New Here

Hi! My name is Robin and I 'm looking to meet people that can help keep me motivated to lose weight. I have a hard time keeping with it and my weight is going in the wrong direction. My husband and I moved to a new state recently and I don't know many people here. The town we live in is where he grew up. It's very small and everyone knows everyone so I feel very much an outsider here. :frown:


  • jessicajm
    I know what it feels like to move somewhere new! Especially when everyone knows your Hubby! I sent an add request! We will help each other! This site is great and the people are wonderful! You'll love it here! WELCOME!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Beebee78
    You will get no end of support here on your journey xxx
  • allicat38
    Hi robin, I have just recently started fitness pal. I agree it is hard to get motivated. but try to come on here and record everything that you eat and you will see a difference in no time. Exercise is a big key which I lack of but trying everyday. Wish you luck and postive energy for your weight loss goals!!
  • baker_c
    baker_c Posts: 251 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me as a friend and we can help motivate each other! Glad to have you hear - keep me posted on your journey!
  • katschy
    The good thing is that in a small town, you're more likely to be able to walk places - you can get to know the area (and maybe some people) while getting exercise at the same time. You'll never lack for motivation and support here; everyone's so positive and helpful!
  • sgp329
    sgp329 Posts: 184
    Hi, Robin! Welcome to MFP! You have found a great spot for support, friendship, encouragement and motivation.

    My first husband and I moved around ALOT. I totally understand how you feel. At one point we lived in his hometown which had maybe 200 people in it and all his family. Even though we were married, I never really carved out my niche in that little map dot. Actually I guess I never really carved out my niche with him either... lol... hence, the divorce.

    Anyway, so glad to have you here. Look forward to talking with you along the way!
