Exercise DVD/YouTube workout with no jumping around??

I'm looking to get some workouts in at home (mainly strength, toning and resistance as I walk, run and bike a lot), however I live on the middle floor of a split level house. It's a really old, creaky house, so any movement in our place is really loud for the neighbours downstairs.

Can anyone recommend and DVDs or even YouTube workouts with no jumping around/pounding on the floor? I really need to work on my strength, flexibility and toning...and joining a gym isn't a valid option for me right now.

Thanks in advance :)


  • Shamelessly bumping because I could use a few good suggestions as well! :)
  • shezzzzz
    shezzzzz Posts: 119 Member
    I enjoy doing Bob Harpers Warrior Yoga. I'm beginner yoga so I stay with the "modified easy moves", but even the girls on the DVD doing the advanced moves are showing that it is a workout for them too.

    I also like doing the ones by Jillian Micheals (30Ds, ab workouts etc). BUT, I have bad knees and lower back issues so I just change the jumpy stuff to no-impact.

    For Example - Instead of jumping jacks, I do the arm movements but either step to the side or do a high knee march instead of jumping.

    Find something you like, and substitute the jumpy stuff.
  • mazmataz
    mazmataz Posts: 331 Member
    Thanks for the recommendation...I guess I could just do the regular DVDs (I love Jillian Michaels!) and adapt the star jumps etc :)