Because I'm bored. My squat video

Squats have progressed very slow for me. I was analyzing form constantly trying to figure out why my bench press was the same as my squats (115). I had done the big plates once a year ago but backed off, missed some work outs, etc and hadn't ever gone back up. I decided the reasons I was slow wasn't form but fear. I was afraid of squats. Afraid I'd hurt my knee, my back or something. Friday I said "screw it" and just put the big plates on. I got 3 reps the first time and 4 the second. Now maybe I'll make my body weight goal by the end of the year.


  • 3laine75
    3laine75 Posts: 3,070 Member
    totally with you on the 'fear' of squats. i could do a full squat, no problem - as soon as i put the bar on my back though, quarter squat :/

    'starting strength' really helped me - who knew it was just a matter of sticking those knees out - AND starting with a broomhandle and tiny weights.

    totally all physiological for me - doing it with the big bar now no problem :)

    oh and, your squat looks great btw :)
  • MellyMel340
    MellyMel340 Posts: 20 Member
    Very good!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    that looks good ..

    you may want to try to keep your elbows pointed down toward floor which will help you stay a little more upright....

    that is all I noticed...

    oh and your knees are flaring in a little which is supposed to be a no no ..but that happens to me sometimes when I go heavier :)
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    Thanks for sharing!!! It looks great to me (which means little lol). I can tell you get a tad deeper than I do. Something I'm working on :)
    Congrats on the breakthrough!!! That's awesome
  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    I like how you stand up completely between reps - many people don't do that.

    Notice on the 2nd rep your head jutted forward. This is because your butt rose up faster than your shoulders, which puts your back in a risky position. First rep was perfect - hips & shoulders rise at the same pace.

    You have a tendency to twist the bar to the left (see the last rep). Another risky position to be in.

    Good luck.