My poor kitty :(



  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    It would be great if they could talk, wouldn't it? At least you are taking him or her to the vet today. There isn't much you can do to alleviate it yourself.

    Should you have any further issues with your animals urinating outside the litter box, I would suggest not rubbing their nose in the urine or pouring water on the cat. They don't learn from this, and, if they are not using their box, it is usually due to stress or a medical condition. The aforementioned actions will only serve to cause more stress.

    I'm not trying to make you feel worse - it's just that if this should happen again, I want you to know.

    Agree with the above, please don't do those things to a cat even if you think it is behavioral. Cats do not respond to that sort of discipline.

    This. Who told you that it was ok to do that??? Hopefully you take this advice because it's pretty cruel.
    Ash in catfood? I'm not surprised but how can you avoid this? Thinking about making home made cat food... wow. Animals aren't trash!

    you actually do not need to make homemade cat food to avoid this. If you feed something other than Purina/Iams/Science Diet/Friskies/Meow Mix/running out of other food brands that really ARE garbage, you'll be fine. I like Blue Buffalo and Wellness personally but they are pricey. If you are on a budget I also like Nutro Max. Not THAT much more expensive than the crappy foods and your cat will thank you for it. Basically, if it's sold at a grocery store (other than the Costco brand, which is actually not bad at all), it's generally crap. I think the only "decent", but still not good, grocery store brand is Purina One but it's still very ashy if I recall correctly.

    Also, distilled water works wonders. You can also use two water dishes and alternate them out after you've let the tap water sit out for 24 hours. Male cats' systems aren't great at filtering out all the gunk in tap water so it can easily cause UTIs.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    Why are you just now finding this out?!?! Cats pee outside litter box and I immediately take them to the vet!!!! If a uti goes on for a long time not only will they be in pain but it can lead to other complications as well!!!!!!!

    One of my cats was getting frequent UTIs nd my other (bless his soul, he passed last year) got diabetes. I switched them to WET food, and my cats BOTH improved In their respective conditions.

    Most cats get 70% of their water from food so it's important you are giving them wet SPECIES APPROPRIATE food. Secondly you need to be cleaning the litter box MINIMUM once a day with a clumping litter and completely change it once a month.

    If you ever see your cat do something like this in the future DO NOT WAIT and please don't "punish it" by spraying it with a water bottle!
  • wild_wild_life
    wild_wild_life Posts: 1,334 Member
    Ash in catfood? I'm not surprised but how can you avoid this? Thinking about making home made cat food... wow. Animals aren't trash!

    Ash is just a term for the mineral content of food. High mineral content has been thought to promote the formation of urinary crystals in predisposed cats. There is a lot of good info on this, here are a couple of good sites.

    You can make your own pet food, you just have to be very careful to make it balanced, especially as far as vitamins and minerals go.
  • Eeyeore
    Eeyeore Posts: 33
    Hope u r listening to all the above except for a few uninformed
    I would guess that since u have not posted again, u took ur cat to the move if u did.....not one open? Find the nearest Bansfield...usually inside a usually 7 days a week....they are knowledgeable and have awesome care packages...have saved me tons of money and saved not one but two of my cats lives...the latest was a urinary blockage...sounds like what ur kitty may is an emergency..their bladder cant hold out and will actually "BUST".....DO NOT WAIT!!!
    My cat needed surgery to remove the blockage and we have him on a prescription "dry" food specifically for urinary health
    Yes I said dry food.....ash is a problem if u dont buy a premium cat food....if they dont list the ash content....most likely too high dont buy it. If I am not mistaken, I believe you want ur ash level at 6 or below....but that is not the only culptit.
    Water...make sure u clean water didh out frequently and thoroughly......also offer fresh water often and toss a few ice cubes cat loves the ice in his water.
    Would love to hear how your cat is doing, hope tthings were caught in time.
    Ps sorry about time to fix them all.
  • JessicaBR13
    JessicaBR13 Posts: 294 Member
    Where did you learn your animal discipline from? Rub his face in his urine? Pour water on him? That's completely cruel.

    ^I agree 100%. If you don't have the patience for an animal, find it a better home.
  • jojo37696
    jojo37696 Posts: 93 Member
    yes I had a cat that did that a lot to and it was important to get him on a low ash diet. At the time I had him on Meow Mix. Worst one of all the foods to give a cat. Get kitty to the vet ASAP and onto a low ash diet and lots of TLC.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member

    Please read this entire link.

    I gave my cat diabetes by feeding him dry food and by the time I found out he was beyond help. Please for the love of god don't make the mistakes I made.
  • glovepuppet
    glovepuppet Posts: 1,710 Member
    He has been peeing on everything for like a month and, obviously, I've been scolding him and spraying him with water, ect. He's just over a year old so I thought it was some kind of dominance thing as we have another male cat in the house. He went to pee on the floor last night and all that came out was three drops... of blood :( I did some research and I guess peeing out of the litterbox is the number one sign for a urinary tract infection in cats. I have had these before--they SUCK--and now I feel like the worst kitty mamma ever. Instead of getting him medicine, I was yelling at him. Instead of getting him to a doctor, I rubbed his face in it. Instead of comforting him, I grabbed him by the scruff and poured a glass of water on him.

    anyone ever deal with UTI's in cats? I need to find something to make him feel better till I can get him to the vet later today.
    there is no excuse for abusing animals, even if they're peeing inconveniently.

    you shouldn't own pets.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Everyone's been quite kind and helpful in this tread, so I guess I'm going to be the only bad guy here - cat pees everywhere for a MONTH and just now you're wondering? Then you continually scold the poor thing for an obvious abnormal behavior? Did you even try to Google what was going on before now?

    Then you said "instead of getting him to a doctor" you rubbed his face in it, implying that you finally did start to realize that a vet might be a good idea, but yet you came here to post about it rather than getting your cat looked at?

    I hope the best for your cat, I do. But I'm thinking you probably shouldn't have pets.

    I agree with this poster, I felt physically sick reading the OP`s post.

    Some people should not have pets fulll stop
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    He has been peeing on everything for like a month and, obviously, I've been scolding him and spraying him with water, ect. He's just over a year old so I thought it was some kind of dominance thing as we have another male cat in the house. He went to pee on the floor last night and all that came out was three drops... of blood :( I did some research and I guess peeing out of the litterbox is the number one sign for a urinary tract infection in cats. I have had these before--they SUCK--and now I feel like the worst kitty mamma ever. Instead of getting him medicine, I was yelling at him. Instead of getting him to a doctor, I rubbed his face in it. Instead of comforting him, I grabbed him by the scruff and poured a glass of water on him.

    anyone ever deal with UTI's in cats? I need to find something to make him feel better till I can get him to the vet later today.

    2 scenarios come to mind:
    #1: You've had him for awhile. The peeing is a new behavior over the last month.

    #2: He's new to your home, and has been peeing all over the house for the last month.

    In either situation, a visit to the vet was warranted. New or unusual behaviors in my cat have me on the phone ASAP. And any new addition to to our family gets a well kitty checkup.

    Please, please, please treat your furbabies with loving care.
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    Like everyone else has said, get your poor sick cat to a vet NOW! And then find somebody that knows how to treat an animal to take it. Shame on you for treating a cat that way. I'm disgusted by your complete lack of empathy.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    Everyone's been quite kind and helpful in this tread, so I guess I'm going to be the only bad guy here - cat pees everywhere for a MONTH and just now you're wondering? Then you continually scold the poor thing for an obvious abnormal behavior? Did you even try to Google what was going on before now?

    Then you said "instead of getting him to a doctor" you rubbed his face in it, implying that you finally did start to realize that a vet might be a good idea, but yet you came here to post about it rather than getting your cat looked at?

    I hope the best for your cat, I do. But I'm thinking you probably shouldn't have pets.

    I agree with this poster, I felt physically sick reading the OP`s post.

    Some people should not have pets fulll stop

    seriously, the more I think about it, the more it upsets me. I can't imagine how many people have pets and use "discipline" like this. I even feel guilty for loudly clapping at my kitty to scare him away from scratching on this wicker chest he's been destroying. IMO if it would be considered child abuse you should not treat your pet like that either. really sad.
  • clairedrose
    clairedrose Posts: 121 Member
    I know people are upset about the OP' s reaction to the cat peeing. I agree that the cat needs to go to a vet asap. I see no point in berating her. She clearly has no experience or knowledge.At least she asked. I wish shelters and stores gave tip sheets with cats. People tend to treat them like small dogs and do not have clue. A dog would let you know loudly if it is pain. Cats hide pain. There are always signs tho. That said, the old nose in pee punishment doesn't work for dogs either, though many still use it. Hope that kittie makes it.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I'm with some of the others. I don't want to berate, I want you to get educated so that you'll be a better kitty mama.

    Please do follow up on the site. She's a great doc, and I've been feeding my cats the raw rabbit diet she posts the recipe for since 2011. I have a 1 year old kitten who is fit as a fiddle and a 5 year old who is "fluffy" because even though I control her portions, she sneaks her little brother's food.

    Educated pet owners make better pet owners.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    I know people are upset about the OP' s reaction to the cat peeing. I agree that the cat needs to go to a vet asap. I see no point in berating her. She clearly has no experience or knowledge.At least she asked. I wish shelters and stores gave tip sheets with cats. People tend to treat them like small dogs and do not have clue. A dog would let you know loudly if it is pain. Cats hide pain. There are always signs tho. That said, the old nose in pee punishment doesn't work for dogs either, though many still use it. Hope that kittie makes it.

    I used to believe ignorance was a good excuse until I realized that people can either 1. use google or 2. pick up a damn cat/dog/whatever pet behavior book for free from the library. Common sense says that if you are making a 10+ year commitment with a pet you need to know how to treat it. FWIW, all of my shelter cats have come with a handout with some basic tips for training and suggestions for further reading. I also think the reactions here have been very polite considering.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
    I know people are upset about the OP' s reaction to the cat peeing. I agree that the cat needs to go to a vet asap. I see no point in berating her. She clearly has no experience or knowledge.At least she asked. I wish shelters and stores gave tip sheets with cats. People tend to treat them like small dogs and do not have clue. A dog would let you know loudly if it is pain. Cats hide pain. There are always signs tho. That said, the old nose in pee punishment doesn't work for dogs either, though many still use it. Hope that kittie makes it.

    I used to believe ignorance was a good excuse until I realized that people can either 1. use google or 2. pick up a damn cat/dog/whatever pet behavior book for free from the library. Common sense says that if you are making a 10+ year commitment with a pet you need to know how to treat it. FWIW, all of my shelter cats have come with a handout with some basic tips for training and suggestions for further reading. I also think the reactions here have been very polite considering.

    I agree. I had to use google for my cat's behavioral issues when he was a bratty kitten. I learned how mama cats discipline naughty kittens and used that method, on top of the occasional time-out in his carrier when he was really naughty. It worked. I felt bad when I had to scruff or do a time-out, but I knew it was because Peanut(kitty) needed it. He showed signs that he had either been improperly hand-raised or weaned way too early and wasn't properly socialized, so I basically took over as mama cat. He's a better behaved adult cat now because of that.

    So yea, sorry for the rambling, but everyone knows how to use google. Hell, watching Animal Planet's "My Cat From Hell" can give you information.
  • Brutmar
    Brutmar Posts: 85
    Everyone's been quite kind and helpful in this tread, so I guess I'm going to be the only bad guy here - cat pees everywhere for a MONTH and just now you're wondering? Then you continually scold the poor thing for an obvious abnormal behavior? Did you even try to Google what was going on before now?

    Then you said "instead of getting him to a doctor" you rubbed his face in it, implying that you finally did start to realize that a vet might be a good idea, but yet you came here to post about it rather than getting your cat looked at?

    I hope the best for your cat, I do. But I'm thinking you probably shouldn't have pets.

    I agree with this poster, I felt physically sick reading the OP`s post.

    Some people should not have pets fulll stop

    seriously, the more I think about it, the more it upsets me. I can't imagine how many people have pets and use "discipline" like this. I even feel guilty for loudly clapping at my kitty to scare him away from scratching on this wicker chest he's been destroying. IMO if it would be considered child abuse you should not treat your pet like that either. really sad.
    OP, I agree with every poster who is not being kind to you. A month of this kind of behavior and it didn't dawn on you to have him checked? Really? You should be reported for animal cruelty!!!
  • Brutmar
    Brutmar Posts: 85
    I know people are upset about the OP' s reaction to the cat peeing. I agree that the cat needs to go to a vet asap. I see no point in berating her. She clearly has no experience or knowledge.At least she asked. I wish shelters and stores gave tip sheets with cats. People tend to treat them like small dogs and do not have clue. A dog would let you know loudly if it is pain. Cats hide pain. There are always signs tho. That said, the old nose in pee punishment doesn't work for dogs either, though many still use it. Hope that kittie makes it.

    Really??? Please, ignorance is no excuse for abuse! Who doesn't know how to search the internet for any behavior out of the norm. Plus she already had another cat. Be a responsible pet owner!!!
  • recoveryjunky
    recoveryjunky Posts: 162 Member
    I got Chester to the vet today AS SOON AS it opened. They said he has a fever but physically is ok. I got antibiotics and have started giving it to him. They are doing a urinalysis and are going to tell me tomorrow what the results are.

    Just FYI, I have had cats all of my life. I have NEVER had ANY issue with any of them that wasn't resolved by a squirt bottle and time. Yes, I was stupid for not seeing it earlier but he's going through kitty puberty (says the vet) and that stuff happens. I didn't realize it was anything more serious. I didn't want him thinking it was ok. ALSO "pouring a glass of water" on him: I should have been more specific. I had less than 1/2 an oz of water in my glass that I happened to be carrying at the time and I caught him in the act. It was no more than two squirts from a squirt bottle. Honestly, since I have never had a dog or a cat with a pee problem, I had heard that the nose thing worked on dogs so I assumed why not cats? STUPID. I know that now. Call me horrible, call me a bad person, call me what you want. I already feel like **** and I have learned my lesson. I'm not an animal abuser --I love him dearly-- Chester is the closest thing that I have to a child and (I'm probably going to get crap for this too but) I am a believer in hand taps for children who repeatedly misbehave (which I thought he was doing). I was just so frustrated of a two weeks (I was corrected by my roommates, I was just so upset it seemed like longer) of clapping and shouting I didn't know what to do. EVERYTHING smelled like pee. I'm sorry (not like I have to apologize to the internet, I'm sorry to my cat) and now I know to go directly to the vet.

    So in conclusion,
    Chester is getting help and so far he is doing great, and I'm an idiot. I know it and you don't have to keep telling me.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I got Chester to the vet today AS SOON AS it opened. They said he has a fever but physically is ok. I got antibiotics and have started giving it to him. They are doing a urinalysis and are going to tell me tomorrow what the results are.

    Just FYI, I have had cats all of my life. I have NEVER had ANY issue with any of them that wasn't resolved by a squirt bottle and time. Yes, I was stupid for not seeing it earlier but he's going through kitty puberty (says the vet) and that stuff happens. I didn't realize it was anything more serious. I didn't want him thinking it was ok. ALSO "pouring a glass of water" on him: I should have been more specific. I had less than 1/2 an oz of water in my glass that I happened to be carrying at the time and I caught him in the act. It was no more than two squirts from a squirt bottle. Honestly, since I have never had a dog or a cat with a pee problem, I had heard that the nose thing worked on dogs so I assumed why not cats? STUPID. I know that now. Call me horrible, call me a bad person, call me what you want. I already feel like **** and I have learned my lesson. I'm not an animal abuser --I love him dearly-- Chester is the closest thing that I have to a child and (I'm probably going to get crap for this too but) I am a believer in hand taps for children who repeatedly misbehave (which I thought he was doing). I was just so frustrated of a two weeks (I was corrected by my roommates, I was just so upset it seemed like longer) of clapping and shouting I didn't know what to do. EVERYTHING smelled like pee. I'm sorry (not like I have to apologize to the internet, I'm sorry to my cat) and now I know to go directly to the vet.

    So in conclusion,
    Chester is getting help and so far he is doing great, and I'm an idiot. I know it and you don't have to keep telling me.

    Please read the link I posted earlier. Please. At least to educate yourself in the future. Cats are completely different species than dogs, if you can take anything from the posts in this thread at least let it be knowledge of how to care for Chester!