30 Day Shred Challenge



  • Well done everybody! This is quite the place to be for motivation! Struggling to fit it in too Ashley. Work long days Mon - Fri and have a two year old so it's either 5.00am or kicking my partner out of the front room and stealing that little bit of TV time we have on an evening after our boy has gone to bed.

    Day six done. Pretty tough - think it's because it's so hot today. Was sweating just putting the dvd in!

    Maria - have you had kids? I don't think my lower tummy will ever be OK again after that! Well done on shrinking though. Nervous about getting weighed this week. Maybe will leave the tape measure until after level one is finished.
  • greenmm25
    greenmm25 Posts: 175 Member
    I'm now on day 18 (Level 2 Day 8) and amazed I even got here as I've never made it to level 2 before! Yesterday I had a really good session and was able to do some of the more advanced moves and kept up with the reps etc so found that quite motivating.

    I can see that there have been some changes to my body, don't know how much weight I've lost if any, but I took my measurements today and have lost 1 inch off my chest, 0.5inch off each of my arms, 1 inch off my waist, 1 inch off each of my thighs and 1 inch off my hips = 6 inch loss so far. I just have a really stubborn lower belly (my pouch) that doesn't seem to want to shift at all so far no inches lost off that yet. I've also got a long way to go with my thighs, hips and bum - that's the downside of being pear shaped!

    I found that I have good days and bad ones but I don't get de-motivated if it wasn't as good as the previous day. My calorie burn for level 2 has ranged from 150 calories to 220 calories averaging 180 most days (220 being yesterday when I knew it had been a good workout). I actually don't dislike level 2 as much as level 1 still absolutely hate chair squats with v raises they are a killer!
    YES! I totally agree with you on the chair squats and v raises my arms are so weak and those are tough and then right after the military press and leg lifts wow hard. And everywhere I read that level two was a killer but I wasn't that bad.
  • Level 7 done today. Really had to drag myself up off the sofa this morning. Having a rest day didn't really do me any justice, woke up lethargic and no motivation, but I got through it, upgraded my weights to 4.5lbs

    I was naughty and measured myself today. I thought if I had lost anything then I wouldn't feel as unmotivated like I did today but sadly I haven't lost a smidge anywhere. For people who are further on in the shred, how long was it before you got results?

    My other half did say I was looking more toned, but this was after I walked in the lounge with my tummy out and outright asked him, so he might have just being nice ha!

    Another thing thats bothering me is why my calorie burn according to my heart rate monitor seems so high compared to some other people. I am asthmatic so that does make it go like the clappers, but I'm hoping that I am either working super hard, or other people are fitter than me, and not that my HRM is inaccurate (Polar FT4), is anyone else using a HRM

    Think I might need to Google people's before and after shots today for some more inspiration!
  • xmariaxaliciax
    xmariaxaliciax Posts: 18 Member
    Well done everybody! This is quite the place to be for motivation! Struggling to fit it in too Ashley. Work long days Mon - Fri and have a two year old so it's either 5.00am or kicking my partner out of the front room and stealing that little bit of TV time we have on an evening after our boy has gone to bed.

    Day six done. Pretty tough - think it's because it's so hot today. Was sweating just putting the dvd in!

    Maria - have you had kids? I don't think my lower tummy will ever be OK again after that! Well done on shrinking though. Nervous about getting weighed this week. Maybe will leave the tape measure until after level one is finished.

    Unfortunately I can not attribute "my pouch" to having children as I don't have any yet, it is literally pure fat and I've always had it even when I was a stone lighter. My mum thinks it will never go only reduce and that the only way to get rid of it is by having liposuction :(.
    YES! I totally agree with you on the chair squats and v raises my arms are so weak and those are tough and then right after the military press and leg lifts wow hard. And everywhere I read that level two was a killer but I wasn't that bad.

    I have two more sessions of level 2 and then it's done and I can forget the v raises/chair squats hopefully! I haven't watched level 3 so there is probably a lot worse to come. I actually don't mind the military press and leg lifts, but like you said it's just combining the two that's ridiculous!

    Ashley, I measured myself about a week ago and there was no change so Day 12 (ish) then I measured yesterday (Day 18) and had lost 6 inches. From seeing result pictures big things happen from Day 20 so I've got my fingers and toes crossed! Just keep going and it will eventually pay off.
  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    Day 8, level 3 done. Just as tough as usual. Hanging in there though, I can see the finish line. :)
  • I'm going to be starting it on September 1st. Since it will be easier to just my results from September 1-September 30. I'm also not going to weigh myself all month. Just right before I start and when I complete the challenge!

    Anybody feel free to add me! :wink:
  • Well done everybody! This is quite the place to be for motivation! Struggling to fit it in too Ashley. Work long days Mon - Fri and have a two year old so it's either 5.00am or kicking my partner out of the front room and stealing that little bit of TV time we have on an evening after our boy has gone to bed.

    Day six done. Pretty tough - think it's because it's so hot today. Was sweating just putting the dvd in!

    Maria - have you had kids? I don't think my lower tummy will ever be OK again after that! Well done on shrinking though. Nervous about getting weighed this week. Maybe will leave the tape measure until after level one is finished.

    Unfortunately I can not attribute "my pouch" to having children as I don't have any yet, it is literally pure fat and I've always had it even when I was a stone lighter. My mum thinks it will never go only reduce and that the only way to get rid of it is by having liposuction :(.
    YES! I totally agree with you on the chair squats and v raises my arms are so weak and those are tough and then right after the military press and leg lifts wow hard. And everywhere I read that level two was a killer but I wasn't that bad.

    I have two more sessions of level 2 and then it's done and I can forget the v raises/chair squats hopefully! I haven't watched level 3 so there is probably a lot worse to come. I actually don't mind the military press and leg lifts, but like you said it's just combining the two that's ridiculous!

    Ashley, I measured myself about a week ago and there was no change so Day 12 (ish) then I measured yesterday (Day 18) and had lost 6 inches. From seeing result pictures big things happen from Day 20 so I've got my fingers and toes crossed! Just keep going and it will eventually pay off.

    Ah well - we all have those bits. Mine are saddlebags - definitely a lipo job!
  • seraphinelle
    seraphinelle Posts: 36 Member
    I finished the 30 day shred last Thursday. But I have been doing level 3 each day since I am on holiday (cruise)

    I think I will start ripped in 30 when I am back. I dont have any results here with me. Will have to do that when I'm back. Good luck everyone. Work out hard!!
  • Day seven done. Definitely more toned to the touch and lost a kilo and 0.5% body fat in a week according to the nutritionist who has been running classes at work. Am due my own weigh in tomorrow.
  • I'm going to be starting it on September 1st. Since it will be easier to just my results from September 1-September 30. I'm also not going to weigh myself all month. Just right before I start and when I complete the challenge!

    Anybody feel free to add me! :wink:

    Sounds like a solid plan! Just stick with it.
  • Day 7 down level 1. I couldn't do my walk like I usually do and the workout seemed a little harder then when I do the 5k walk. maybe my body is acting like the 5k is a warm up lol. Anyway I plan on doing level 1 again as I am a little heavier, so I think it might be best for me to do it again until I can complete all the exercises completly.
    Down 9 pounds in 1.5 weeks. I didn't measure but I am sure I have lost a few inches.. Maybe I will measure tonight so I can compare when I finish..
  • cxdyer
    cxdyer Posts: 105 Member
    Finished 30 day shred today, YEAH. I am going to do Level 1, 2 and 3 once each this week then take final measurements this weekend. Hoping to post some good news for everyone. Think I'll start Ripped in 30 next, gotta stay on task.
  • greenmm25
    greenmm25 Posts: 175 Member
    Finished 30 day shred today, YEAH. I am going to do Level 1, 2 and 3 once each this week then take final measurements this weekend. Hoping to post some good news for everyone. Think I'll start Ripped in 30 next, gotta stay on task.
    GREAT WORK!!! can't wait until i am there with ya 8 more days!
  • Good luck Travis. But don't get too comfortable in level one!

    Bah - my own scales tell me I'm only 0.6lb down after a week .... A much smaller loss than the nutritionist recorded. Hope I've something better to report when I get measured on day ten.
  • Woop day 8 done! I Remember when I started out being inspired by others who had made it this far, it feels like a small acheivment vment but make sure you are proud of yourselves for sticking with it!

    Last time I tried to follow an exercise plan I was doing the couch to 5K 9 week plan and only made it to week 5 as my legs were swelling. I am finding this much less effort and am really determined to make it to the end.

    Today went okay, few aches from yesterday after doing the whole routine with my heavier weights but I made sure I got up and did it.

    I am trying on wedding dresses this Saturday so that has been my motivation this week, can't stand the thought of being in a changing room with a stranger in my under wear!

    Keep going everyone, your all inspiring me x
  • Tamois
    Tamois Posts: 64 Member
    Ashley congratulations on getting married and good luck with wedding dress shopping. I have two years to go yet - gotta save for our wedding! Just done Day 5 Week 1 and she said it'd be easier - actually I really struggled with a couple of the squats today but walked 4 miles straight after the workout to burn off some more calories as I'm off out for lunch (will try and stick with salad but you know how things look tempting!). Bring on Day 6!
  • TeresaMarie46
    TeresaMarie46 Posts: 226 Member
    Awesome!! How did you find your first workout????? I found it crazy hard but I never stopped moving so that I could keep my heart rate up...

    Hahahaha... I have renamed it the 60 Day Shred. I am (have been) on Level 2 for a couple weeks.
    Between everything going on (sons Wedding in Sept.) And plain lack of motivation, it has taken me
    longer. BUT I did do Level 2D4 yesterday, plan to get L2D5 in today.

    I hated the jumping jacks, still do. Was sore beyond imagination first couple days on L1, but it passed
    fast because I allowed my body to recover. Level 2 is Plyometrics which I find both awful, yet rewarding.
    I was told that I'm going to enjoy Level 3.......when I get there...lol.
  • terricherry2
    terricherry2 Posts: 222 Member
    Finished level 1 day 7 yesterday. Went to the gym after and I could definitely see my tummy was flatter in the great big unforgiving mirrors. Not measuring until I get to the end though.
  • TeresaMarie46
    TeresaMarie46 Posts: 226 Member
    I'm going to be starting it on September 1st. Since it will be easier to just my results from September 1-September 30. I'm also not going to weigh myself all month. Just right before I start and when I complete the challenge!

    Anybody feel free to add me! :wink:

    Great idea. You may or may not see a huge difference wieght wise, but the INCHES that
    you'll lose will amaze you. I'm not through Level 2 yet, and even with my busy schedule
    and lack of motivation at times, I have only lost 3-4 lbs....BUT I have trimmed off an
    amaazing 12 inches combined off my bust (under bra) from 42DD to 40D....the remainder
    from neck, waist, hips, and thighs......These are MY results so far.........everyone is different.

    Best Wishes on YOUR journey
  • n1ghtshade
    n1ghtshade Posts: 9 Member
    I just started level 2 this morning, but what are you all the exercise as?