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Please will you help me?



  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    I know this is definitely not what you want to here but You really need to tackle this from a total mindset adjustment... Are you really going to give up chocolate and/or sweets, junk food for the rest of your life?? Highly unlikely so what you need to do is work on sustainable habits you can live with... You can enjoy the foods you like and still lose weight and or maintain your weight and live guilt free. You just have to put in the time to make it work for you, measure out portions and put them in separate containers and label them for each day. Instead of practicing complete abstinence, practice portion control and learn to have the things you like only in moderation. In the long run you will be alot better off...... Best of Luck

    ^^THIS^^ X Infinity!!! (Just look at his ticker, he know's what he is talking about)
  • wannabpiper
    wannabpiper Posts: 402 Member
    I've learned over the years to make exceptions for those foods that I truly enjoy - but likely aren't good for me and are high in calories - by making love to it. Yup, when I eat a Milky-Way bar, I lick it all over, sniff it, groan, and chew every bite slowly and concentrate on loving it. I get so satisfied from the encounter that I don't need to over-do it and have another. It's counted in my calories, so I don't get into trouble with it.
  • sally_jeffswife
    sally_jeffswife Posts: 766 Member
    my suggestion would be to replace chocolate with things like sugar free chocolate pudding which would give you the same flavor but keep the calories lower, or a hot chocolate with something healthy cuz that isn't too many calories,or to pick up the mini choc bars and limit yourself to just so many of those a day cuz the bite size ones aren't that much for calories. Or to make sure you have protein when you do have the chocolate so that it balances your blood sugar out then you will still lose weight. Like if you have chocolate make sure you have almonds with it or nuts with it or peanut butter with it. Trail mix is good it gives you a small amount of chocolate but has the protein in it too so its a good mixture.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Have one day a week, one day every couple of weeks where you allow yourself to indulge to the point of satisfaction. Make it a maintenance-calorie day, so you have some calories to play with. Your sanity will thank you.
  • Gennybunny96
    Gennybunny96 Posts: 69 Member
    I am a serious chocoholic. If its milk chocolate or chocolate ice cream, that's it I'm done. I started buying a dark chocolate bar that I break into squares and every night I have 1 square. 60 calories and that's it. I try to take at least 5 mins eating that one square of chocolate. I savor it and it keeps my milk chocolate cravings at bay. I actually look forward to my 1 square of dark chocolate and it makes me feel good. Don't deprive yourself, that's just a plan for failure. Find a middle ground
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    The way I have been successful with losing over a hundred pounds is not giving up all of my favorite foods such as ice cream and chocolate. I track it in my calories & measure/weigh my ice cream or snack food.

    There are a ton of recipes out there that offer low calorie & healthier versions of snack food. www.chocolatecoveredkatie.com has a lot of recipes that look delicious.
  • Dunsirn
    Dunsirn Posts: 82 Member

    You're welcome. Maybe it's the tasty tasty cockroach legs you're actually craving...??
  • dianesheart88
    dianesheart88 Posts: 111 Member
    I totally agree with the others.... you can still be successful and allow yourself to have things you enjoy, but only in moderation, portioned and controlled. I stay away from fried foods, however if I want to have something I will as long as it fits within my daily intake. I have found that if I forbid myself from the things I like, I am bound to fail. Good Luck!
  • tiger4nikki
    tiger4nikki Posts: 112 Member
    Everything in moderation. You can have chocolate, but you have to work the calories off in your workout. Trade it in for yourself like that. How much are you willing to work out today? Then you can have that many calories in chocolate. Also, you need to be logging everything you eat. It makes it SO much easier when you can SEE on the screen IN YOUR FACE what you are eating. So much easier to hold yourself accountable too. At least it is for me. :-)
  • tiger4nikki
    tiger4nikki Posts: 112 Member

    You're welcome. Maybe it's the tasty tasty cockroach legs you're actually craving...??

    OMG!!!!!!!!! ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!
  • Cyliesmom
    Cyliesmom Posts: 35 Member
    Everyone is different.......I lost 100 pounds by putting the sugar monster to bed. A little chocolate for some can be the same as a little crack cocaine to others. I started allowing myself little treats once in a while after I hit my goal weight, that was back in 2008, I stayed at goal weight for 2 years, then started allowing treats more often. The sugar monster came back and the cravings and going to the store at 11:00 pm for treats and other sneaky behaviours crept back. 20 pounds gained....kinda scary. Now I am at MFP, trying to get the last few pounds off.....

    If you know in your heart that abstinence is right for you, good for you, it is important to be honest with yourself. I support you!

    Feel free to add me as a friend
  • EllenKay63
    EllenKay63 Posts: 516 Member
    I understand. My husband LOVES chips but can not have them in the house. He has lost 40 lbs. I need a little chocolate everyday or I ...lets say I'm not happy and when I do break down and eat it--I'll eat a lot of it. You know how you are (by now) and what works. Keep at.
  • Every failure is a step closer to success
    Abstinence rarely leads to success IMHO - only binging
    But it's also OK to fall off the wagon as long as you get back on

    Try cutting back on your chocky intake and increasing your will power

    Most importantly, eat more/ exercise more
    Eat crap/ exercise even more
  • Thank you everyone I appreciate your comments. I know I have to give it all up completely to prove to myself I am the one in control and I can say no to the cravings. I know this might not make sense to you but it's the only way for me to succeed. I gave up chocolate completely, anything chocolate flavored even. The problem was I substituted it with sweets, I swapped one for the other. It's now time to give it up and prove to myself I can do this, it's the only thing in my life that I fail time and time again, everything else I fight for until I succeed. Now it's time for me to conquer my addiction to sugar and chocolate and prove to myself and my family that I want this and can do it. I have 3 teenage sons, I have always taught them that is they want something enough and work hard enough they can achieve anything they want to. I'm not setting the example though. Besides, this is only something you eat, I am the one that controls what goes in and out of my mouth.

    Some asked if I was willing to make the sacrifice forever, the answer is YES, it's the only way I'm going to live. I'm super morbidly obese, I'm struggling to walk, I'm in constant pain and being fat is very restrictive. Being fat is something i can change, I can have a normal healthy life. I want my kids to enjoy life, not be restricted because I'm to fat to do the things they'd like us to do. I want a happy life, I want a job as a make-up artist without worrying if I'm sweating too much or if I will be taken seriously because being fat means being ugly. I want , No I need to change, I need to lose weight just so I can start living. I've already robbed my kids of being a fun, energetic mother up to now. When I lost weight they told me I was much more fun, I was happier. Sacrificing chocolate to get this back is not a big ask, I just need to get through the first few weeks and stay focused. Exercise and learn to live!

    Thank you for all your advice but I have been fighting this battle for 24 years, I have learnt that this is what I need to do. I may change and allow myself to have it again counting it in my calories but for now, this is what I need to do.

    I have just started counting calories again, I had a good day today but didn't log it on here. I will log it in my food diary from now on. x
  • soupandcookies
    soupandcookies Posts: 212 Member

    If you know in your heart that abstinence is right for you, good for you, it is important to be honest with yourself. I support you!

    +1 I think this is spot on.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I like Chocolate. I settle my craving with a bowl of Special K Chocolate delight.
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    I have the same weakness...I usually treat myself to unsweetened dark chocolate.

  • Try carob instead it's good for you and tastes like chocolate
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    I have the same weakness...I usually treat myself to unsweetened dark chocolate.


    I thought I was the only one chocoaddicted enough to do that!
  • loricshields47
    loricshields47 Posts: 134 Member
    Good for you knowing what is best for you !
    I am willing to be there for you. Giving up a vice is not easy. I am very forgiving and patient and I will support your efforts everyday. your first promise to this relationship will be to log your food ~ALL of it, good or bad.everyday. This makes you accountable to you and you alone, but helps those who care to guide you in the right direction. Honesty is crucial. You want it? lets get you there. ( I once had an assorted affair with valentino chocolattee, the fella is just no good for you!!! so I totally get the attraction lol)
    my diary is open if you want to consider it my resume lol ~5lbs to go and my 25 year old wedding dress will zip all the way!

    Up to you...best of luck