Where do you exercise?



  • deviantcupcake
    deviantcupcake Posts: 136 Member
    I exercise in my kitchen. It's the only place we can fit the exercise bike.
    Also in the spare bedroom when I'm doing pilates. We're very pushed for space in this house!

    But I walk along the canal and cycle paths near here, and I'm very lucky to have mountains and a nice park close by.

    If your partner doesn't want you to walk in your neighbourhood because it's unsafe, see if he would go with you. If not, perhaps you could find somewhere safer - as long as you're comfortable with where you are, it shouldn't matter.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    In the garden, the barn, the hayfield..... or indoors with the elliptical machine and exercise DVDs.
  • VixB1842
    VixB1842 Posts: 36
    I do c25k through our nearest forest. I love running in woodland, and places other people aren't so noone is judging the fat girl sweating and wheasing away for 30 mins. I love how much more peaceful it is. My partner comes with me sometimes and walks beside (I didn't say I was a good/fast runner but I do ok for a big girl) and when I've heard the famous chime of c25k ending we have a nice leasurly walk back home. Its really nice. I can't afford a gym so this works for me motivation wise and finance wise too.
  • boehle
    boehle Posts: 5,062 Member
    I usually just do dvd's at home but today I joined a gym!
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    My husband is really conservative and doesn't want me walking by myself.Good idea, I will google the circuit training exercises.
    Tell him to walk with you then.
  • LCFulmer
    LCFulmer Posts: 183 Member
    Home in my family room... no crowds, no travel time and I open the blinds to the ceiling to floor windows and have the view of the pond and woods/wetlands next to my home. Good thing all that water is downhill from from me. I even see deer eating if I workout close enough to when they come down.
  • eating4me
    eating4me Posts: 239 Member
    I exercise at home; I use DVD's (Insanity), my elliptical, treadmill, and YouTube videos. I can't go out by myself, because I'm visually impaired.You can find awesome exercise videos on YouTube. I put another vote in for FitnessBlender.com -- you can choose your own level, and type of workout you're looking for specifically. Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred is good, too. If you want to exercise badly enough, and are committed, there are ways to do it in your home, using your own body/body weight. It's always easy to find excuses not to exercise, but you can find a way to do what you want, and respect your husband's feelings, too. I used to live in an unsafe neighborhood, & it sounds like he's just concerned for your safety? So, search around on YouTube! You'll find some fantastic workouts! You WILL accomplish your goals, if you are determined! Good luck!
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    The gym; or as Homer Simpsons puts it 'The Gime'.

    It keeps me more focused and I've met alot of wonderful people along the way...
  • strongmindstrongbody
    strongmindstrongbody Posts: 315 Member
    Just move. No TV necessary. No walking outside required. Use youtube if you need the push that comes from seeing other people do the exercises. Putting on some music helps too.
  • clarkeje1
    clarkeje1 Posts: 1,640 Member
    Looks like you have the internet. Do bodyrock workouts online or put a dvd in your computer. Or you can do bod weight exercises.

  • I swim 6 nights a week at local leisure centre and ride my horse at local stables. I also walk the dogs but my hubby comes with me to do that. I have tried the gym but I really don't like it so I have chosen exercise I do like. I would love to have a go at Zumba but am not confident enough to go on my own :(
  • Slimagainshelly
    Slimagainshelly Posts: 14 Member
    I go kickboxing once a week at a gym with a friend. I walk my 2 dogs around my local park and I am lucky enough to have a canal within 3 miles of my house. I used to run 8 miles on the canal but got out of the habit after a couple of incidents a few years back.

    is there a keep fit class local to you or a gym?
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    I dont go outside to do exercise, everyone is a suspect! lol
    I have my equipment at home, when i cant use tv i use my laptop to do a dvd. Sometimes i do workouts from youtube, i like fitsugartv....
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    In my art studio/computer room/cleaning storage/guest room.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    I do my strength training at home with kettlebells using the beginner's workout from user FitnessBlender on YouTube. I also do pushups and planks and some dumbbell work targeting my forearms and wrists. For cardio I go biking, trail running and kayaking. Can you find another lady from maybe your church or something to go work out with you? Or would your husband consider going with you? Also, just be aware that as you succeed, you may have other issues to work out in your marriage depending on where your husband's concern is coming from. When two people are in a relationship, and one of them starts to change significantly (and weight loss and fitness IS a significant change) it absolutely WILL change the dynamics of the relationship and communication is key to getting through it.
  • mmm_drop
    mmm_drop Posts: 1,126 Member
    I walk at the mall at lunch M-F, or walk in the neighborhood if the weather is not too hot/not too cold (I think I'm Goldilocks) and M-F I do T-25 at home and then walk my mutt in the late evening. Weekends are usually spent hiking with my BF and our mutts.
  • nyboer
    nyboer Posts: 346 Member
    I workout in my basement doing exercise DVDs. Right now I'm on T25 but I've done Hip Hop Abs, 30DS, and others of Jillian's too. When I'm done with my DVD I go outside for walk/jog or a walk with the dog for a half hour. I can appreciate where your husband is coming from. My husband isn't keen on my being out (when it's pitch black) and so over the winter I imagine that I'll just do 2 DVDs or 1 longer one to get my full WO in. We don't even live in a bad neighborhood - The Hubsy is just a bit protective. (Plus, and don't tell him I admitted this out loud - I'm fairly clumsy and so there's a good chance that I would fall and hurt myself in the pitch black and no one would find me until it was light outside. :ohwell: )
  • playitagainsam
    playitagainsam Posts: 84 Member
    I have a small gym set up in my basement: TV with DVD and VCR for workout videos (Biggest Loser, Power90 and P90X), treadmill, elliptical, and weights. However, my favorite workout is walking/jogging the paved roads of the nearby cemetery. Sounds weird, I know, but this cemetery in my town is a very popular workout spot for people of all ages. I follow all of the roads throughout the cemetery in one direction and then follow them back to my car, covering the entire cemetery twice. This course is about 5 miles.
  • babyyblue12
    babyyblue12 Posts: 1 Member
    what does c25k mean?
  • Punkin7411
    Punkin7411 Posts: 45 Member
    I love my DVDs 6 mornings a week. Could you pick up a cheap used TV good enough to play DVDs? You wouldn't have to have lots of fancy stuff or cable.