Frustrated with...EVERYTHING!!

To get right to the point, I am so frustrated with spending an hour a day in the gym doing cardio and now adding weight lifting into the mix and watching almost every calorie that goes into my mouth for over a month now to not see any changes. I'm discouraged and feeling down about this choice. Almost to the point that thinking this so-called lifestyle change was a huge mistake. I mean why not enjoy what I'm eating, since proper diet and exercise isn't doing anything to help me. I've stopped stepping on the scale to check my progress, because it hasn't budged a bit in a month. Sometimes I feel like I've made progress and then realize it's just my imagination. I'm so tired of seeing my friends lose weight in no time flat by doing the same thing I am. And I'm getting no where. My boyfriend says that he sees it in my butt and nowhere else. But of course, he sees me everyday. Friends that I don't see as often say that they can tell a little in my face and that's about it. But my clothes tell me I'm insane and this isn't working. I just want to cry, because I'm tired of beating myself up for nothing.

My goal is to drop approx 75 lbs by April 2014. I am moving across country and I want to start fresh. A whole new everything. A new me. The trainer I just spoke with (and starting with in a few weeks) says it's definitely doable. Plus, I am going back to rollerderby when I get settled next spring after a 4 year hiatus and I want to be healthy for it. And strong. I'm not looking to be supermodel skinny, because I like curves mixed in with muscle. But my belly HAS to go and I'm struggling with that area. I don't know what to do to get rid of it. Because my daily cardio workout isn't doing anything at the moment. Pointers on losing bellies, anyone? I'm all ears at the moment. And could use the encouragement, since I am going to start pulling my hair out soon.


  • FoxyTrini
    Stay postive.... and keep on moving through it.. One day all of your efforts will be looking back at you in the mirror :)
  • IronCakes
    IronCakes Posts: 317 Member
    1. open your diary
    2. let me read it
    3. then I will help
  • kristielauth
    Girl, working out and eating well is sooo soo hard! I feel your frustration. Maybe schedule a few sessions with the trainer. Be very honest and write everything down in the food diary. Don't give up! You will feel so proud of yourself in a few months. Also, the working out has so many other benefits.
  • StVal
    StVal Posts: 91
    1. open your diary
    2. let me read it
    3. then I will help

    In all honesty, I don't really use the MFP food or exercise diary. I usually don't have the time to do it daily. Uhg. I know that I need to to do it, though.
  • IronCakes
    IronCakes Posts: 317 Member
    1. open your diary
    2. let me read it
    3. then I will help

    In all honesty, I don't really use the MFP food or exercise diary. I usually don't have the time to do it daily. Uhg. I know that I need to to do it, though.
    Ding ding ding! You know the solution. If you don't log or track you might be over or under eating. Start tracking and let me have a look at it...
  • itsscottwilder
    1. open your diary
    2. let me read it
    3. then I will help

  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Take a deep breath... hold it.... let out slowly. Now what is really frustrating you is not liking what you are doing. You need to try something new. Eating healthy and enjoying your food is not mutually exclusive. Experiment and find healthy food you enjoy eating. If your exercise is getting you down find something new like a Zumba or crossfit class. You may also be over doing the exercise. Give yourself a few break days. Good luck. I know you can do it especially since you do roller derby. You have got to be though! :bigsmile:
  • Looking2blittler
    Looking2blittler Posts: 39 Member
    Stay with it!!!!! I am just starting on my own fitness journey and I expect some bumpy roads ahead, but I know your efforts will pay off... How much cardio are you doing per day?
  • Looking2blittler
    Looking2blittler Posts: 39 Member
    I know that you are frustrated, but use MFP daily. I know it's a pain sometimes, but it makes you so aware of your strengths and weaknesses, and it is easy to spot where you might be going wrong. My friend has lost 120 pounds using it, which is what turned me on to it. :)
  • lesteidel
    lesteidel Posts: 229 Member
    So don't spend an hour at the gym....

    Exercise is for your health, not weight loss

    You cannot out exercise a bad diet.

    One Starbucks can completely undo an hours workout calorie wise, but you still get the benefits to your heart.

    Find exercise you don't resent.

    Don't spend an hour doing it at once, work up to that.

    Also, do not rely on exercise for weight loss.

    You cannot exercise away a bad diet.

    And BUY A TAPE MEASURE and use it

    You are probably making progress and don't know because you are relying on a scale.

    I have been 160ibs twice before,

    One time I wore a size 16, the other time an 8, both same number on the scale. Very different body fat percentages.

    If that gives you an idea of how inaccurate weight can be I. Showing progress

    Also log your food.

    Just the act of logging it makes you realize how much you eat.
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    You are probably eating more than you realize, so take the time to track your food and exercise. You need to create a caloric deficit in order to lose weight. You can do that through your food intake, exercise or a combination of diet and exercise.
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
    To get right to the point, I am so frustrated with spending an hour a day in the gym doing cardio and now adding weight lifting into the mix and watching almost every calorie that goes into my mouth for over a month now to not see any changes.

    You follow that up with this one...
    In all honesty, I don't really use the MFP food or exercise diary. I usually don't have the time to do it daily. Uhg. I know that I need to to do it, though.

    So really, you're NOT watching every calorie...Start tracking, stay at a deficit, then if you don't lose for a month, open up the diary and ask again.

  • Erica6130
    Erica6130 Posts: 34 Member
    I think your first step is to start logging everything that you eat. As they always say "you can't out train a bad diet" aka "lifestyle change". After you start logging everything maybe someone can figure out your macro's and then you go from there. Based on my weight loss journey my back fat/love handles/rolls and stomach were the last to go. Remember it's not a sprint it's a marathon and you didn't put the weight on over night so how can you expect it to come off overnight. There could be several things hindering your weight loss but first start with what you eating and then from there work on your workout programming. And quit using the scale, instead base it on measurements. The scale is evil and it will mess your head up everytime you get on it.
  • StVal
    StVal Posts: 91
    How much cardio are you doing per day?

    I do 45 mins to an hour of cardio a day. And within that, I do intervals of a fast pace jog and a brisk walk to get the heart going. I do it off and on as long as I can until I stay at a brisk walk. I'm building my endurance back up, so I can just jog.
  • IronCakes
    IronCakes Posts: 317 Member
    I really hate when I offer help and the OP ignores it! & people wonder why there are so many trolls and aholes here!
  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    To get right to the point, I am so frustrated with spending an hour a day in the gym doing cardio and now adding weight lifting into the mix and watching almost every calorie that goes into my mouth for over a month now to not see any changes. I'm discouraged and feeling down about this choice. Almost to the point that thinking this so-called lifestyle change was a huge mistake. I mean why not enjoy what I'm eating, since proper diet and exercise isn't doing anything to help me. I've stopped stepping on the scale to check my progress, because it hasn't budged a bit in a month. Sometimes I feel like I've made progress and then realize it's just my imagination. I'm so tired of seeing my friends lose weight in no time flat by doing the same thing I am. And I'm getting no where. My boyfriend says that he sees it in my butt and nowhere else. But of course, he sees me everyday. Friends that I don't see as often say that they can tell a little in my face and that's about it. But my clothes tell me I'm insane and this isn't working. I just want to cry, because I'm tired of beating myself up for nothing.

    My goal is to drop approx 75 lbs by April 2014. I am moving across country and I want to start fresh. A whole new everything. A new me. The trainer I just spoke with (and starting with in a few weeks) says it's definitely doable. Plus, I am going back to rollerderby when I get settled next spring after a 4 year hiatus and I want to be healthy for it. And strong. I'm not looking to be supermodel skinny, because I like curves mixed in with muscle. But my belly HAS to go and I'm struggling with that area. I don't know what to do to get rid of it. Because my daily cardio workout isn't doing anything at the moment. Pointers on losing bellies, anyone? I'm all ears at the moment. And could use the encouragement, since I am going to start pulling my hair out soon.

    I'm not sure why you're not seeing results! This is what I do and it's been 3 meals a day and 'try' not to eat between them....staying at MFP's 1,200 cal/day recommendation. Then, I merely walk or mow the lawn 30 mins/day, 5-7 days/week...only because I crave to be active. I even binge on the weekends...biiiiig time! When I behave during the week, I average 2-3 lb losses each week.

    Before MFP, I did drop 20 lbs last summer (within 2 months) by eating until contentment 3 meals each day...tried not to overeat...then I walked maybe 1-5 miles each week (30 mins/day, maybe 3 days/week). I never paid attention to caloric intake.

    You have left out a lot of info that could factor into your issue...I hope you figure it out soon. I say that what you're doing obv isn't working, so I'd switch things up. We have to experiment to see what works for us as individuals since everyone's different.

    How much are you consuming each day? Try eating less or more. Are you getting enough rest? Have you considered seeing a doctor about a possible underlying illness? How 'consistent' are you? I have learned consistency is a MAJOR part of this to see results!! Do you drink soda/pop? There's a ton of empty calories there! Are you properly hydrated? I drink about 12 glasses water each day.

    Let me add...I don't believe in this clean eating thing. Sure, it may work for some, but I believe total deprivation will throw me off the deep end so I eat what I moderation. I do try to avoid junk food (chips/cookies/ice cream/etc), but I still eat pizza, etc, etc.

    Good luck!
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    To get right to the point, I am so frustrated with spending an hour a day in the gym doing cardio and now adding weight lifting into the mix and watching almost every calorie that goes into my mouth for over a month now to not see any changes. I'm discouraged and feeling down about this choice. Almost to the point that thinking this so-called lifestyle change was a huge mistake. I mean why not enjoy what I'm eating, since proper diet and exercise isn't doing anything to help me. I've stopped stepping on the scale to check my progress, because it hasn't budged a bit in a month. Sometimes I feel like I've made progress and then realize it's just my imagination. I'm so tired of seeing my friends lose weight in no time flat by doing the same thing I am. And I'm getting no where. My boyfriend says that he sees it in my butt and nowhere else. But of course, he sees me everyday. Friends that I don't see as often say that they can tell a little in my face and that's about it. But my clothes tell me I'm insane and this isn't working. I just want to cry, because I'm tired of beating myself up for nothing.

    My goal is to drop approx 75 lbs by April 2014. I am moving across country and I want to start fresh. A whole new everything. A new me. The trainer I just spoke with (and starting with in a few weeks) says it's definitely doable. Plus, I am going back to rollerderby when I get settled next spring after a 4 year hiatus and I want to be healthy for it. And strong. I'm not looking to be supermodel skinny, because I like curves mixed in with muscle. But my belly HAS to go and I'm struggling with that area. I don't know what to do to get rid of it. Because my daily cardio workout isn't doing anything at the moment. Pointers on losing bellies, anyone? I'm all ears at the moment. And could use the encouragement, since I am going to start pulling my hair out soon.

    I'm not sure why you're not seeing results! This is what I do and it's been 3 meals a day and 'try' not to eat between them....staying at MFP's 1,200 cal/day recommendation. Then, I merely walk or mow the lawn 30 mins/day, 5-7 days/week...only because I crave to be active. I even binge on the weekends...biiiiig time! When I behave during the week, I average 2-3 lb losses each week.

    Before MFP, I did drop 20 lbs last summer (within 2 months) by eating until contentment 3 meals each day...tried not to overeat...then I walked maybe 1-5 miles each week (30 mins/day, maybe 3 days/week). I never paid attention to caloric intake.

    You have left out a lot of info that could factor into your issue...I hope you figure it out soon. I say that what you're doing obv isn't working, so I'd switch things up. We have to experiment to see what works for us as individuals since everyone's different.

    How much are you consuming each day? Try eating less or more. Are you getting enough rest? Have you considered seeing a doctor about a possible underlying illness? How 'consistent' are you? I have learned consistency is a MAJOR part of this to see results!! Do you drink soda/pop? There's a ton of empty calories there! Are you properly hydrated? I drink about 12 glasses water each day.

    Let me add...I don't believe in this clean eating thing. Sure, it may work for some, but I believe total deprivation will throw me off the deep end so I eat what I moderation. I do try to avoid junk food (chips/cookies/ice cream/etc), but I still eat pizza, etc, etc.

    Good luck!

    Did you read the thread? She doesn't consistently log, if at all.
  • satishpendse
    satishpendse Posts: 69 Member
    Food habits and exercises can't be viewed in isolation. If the exercise that you are describing is coupled with not eating more than 1200 cals a day, then the weight HAS TO reduce in maximum one month. Only exception can be if you are on some medication (especially thyroid) and you are putting on fat as a result of the side effect of those medicines.

    If you start controlling food with the same rigor as your exercise, then the weight reduction has to happen, please be rest assured about it.
  • vwchic05
    I think you need to log your food, meet your calories and get a heartrate monitor. Your first few weeks starting weight loss should be fast, and then slows down after a while. Continue to do cardio and strength training, but at a higher intensity. I found that if I push myself with my workouts I see faster results.
  • witchlight
    I suggest tracking your calories, I would suspect you are eating what you are burning off, it is so easily done! Trust me! You have to create that calorie deficit to lose fat.