What keeps you motivated?



  • MeGaga
    MeGaga Posts: 25 Member
    i nearly lost 25 kgs, and then i gained them all back! that got me sooo down that i lost all motivation but i hate myself that way, so for me joining such a community is kinda motivating as a re-start for dieting and maybe getting some exercises as i never do! then motivation will be through easily finding clothes! :D
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Having a Dr who is a runner & rides a racing bike for miles ,knowing he has heard all the excuses.His reply is tuff,get on with it. LOL
    losing wt,eating healthy will,I hope cut my meds way down . looking good in smaller size clothes helps.Seeing ppl who were snarky about my excess pounds is even better.Keeps me motivated.
  • mtnhiker1
    mtnhiker1 Posts: 114 Member
    It is the successes that keep me motivated. be it one more pound that I lose or one notch tightened in the old belt, or even that little more energy that I have from losing a little weight so far. Count up the successes so far to me that is pretty good motivation.
  • dragonforce84
    This is my opportunity to look the best I have ever had...in my whole life. I have never had abs, muscles, strength as I have now because when I was a teen my parents didn't place a lot of emphasis on sport.

    I used to do all the wrong things like cut out healthy fats and carb load, overtrain and then crash.

    This is the first time where I am fully equipped with all the health books in the world, knowledge, cooking skills and finally employing a PT was the start to everything. PTs are worth every cent. It costs a fortune but he fixed my back problem and now I am on the gravy train to hotness! yay.
  • JuliesZenpuppy7400
    JuliesZenpuppy7400 Posts: 127 Member
    Small, attainable goals. Not focusing on how far you have to go but 5, 10, 20 pounds goals!!!!
  • hollywollyx
    Small, attainable goals. Not focusing on how far you have to go but 5, 10, 20 pounds goals!!!!

    I've not tried that. I might start :)
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    one entire wall of our master bedroom is mirrors. That's 40 feet of reflective wall. Yeah, that.
  • hollywollyx
    one entire wall of our master bedroom is mirrors. That's 40 feet of reflective wall. Yeah, that.

    Ahaha you poor sod. How do you cope on off days? I avoid all mirrors like a vampire.
  • Kezzanna
    Kezzanna Posts: 45 Member
    Having to be accountable to other people. If I'm having an off can't be bothered day I have to continue regardless. I know that if I don't show up to fit club, there will be texts asking me where I am. I can't cancel the pt session because I have a friend who does it with me and I don't want to let her down. I have to walk the dog cos she can't take herself, so I might as well burn some calories there too. My diary is open and the community here is so supportive that if I'm feeling down or totally blow food for a day, they encourage me to try again and I don't want to let them down either. Lastly, having something to look forward to - I'm flying to visit my brother at Xmas. I want to look better and fit into the seat on the plane easier!
  • Joebob8
    Joebob8 Posts: 69 Member
    The only thing that keeps me motivated for the long haul is focusing on feeling fit and strong. I am a fashion addict, but I ind that focusing on external beauty (i.e. a new outfit, an upcoming event, etc.) can swing both ways. On the one hand it is great to have a specific goal in my mind of how I want to look by a specific date but it can also add too much pressure and stress. I don't want to turn to a pint of ice cream and sweatpants because I am unable to reach a certain goal by a specific date. Focusing on being bikini ready for summer is a battle mentality; focusing on how great working out and eating right keeps me on track for a lifetime.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    The desire to be awesome.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Because I feel like a lazy tub of lard if I don't get a good sweat in once a day.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    My "skinny" jeans. I want to get into them by Xmas (:
    And old pictures of hubby & I before we had our daughter
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Small, attainable goals. Not focusing on how far you have to go but 5, 10, 20 pounds goals!!!!
    Great idea! I do that too.
  • ginag516
    ginag516 Posts: 44 Member
    That's exactly what I do every morning when the alarm rings at 5:30... I don't like getting up that early, but it is the only time that is available. I am out the door at 5:55 and walk to meet a friend at 6:00. the first time she texted me to cancel, I was tempted to rollover and go back to sleep BUT I decided that nobody else is more important than ME and that if this was a job and I had to be there at 6:00, I would get out of bed and get there! It worked... I have walked a minimum of 60 minutes every day for 15 1/2 weeks. I now walk farther and faster than I did in May. I added on stairs and more hills... I refuse to quit this "job" ... it is the most important one I have ever had!

    I force myself to get up at 4:30am every Morning regarless if I feel like headin to the gym or the track I am not a morning person at all so even if I didnt get 8 or 10hrs of sleep im at the door by 5:15am I usually have a workout buddy to but, most of the times is me
  • acogg
    acogg Posts: 1,870 Member
    The desire to be awesome.
    Ha! Good thing I read all the posts because that was going to be my reply. High fives, babe! We are super awesome people!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    <Cue stirring intro music>

    I eat well out of habit now and the same goes for my exercise, it's built into my routine and I enjoy it.

    I don't want to drop in the 'lifestyle' cliché but that's what it is, I have no desire to slip back into my old ways.

    Some days I feel that progress isn't as swift as I was expecting but I suspect that this is just my subconscious trying to derail me. The 'Well, progress is slow, why bother? You might as well eat ALL the chips' mindset.

    I trust the process for the long haul.

    <Music swells>

    The mind/body doesn't like change, it wants to maintain whatever is the status quo. The mind likes to run off of habits, routines, keeping things safe and known, reverting to old ways even if they are less than optimal, even if the prevailing conditions have changed and we really need a new roadmap for life in order to improve ourselves both mentally and physically.

    Well I say they WILL change and there ain't nothing going to stop me dragging them into the next phase of my life.

    <Music at an almost unbearable level now>

    This isn't just losing a bit of fat for me, this is re-engineering my life and mindset.

    I'm going to be even more awesome than I am right now, it's going to be a stretch but it will happen.

    Life is not going to know what has hit it.

    <Dramatic pause in musical stylings>

    What keeps ME motivated? Not denying to good people of Planet Earth my presence in it's most magnificent form both physically, mentally, spiritually and, last but not least, sexually.

    Watch me &*()ing fly.

    <Cue Team America Montage music>
  • jhloves2knit
    jhloves2knit Posts: 268 Member
    I've come half way into my weight loss goal. I'm lacking motivation recently. I've been feeling a bit low and unwilling to work out or eat right. What motivates you? When you feel a bit ~blegh~ what helps you stay focused? Youtube videos? Any books? Pictures? Blogs? Let me know! I'm in some need of help lol. :ohwell:

    This is a really good question. I think when you've lost some weight, not all of it, but enough to look and feel better, then you're at a danger point where you could just quit and slowly gain it back. This is the place to up your motivation -- sign up for a class where other people will get you going again, for example.

    I think I'm at that danger point right now. I've lost 33 pounds, but I should lose another 15 or so, maybe even 20, it's hard to tell. I've started college classes again in addition to my job, so I have less time to exercise, too. I'm thinking about buying a treadmill to use at home for the winter.

    It's a trap to act when you feel like it -- to wait until you are in the mood to do what you should do. You have to remember the big picture at all times.

    This true story really inspires me whenever I see it:


    Thank you for listing this Youtube video. It was awesome!
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    one entire wall of our master bedroom is mirrors. That's 40 feet of reflective wall. Yeah, that.

    Ahaha you poor sod. How do you cope on off days? I avoid all mirrors like a vampire.

    Off days? I don't understand the question...
  • doIlhands
    doIlhands Posts: 349 Member
    Honestly I don't even feel like im motivated anymore. I've just developed a habit that im sticking to. (logging & working out)