Thought I had a home intruder last night.



  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    Spooky stories!

    So, kind of funny. Last night I flipped on just that light and went to bed. To see if it would pop off - you know - from an electrical issue.

    Here's the jacked up thing:

    What was on a couple nights ago WAS NOT that light. No, that light is about three times brighter.
    What I saw the other night was more mellow, and more orange.

    I doubt it was an outside light, since it didn't come in through the bedroom window. And I have those heavy shutters on the bathroom window.

    So it must just have been one of those waking dream things...
  • megalin9
    megalin9 Posts: 771 Member
    Spooky stories!

    So, kind of funny. Last night I flipped on just that light and went to bed. To see if it would pop off - you know - from an electrical issue.

    Here's the jacked up thing:

    What was on a couple nights ago WAS NOT that light. No, that light is about three times brighter.
    What I saw the other night was more mellow, and more orange.

    I doubt it was an outside light, since it didn't come in through the bedroom window. And I have those heavy shutters on the bathroom window.

    So it must just have been one of those waking dream things...

    Maybe your wife left a candle on in the bathroom that finally flickered out?
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    Spooky stories!

    So, kind of funny. Last night I flipped on just that light and went to bed. To see if it would pop off - you know - from an electrical issue.

    Here's the jacked up thing:

    What was on a couple nights ago WAS NOT that light. No, that light is about three times brighter.
    What I saw the other night was more mellow, and more orange.

    I doubt it was an outside light, since it didn't come in through the bedroom window. And I have those heavy shutters on the bathroom window.

    So it must just have been one of those waking dream things...

    Maybe your wife left a candle on in the bathroom that finally flickered out?

    Funny you say that. It had that soft, warm glow that candles do. But no flickering. And we don't use candles.
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    Aw **** just got real...
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Lucid dreaming.

    'Course, I say that and I think I've been attacked by daemons at night, so there ya go.
  • zcarpenter91
    zcarpenter91 Posts: 51 Member
    Awww ****, I'd grab my **** and go!! no guns gonna save you from that paranormal **** lol
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    Sounds like someone has a haunted bathroom....

    My thoughts exactly! Did something awful happen in there, by chance?
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    Probably been used but, don't have time to read through the pages....

  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    Artist's depiction of the home intruder
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    Sounds like someone has a haunted bathroom....

    My thoughts exactly! Did something awful happen in there, by chance?

    Every time I have had Chipotle, yes.
  • Sounds like someone has a haunted bathroom....

    My thoughts exactly! Did something awful happen in there, by chance?

    Every time I have had Chipotle, yes.

    ^ Help! Call 911 (and possibly Hazmat)!! I can't breathe. Not sure if it's your statement or the noxious gases :laugh:
  • psicocat
    psicocat Posts: 60 Member
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    cupcakes_and_cardio Posts: 369 Member
    Here's a picture of the bathroom.

    We all know that paranormal activity shows up on cameras as blobs, or streaks, or other things that can't be explained by science.

    Behold, ghost-free bathroom:


    Is it Halloween and I just don't know it? Because there's a skull in the window...just a bit creepy!

    Edited to say: I read through the thread and I won't be sleeping for the next 24 hours or so now!
  • karl39x
    karl39x Posts: 586 Member
    Next time, remember to yell out "HEY," then unload or you could get 25 to life.
  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    Next time, remember to yell out "HEY," then unload or you could get 25 to life.

    Meh, depends on the state.

    Where I'm at, I'd rather just be sure to shoot them before my dog attacks because I'll walk, but she could get put down as aggressive :(
  • joshdann
    joshdann Posts: 618 Member
    More than once I've had to "clear" my house with a handheld bouquet of lead and steel. I don't have any of the wonderfully creepy stories that can be found upthread, but here's one that really did happen to me, with real people and not ghosts.

    First, know that I work from home a lot. Most days, that means crawling out of bed and stumbling into my office at about 9am. I generally do not stop to get dressed, but nobody I work with knows I'm in my boxers most of the time. It's comfy, sue me. Also know that my dog is basically a giant set of female genitals, but she does lose her mind if someone comes to the door. Or walks on the sidewalk. Or drives by slowly. My office is upstairs and I keep my door closed to prevent invading animals, but if I tip the blinds I can see the entire front yard and driveway. I can't quite see the front door, though, as our front porch is recessed a bit behind the plane that my office window is on. If I were to open my office door and head for the stairs, any one who thought to look up would see me clearly through the giant window that sits atop the front threshold.

    One day, after a few hours of workin' for the man in my skivvies, I am quite startled by a /BANG BANG BANG/ on the front door. Not a normal knock, not even an authoritative police-style knock. This was a loud bang, as if trying to wake the dead. Dog loses it. I think "wtf" and tip the blinds. I see no unfamiliar cars, no people, nothing. Here I am in my very svelte and masculine boxers. Sexy to be sure, but not exactly confrontation attire. I opt to continue working, as it is most likely someone trying to sell magazines or cable TV or newspapers or bug service or lawn service or omaha steaks. No matter what they're selling, I'm not interested and I got crap to do.

    About 30 seconds later, as the dog is really ramping up her vicious snarls, barks, growls, and other criminal-scaring tactics, and /BANG BANG BANG BANG/ on the door again. F me, this is getting real... the dog is trying to eat the wall, and my spidey senses have gone from "ignore" to "protect and defend". My mind thinks back to the recent issue we had in my neighborhood of a man jumping fences and kicking in back doors in the middle of the day while most people are at work. *That* man was put in the hospital by my newly second-favorite dog - my neighbor's German Shepherd. I don't think he's going to try us again, but what other explanation could there be? Either way, I could not let this one slide. Knocking a couple times is no big deal... BANGing on my door repeatedly is going to get my attention.

    I grab the smaller-caliber bouquet I keep in my desk drawer and jog into the bedroom for the nearest dirty t-shirt I can snag from the hamper, throw on some shorts, put the little bunch of daisies in my pocket, and haul butt downstairs. I'm 6'6" and 300ish lbs, but I can move when I need to. I didn't see him, he didn't see me... but when I picked up the 12ga scatterflower I keep by the door and opened said door, barrel first (pointed at the ground, of course)... nobody was there. W. T. F.

    I put the shotty back in its nook and stepped outside. I looked down the block in both directions. I locked the door behind me and checked the back yard, the sides, the entire perimeter (daisies still happily resting in my pocket), but nothing. nobody in sight. I go back inside and try to calm down the little 30 lb 12-yr old australian cattle dog who has convinced herself she's a battle-bred pit bull on steroids.

    After a few minutes, the canine aggression has slowed to a growl, with some raised haunches to let me know she's still on full alert, even if the immediate threat has passed. Good, maybe I can get back to work...


    This time I'm only seconds from the door, already dressed and already armed. Dog has gone back to DEFCON 1. I unsheathe the daisies, throw the door open and point all 1911 petals right at this man's groin. I'm not only huge, but also shaved bald with a beard... intimidating at first glance, no doubt.

    "WTF do you think you're doing, banging on my door?" I challenged.

    "Uh, *kitten*, um, I... wrong house," he quickly stammers.

    "Who are you looking for?"

    (trembling, probably urinating) "Jeff?"

    "I've lived here for 7 years. There is no Jeff anywhere near here. Get the hell off of my porch and as far away from my neighborhood as you possibly can. Now. The police station is less than a mile from here and I know most of them personally. I'll be happy to introduce you if you want to stick around."

    I don't know if he ever found Jeff, but he left post haste. He ran, full tilt, until he was out of my sight. I told one of my cop buddies about it the next day. They said he matched the description of a suspicious man that had been spotted a couple of times already, wandering the neighborhoods nearby. They were most appreciative that I had confronted him (and hopefully scared him off), but gave me some fresh business cards to call next time :)
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    ^^ Damn!

    I've heard stories of people banging on front doors, and sending someone to go jump in the back yard while the homeowner is distracted.

    I keep everything deadbolted. Every time.
  • apatheticsloth
    Why do I always read this thread when it's close to bedtime? Maybe I should just stay up for another while. lol
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    More than once I've had to "clear" my house with a handheld bouquet of lead and steel. I don't have any of the wonderfully creepy stories that can be found upthread, but here's one that really did happen to me, with real people and not ghosts.

    First, know that I work from home a lot. Most days, that means crawling out of bed and stumbling into my office at about 9am. I generally do not stop to get dressed, but nobody I work with knows I'm in my boxers most of the time. It's comfy, sue me. Also know that my dog is basically a giant set of female genitals, but she does lose her mind if someone comes to the door. Or walks on the sidewalk. Or drives by slowly. My office is upstairs and I keep my door closed to prevent invading animals, but if I tip the blinds I can see the entire front yard and driveway. I can't quite see the front door, though, as our front porch is recessed a bit behind the plane that my office window is on. If I were to open my office door and head for the stairs, any one who thought to look up would see me clearly through the giant window that sits atop the front threshold.

    One day, after a few hours of workin' for the man in my skivvies, I am quite startled by a /BANG BANG BANG/ on the front door. Not a normal knock, not even an authoritative police-style knock. This was a loud bang, as if trying to wake the dead. Dog loses it. I think "wtf" and tip the blinds. I see no unfamiliar cars, no people, nothing. Here I am in my very svelte and masculine boxers. Sexy to be sure, but not exactly confrontation attire. I opt to continue working, as it is most likely someone trying to sell magazines or cable TV or newspapers or bug service or lawn service or omaha steaks. No matter what they're selling, I'm not interested and I got crap to do.

    About 30 seconds later, as the dog is really ramping up her vicious snarls, barks, growls, and other criminal-scaring tactics, and /BANG BANG BANG BANG/ on the door again. F me, this is getting real... the dog is trying to eat the wall, and my spidey senses have gone from "ignore" to "protect and defend". My mind thinks back to the recent issue we had in my neighborhood of a man jumping fences and kicking in back doors in the middle of the day while most people are at work. *That* man was put in the hospital by my newly second-favorite dog - my neighbor's German Shepherd. I don't think he's going to try us again, but what other explanation could there be? Either way, I could not let this one slide. Knocking a couple times is no big deal... BANGing on my door repeatedly is going to get my attention.

    I grab the smaller-caliber bouquet I keep in my desk drawer and jog into the bedroom for the nearest dirty t-shirt I can snag from the hamper, throw on some shorts, put the little bunch of daisies in my pocket, and haul butt downstairs. I'm 6'6" and 300ish lbs, but I can move when I need to. I didn't see him, he didn't see me... but when I picked up the 12ga scatterflower I keep by the door and opened said door, barrel first (pointed at the ground, of course)... nobody was there. W. T. F.

    I put the shotty back in its nook and stepped outside. I looked down the block in both directions. I locked the door behind me and checked the back yard, the sides, the entire perimeter (daisies still happily resting in my pocket), but nothing. nobody in sight. I go back inside and try to calm down the little 30 lb 12-yr old australian cattle dog who has convinced herself she's a battle-bred pit bull on steroids.

    After a few minutes, the canine aggression has slowed to a growl, with some raised haunches to let me know she's still on full alert, even if the immediate threat has passed. Good, maybe I can get back to work...


    This time I'm only seconds from the door, already dressed and already armed. Dog has gone back to DEFCON 1. I unsheathe the daisies, throw the door open and point all 1911 petals right at this man's groin. I'm not only huge, but also shaved bald with a beard... intimidating at first glance, no doubt.

    "WTF do you think you're doing, banging on my door?" I challenged.

    "Uh, *kitten*, um, I... wrong house," he quickly stammers.

    "Who are you looking for?"

    (trembling, probably urinating) "Jeff?"

    "I've lived here for 7 years. There is no Jeff anywhere near here. Get the hell off of my porch and as far away from my neighborhood as you possibly can. Now. The police station is less than a mile from here and I know most of them personally. I'll be happy to introduce you if you want to stick around."

    I don't know if he ever found Jeff, but he left post haste. He ran, full tilt, until he was out of my sight. I told one of my cop buddies about it the next day. They said he matched the description of a suspicious man that had been spotted a couple of times already, wandering the neighborhoods nearby. They were most appreciative that I had confronted him (and hopefully scared him off), but gave me some fresh business cards to call next time :)

    WOW. Great reading and well done for scaring him off so well.
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    Sometimes in the state between asleep and awake, we'll still be dreaming... My doctor says it's a low level of sleep called "Level 1", where you can experience "Rational Dreams". I've had them, when I suffered insomnia. I could manage to make it into Level 1 sleep only, without actually losing consiousness.

    There are days at work I was convinced that it was raining down the glass of one window, and not the other. I have seen items move inexplicably. I've shoveled snow in the driveway in July (I'm in Canada, but we still don't get snow in summer... today we were 38 C, which is over 80 F). I've also pet a cat that died several years ago in my living room.

    They're not "fantasies" of things that can't happen/couldn't happen like pink bunnies playing hockey on the ceiling. They're realistic dreams of everyday occurances. You probably DID see your wife in the bathroom. It's alright... as long as you're sleeping regularly. When I was in the worst of my insomnia, I was off work, and had my drivers' license taken away by doctors.

    The dog was likely reacting to your paranoia. They feed off your emotions. I wouldn't worry about his behaviour. If there was someone in the house, he would likely have gone after them... either for attention, or to attack.

    Sleep will mess you up. Please make sure you get enough sleep, and don't deprive yourself. (As I type this at 2am when I have to work tomorrow....) if you continue to have issues, I would recommend seeing a doctor.