Dash Diet



  • echelonokie
    Wow. I'm shocked. Do you really think at 44 yrs old I don't know the first to come off is water weight?

    I honestly thought these forums were a place of building people up, not slapping them in the face for posting something that seems to be working for them.

    I'm honestly sad that I was so very mistaken

    And for those that ask, my water intake is about 15 cups a day and I've not been watching my sodium. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    It's a sort of version of the Mayo clinic, I think. You do NO fruit, NO starchy veggies and basically no carbs for 2 weeks. It centers around veggies, healthy fats and protein. The lady I work with has done amazingly well on it.

    What happens when you go off this "diet"?

    all the water weight comes back and they gain ...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I am on the eat in a deficit and work out for life diet...for 19.99 I will email you my program.
  • echelonokie
    @ndj1979 Well, aren't you just a wonderful ray of sunshine.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    that might be my new screenname...thread_ray_of_sunshine..

    sorry, but I don't agree with "diets" have had friends and relatives on every known diet to man and what happens when the stop = gain all back...

    All I am saying you would see better long term results if you just eat in a deficit and move more; rather, then a diet that restricts certain food groups and says this is "bad" but this is "good" ....

    but hey, what do I know I have only kept 50 pound off for seven years now...
  • TyTy76
    TyTy76 Posts: 1,761 Member
    @ndj1979 Well, aren't you just a wonderful ray of sunshine.

    You're not getting it.

    A lot of people disagree with these diets because THEY DON'T WORK. Sure, you may lose in the beginning, but these diets are just not sustainable for the rest of your life.

    You know what is? Eating less and moving more. It has helped thousands of people on this site lose weight, slowly, and the correct way.

    Everything that the "dash diet" tell you not to eat? We eat those things, and we STILL LOSE.
  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    DASH stands for Dietary Approaches for Stopping Hypertension. It has been around for years but was mostly written about in peer reviewed medical journals. The books about it have never been pushed to the top of the best seller lists, so word about this approach has never really gotten around.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    @ndj1979 Well, aren't you just a wonderful ray of sunshine.

    You're not getting it.

    A lot of people disagree with these diets because THEY DON'T WORK. Sure, you may lose in the beginning, but these diets are just not sustainable for the rest of your life.

    You know what is? Eating less and moving more. It has helped thousands of people on this site lose weight, slowly, and the correct way.

    Everything that the "dash diet" tell you not to eat? We eat those things, and we STILL LOSE.

    ^^^ this! I eat/drink whatever I want. I've been losing weight. It's a lifestyle change not a diet. Diets are temporary and do are the weight loss results, but if you change your way of thinking and realize that it has to be a lifestyle change then you'll be able to really succeed and keep it off. There's no fad diet, magic pill/book/formula for weight loss.

    There's also no need to get upset and bent out of shape because someone disagrees with you or questions your system. Fad diets aren't sustainable for the rest of your life and the majority of the people do gain the weight back and then some. If you don't like someone asking you simple questions about your system of weight loss or adding their own opinions/beliefs which could be helpful to people then you shouldn't post in a public forum.
  • echelonokie

    This is my last comment/post here and then I'm done with it and this forum post.

    I am not doing some crazy, ****ed-up diet that limits you to cabbage soup or only apples for days on end. This is the start of a way of resetting my system so I'm not eating carbs all the time. I do not understand why it's so difficult for some to understand this.

    Can I live this way forever? No, probably not. But, I can LEARN to eat a little better and stay off the carbs as a choice of food.

    As far as the "eat more weight less" idea goes? Yeah, wasn't working out so well for me. I'd been eating LESS and working out every day and I was getting nowhere. My calories were at or under 1200 a day most days and I was doing Tae Bo or Shaun T nearly every day. So do not tell me that my losing even water weight means nothing.

    I commented here because someone asked if anyone had done the diet and I was starting it. I commented back with the results that I was seeing, now I'm wishing that I never had.

    @ndj1979 I really do hope you have fun being a bully. You may now have this thread to your own doing.

    I AM DONE.

    edit: Thank you to the person who pointed me toward the "ignore button".
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    He wasn't a bully he was stating his opinions and beliefs much like you did. Jeez people, seriously it's a public forum and if you can't handle hearing what others say without getting so butthurt then maybe you're right and you should stay off the forums. The forums are here so people can get all different opinions and options not just one.

    Also if you were eating under 1200 and working out every day and not losing it is possibly because you were eating too little. The harder you work out the more you need to eat. I know that sounds crazy but it's true. I do kickboxing, couch to 5k and a ridiculous training routine my friend and I came up with. I eat 1688 a day. A car can't run without fuel.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    This is my last comment/post here and then I'm done with it and this forum post.

    I am not doing some crazy, ****ed-up diet that limits you to cabbage soup or only apples for days on end. This is the start of a way of resetting my system so I'm not eating carbs all the time. I do not understand why it's so difficult for some to understand this.

    Can I live this way forever? No, probably not. But, I can LEARN to eat a little better and stay off the carbs as a choice of food.

    As far as the "eat more weight less" idea goes? Yeah, wasn't working out so well for me. I'd been eating LESS and working out every day and I was getting nowhere. My calories were at or under 1200 a day most days and I was doing Tae Bo or Shaun T nearly every day. So do not tell me that my losing even water weight means nothing.

    I commented here because someone asked if anyone had done the diet and I was starting it. I commented back with the results that I was seeing, now I'm wishing that I never had.

    @ndj1979 I really do hope you have fun being a bully. You may now have this thread to your own doing.

    I AM DONE.

    edit: Thank you to the person who pointed me toward the "ignore button".

    So a bully is someone who disagrees with your "diet"...OK, interesting definition. What are you resetting? Why can't you eat carbs? I eat carbs all the time and maintain 13% body fat...

    so let me guess, you are the one special snowflake you can eat less then you take in and still not lose weight?

    All I was doing was imparting a little knowledge that I have learned over seven years and 50 pounds lost. It's a public forum so Ih ave aright to say that, and you have a right to get all bent out shape about it..

    More than likely you thought that you were eating 1200 and were really eating more than you took in ..

    Sorry but simply math and the law of thermodynamics say that if you eat/burn less than you take in you will lose weight...but I guess you somehow live outside those norms?
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    When I went for my yearly checkup, my doctor recommended this diet to me. I had elevated blood pressure. Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. I was to reduce my salt and sodium also. Gosh people are mean on here, just ignore and listen to the supportive ones, that is what I do.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    When I went for my yearly checkup, my doctor recommended this diet to me. I had elevated blood pressure. Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. I was to reduce my salt and sodium also. Gosh people are mean on here, just ignore and listen to the supportive ones, that is what I do.

    No one has been mean. It's a public forum where people exchange ideas, suggestions and opinions. People get bent out of shape if they don't hear what they want to hear or if someone says something different. It's absurd, ridiculous and childish to get all bent out of shape because someone believes differently than you do, doesn't say what you want to hear, or doesn't sugar coat every word that's said. We aren't here to coddle each other, we are here to challenge, support, help, and share their knowledge or experiences. If we were all here to just say oh you're doing great, even if that wasn't the truth, we would all be back where we were before any weight loss. It's the coddlers and enablers that helped to contribute to us getting this way (ourselves were #1 to blame) but if someone isn't going to be honest with you and tell you not what you want to hear but to tell you what you need to hear...
  • echelonokie
    I said I was done with this thread. I guess I lied. I am back to pretty much flip a finger at a certain few here before I walk out the proverbial door again.

    Two full weeks on the Dash way of eating and my IBS is gone. So is 15 lbs since the start of it.

    Have a great day. I'm out
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Not sure why the knee-jerk response about this particular diet...it was doctor recommended for a patient's particular medical reasons.
  • bugtrain
    bugtrain Posts: 251 Member
    I said I was done with this thread. I guess I lied. I am back to pretty much flip a finger at a certain few here before I walk out the proverbial door again.

    Two full weeks on the Dash way of eating and my IBS is gone. So is 15 lbs since the start of it.

    Have a great day. I'm out

    Congratulations on your loss! I just ordered the book and will start sometime this next week! After looking over the internet for plans that would help stabilize blood sugar,this one caught my attention.My husband needs to lower his BP,so the plan will be good for the both of us to follow.Wishing you continued success!
  • amapril
    amapril Posts: 12 Member
    The Dietary Approach to Stopping Hypertension aka DASH is a great and proven guideline for lowering blood pressure. My docs, who specialize in hypertension and are also scientific researchers in the field, have pointed me in the direction of DASH simply because it works. A nice side effect for most people is that people usually lose weight by following the guidelines. It is based on common sense and good nutrition.

    Thanks for starting this thread (even though I am a little late to the party), it is motivating me to pull out DASH as my bp has been a bit high as of late.:smile:
  • amapril
    amapril Posts: 12 Member
    BTW, hoping to hear from some of the folks who were starting/doing this in August when this thread started. Would love to hear about your results.