Anyone starting the Couch to 5K



  • Bergenblart
    Bergenblart Posts: 23 Member
    I've been doing C25K for about a 5 weeks but have taken a break this last week and am trying out those Slim in 6 videos...I'll start running this week again though, I miss being outdoors. I believe this next jogging session is a full 20 min run?...I'll back track a couple of sessions first to build myself up again. It's a great little app...xx:heart:
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    I'm doing the last week 1 run tomorrow, then on to week 2. Running alternate days. I've used the app to learn to run before - and got to doing half marathons before I had to stop running for a while (calf tear), and the wheels fell off. Starting over, and still loving running. I have a very pressured job, that requires that I work very long hours, and is very sedentary, so it's always a bit of a challenge getting fitness in.

    What would you like to do with the thread? Just update when we run?
  • I'm on W1D3 today! I've never ran before and I'm asthmatic. So long so good though :smile:
  • mgpage
    mgpage Posts: 123
    I am trying to find the time to complete day 3 week 3. I hope to run my first 5k in November.:smile:
  • cpego1
    cpego1 Posts: 39 Member
    I have downloaded the ap.......I have been afraid to try it. I am not really a runner but I want to be.

    I just have to get moving!!!!!!
  • nessa2BFit
    nessa2BFit Posts: 155 Member
    i just started C25K for the first time a few weeks ago. I am on W4D2. I love the program when i started i could not jog the 60 sec. I am having problems with the 2nd 5 min jog on week 4 but am sure by the end of next week i will be completing it like the others! We have a 5K planned for Oct 27 the zombie chase. and run or dye is coming to town we want to do that also so these are my goals!
  • nessa2BFit
    nessa2BFit Posts: 155 Member
    I have downloaded the ap.......I have been afraid to try it. I am not really a runner but I want to be.

    I just have to get moving!!!!!!

    go for it... i was in the same situation have never run before at all.... i am loving it so far! it is so peaceful and time seems to fly by.
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I started the c25k a few weeks ago also. Tomorrow I start week 4. I did yesterdays run/walk after a 22 mile bike ride. I thought I would be in pain and exhausted but I wasn't. I am 58 years old and am taking it slow. I may do week 4 twice, depending on how well I do. So far I feel great. I see older men out running on the trail, but I never see older women running, just walking.
  • trishful
    trishful Posts: 16 Member
    So on Saturday we did Week 5 day 2, it's an 8 minute run, 5 min walk, 8 min run. I am embarrassed to say that I wasn't able to finish the 2nd 8 min run, I made it to about 6 mins and I just couldn't run anymore. I have to stop telling myself I can't do this and tell me myself that I can. I plan to do week 5 day 2 over again today and this time I WILL do it!
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    Finished week 1 today. Will start week 2 tomorrow. Feeling good so far. Looking forward to getting to the longer intervals. I really miss running good distances.
  • jlc041979
    jlc041979 Posts: 385 Member
    I started last week but was away for the weekend. I will be doing WK1D3 tonight.
  • trishful
    trishful Posts: 16 Member
    Finished wk 5 day 2. Yay! Day 3 really scares me.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Finished wk 5 day 2. Yay! Day 3 really scares me.

    Keep is slow and steady and you will do fine! You are ready for this!!
  • trishful
    trishful Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks! I remember Week 1, that seemed like the longest minute ever. You can't help but to be proud of yourself as you make accomplishments along the way. I really love this program.
  • armymom5
    armymom5 Posts: 115
    I had to give up running due to plantar fasciitis but think i'm ready to try again and take it slow so I'm going to start over tonight with Couch to 5K
  • Goalsat47
    Goalsat47 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm starting Week 2, Day 1 tonight (hoping that I wont be too tired to do it tonight). I would really prefer to run outside on the road tonight but if I have to leave it until tomorrow morning I will be stuck on the treadmill which I dont like as much.
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I did w4d1 today. I wanted to do it yesterday, but I took a rest day. I haven't had one in 2 months and my body was telling me I needed one. Today was great, I had no problems running the 3 minutes or the 4, but I did struggle a bit for the 5 towards the end. I did 20 minutes on the elliptical afterward. I did it inside on the treadmill today as we had a big storm come through right before my workout started. I don't like the treadmill as much, but I will be doing it on the treadmill once the shorter days and winter weather is here. Plus I have no desire to run while the hunters and off shooting their guns. Then I always lift weights on the alternate days, but I also walk, bike ride, use the water rower and elliptical. Week 5 is kind of scaring me.
  • madmiss
    madmiss Posts: 219 Member
    Thanks! I remember Week 1, that seemed like the longest minute ever. You can't help but to be proud of yourself as you make accomplishments along the way. I really love this program.

    I remember that too!!! I'm doing WK5D2 tonight and saw that run next - yikes!!! I can't wait! I saw someone's quote the other day on here as their profile picture.

    "Your legs are not giving out.
    Your head is giving up.
    Keep going."

    What a great quote!!!!
  • rbn_held
    rbn_held Posts: 687 Member
    I start week 5 tomorrow. Really enjoying it so far
  • I did Week 1, Day 1 on Monday, so tonight I'm doing Week 1, Day 2! Hoping to sign up for a Color Run as my first 5K in early 2014! I figure I'm committed to training for a race, so no excuses! I do need some better shoes as well, but I'm going to try to tough it out on into at least Week 3 before splurging on some...kind of a reward:-)