feeling like I may be back in the swing of things :)
  • eargirl
    eargirl Posts: 15
    Started the week off right with my usual. It seems that I'm back on track with my am routine! Woot!
  • dvelocity
    dvelocity Posts: 309 Member
    Getting up early is pretty much habit for me. Just wanted to jump on in and say HI.

    I think I need to adjust and maybe get in a longer workout so thinking about setting that clock back another 15 or 30 minutes a couple days of the week.
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Good morning everyone. I got a request from a friend to show them what workouts I am doing, so I skipped my morning routine to do it tonight. I did getup this morning at the normal time but did not know what to do. Tried going back to sleep but could really get into that. Ever have that feeling? Anyway
    EARGIRL-Glad to see you are back on track. How is everything going? Did you get my last message? Keep the momentum going ok? Dont let the weekend spoil the momentum you have built so far. You will get there trust me.

    dvelocity-welcome aboard. How are you? I see you want to set your clock back for longer workouts what are you currently doing for workouts?
  • jaxbeck
    jaxbeck Posts: 537 Member
    Morning all!

    I pretty much skipped my morning workouts all last week...:blushing:

    Got back to it this week. Legs & cardio yesterday, did a 30 minute body sculpting/low impact video this morning at home.
  • dhurford
    dhurford Posts: 18
    Hello all!

    I get up 3 mornings a week at 445 to workout at 530. I also ride my recumbent bike after dinner while watching tv. I have no energy to go to the gym or do anything more than sit on the bike after work, so I have to do it in the morning. Most of my friends think I have lost my mind to get up early in the morning to workout. I love that when I'm done, I can leave my classroom and finish my day without having to go to the gym. Besides, after chasing students all day I do not want to go to the gym after work, lol.

    Thanks for the group, I will be checking in frequently. I am just starting back into the MFP groove.
  • Borrowed_time
    Borrowed_time Posts: 23 Member
    5am riser go running 3 times a week - used to run in the evenings, but find this is better. Hoping to add a couple of days of cycling this week, will let you know.
  • I have to become an early riser. Looks like I will be getting up at 4:30 am to hit the pavement. It's the only way working out will fit into my lifestyle. My kids consume my evenings. Good to know I'm not alone!
  • JoelleAnn78
    JoelleAnn78 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I set my alarm for 4:45am -- I did soooo good for three weeks and now I have fallen into the snooze trap. I'm back on board!! I love this thread -- thanks!
  • GrandmaPeridow
    GrandmaPeridow Posts: 84 Member
    I feel a little slothful. I get up at about 6 AM . I am a trekker( I use trekking poles that look like ski poles). I trek cross country for about an hour five or six days a week. I am vacationing in the black hills. It got warm early, so I am planning on rising at 5:30 tomorrow. Thank you for this thread, it will help motivate me.
  • rose228822
    rose228822 Posts: 186 Member
    Hey all,

    My name is Charlie and I wanted to see if any of you out here are early risers like myself that get there workout first thing in the morning. If so lets join up here and keep each other motivated. It does not matter what workout routine you are doing to be in here just as long as you are an early riser. I have been working out at 4am since last march. I am currently doing Bodybeast and loving it. Although, I am losing motivation and I need that fire back.

    If you are an AM warrior chime in. I would love to meet ya. Anybody and everybody from what ever workout routine is accepted here. This will benefit all of us. See you in the AM...


    Good morning Charlie,
    I get up at 4:30 everyday but do not get to the gym until about 6am due to having 3 teenaged daughters who still use me as an alarm clock lol....but I am religious about working out and go to the gym then back home to shower and then off to work...I also work out most nights after dinner and as of Saturday I added the 30 DS and I'm on day four of level one...I have not heard of Bodybeast but sounds tough!
    It's great to know that others are up early too:)
    Please add me as your friend and I will keep you motivated and support you on your journey!
  • alphabull
    alphabull Posts: 45 Member
    Sup Charlie

    Just saw this thread and thought, wow, other morning sweaters like me! I get up each morning at 4:45 to do a cardio workout of 45-60 minutes 7 days a week. I rotate between jogging, stationary bike, elliptical and cardio videos. Nice to see others motivated enough to get up early to start the day off sweating. Most of my friends on MFP are in maintaining mode and workout in the evening after work.
  • capinoy
    capinoy Posts: 118 Member
    Good morning/afternoon all,

    Charlie here checking in. Still keeping up with my workouts. Over the weekend I participated in a Kickball game with some friends. It was fun because we had a rivalry game between Norcal and Socal. Socal won 2 years in a row and the game was up here in Norcal. I finally got to participate and made my presense known. It was funny because people know that I work out to P90X Insanity etc and so when I came up to kick you can see people adjusting moving all over the field. It was funny. I did manage one grand slam but we ended up losing. (Just so you know I was on the SoCal team.) I had not played kickball since elementary school over 20 plus years ago. So needless to say I was sore the next day. One thing I will tell you all is that I've been working out for quite sometime now and recently switched up to a 25 minute workout by the creator of INSANITY and when I was playing over the weekend. I was never winded, sprinting from base to base was no issue. It was an awesome feeling to be in great shape and I attribute it all to my workouts P90X, Insanity, Bodybeast, Shakeology etc. I have not run or jogged in over 3 years and when I had to run after the ball or throw there was no issue.
    For those that seen American Ninja Warrior I had a moment of that as well where I scaled a jungle gym set as well. Great feeling.

    I had Speed 1.0 to do and man eventhough it is week 3 I am still getting my but handed to me but the good news is down 2 lbs from last week. Progress!!!

    Rose228822-welcome aboard. Glad to see you get a jump start at 4:30, and the fact that you throw in an evening workout, that is a plus. I dont know what is 30DS. Can you explain?

    Alphabull-Yep we got some AM warriors here. all committed to get a jumpstart to the day. I use to do evening workouts but it gets tough as the night progresses and you have kids to help etc. Maybe one day I will go back but for now I am loving am workouts. What is your goals and what cardio videos are you doing?
  • KailaWalker
    KailaWalker Posts: 6 Member
    Hi!! I'm so excited to find this. I've been on and off MFP since I first created my acct. Monday I start Focus T25 and am making it a goal to long into MFP everyday. I think this will be just the motivation I need. I do my workouts at 4am. I Can't wait to jump in this group. Great idea Charlie!!
  • tirola
    tirola Posts: 74 Member
    I've never been a morning person and always preferred to do my workouts at night but this week I started a bootcamp class so now I wake up at 4:15 in order to get to class by 5. While I'm struggling with the whole waking up and not hitting snooze thing, I have to admit that I do like having my workout all done before I even have my first cup of coffee! :)
  • xxhieixx
    xxhieixx Posts: 89 Member
    Usually if I'm off work and it's not one of my Zumba days I'll do my workout in the morning. I try to walk for 30 minutes in the morning too and I always feel way better when I do it. When I have to get up and go to work though it can be hard to actually go do it
  • dvelocity
    dvelocity Posts: 309 Member
    Sorry I have not checked in for a whole week. I am still up early and still working out.

    Charlie. That is awesome about your kickball game. I have lots to lose but it is my goal to one day have a much more active lifestyle and include training for adventure races as part of my life. For now I am just focusing on getting to Onderland. I am totally addicted to American Ninja Warrior. You asked about my workouts and I really just rotate between 30 day shred, yoga, some other cardio video and Wii Just dance. I need a lit of variety so that I don't get bored or irritated. Weigh training will be starting in the near future. My husband is researching what we should buy to get us started right now.
  • DashDeV
    DashDeV Posts: 545 Member
    My boyfriend is an early riser. I tell him to just go ahead and start, I will wake up during.
  • GrandmaPeridow
    GrandmaPeridow Posts: 84 Member
    Up at 5:15 this morning; it was raining. Went back to bed and did not get up again until 6:25. Got out at 6:50 and hiked for 63 minutes. It feels good and I find myself looking forward to getting out. I will try for earlier tomorrow.:smile: