Frustrated with...EVERYTHING!!



  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    When your frustrated enough you will put in the just isn't your time to shine...when you want that stage and success story you will hop to it and put in all it takes to make it happen with no excuses even if it means staying up an extra 30min or getting up an hour early.....if you let the bangwagon pass you in this lifetime your choice ..your life.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Another vote for accurately tracking your food, drink and workouts via MFP, and accurately measuring your portion sizes. I had no idea how I got so fat until I realised I could get through 3,000 calories on a regular basis without feeling stuffed. In fact, I'd recommend tracking your normal intake for at least three days before switching to MFP's recommendations - when you see where you're going wrong, it's much easier to fix it.
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    Step 1: You need to log your calorie intake. Be honest, accurate and persistent. Do you know your TDEE? Do you use a food scale?
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    When you are ready to lose weight - you will do what it takes to lose weight.
    If you don't want to log? No one is going to make you. The ball is in your court. We always can find excuses for things - but


    Get real with yourself. When you do, you'll make a plan and work it every day. Good luck.
  • missymakayla
    missymakayla Posts: 309 Member
    We all have been there.. Don't give up, keep going, and start logging your food, it helps!!!
  • Fit_Content
    Fit_Content Posts: 29 Member
    Bump - To read and learn for later
  • kellydcrowe1
    kellydcrowe1 Posts: 2 Member
    2 things:
    1. lose the scale, find a pair of jeans you want to fit in to..try them on every week use them to mark your progress. I use a size 5 pair of shorts I have not been able to fit since last summer.
    2. when you increase muscle, you increase your body mass or weight...

    Conclusion: stay positive so much is going on the scale only measures one part of it!!
  • dchrise
    dchrise Posts: 3 Member
    TRACK WHAT YOU EAT!!! Try a simple test - eyeball a cup of something and then actually MEASURE it to see how much you have. I bet you'll find that your eyeball measurement is larger. It only takes a few assumptions like that to throw your calorie intake way off each day. Even chewing too much gum can derail you - even sugar free! The package may say that a stick has ZERO calories, but if you're chewing 10+ sticks a day, there's about 100 calories right there that you don't even think about! The exercise is great and will help you build muscle, but remember that muscle weighs MORE than fat. Tell yourself tthese 10 little words each day - - - - - "IF IT IS TO BE IT IS UP TO ME...". Believe in yourself and know that you can make it happen!!!
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member

    Make the decision. It's your choice. You can do it though. You just have to want it bad enough. I think you're getting closer to that. So you are heading in the right direction.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Weigh and measure everything you put in your mouth. Eat the correct amount of calories for you to lose weight, but have proper fuel for working out.

    Do that for a month and see what happens. If you don't do it, the only one you are cheating is yourself. Otherwise, just stay frustrated and see no change.

    FYI, the trainer should tell you the same thing. You don't know how much you are really eating unless you are keeping track.
  • sharonfoustmills
    sharonfoustmills Posts: 519 Member
    keep working at it, you do not have the one body in the world that defies science

    make sure you are measuring portions, never guess at them
  • StVal
    StVal Posts: 91
    For those that gave positive encouragement. Thank you!
  • IronCakes
    IronCakes Posts: 317 Member
    You're welcome!
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    Another vote for logging everything into MFP and get a HRM. You'll be surprised what you are and are not eating once it's written down.


    Figure out your BMR and do NOT net less than that each day. MFP is set up so you eat back your exercise calories. You will drop weight fast on 1200 calories but I would not recommend that for more and 1-2 months. 75lbs by April 2014 is very ambitious, healthy weight loss is 1-1.5 lbs/week.

    Get a food scale and weigh everything. My family makes fun of me because I take my scale and a little cheat sheet of average plate weights everywhere with me but I don't care.

    Take your measurements every 2 weeks or so. You could be losing inches and not know it. It took me over 30lbs to really see a change in the mirror but I was taking measurements and that helped.

    Find a group of supportive friends on MFP that will also hold you accountable. That has been the biggest help is knowing that I'm not alone in this. Good luck and feel free to add me if you want.
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    You are young. Weight loss is never easy for anyone. But it normally works a little faster for younger folks. Ask anyone over 40, then ask anyone over 50.

    I am diabetic, hypothryoid and almost 59. I didn't lose this weight by saying I know what I eat and I am eating correctly. I count every calorie, measure every portion AND hit the gym for 1.5-2 hours 5 days a week. I don't work out like a Grandma either. I lift weights, swim up to a mile, elliptical, treadmill. I sweat like a man. I push as hard as my old body will let me. I lift as heavy as I can move.

    When you are serious about losing, you will realize it is a MISSION. Sure--I still live life. But right now, my FOCUS is this journey. I put it FIRST. I lived enough years yakking about losing--but until I PUT ME FIRST and the PLAN FIRST and the GYM FIRST, nothing ever happened but a few pounds here and there. Which, came back as I was NEVER committed until now.

    Want to lose?? Then COMMIT to the process. Good luck. You gonna let this GREAT GRANDMA beat you?

    Great Possibilities come with CONTROL.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Tracking your food is the only way. Meticulously.

    I gained up to my highest weight ever after I started kickboxing training and was training 4-5 hours a week. Our bodies naturally compensate for increased activity by prompting us to eat more.

    A calorie deficit must be purposefully created and adhered to if you want to lose body fat.
  • michele121212
    michele121212 Posts: 24 Member
    So don't spend an hour at the gym....

    Exercise is for your health, not weight loss

    You cannot out exercise a bad diet.

    One Starbucks can completely undo an hours workout calorie wise, but you still get the benefits to your heart.

    Find exercise you don't resent.

    Don't spend an hour doing it at once, work up to that.

    Also, do not rely on exercise for weight loss.

    You cannot exercise away a bad diet.

    And BUY A TAPE MEASURE and use it

    You are probably making progress and don't know because you are relying on a scale.

    I have been 160ibs twice before,

    One time I wore a size 16, the other time an 8, both same number on the scale. Very different body fat percentages.

    If that gives you an idea of how inaccurate weight can be I. Showing progress

    Also log your food.

    Just the act of logging it makes you realize how much you eat.

    !!Such excellent advice..have had this experience exactly!!
    [above was advice of Lesteidel..used reply instead of!]
  • StVal
    StVal Posts: 91
    You gonna let this GREAT GRANDMA beat you?

    Awesome!! I love you just for saying that. :)
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member

    <3 this is me right now.. cause I want my dinner. LOL (and it's only 9:30am *sigh*)
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member

    If your not losing weight, then you're not doing something right. It's not the food, it's not the exercise. It's *you*. Right now I've been exactly the same for 2 months. I eat healthy food. I generally stay in a calorie deficit. By all accounts I should be losing weight. But i'm not. I've been bad with sugar this week, but usually that's not in my diet either. Stress, miscounting, not fully committing. All these things lead to no changes. All of these things I cam guilty of these last 2 months. Even if there is no loss, weight or inches wise, but you are making healthier choices you are *still* doing something good for yourself. Start there. its' *HARD* to make the good healthy choices, because we are conditioned to pick the ice cream and sugar is the most addictive substance on there is (and the most abundant, it's literally in just about everything) I am still committed to this, but I have realized there are just some time in life where no matter how well intentions or how much you have told yourself this time you will choose the apple, you will also eat the cake and skip the gym.

    You have to make the time and commit the time and the energy to it. If what you are dong isn't working, it's not the foods fault or the exercises fault. It's yours. Something you are doing or not doing, whether it's intentional or not. I know my exact problem. i'm stressed beyond belief and completely strapped for time. I am still cooking healthy, but i'm not sleeping right, so i'm craving and caving in to sugar. It's ok to get off track, or to have trouble finding the track. Just don't give up. The simple fact that you re trying and you are aware that you need to change puts you leaps and bounds ahead of half the people who claim to be on a diet.

    Don't ever judge yourself or your loss by gauging others. You have no idea what they are really doing. One of my friends lost a ton of weight, by "eating healthy" yea until she came off the fad diet she wouldn't admit she was following and put double what she lost back on.

    You don't have to open your diary up to others if you don't want to. But you do have to open it up to yourself. Log everything and be honest to yourself. I'd bet money you're eating way more then you think you are. When you do cardio make sure you get you heart rate up and you are having fun. I hate the treadmill. I do Zumba and kickboxing and combat and step class. I have so much fun I forget i'm exercising. I joined an ultimate Frisbee group in my area too.

    None of this will matter unless you truly change your diet and keep that under control. Weight is lost/gained in the kitchen not the gym.