Anybody doing the Herbalife diet



  • Fionabaker1
    The fruit juice is unsweetened so is meant to be fine. I go to the gym at least 4 times a week and I have been taking the multi vitamins and fibre tablets. I increased the amount of water I am drinking and have been drinking 3 or 4 cups of the herbal tea. If anything my portions are probably on the small side as I wasn't a big eater before. Everyone else seems to have list weight except me. It's very discouraging :(
  • amyknapp31
    Hey Guys

    Jw if someone could give me advice. I started a 3 day trial with herbalife yesterday and i have shake for breakfast at 8am then at 10.30 i have a snack (usually piece of fruit, or the kelloggs cracker crisps) then at 1pm i have a shake, at 3.30 i have a snack again either fruit or biscuit bar, then at around 6pm i have dinner.

    however i am finding that i am usually hungry, can i have some advice as i may go on it after the trial.

  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Hey Guys

    Jw if someone could give me advice. I started a 3 day trial with herbalife yesterday and i have shake for breakfast at 8am then at 10.30 i have a snack (usually piece of fruit, or the kelloggs cracker crisps) then at 1pm i have a shake, at 3.30 i have a snack again either fruit or biscuit bar, then at around 6pm i have dinner.

    however i am finding that i am usually hungry, can i have some advice as i may go on it after the trial.


    You need snacks higher in protein. Try Edamame or hard boiled eggs. :)
  • Fionabaker1
    I have either been having 2 boiled eggs or a herbalife protein bar. These are really handy if you are out and about. Also a Greek yoghurt with handful of berries is really nice but you need to make sure you have the right ones. Cold meat with some celery and cucumber also good.
  • shezroyalty
    shezroyalty Posts: 11 Member
    Hi, just an update on how it's going. I'm on day 6 and lost approx. 5 pounds. Weigh loss was slow at the start of the week and I was having one shake with milk and the other with soy milk. I decided to try and speed it up a bit, and in the last 3 days had both shakes with water. Noticed such a difference doing this and didn't feel any more hunger either. I want to lose at least another stone to get me just under 10 stone. Il keep you posted.
    are you still losing weight
  • faithhazel28
    Hi is okay two have two meals while on herbalife cause I try drinking shakes but still feel like I eat something In my tummy today I had a subway for Lunch then for dinner pork chops for some reson I don't feel like I am getting full by just drinking two shakes a day so I just wanted to know if okay to have two small meals ?i also feel like wanna throw up if font have something eat also I just started this diet can someone help me please with this is there some kinda of shakes mix I can put in my drink that will fill me up please help me someone also how do get mind set to lose and drink two shakes only?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Hi, just an update on how it's going. I'm on day 6 and lost approx. 5 pounds. Weigh loss was slow at the start of the week and I was having one shake with milk and the other with soy milk. I decided to try and speed it up a bit, and in the last 3 days had both shakes with water. Noticed such a difference doing this and didn't feel any more hunger either. I want to lose at least another stone to get me just under 10 stone. Il keep you posted.
    are you still losing weight

    that is more than likely water weight....
  • stormpike
    stormpike Posts: 5 Member
    Herbalife diet works magic for me. I lost 6.7kg in a month. Didn't feel tired or anything of that such. Feeling energetic instead. Highly recommended.

    In case anyone looking for a good wellness coach, I can personally recommend mine. She is really good.
  • onyxgirl17
    onyxgirl17 Posts: 1,721 Member
    Hi, just an update on how it's going. I'm on day 6 and lost approx. 5 pounds. Weigh loss was slow at the start of the week and I was having one shake with milk and the other with soy milk. I decided to try and speed it up a bit, and in the last 3 days had both shakes with water. Noticed such a difference doing this and didn't feel any more hunger either. I want to lose at least another stone to get me just under 10 stone. Il keep you posted.

    how amazing that you lost all that water weight....
  • Stephon90
    Hi, I just received my herbalife protein shakes and pills today. I plan on having a shake twice a day. One for breakfast and one for dinner. If anyone have any suggestions and ideas feel free to contact me just shoot me a friend request.
  • imelda48
    For me no exercise and still loss 33lbs in 3 months :)
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I've been doing it for almost two weeks. I do the two shakes a day and I add protein powder to them. I also do the vitamin, cell activator, and the cellulose (2x a day). I've lost some weight already and I don't feel like I'm missing out on anything. I am just sure to plan out my one meal a day. I snack maybe once or a twice a day but usually just once and I make sure I count it out whatever it is. I'm happy with it so far. I have been exercising normally, but I plan on re-starting the 30day shred for amplify my result. I had great results just doing the shred in the past.
  • weston1983
    Hi all I have just started herbal life and would love some
    Snack ideas
  • b0nnyd0g
    b0nnyd0g Posts: 84 Member
    My favourite snack at the moment is roasted Soy Nuts. Herbalife do individual packs that are really nice or you can get other brands in bigger packets. I am using these as I can weigh out the amount that I want rather than always using the pack size and they are also a bit cheaper. Really filling though and great protein levels :)
  • mbryanlpc
    mbryanlpc Posts: 100 Member
    Been using Herbalife for a little over a year, have lost 57 pounds but did not use as a diet, bur rather a jump start (2 shakes with the green tea, 2 snacks, 1 meal) for just a few months, and now 1 shake a day with tea as part of my regular healthy eating plan. Snacks are a must!! The tea is a must!! Logging calories helps (do not go below a healthy amount of calories, it won't work!), exercise is a must!!! I have been in maintenance now for 8 months, going on 9. If you are smart in your food choices, eat healthy, this is a great nutritional addition to your healthy life change.
  • b0nnyd0g
    b0nnyd0g Posts: 84 Member
    Another snack I am enjoying and having almost every day is my own Tofu Jelly. I take1 sachet of sugar free jelly and dissolve in 1/2 pint of boiling water. Then I pour this into my blender and add 100g of unflavoured Tofu (we get it in 400g watery packs!! so I use a 1/4) and about 5 frozen raspberries & 5 frozen blackberries. Blend this altogether and pour back into jug. Make up to 1 pint with cold water if necessary and this makes 2 nice bowls for hardly any cals and extra protein. See my diary if you want numbers

    If you pour it straight into the bowls when it is warm it separates so you end up with a jelly top or bottom with a creamy layer or if you leave it to cool for about 15 mins and give it a whisk it stays all creamy.

    Put it into the fridge and it sets like jelly and it tastes like a very fruity blancmange - lovely :)
  • cjlouis40
    I started my weight loss journey July 1st of this year... I first started with the herbalife bootcamp then having a meal replacement shake with protein after my work out once I got my own shakes in immediately the scale started going down by the second! Went from 156 to 148 just like that.... I started getting really serious about my eating and also started working out In the gym hard!!! I do bootcamp and gym rotating 3/4 times a week and as of Friday I started drinking a gallon of water everyday and the herbalife tablets as well as the tea! Now when I step on the scale it reads 150... I'm getting worried am I doing something wrong? I do two shakes a meal for lunch and 2 snacks... Being that I just started the tablets too should I not be so worried? I feel like I've gained... Help!
  • AdrianeParese
    I have been drinking 1 smoothie a day, then 2 healthy meals and snacks if I'm hungry. I have the aloe shot then 1 or 2 teas a day. I am lucky Herbalife opened a smoothie bar near me and I can choose from like 60 different flavors. They combine ice and water and the protein mix and meal mix and they use ff sf dry pudding to make cheesecake flavors and PB2 for choc peanutbutter flavors. So many combos. I so far have done this 7 days in a row I am down 8 pounds. I exercise everyday. My coach said I need 125 grams of protein a day. If you do 2 shakes a day she said 2 healthy snacks and a healthy dinner. Snacks include greek yogurt, cheese sticks, apple and almonds.You want protein in every meal. Also can add protein powder to your yogurt or oatmeal. I usually do my smoothie at breakfast and I have been feeling better, less hungry, so far I like it. Hope this helps. Also I noticed it's cheaper to buy products on ebay then from a distributor. Sorry but it is. The quick start program is almost $40 cheaper online.
  • roxym5
    roxym5 Posts: 8 Member
    hi guys, I started a couple of weeks with herbalife but I have not seen much of a difference. I need help!!! please.

    Breakfast Tea NGR and aloe vera ,1 shake with 1 scoop of protein,
    snack 1 cup of fruits

    Lunch- lentils with vegies and advocado sometimes chicken breath and vegetables
    snack - apple with peanut butter

    Dinner - Tea NGR and aloe vera I shake with 1 scoop of protein
    late snack- mango or watermelon

    I welcome any suggestion on how to do this herbalife plan and see results.

  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    hi guys, I started a couple of weeks with herbalife but I have not seen much of a difference. I need help!!! please.

    Breakfast Tea NGR and aloe vera ,1 shake with 1 scoop of protein,
    snack 1 cup of fruits

    Lunch- lentils with vegies and advocado sometimes chicken breath and vegetables
    snack - apple with peanut butter

    Dinner - Tea NGR and aloe vera I shake with 1 scoop of protein
    late snack- mango or watermelon

    I welcome any suggestion on how to do this herbalife plan and see results.


    How much are you eating? Herbalife isn't some magic shake. To lose weight, you need to eat 500cals less than you burn. To do that you need to weigh and count what you're eating.