Official Nightshift thread!!!



  • It is so nice to be able to come on, and read comments from people who are truly able to understand the night shift feeling. I have been back on track for a week now, but it sure isn't easy some nights. I have found lately that as long as I eat a salad during the night, I don't feel as hungry for carbs. Well, this is number one of five, so I will be back on again later. Have a great night everyone!
  • Trachnurse-
    That's a decent idea, but it's probably best to bring meat as well. And have small snacks with you.
    I bring a frozen dinner, a granola bar, and a keebler crackers pack every night. If I'm really feeling hungry, I have things I can snack on, but I only have a little, so if I blow through it too quickly, I'm basically boned the rest of the night. It helps you learn control so that when you do have the carbs, you can keep from eating a ton of them. Another thing that helps is carbs lacking in salts and msg, and a decent amount of water on hand :)
  • Lynz888
    Lynz888 Posts: 17 Member
    aww bust! I keep forgetting about this thread :(

    Happy late Bday Lean! hope you had a good one
  • Hi everyone. Ive been doing MFP for a few weeks now, just noticed this thread. I start working the 11p-7a shift tonight, not by choice, but got bumped by someone more senior at work. Ive worked evenings for 5 years, so this is a change for me. I am a police officer. My biggest thing ,besides getting enough sleep,is not letting working "mids" creep up on me and my diet. I am a casual MFP user and have lost 15 lbs over the past three months. I want to keep it off and I hope that the one good thing that may come out of such a change in my schedule is a more conscious effort on what I eat..or don't eat. Patrolling around on the mid shift, leaves stopping in for a coffee and muffin pretty tempting! Im gonna pack some healthy snacks and make a go at it.
    Im also concerned that I am simply not going to have the energy to hit the gym as much as I need to. I appreciate all your good advice on this thread and will check in regularly. Keep up the good work everyone and be safe.
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Hi Tangocat - I've found that working "mids" is really a state of mind. You have to be mentally aligned. Everyone sleeps differently but I go to bed fairly quickly after I get home from work in the morning. Then I wake up around 1500 or 1600. I eat my breakfast and get my workout in. I don't go into work until 2100 so it gives me a couple hours to catch up on some tv, go for a walk, or run erronds. Once you find your own groove you'll settle in. You're already getting ahead of the game because you're aware that you'll need to focus on bringing healthy snacks and staying away from those late night goodies!
    Good luck! You're in the right place on this thread... :) It has helped me quite a bit!
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Meg, I have the same exact schedule :smile:
  • How is everyone tonight?
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    :) I have really found the schedule works for me. Some of the officers work out after their shift... I think they're crazy haha. NO WAY do I have enough steam to get me through a good workout after my shift.

    Hi Jessifer - I'm good - tomorrow night is my friday (wahoo) I've worked a bunch of OT this week and I'm ready to be done! Plus I'm traveling to Maine to visit my parents for the rest of the week, so that should be nice. But being away from home scares me in the food world.... I hope I can stick with it.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hey everyone! i've been MIA during my week off, but am glad to be back, and excited to see more people joining the thread, so welcome to all! i'm actually glad to get back to work just for the sake of having my usual schedule back. i was doing ok for the most part, but towards the end of the week was a different story, and today i felt like i just could not stop eating. i worked out most days, including today, but even with that, by the time i weighed myself this morning i had gained back a few pounds. ugh! hope everyone had a good weekend!
  • Today would normally be my friday...but i'm working OT this week too, so tomorrow night will be my Friday as well. Yay for my paycheck :smile: but not so much for my sanity :laugh:

    MegJo - Have a safe and fun trip to Maine, and though it can be scary to be away from home as far as eating goes...stay positive and you will do great!

    Allie - Welcome back and hope you enjoyed your vacation...I can totally relate to the comfort of being back on a schedule!
  • Got room for another midnight shifter? 10:00p.m. to 6:15 a.m.
    I went to third shift when the economy went south. Daycare was $1000.00 a month for two kids, 2 days a week. So even though I have 15 plus years, I gave up my first shift spot for third. I actually love it. I get home and have breakfast with the family and sleep during the time I would have been working anyway. So to me the breakfast is a bonus. I workout before bed and it helps me sleep more sound I feel. Room darking shades, gotta love 'em.
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I am in the process of reseting my sleep pattern. When my husband was on third with me, we would stay up till 1 in the afternoon and sleep till 8pm, (I start work at 9.) Now that he is going to school I am trying to sleep right away when I get home, and get up so I can spend some time with him and workout before I go to work.

    tonight is my friday, whoo hoo, 8 days off. (as of right now 3 hours left :bigsmile: )

    I have had a couple of not so great eating days. We have been super busy this weekend so alot of my eating was on the run, eat with one hand push buttons with the other. :smile:
  • Welcome Madcat! :smile:
  • Hi there, yes, I always bring more than just a salad for the shift. I just meant that if I have a salad it fills me up and keeps me from wanting bad foods, I always have meat of some form or other as well. Thanks. :happy:
  • This whole flip-flopping between day/night schedules for work is really messing with my body! I'm down another 2.6 lbs since my last weigh-in on Sunday morning. I find that odd, but I always weigh myself right around the same time and wearing the same clothing, so I'm not sure what to think. I'm not really complaining too much, but dang!

    For those of you that flip-flop day/night schedules like this, is this normal? FWIW, I just started working nocs last week.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    oh no, I came in tonight and there waas leftover food from earlier. Somehow, the healthy fish and veggie dinenr I brought is turning into pizza and cake!! help!!! lol
  • I hear you Lee, it was someone's birthday today and I feel like a bottomless pit and have a bunch of snacks in my locker. Fortunately Im not a fan of frosting so the thought of cake isnt really going for me but I am fighting the urge to have an officer go and get me something that is bad for me at the convience store. I keep thinking 'only 4 more hours until I go home, where I wont be so bored all I want to do is eat'
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    I wish I didnt like frosting...truth is I LOOOOVE it lol. I didnt eat the cake yet,,I wonder if I could actually not eat it? I would be soooo proud!!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    hahaha can i just say on the topic of frosting...i made a cake for my friend's mother last week and def had a spoonful of the leftover chocolate frosting tonight before work...oh and then, they gave out mini black and white cookies which i had on break... looks like a long workout is in my future this afternoon!
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    hahaha can i just say on the topic of frosting...i made a cake for my friend's mother last week and def had a spoonful of the leftover chocolate frosting tonight before work...oh and then, they gave out mini black and white cookies which i had on break... looks like a long workout is in my future this afternoon!