My carpet is ruining my workouts and causing injury



  • romyhorse
    romyhorse Posts: 694 Member
    I workout barefoot when I do workout videos. I have carpet and have never had an issue.
  • brey1986
    brey1986 Posts: 35 Member
    Well then just don't work out anymore. I don't know what you want. We're telling you we've done these things and they work.

    Dance shoes are very slippery. I wouldn't wear them to jump around on carpet. They're meant for very specific movements on wood floors.

    Have you ever tried midol or yoga for PMS? You should :wink:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member

    I've been around for a while, I and I can't seem to get a handle on this girl. She seems helpful enough, but she does tend to show up in female-oriented threads lecturing the poor, dumb wimmins about their silly wittle concerns. I'm guessing she's from that generation that naturally assumes girls aren't that smart
  • brey1986
    brey1986 Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks for the dance shoe suggestion. I looked at several shoe sores and didn't find "dance shoes" but I asked what would be best for my issue..I got some sketcher go walks, but the kind that still lace up..and I did a whole hr long Zumba set for the first time in my new house! I don't know why I didn't think of something as simple as changing shoes lol..duhhh.:laugh:
  • jlahorn
    jlahorn Posts: 377 Member
    A Zumba instructor once suggested to me that I use duct tape on the bottoms of my shoes if I was catching on the carpet. I always had fairly smooth-soled trainers so I never tried it, but it makes sense.