Anyone starting the Couch to 5K



  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    I started W1D1 yesterday, with a M-W-F schedule. I have signed up for my first 5K run for October 5. I think I might be cutting it close, but I think I can be ready by then (7 weeks from now)
  • blackyhorse97
    blackyhorse97 Posts: 2 Member
    i havent signed up for any 5K yet since i am afraid to overwork myself so I want to start from square one and what do you all did to do to start running? Everytime I start running, i always get hard time to breathe since i am out of shape big time.

    any tips?
  • Restarting W1D1 today. I will be a runner!!!
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    i havent signed up for any 5K yet since i am afraid to overwork myself so I want to start from square one and what do you all did to do to start running? Everytime I start running, i always get hard time to breathe since i am out of shape big time.

    any tips?

    Find a C25K training app/program and just "do it". C25K is a training program designed to get people from the couch to running a 5K in about 7-9 weeks time with 3x/wk interval (walk/run) trainings. There are several out there for smartphone, iPod or podcast downloads.
  • I'm starting tomorrow so have put you in as a friend hope that's ok
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    i havent signed up for any 5K yet since i am afraid to overwork myself so I want to start from square one and what do you all did to do to start running? Everytime I start running, i always get hard time to breathe since i am out of shape big time.

    any tips?

    Start slow. If you have trouble making it through the intervals, slow down.

    You are still moving faster than the person sitting on the couch!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    double posted!

  • luulu1999
    luulu1999 Posts: 119
    I tried Couch to 5K, but I also liked RunDouble
    This is the one I use also...i like it because it tells me my calories burned :)
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I tried downloading a C25k app, but the free version does not work very well on my phone. I tried W1 D1 and it wasn't alerting me to switch from walk to run. So the next time I went out for a run, I used RunKeeper and just jogged as far as I could before I felt like I had to stop. Turns out I did much better that way anyway!
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I am not a runner, I would like to be and I litteraly just did the 1st C25k workout like 30 minutes ago. I am exhausted! I won't give up. Someday I will be able call myself a runner
  • Ennaelangels
    Ennaelangels Posts: 73 Member
    After getting injured during an earlier c25K attempt, I have started W1D1 on Tuesday! Tomorrow morning will be W1D2 for me.. I'll make sure that I'll check out the group!
  • trishful
    trishful Posts: 16 Member
    My husband and I are doing C25K together. We just finished WK 4 Day 3 last night. We have been doing each week twice (at my request) and it is working out great so far. We were running every other day and walking every other day, but I had to slow my running down to every two days because my right shin throbs after running. I find it helps to have an extra day of rest. We are planning to do our first 5K on October 20 and then our hopefully our 2nd is the Biggest Loser Run/Walk off road in November at Fenway Park. Good Luck to everyone. I am finding that I look forward to running with the exception of the shin pain.

    **edited for typo :)
  • TomInAiken
    TomInAiken Posts: 30 Member
    Started C25K program today! Doing this with the wife, so my pace is much slower than it would be if I were solo. But just the same, we're doing it!
  • Goalsat47
    Goalsat47 Posts: 74 Member
    I had originally signed up for a 5K for the end of October but after reading that some of you were signing up for one 7 weeks out I just went ahead and signed up for my first one on October 6th so its exactly 6 weeks from Sunday. That means I'll be on week 7 of the couch to 5K by then. I would really love to run it all without walking. Not sure if I am giving myself enough time. I am doing my during the week runs on the treadmill (I have to do them early morning and my husband is already gone to work so I need to do them in the house with my son still sleeping). I would like to do a weekend run outside and maybe one during the week outside if I can swing it in the evenings.

    Heading out today to buy a holder for my son's IPOD touch so I can use the app.

    Ryan good luck to you in your 5K at the weekend.

    I am inspired by those of you that have now moved on to training for a 10K. So awesome that you are sticking with it.
  • So far, so good! Am on w2D3 tomorrow morning using the treadmill, but did an extra run outside today, with a training buddy who does a lot of running to keep me going and motivated. I wanted to see how far I could get non-stop and managed almost 3k on hilly, island coast path :happy:
    I am really chuffed with that as I have never been a runner and at 62-y-o have shed 40lbs in just under 2 years, with about another stone to go until I get to my target weight.
    This programme is giving me the encouragement to keep going and I am looking forward to the next few weeks on C25K. Is that normal or just masochistic?
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    I am on week 4 workout 3. It is a wonderful challenge and I look forward to my 3 nights a week running and am mad I can't run every day! I try and do some sort of other activity every day I don't run - walk, bike, whatever! I have a chart on the fridge to hold me accountable and the ap on my phone. My knees hurt A LOT, but I ice and ibuprofen immediately when I'm done. I feel on top of the world, even if I am super tired and sore each time I am done. I am going to be done Sep 20, or thereabouts, and run my first 5K Oct 5... It's tough, but you can do it. I listen to loud music, that helps me A TON!!! And I vary my run locations so I don't know "exactly how long is it" till I walking again from a run/jog. Also, now that I can do it for more than 90 seconds I've set about trying to beat my previous best time each workout. I am a sucker for Endomondo trophies (I run Endomondo in the background and the C25K lite (free version) in the foreground...)
  • TomInAiken
    TomInAiken Posts: 30 Member
    Sorry, double posted.
  • TomInAiken
    TomInAiken Posts: 30 Member
    I tried Couch to 5K, but I also liked RunDouble
    This is the one I use also...i like it because it tells me my calories burned :)

    But how accurate are the reported calories? I used the program for the first time this morning while wearing a heart rate monitor. C25K W1D2. The calories given by RunDouble were way, way below what the HRM showed. Even if I allow for the HRM being way too high it is still more than twice that reported by RD.
  • Today is the start of week 3 for me. I am using the treadmill programme and have been getting in the 3 sessions a week successfully so far. This morning I was up early (6 am) and wanted to go to the gym, but there was no chance of it being open at that time on a Sunday, so I went for a road run instead and managed about 2.5 miles before my legs turned to jelly. Why is going downhill worse than running up a slope?
    Anyway, I still hope to get to the gym later in the afternoon to try Wk3 Day1 and tick it off on my schedule. If not, I will definitely be there tomorrow morning
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    I didn't but always thought to. Anyway on Friday I just got in my car and told myself I'm doing it and I made it the whole way! So proud and shocked. Thought I'd be struggling for breath.