Before and After pics NO STARVATION



  • skinniwoman
    skinniwoman Posts: 29 Member
    Wow. Now that's encouragement. Question for anyone who sees this. When you do your excersise and recover those calories do you use them. I've been using them most of the time, but not all the time. I'm still losing weight only not as fast.:happy:
  • krstlyn
    krstlyn Posts: 2 Member
    For everyone that has posted their pictures, thank you! What an awesome inspiration! You look great and bet you feel great too!

    I am inspired to start my Before pictures today! I want to post about my success too!

    Congrats on being awe inspiring and wonderful individuals.
  • Before 241
    After 157

    I've just hit target, it took 18 months ish :)




    What was is your work out routine? You look amazing.
  • sometimes people just let life get in the way. they realise that theyre gaining weight but they dont know what to do about it, or who to talk to. so they go into self denial and buy bigger clothes so they can continue to ignore the its an excuse to go shopping. thats what happened to me :( hope that helps :)
  • I come from a parent who was always overweight and blamed it on having babies. I had a baby and feared getting fat. I am now thinner than i ever was. My fear of weight gain escalated to an eating disorder. I have always wondered how people let themselves get so far overweight. Like if my pants feel tight i panic! Some people just go buy new pants. Why do people let themselves go so far? I beg that nobody be offended by me. Its just an honest question that i have always wanted to ask.

    sometimes people just let life get in the way. they realise that theyre gaining weight but they dont know what to do about it, or who to talk to. so they go into self denial and buy bigger clothes so they can continue to ignore the its an excuse to go shopping. thats what happened to me :( hope that helps :)
  • TayzerFun
    TayzerFun Posts: 45 Member
    Bumping for later! :)
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    October 2012 270lbs

    August 21st 2013 183lbs

    Not at goal yet, but 87lbs lost in 11months. NO starvation, no giving up any foods I love, not clean eating, (pretty dirty, actually). Just moderation, portion control and consistent logging to create a weekly average deficit for approximately a 2lb weekly loss. And lots of cardio so I can eat lots. :laugh:

    EDit:Sorry about big pics, resizing is beyond my technical abilities. :grumble:
  • Bump! I've loved looking at these pictures! Awesome job! :drinker:
  • My first post :-)

    Goal was 90lbs, I have now started to build muscle aswell and thus the slight increase from 76kgs.
  • Xtinesky
    Xtinesky Posts: 127 Member
    Thanks for sharing these pictures, everyone. You are an inspiration to us. I echo what the others have said, I hope to be in a board like this in the future. I should really get my before pictures done now. The problem most of us have is that we don't like getting photographed. So I don't even have a decent photograph of myself five months ago when I was at my heaviest.
  • Zelinna
    Zelinna Posts: 207 Member
    I learned early on that restricting wasn't for me. It has taken a bit longer, but I think the changes I have made will stick. I work out 5 days a week and eat around 2000 cal. I am on week 3 of Insanity, but before that was mixing weights and cardio.

  • Holy shiznik! You look like a completely different person.

    Do people who haven't seen you in a while recognize you? I'm thinking not.....
  • Yay you!!!
  • I come from a parent who was always overweight and blamed it on having babies. I had a baby and feared getting fat. I am now thinner than i ever was. My fear of weight gain escalated to an eating disorder. I have always wondered how people let themselves get so far overweight. Like if my pants feel tight i panic! Some people just go buy new pants. Why do people let themselves go so far? I beg that nobody be offended by me. Its just an honest question that i have always wanted to ask.

    Really! Sorry you have a eating disorder. Don't you think being over weight is also an eating disorder? Or would you rather hear that we are just lazy and we don't care what we put in your mouths. ~offended
  • Dangit! Can't figure out the quote thing. Anyhow.... I have been on both sides of th ED scale (pun NOT intended). At 18, I weighed 278 lbs, which even at 5'6" is waaaaay too much. So I did the severe calorie restriction thing (1000 cal/day, NOT medically supervised), coupled with riding my bike everywhere AND an hour of tennis every day. In no time, I was at 115.

    Problem was, I still thought I was fat.

    Got minimal help... a doctor who said I had to gain 30 pounds. No help for the underlying issues. So I gained 30# and after he was happy, I lost 15 of it and never saw him again. Maintained that weight for about 12 years, slowly began to gain, then before I knew it I was 50 years old, 275, and diabetic. TERRIFIED of the thought of going on a "diet" --- scared I might fall into anorexia again.

    This is why I love Jillian Michaels.... she "gets" that you cannot change the outside until you change the inside. You cannot change what you eat until you change what's eating you.

    The peace of the Lord be always with you.
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    i have eaten 1800 calories for most of my journey. I started at 380 pounds and still have 40-50 pounds to current photo was taken about 3 weeks thighs are horrible as I have a lot of excess skin and dont normally let anyone see them but this is my most recent before pic is at 380 pounds and current photo at 200 pounds :)

    Before pic:


    Current pic:


    wow srsly way to go
  • Cinloykko
    Cinloykko Posts: 117 Member
    BUMP!!!! i love this thread. so many transformations and they are all so motivational!
  • Wow! Totally inspirational :)
  • ginamac1984
    ginamac1984 Posts: 4 Member

    In 9 months I have lost 85 pounds and dropped 65 inches. That is at 1500 calories a day, but I eat more if I'm hungry (truly hungry) after a big workout. I have been at this for 38 weeks. That is 266 days. I lost at a rate of 2.25 pounds a week and 1.7 inches a week. I ALMOST didn't post this picture after reading the comment of the girl who doesn't understand how someone could "let themselves go." I don't have a response for that. I just have this picture. This picture... my before picture... is a picture of a girl who stepped up and did something about her weight. I am strong! I am brave! I have my life and weight under control, and I'll show it proudly.

    So glad you did post I am new to this site and your success lets me know I can do it too if I just try. Keep up the good work.
  • scottallan1994gym
    scottallan1994gym Posts: 2 Member
    This is an absolutley amazing transformation. You should be so proud of yourself! keep it up girl! You'll loose those thighs in no time, throw in some jumping jacks and some squats, you'll be bidding those bad boys farewell and never see them again!

    well done :)
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