Any girls wanting to loose 50-100 pounds / 20-45kg?



  • Yeah I'm aiming to loose 10ibs overall. Feel free to add me!
  • turg412
    turg412 Posts: 2 Member
    Love to talk to you about it. I also am post menopausal and it is extremely hard to loose a pound. I am trying to figure out what my resting BMI is and seeing if that helps me try and figure out how much I should be eating. Add me as a friend and we can work on this together.
  • Hey guys,

    So I'm wanting some friends who are in the same boat as me for encouragement. I've recently started a group for girls with a bit of weight to loose and would love people to join the group, and also I'd just love some friends who can encourage me and I them.

    Let me know :)


    I need to lose 80 of these puppies! Please add me in - can you please reply to make sure?

  • alisha_1983
    alisha_1983 Posts: 507 Member
    I have already lost over 70 pounds and have about 20 to go till I reach my goal weight.

    send a fr if ya want :)
  • I mean 100 pounds ha ha!
  • hey i myself am trying to lose 50 lbs! feel free to add me here or on IG
  • eme6265
    eme6265 Posts: 1
    I would absolutely love to join the group. I've been using this website for a long time now but have never used it in a social way- and I would like to start! If anyone wants to add me, I'd be happy to have/give some motivation and support. I'm recently trying to get back into better habits after derailing for the past month or so. :smile:
  • Hi! I've got just over 100lbs to lose and just started. Feel free to add me!
  • imzadi481
    imzadi481 Posts: 86 Member
    I have 60+ lbs to lose :)
  • italral
    italral Posts: 31 Member
    50lbs to go here. Feel free to add me as a friend, and I would love to join the group!
  • sturbich
    sturbich Posts: 9 Member
    I would love to join! I have 66 lbs to go

    Can you please share how the 100 melted . Started a month ago and I feel like its not melting fast enough .
  • Hey!! I'm trying to lose 100 lbs my goal is 80 lbs by march but my over all goal is 100 lbs. I definitely could use some friends to help keep me encouraged. Whoever wants to add me please feel free!!!
  • kristy_n0831
    kristy_n0831 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi! 28 year old from North Carolina looking to lose 50-75 lbs. I'm currently at 262 lbs. and 6'1". Anyone can feel free to add me. I'm always looking for supportive friends in the same boat!
  • Stary714
    Stary714 Posts: 110 Member
    114 lbs to lose. I'm on everyday and try provide advice/encouragement to all my friends. Feel free to add me :)
  • gordonclaudia
    gordonclaudia Posts: 14 Member
    Feel to add me :smile:
  • Still have about 50 to go.. lost almost 50 so far.. feel free to add me as a friend or to the groupp..
  • EmiVReyes
    EmiVReyes Posts: 118 Member
    I'd love to join! I have about 50 lbs to go!
  • mwright24skinny
    mwright24skinny Posts: 122 Member
    All you ladies can feel free to add me too. Just starting back after having my baby. I need to pull some energy from somewhere..
  • dmvarner
    dmvarner Posts: 150 Member
    Hello! I started almost 30 days ago..helloooo habit in the making????I need to lose somewhere between 130-150lbs. I currently am working out by swimming and occasionally walking/biking. I would love to be friends/part of this group and support/receive support from others on their own journey!????
  • karenhughes2013
    karenhughes2013 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi, I'm new just joined yesterday and aiming to lose 62 pounds, great to meet you all and would love some friends ;-)