

  • thepetiterunner
    thepetiterunner Posts: 1,238 Member
    Take a deep breath. It's just a few days.

    This is a lifestyle change - not a fleeting fad or brief diet you plan on sustaining for just a few months right? We all have undisciplined moments. Use this experience and have a strategy for next time so you feel more in control. Figure out what you want to do next time this happens, unless of course, you plan on avoiding all festivals and celebrations for the rest of your life.
  • abazooday727
    Drink water, water, water! Flush it out! Don't get down. Don't let the slip become a fall!!
  • GODfidence
    GODfidence Posts: 249 Member
    The best part about today is that it's not yesterday.
    It's a new day and a day to get right back on track!
    5 pounds doesn't define you. You're awesome either way
    So don't let that take away all your hard work and dedication.
    Make progress today and be happy. You got this.
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    Awh,, dont cry and dont be sad,, i know what u feel and i understand u,, well u know in the world of healthy and fitness lifestyle,, failure and success is completely natural like me i often gain weight and lose weight because of success and failure of my diet and exercise,, but in the end i am nearly reaching my goal because of my optimistic attitude,persistent,motivation & never give up,,

    because quitting is not an option and quitting can never be success or reach ur goal,,

    but failure is an option and realize that u should be more discipline on ur diet and hardwork on exercise, so many people who got fail are ended up being successful but to the people who quit they ended up failure in there entire lives

    so cheep up,, think positive,, always be happy and smile,, u can do it and reach ur goal,, its not too late,,, and feel free to add me for more motivation,support,,,tips,,advice,,etc,,

    and i hope someday when u reach ur goal,, i will reach my goal too :flowerforyou: :glasses: :smooched: :blushing: :bigsmile: :wink: :happy:

    P.S dont mind or feed the troll or negative people thats what my fellow positive people friends here in mfp advice me and tell me about that,, dont let negative people ruined ur thread,post,day & ur goals,, dont worry if u are nice or positive person,, well we got ur back :D
  • carolyngardener
    Sounds like you took a vacation for 5 days, that's all. After a vacation from work or a person's usual routine, we just get back to it, usually without beating ourselves up for taking a break. If you can just look at this as a vacation, and now its time to get back to your routine, you'll be fine.
  • dbrightwell1270
    dbrightwell1270 Posts: 1,732 Member
    How about this: If you come back to your car to discover a ding or scratch on it, do you think it's not in top condition anymore so the best thing to do is to drive it off a cliff? Probably not.

    Why do you value your car more than you value yourself?
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Dude, only 5 lbs for eating what you want and drinking what you want for 5 days is amazing. It will be gone in no time too.
  • goshnames
    goshnames Posts: 359 Member
    I did the same thing...except my vacation was a little longer and I gained 16lbs!

    After getting into my exercise and normal eating groove, 10 of them just dropped right off. It was mostly all water...and it was totally worth it. :)
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    The best part about today is that it's not yesterday.
    It's a new day and a day to get right back on track!
    5 pounds doesn't define you. You're awesome either way
    So don't let that take away all your hard work and dedication.
    Make progress today and be happy. You got this.

    Well said bro GODfidence :D
  • c_tap77
    c_tap77 Posts: 189 Member
    As everyone else has also said, it's probably mostly water weight. Just drink A LOT of water over the next few days and get back into your regular routine.

    Everyone has a slip up at some point whether it be a vacation or the holidays or just a bad day where we make terrible choices AND THAT'S OKAY!!!! We're all human and we're bound to slip up at some point.

    What's not okay is using it to give up when you've put so much work into getting where you are. Get back into your healthy groove and it will come back off.

    Remember, you lost it once, you can do it again!!!!!
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    You can cry. I totally get regretting it. But then you need to simply pick yourself up and resume the good behavior. As other have said, you didn't gain 5 pounds of fat. Get back on track and you'll see the weight drop.

    Right. Because what's your other option? Give up and never reach your goal? Don't do that. Don't quit. One thing I've seen in lots of success stories here is that people say they had days or weeks when they overate. They may have even gained a few pounds. BUT they didn't stay in that rut. They picked themselves up and got back on track so they could reach their goal. Just let the past go. There's not a thing you can do about it. And don't feel totally bad about it, either. You ate and drank some good stuff and you had fun. Life wouldn't be worth living if we never had some fun with food and drinks. Let it go and move on towards your goal. Check out some success stories to help you get your motivation back and remind you what your goals are. It's nothing more than a bump in the road. Don't let it be any more than that.
  • Gearjammer71
    Gearjammer71 Posts: 151 Member
    Unless you've eaten 17,500 calories over your maintenance calories, you haven't gained 5lb of fat. It's going to be mostly water. My advice to you; get back on it, and that weight will drop off as quick as it came on.

    That's dead on accurate, right there.

    Don't lose focus of the math, otherwise your scale can become your nemesis. Water weighs 8.34 pounds per gallon, and eating high sodium foods causes you to retain it longer. Every pound is 3500 calories... Unless you're over-eating that amount you're not gain fat, you're just temporarily heavier.
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    im doubting if u gain weight like 5lbs u say ,, maybe water weight because of too much salt and sugar or carbs on ur body,,

    hope this helps,,
  • musicboxes
    musicboxes Posts: 133 Member
    Today is a new day...forget about yesterday & tomorrow. Don't be so hard on yourself & forgive yourself. I can say we have probably all had these days.

    Set new goals for yourself today...you can do it!
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    I just tell myself it's okay, it's a very small setback, and I get right back on track.
  • elenathegreat
    elenathegreat Posts: 3,988 Member
    Unless you've eaten 17,500 calories over your maintenance calories, you haven't gained 5lb of fat. It's going to be mostly water. My advice to you; get back on it, and that weight will drop off as quick as it came on.

    Words of motivation: this time next month, you will wish you started today. Don't undo all your hard work for one slip up. We are all human, and we all do it. The trick is to jump straight back on the wagon.

    Well said, madam...you are brilliant.