The Real Reason We're Fat (or Some of Us, Anyway)



  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,129 Member
    If you really wanna see a big reason for us being fat read the book "sugar,salt,fat" the American diet makes it hard for us to maintain or lose weight already and once you get that big it hurts to walk long distances. essentially they're stuck once they get that big unless they can afford to pay someone to really help them lose weight, because now if they try it alone, there's a really good chance they'll just end up hurting themselves, and at a certain weight the bones begin to take a loner time to heal much like when you get older. On top of that being injured it's also makes it easy to gain weight because of the level of inactivity becomes even higher.

    No, people's personal diets make them get big. People need to take responsibility.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    My agency merged with another and we're in two different buildings. Some people from the other agency got moved into ours and three of them sit behind me. All three are overweight, two probably close to (or possible there) morbidly obese.

    Today, for the second time, one of the heavier women is complaining about how far away the water fountain is. I counted. From my desk to the water fountain is 86 steps.

    She has started getting ice from the cafeteria (slightly closer) and letting it melt instead of walking to the fountain for water.

    That is really sad. I mean d*mn! How lazy can you be?? :noway:
  • cmacphee3
    cmacphee3 Posts: 278 Member
    While I'm not saying I'm not lazy, because I really can be. I think the reason I'm fat is food, not as much with the lazy. My job in on my feet walking around all day, and at times going up and down stair many times a day.. but I still don't lose weight because I do well all week then drink and overeat most weekends. I eat for emotional reasons. I eat because it is "time to eat", I eat because I smell something yummy and don't think it through to resist, I eat when I'm bored, stressed, happy, sad, angry, pretty much everything. I'm fat because I can't keep my mouth shut and food out of it and I know it.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I get what the OP meant to say. People will fight for parking spots to avoid walking an extra 100 steps, people are blissfully unaware of the calorie content of their foods and it's a recipe for disaster. I don't think the OP meant for this post to come acruss as judgy, but some of the responses... my lord. "lazy pig?" seriously?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I get what the OP meant to say. People will fight for parking spots to avoid walking an extra 100 steps, people are blissfully unaware of the calorie content of their foods and it's a recipe for disaster. I don't think the OP meant for this post to come acruss as judgy, but some of the responses... my lord. "lazy pig?" seriously?
    Yes! Thank you. :-)

    I wasn't too thrilled with some of the responses, either. I reported that first one, but apparently the mods don't have an issue with it since it's been hours.

    I guess I didn't communicate clearly. I really don't care if people are happy with how they are and choose to stay that way. I don't even care if they're not and still don't do anything about it (unless you're complaining to me constantly because that's annoying). I was just commenting on the state of society in general and that made me think of it.

    And for the record, this particular person is quite loud and everyone in the general area heard her complaining the first time and a LOT of people have commented on it.
  • fatboy235
    fatboy235 Posts: 147 Member
    I see an EEO complaint coming soon, then again if they have to walk to HR you might be safe!!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I see an EEO complaint coming soon, then again if they have to walk to HR then you might be safe!!!
    Um ... I am not their supervisor and no one is not getting a raise or not getting hired (or fired). What would the EEO complaint be, exactly?
  • Slulik
    Slulik Posts: 79 Member
    RML I too agree that there were a couple unnecessary posts.

    But also agree with that is how people are now, unfortunately. When I was in my prime state of obsesity, I would never complain about how far anything is...but it would be a bit difficult going the distance.

    Know what I started doing at work...I worked on the 10th floor. Was doing stairs. I set a goal one set every week. So go 1 floor, then take the elevator up the rest. Next week, go up 2 floors, and repeat.

    Maybe if you are feeling really enthusiastic you might want to get an office "stair club" going. But that is very ambitious. Luckily I work in an office now where everyone is a health nut!
  • bohocherry
    If you really wanna see a big reason for us being fat read the book "sugar,salt,fat" the American diet makes it hard for us to maintain or lose weight already and once you get that big it hurts to walk long distances. essentially they're stuck once they get that big unless they can afford to pay someone to really help them lose weight, because now if they try it alone, there's a really good chance they'll just end up hurting themselves, and at a certain weight the bones begin to take a loner time to heal much like when you get older. On top of that being injured it's also makes it easy to gain weight because of the level of inactivity becomes even higher.

    No, people's personal diets make them get big. People need to take responsibility.

    so do the companies. To put all the blame on the people is not fair.

    food can be as big of an addiction as cigarette's but just because you've mastered the healthy eating art doesn't mean it's fair for you or even me to go around judging

    and if it was all diet then what would be the point of exercise?
  • fatboy235
    fatboy235 Posts: 147 Member
    Where I work our department had 2 restrooms in our area, each containing 2 stalls ( keep in mind there are other restroom throughout the building), the woman complained about having to walk to other parts of the building since they outnumbered the men in the department. To make a long story short they made the mens restroom into another ladies room making the guys walk to the other part of the building. After a month or so from the men complaining they put it back. I just think people aren't happy unless their complaining about something. Also I was kind of making a joke about EEO, but the above actually happened within the last year.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Maybe if you are feeling really enthusiastic you might want to get an office "stair club" going. But that is very ambitious.

    I used to work on the third floor and took the stairs every day -- never the elevator.

    Unfortunately, we do not have access to stairs in this building.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    My brother is morbidly obese and while my dad thinks he's too lazy to get up and do anything, I think he's in too much pain!

    I see your point about laziness but unless you know they are actually being lazy then I wouldn't be quick to pass judgement. I work in a place where a lot of morbidly obese people have scooters and will run you down in the hallway to go get their McDonalds or their smoke breaks, I see it everyday when I take my service dog out for a break and a short walk at lunch so I can get a break, now I think those people are lazy but I've seen them for years doing the same behaviors and having to get bigger scooters. But I also see a lot of morbidly obese people at work struggling to walk down the hallway to get water because of the pain they are in.

    My point is does it matter what got you there when you still have to deal with the consequences? Since I have lost weight my chronic pain issues have almost disappeared but it took a long time and I do still have pain. Maybe that's what your co-workers are dealing with and they just haven't admitted it to themselves yet.
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    I get what the OP meant to say. People will fight for parking spots to avoid walking an extra 100 steps, people are blissfully unaware of the calorie content of their foods and it's a recipe for disaster. I don't think the OP meant for this post to come acruss as judgy, but some of the responses... my lord. "lazy pig?" seriously?

    I agree! It is the general state of society. And the OP specifically has stated that she simply overheard this, nothing more. Sheesh, some people need to chill out.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Where I work our department had 2 restrooms in our area, each containing 2 stalls ( keep in mind there are other restroom throughout the building), the woman complained about having to walk to other parts of the building since they outnumbered the men in the department. To make a long story short they made the mens restroom into another ladies room making the guys walk to the other part of the building. After a month or so from the men complaining they put it back. I just think people aren't happy unless their complaining about something. Also I was kind of making a joke about EEO, but the above actually happened within the last year.

    Ah. OK.

    What a screwy situation! Honestly, I would prefer to have to walk farther and be forced to move more!
  • BFAH082413
    ...and the sad thing is that coworker has probably never even considered that walk to the water fountain be a positive thing in her favor for better health and overall well being ....

    I have a relative who is very dear to me who is a highly motivated 30 year old fulltime student, wife, mother of 2 boys the older she has encouraged to stay active in sports the younger is only 2 years old, she works part time outside the home, she wakes up every day hurting in both her feet, knees, and hips short of breath, she is unable to play as intensely as she would like with her children, she is flat footed can't seem to find correctly supportive walking shoes, she and her husband have no health insurance through their employers so she can't afford to get any specialty medical advice , she buys/cooks healthy food choices (after being raised in a stepmothers home where everything was fried most of her life with fast food the more regular choice for the stepmother's convenience leaving her a size 22 teenager by age 19) since then she has had some success with adkins diet lost 40 lbs in a year, but she would consistently exercise if somehow she could without being in extreme joint pain, she has tried bicycling, gazelle "treadmill", zumba, she is very discouraged....

    Lately I've talked to her about stretching band training to just keep trying to encourage her to do what she can and keep moving forward..... Any encouraging physical activity suggestions out there for people live with that kind of daily discomfort?
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    So you're saying we're fat cos we're lazy?

  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Wow! That is just all kinds of sad.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    ...and the sad thing is that coworker has probably never even considered that walk to the water fountain be a positive thing in her favor for better health and overall well being ....

    I have a relative who is very dear to me who is a highly motivated 30 year old fulltime student, wife, mother of 2 boys the older she has encouraged to stay active in sports the younger is only 2 years old, she works part time outside the home, she wakes up every day hurting in both her feet, knees, and hips short of breath, she is unable to play as intensely as she would like with her children, she is flat footed can't seem to find correctly supportive walking shoes, she and her husband have no health insurance through their employers so she can't afford to get any specialty medical advice , she buys/cooks healthy food choices (after being raised in a stepmothers home where everything was fried most of her life with fast food the more regular choice for the stepmother's convenience leaving her a size 22 teenager by age 19) since then she has had some success with adkins diet lost 40 lbs in a year, but she would consistently exercise if somehow she could without being in extreme joint pain, she has tried bicycling, gazelle "treadmill", zumba, she is very discouraged....

    Lately I've talked to her about stretching band training to just keep trying to encourage her to do what she can and keep moving forward..... Any suggestions at there
    Can she get to a pool? Swimming would be ideal.
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,983 Member
    My agency merged with another and we're in two different buildings. Some people from the other agency got moved into ours and three of them sit behind me. All three are overweight, two probably close to (or possible there) morbidly obese.

    Today, for the second time, one of the heavier women is complaining about how far away the water fountain is. I counted. From my desk to the water fountain is 86 steps.

    She has started getting ice from the cafeteria (slightly closer) and letting it melt instead of walking to the fountain for water.
    That is... dedication? And sad.
  • Luv2Smile55
    Luv2Smile55 Posts: 133 Member
    I have but one thought about this matter.

    Matthew 7:1

    “Judge not, that you be not judged.

    You said yourself, you don't know these women. There are numerous reasons for people being overweight. In my opinion ... enough said.