Locker Room Awkwardness



  • oregonduckgirlie
    Hi, I'm 20 and the REC Center (gym) at my university is a state of the art gym, so it's usually crowded (no excuses to not go when Uncle Phil flips the bill (Nike)). Anyways, there are a LOT of fit people at the gym at all hours, and the shower scene can get pretty awkward, especially on days when you aren't feeling all that great about your appearance. What I started doing, and this is just what works for me, is pretending like I don't care. Usually when you feel awkward or self conscious, it shows. So I started to focus just on the tasks I was doing (showering, dressing, packing my gym bag up, etc.) and not on the people around me (which included both students and professors). I basically made the decision that I really don't care how old you are or what shape you are in, I don't want to see your bare naked butt. I just want to get out of this locker room and go on with my day. Try focusing on the task at hand and and remember the gym is tone of the few places that you should look like sweaty mess while leaving.
  • ketoambahh
    When I used to go to the gym, I actually really didn't feel awkward. It's not a busy gym mind you, but I think I was the only one taking a shower there and not waiting to get home. I mean, hey, free shower!

    A lot of women there would apologize for seeing you naked/being naked in front of you. I tell them: dude, don't worry this is a locker room. It's bound to happen.

    This was still when I was at my heaviest, too.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I have no idea at all why this is even an issue if your that afraid of public interaction like that then you should never leave your is such a waste of ones energy to even care who sees you naked or who you see naked..

    Yes, these are your options: be cool with everyone seeing you naked, or else stay home FOREVER! Totes makes sense.
    lol I don't like the options, either.

    THERE IS NO MIDDLE GROUND!! My new motto: "Go naked or go home!" How dare people have basic modesty after a lifetime of being taught to be ashamed of their bodies!

    Reminds me of the bumper sticker: Put out or walk.

    I totally had one.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Take a cadaver class or work in a nursing home once youve seen one naked body youve seen them all

    The only thing cadaver classes made me want to do is learn to take apart the human body.
  • sub10orbust
    sub10orbust Posts: 706 Member
    blast some music in the showers
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    blast some music in the showers

    That's like an invitation for the helicopter dance. FYI.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Not sure if anyone else has had to go through this, but I work out in the early mornings at my universities gym.

    So before class, I shower.

    And that means these open, military style, showers with skinny little fit girls trotting around like it ain't no thing to be naked. But then again, there are 60+ ladies flopping around their lady parts too like it aint no thing. Which I mean, you may think that's gross or whatever but I have mad respect for that level of self-confidence.


    I guess my question is

    At what point did you get over your locker room awkwardness??

    At what point in weight loss/getting fit journey do you say "IDGAF I will be naked in front of all these people and it will be great"????

    When I was standing in a military shower with 93 other naked dudes. I realized it's only weird if you're the one looking.

  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    I'm kind of a "when in Rome" person. So if I'm somewhere (like Rome :smile:) where everyone is nonchalant about naked, then I am too. On the other hand I don't want to be the only naked one, and I have generally not felt that comfortable here in the USA.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member


    I could watch this all day. lol
  • ashandstuff
    ashandstuff Posts: 442 Member
    It doesn't bother me to be naked. Here's a funny story though. I used to workout at L.A. Fitness and there's a wide variety of people that go to this gym. I'm in there one day changing and this old man walks in and he sort of looks like Popeye. Old but he looks bad *kitten*.

    Anyway, I normally try to avoid looking in peoples direction when they are changing but Popeye is completely naked and bends over. Dude had a tramp stamp on his back. I busted out laughing. I couldn't help it.

    omfg that is priceless
  • ashandstuff
    ashandstuff Posts: 442 Member
    LOL... that was a cute post! Made me laugh, I mean just the way you expressed it. My answer is, confidence definitely comes from your state of mind and self image. It makes absolutely no difference if you're fit, fat or 60, as you've seen. I've seen drop dead gorgeous women in locker rooms very timid and hiding in far corners to dress and undress away from everyone else. So, don't wait for a particular stage you get to with regards to weight/fitness. Be proud of your beautiful self! (and I can see from the pic you really are!).

    (I am brand new here, so nice to meet you all!)

    my face when a stranger on the internet says im pretty
  • ashandstuff
    ashandstuff Posts: 442 Member
    I enjoy making people feel awkward in the locker room. You can spot the awkward feeling people a mile away. They over cover themselves, always avoid eye contact. I like to throw my towel over my shoulder instead of wrap it. This way my penis is exposed completely.

    Then I like to plant myself in their way, and pretend I am doing something and don't notice them trying to figure out how to get by me.

    I also like to stand there in all my nakedness and start an in-depth conversation with them about deep things which you can't end easily. I always ask open ended questions so they can't just give a yes or no and dash away. It's fun to watch them squirm.

    I will stand there with one leg on the bench, and let my dangle angle in their direction as i get things out of my locker and they are trapped in the cubby there needing me to move to get out.

    I can't wait until I am an old man, and my *kitten* hangs to my knees! That will make for added pleasure.

    This is what I will strive for.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    For me it was awkward because I just don't want to see other women's parts, and when I joined my gym and started using the locker room it was culture shock for me. I still don't want to see other women's parts, even if they are in shape. I do undress now at my locker instead of making a b-line to a stall because I just don't have time for that all the time. It still gets awkward when I remember that even though we're all women in the locker room, not all of us are heterosexual. So I could be entertaining eyes that I don't want to entertain.

    I bet its awkward for you to go a lot of places.... Since we are EVERYWHERE...

    I mean I don't know about anyone else but I only go to the YMCA for their open locker rooms.

    There are gay people everywhere? *faints* I am so hot women cannot resist throwing themselves at me, or straight men either, it gets so hard to leave the house sometimes :embarassed: *sarcasm font*

    You are only "entertaining" their eyes if you are doing a little dance as you dry off, otherwise get over yourself.
  • toofatnomore
    toofatnomore Posts: 206 Member
    Not sure if anyone else has had to go through this, but I work out in the early mornings at my universities gym.

    So before class, I shower.

    And that means these open, military style, showers with skinny little fit girls trotting around like it ain't no thing to be naked. But then again, there are 60+ ladies flopping around their lady parts too like it aint no thing. Which I mean, you may think that's gross or whatever but I have mad respect for that level of self-confidence.


    I guess my question is

    At what point did you get over your locker room awkwardness??

    At what point in weight loss/getting fit journey do you say "IDGAF I will be naked in front of all these people and it will be great"????
  • mruntidy
    mruntidy Posts: 1,015 Member
    I have seen too many rusty bullet holes during my time at the gym to feel awkward now, what has been seen cannot be unseen
  • Hollywoodm55
    Hollywoodm55 Posts: 155 Member
    I workout during lunch in the gym at work, and I don't mind people being naked and changing but it is awkward to have to look them in the face and work with them after!
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    There is a older lady at my gym who is a "naked, one leg on the bench, moisturing" kinda lady. I don't go that far but being naked/changing doesn't bother me too much, as long as my pants are nice..........
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My discomfort with being nude in front of people is more about modesty than what my body looks like. I actually think I look OK naked, but I don't like the whole world seeing me like that.
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    In this, and many other circumstances (eg if you feel awkward doing presentations at work) I remember the 'spotlight' principle. Most people go through life believing that there is a spotlight right over their head and everyone is aware of their every move/thought/action etc. However if you remember that everyone else feels like that too, and is far too worried about what -they- are thinking/doing it is easier to switch off your own spotlight.

    also, I don't care what other people think of me or my body. My validation doesn't come from them!

    I hope my girls (aged 4 and 6) grow up to feel the same way - the fact they both sleep naked, and wander round the house like that happily, is a good start :)
  • sueclare38
    sueclare38 Posts: 125
    I enjoy making people feel awkward in the locker room. You can spot the awkward feeling people a mile away. They over cover themselves, always avoid eye contact. I like to throw my towel over my shoulder instead of wrap it. This way my penis is exposed completely.

    Then I like to plant myself in their way, and pretend I am doing something and don't notice them trying to figure out how to get by me.

    I also like to stand there in all my nakedness and start an in-depth conversation with them about deep things which you can't end easily. I always ask open ended questions so they can't just give a yes or no and dash away. It's fun to watch them squirm.

    I will stand there with one leg on the bench, and let my dangle angle in their direction as i get things out of my locker and they are trapped in the cubby there needing me to move to get out.

    I can't wait until I am an old man, and my *kitten* hangs to my knees! That will make for added pleasure.

    This had me in fits of laughter, too funny