30 Day Shred Challenge



  • Day four done. Not too bad at all. Nothing to report - I just have to check in here to try and keep myself on track. Good luck everyone. What are people thinking about level 2?

    I'm definitely looking forward to level 2 now. I've just finished level 1 Day 5 and this morning I woke up in no pain at all so I'm worried now that it's no longer paying off. I don't want to move up to level 2 until I've done the full 10 days on level 1 though..
  • danielleruns
    danielleruns Posts: 9 Member
    Just finishes day one and my legs are jello! I always start strong and motivated but I can never stick to exercising consistently, but this time I promise myself to do it for me. I need to show myself that change is possible. 30 days here I come!
  • Completed Day 4 yesterday evening and upgraded my weights, but only for the exercises that are arms only. The squat press and side lunge with arm raises for example I have not upgraded my weights and am just using 1kgs

    I woke up in no pain at all this morning. Which was a little disappointing. Hopefully it will still pay off but I've just completed day 5, pushing myself extra hard! Burned 263 calories according to my HRM!

    Really helps to hear how others are doing, keep checking in or feel free to add me :-) x
  • Completed Day 4 yesterday evening and upgraded my weights, but only for the exercises that are arms only. The squat press and side lunge with arm raises for example I have not upgraded my weights and am just using 1kgs

    I woke up in no pain at all this morning. Which was a little disappointing. Hopefully it will still pay off but I've just completed day 5, pushing myself extra hard! Burned 263 calories according to my HRM!

    Really helps to hear how others are doing, keep checking in or feel free to add me :-) x

    Good idea - I had decided to up the weights too but not for the side lunges. I'm on 1.5kg now but my next ones are 2.5kg. Those lunges would kill me!
  • Completed Day 4 yesterday evening and upgraded my weights, but only for the exercises that are arms only. The squat press and side lunge with arm raises for example I have not upgraded my weights and am just using 1kgs

    I woke up in no pain at all this morning. Which was a little disappointing. Hopefully it will still pay off but I've just completed day 5, pushing myself extra hard! Burned 263 calories according to my HRM!

    Really helps to hear how others are doing, keep checking in or feel free to add me :-) x

    Good idea - I had decided to up the weights too but not for the side lunges. I'm on 1.5kg now but my next ones are 2.5kg. Those lunges would kill me!

    Those side lunges are hideous.. Definitely my most feared part!
  • greenmm25
    greenmm25 Posts: 175 Member
    Completed Day 4 yesterday evening and upgraded my weights, but only for the exercises that are arms only. The squat press and side lunge with arm raises for example I have not upgraded my weights and am just using 1kgs

    I woke up in no pain at all this morning. Which was a little disappointing. Hopefully it will still pay off but I've just completed day 5, pushing myself extra hard! Burned 263 calories according to my HRM!

    Really helps to hear how others are doing, keep checking in or feel free to add me :-) x

    Good idea - I had decided to up the weights too but not for the side lunges. I'm on 1.5kg now but my next ones are 2.5kg. Those lunges would kill me!

    Those side lunges are hideous.. Definitely my most feared part!

    Yes In level 1 those are the worst but Level 2 it is like 40% in planks and it was really hard at first and now tomorrow is my last day of level 2 and I can do almost all of them with out stopping and dropping my knees so you may not feel sore anymore but you body is still getting stronger, and I really feel it is worth it keep up the great work!
  • peachy1717
    peachy1717 Posts: 44 Member
    I completed day one, level 1. I was really intimidated because I know I'm really out of shape. I had to stop a couple times for a couple seconds each time, but I did all the moves. My arms and legs are shaking and I'm exhausted, but I'm really looking forward to being able to complete level one all the way through with more ease and seeing my body change. I love Jillian's no-nonsense attitude too- it really keeps me going!
  • Day 6 level 1 down. I skipped Sunday, however I did an extra walk and weight lifting to compensate. (I felt bad that I didn't see Jillian that day :) ) I am going to start doing (Besides my 5k walk in the morning) and extra 5k at night to boost my weight loss.
    I can usually complete about 80% of the exercises that I start (some all the way through). I think until I get all of them done without stopping I won't move on to level 2.
    Keep it up guys!
  • CountryGirl8542
    CountryGirl8542 Posts: 449 Member
    You know... I started this thread and never even finished it :( I hurt my foot and then my knee and just never got back into it. I will be starting L1D1 on Sunday, September 1st. By then my knee should be all healed!

    Great job everyone! You are all doing so great!
  • bergebl03
    bergebl03 Posts: 89 Member
    Hey all mind if I join you guys!

    I plan on starting Day 1 Level 1 today!
  • CountryGirl8542
    CountryGirl8542 Posts: 449 Member
    I have started a group called "workout buddies :)" and I have started another 30 Day Shred Challenge for September. Anyone who is interested in joining the group send me a message and I will invite you if you cannot find the group
  • Day five done. Not really finding level one a challenge anymore so upped my weights. Starting to look forward to level two now. Can feel my arms and legs getting more solid and no more aches at all now. Need to sort my diet though. Bank Holiday weekend not helping...
  • cxdyer
    cxdyer Posts: 105 Member
    Tonight will be day 8, Level 3. I feel that I was doing so well on Level 2, I was doing the advanced moves. Not so much on Level 3. I start out each set in Level 3 by trying to do the advanced moves but I quickly have to go back to beginners moves. I'm not sure whether I should move on after Day 10 of Level 3 or if I should stay here for a week longer until I master the moves. I hate level 3, probably because I'm having difficulties completing the sets. There are a lot of plank moves and I don't do those well. Did I say that I hate level 3? I do, I hate level 3.
  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    Day 7, level 3. It's not getting easier as I hoped it would. :(
  • extremely11
    extremely11 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm curious to know what your macros are? Does the DVD come with a diet guide or do you use the default MyFitnessPal macros of C55 P15 F30?
  • Sarahsw9
    Sarahsw9 Posts: 18 Member
    Day 5 level 3 - I know what you mean about it not getting any easier. My shoulders don' t seem to have got any stronger and I really struggle with the walking press ups and that arm and leg raise thing.
    I'm also slightly afraid of the rockstar jumps - I just can't bring myself to launch myself into the jump the way they do - I'm too scared I'm going crash land!
  • Completed Day 4 yesterday evening and upgraded my weights, but only for the exercises that are arms only. The squat press and side lunge with arm raises for example I have not upgraded my weights and am just using 1kgs

    I woke up in no pain at all this morning. Which was a little disappointing. Hopefully it will still pay off but I've just completed day 5, pushing myself extra hard! Burned 263 calories according to my HRM!

    Really helps to hear how others are doing, keep checking in or feel free to add me :-) x

    Good idea - I had decided to up the weights too but not for the side lunges. I'm on 1.5kg now but my next ones are 2.5kg. Those lunges would kill me!

    Those side lunges are hideous.. Definitely my most feared part!

    Yes In level 1 those are the worst but Level 2 it is like 40% in planks and it was really hard at first and now tomorrow is my last day of level 2 and I can do almost all of them with out stopping and dropping my knees so you may not feel sore anymore but you body is still getting stronger, and I really feel it is worth it keep up the great work!

    That will be interesting.. I can currently plank for about 1 minute at an absolute stretch!
  • Completed Day 6 level 1 yesterday. Pushed myself extra hard and can just about feel the effects this morning. The top floor of my house has lots of sky lights and with the weather it is scorching up there, so I did my workout in there to try and increase my burn.

    I had a doctor's appointment that got in the way of my routine this morning and am working late tonight so today will be a rest day for me.

    Disappointed I was weighed at the doctor as I wanted to only know my weight at the end of each level. No loss and no gain in the last week since starting, may be a bit different on my own scales but I'm definitely looking forward to doing my measurements as I do feel more toned. Just worried I will have bulked up!

    What are everyone else's results like so far?

    Excited for level 2 but definitely dreading level 3!x
  • terricherry2
    terricherry2 Posts: 222 Member
    I did level 1 day 6 yesterday. Hoping to start level 2 on Sunday so I just watched it through. Not liking the look of those walking push ups!
  • xmariaxaliciax
    xmariaxaliciax Posts: 18 Member
    I'm now on day 18 (Level 2 Day 8) and amazed I even got here as I've never made it to level 2 before! Yesterday I had a really good session and was able to do some of the more advanced moves and kept up with the reps etc so found that quite motivating.

    I can see that there have been some changes to my body, don't know how much weight I've lost if any, but I took my measurements today and have lost 1 inch off my chest, 0.5inch off each of my arms, 1 inch off my waist, 1 inch off each of my thighs and 1 inch off my hips = 6 inch loss so far. I just have a really stubborn lower belly (my pouch) that doesn't seem to want to shift at all so far no inches lost off that yet. I've also got a long way to go with my thighs, hips and bum - that's the downside of being pear shaped!

    I found that I have good days and bad ones but I don't get de-motivated if it wasn't as good as the previous day. My calorie burn for level 2 has ranged from 150 calories to 220 calories averaging 180 most days (220 being yesterday when I knew it had been a good workout). I actually don't dislike level 2 as much as level 1 still absolutely hate chair squats with v raises they are a killer!