weight, weight, weight... Isn't this about fitness?

Okay, the subject was my rant. So sick of all the weight focus. Are you fit? How do you define fitness? Are you scale obsessed?


  • Sectility
    I look at the scale and my stomach. I'm more obsessed with a flat stomach.
  • jamiemommy
    jamiemommy Posts: 58 Member
    I always think that to:) about myself even. For me personally weight is an easy measurement of my progress, I know I'm getting fitter and more healthy because that number is slowly decreasing. Of course once I get to a healthy weight I'll have to find a new measurement:)
  • drefaw
    drefaw Posts: 739
    I couldn't really care much less about the scale. I'm here to attain a certain level of fitness and BF% that I have already somewhat predetermined ....
  • amcsouth
    amcsouth Posts: 283 Member
    Most people need to lose weight in the beginning, for their health! I believe MFP is here to monitor your calories and what you are putting into your bodies. Its also there to get people healthy. It doesn't measure fitness! I measure fitness by seeing if there is an weight increase in any of my lifting, can I run further, is my body more powerful etc! I'm not scale obsessed but thats only because I've changed my approach to my lifestyle. :)

    PS: everyone's journey is different! Some people only want to lose weight its their choice!
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    It's about what I see in the mirror for me :). I don't give a **** anymore what the scale says. It lies all the time :tongue:.
  • KissMeImShtFaced
    Abs and thigh gap.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Okay, the subject was my rant. So sick of all the weight focus. Are you fit? How do you define fitness? Are you scale obsessed?

    For me it is a combination of the two. I am 60lbs overweight, so the number on the scale IS important. However, my current goal is 10lbs above a healthy BMI.

    Am I fit? Not yet, but I am getting there. I have people at the gym coming up to me telling me that I am kicking butt, and that my trainer is training me like a man. I am doing things now that there is NO way I could have done 6 months ago. As a matter of fact, one of the trainers at the gym is encouraging ME to get certified as a trainer.
  • tlou5
    tlou5 Posts: 497 Member
    Some people need to focus on both for over all health. Everyone's goals are different. It doesn't have to be so black and white.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member

  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I think far too many people let the number on the scale determine thier happiness & success. For some it's a legitimate measuring stick, for others it's completely absurd to focus on a completely arbitrary number.
  • moxiept
    moxiept Posts: 200 Member
    For meI needed to focus on the weight first. Now that I have loss the lbs, made eaing wisely and exercising more of a habit I can focus on fitness goals. I more confidence I can make it happen, because I have already made it happen with the weight loss. Some people have to start with baby steps and weight is often the first step that gets them off the couch.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Fitness? Hmm...well I am obsessed with being stronger, faster, and having more endurance. I'm also obsessed with looking better (not so much the scale though. Scales are not always a good metric depending on goals) oh and food. Obsessed with food. I want all the food.

    But I suppose this means I'm doing it wrong, since we should all clearly be here for the same reasons, right OP?
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Okay, the subject was my rant. So sick of all the weight focus. Are you fit? How do you define fitness? Are you scale obsessed?

    My goals are none of your business unless I ask for your opinion.

    Why are you stressed out about what OTHER PEOPLE do? Does my focus on weight somehow keep you from achieving or working toward your own personal goal?

    Thank you! In a single post, you've made me not give a damn about certain other people.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    When you are significantly overweight (like many are here), the scale DOES matter. It's not the only thing that matters, but it does matter and it's something easily measured (unlike BF%). I have both a weight goal and a body fat goal.
  • mndamon
    mndamon Posts: 547 Member
    Okay, the subject was my rant. So sick of all the weight focus. Are you fit? How do you define fitness? Are you scale obsessed?

    My goals are none of your business unless I ask for your opinion.

    Why are you stressed out about what OTHER PEOPLE do? Does my focus on weight somehow keep you from achieving or working toward your own personal goal?

    If they're not anyone's business but your own then why bother posting?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I weigh 2lbs more than I did when I started here. So no, I don't care about weight.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    I'm here for entertainment
  • InForBacon
    InForBacon Posts: 1,508 Member

    I think I love you.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I just care about moosels

    I want to be so shredded that newbies here will say I look manly and gross
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I started using MFP because my doctor told me I needed to get my **** together...I was a 38 year old train wreck and heart attack waiting to happen. For me, MFP was largely a tool to track my nutrients and to teach me how to eat a more nutritious and balanced diet. I figured since I was here I might as well try and lose a little weight as well...figured that couldn't hurt any in becoming a healthier person. Pretty soon I was dropping weight and next thing I knew I was running 5Ks and weigh training again.

    Initially I didn't care about the weight loss at all...it was just gravy. I figured I'd stop around 190 Lbs or so...but I didn't...while I was still primarily focused on health, I really started dialing in some BF and body composition goals (not so much weight) as well as fitness goals.