

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    Couple of NSVs. Today I took a pile of too big clothes to the charity shop. :drinker: I realised as I was having a browse around in there that I was looking at the 12s (UK) as the 14s just looked too big. Didn't buy anything, but it might be time to take the plunge and try on a few 12s. Sizing is so weird anyway. Now I am older my waist is so much bigger than my hips and it used to be the other way round.
    The other one is that I resumed my strength training today. It felt so good. I was worried about doing a plank as I haven't done one for ten days. Well, I beat my record!:flowerforyou: Still haven't got back to the press ups, though I am lifting dumbbells.

    I also think I have been a bit calmer about all the noise, racket and disruption going on around us. As I write it is 5pm and they are still roaring away next door. We have to have the windows open because of the new paint. Noise is one of the things I am very neurotic about, so I think I have coped fairly well. I still have no idea what they are doing over there. You would think they might have dropped in to apologise about the racket or to have warned us it was about to happen. As neighbours they are definitely lacking in the consideration department. And they seem to be megalomaniacs in the estate expansion department. When we first moved in here we had a year of dust and noise while they doubled the size of their house, built a garage bigger than our house and landscaped the grounds with antique lamp posts and gravel. You can see they are not my favourite people especially as they hardly ever speak to us and consider themselves local grandees.
    So, the fact that I am still sane is a miracle!:laugh: :wink:

    Love Heather in noisy UK. OH, it's just gone quiet!
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    bump - hope to be able to catch up tomorrow
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Katla :flowerforyou: I know they are expensive but I love my Sleep Number. I don't have the temperature sensitive, fancy pillow top or anything special. I have the bargain one, no bells and whistles. But I love it. about 6 weeks ago when I had my muscle spasms in my back I could get in bed, put it at my 45 and literally get up pain free. Even though my husband and I love each other, we can not sleep together. He snores like a freight train, before he retired, his work shift started at 5:30 AM and my sleep pattern puts me to bed at 2 AM. So it didn't work, me nudging him for 3 hours to stop snoring. We were empty nesters so I took one of the bedrooms. So a double bed works fine with me. I am trying to convince him to get one. He always go for value, that doesn't always convert to best bed. But we can afford it. They are having a sale right now and I'm working on him!

    Well today is the day:frown: toe nails come off in a couple of hours. They are thick enough maybe I will weigh less:laugh:


    Another vote for Sleep Number. We had a regular K size bed with a mattress from h***! Cost too much .$$$,so thought I was stuck with it.Then one morn I woke up to find DH sitting on edge of bed.He said "let's look at the bed our DD has" & finally admitted he was having problems sleeping.

    As they say on TV,done & done Bought the Sleep Number for our frame,delivered the next morn.Took maybe 2 days to get used to it by adjusting the firmness.That was 6 yrs ago & hope I never have to change brands.Worth every dime.Ours is not the fancy model either...
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, all,

    Katla.............My only advice on bed buying, and I learned this the hard way, is to have someone else on the bed with you when you try it out in the store. Have them roll around and move and get in and out of bed as they would during the course of a normal night. I didn't and EVERY move dh makes is (I swear!!!!) magnified ten times on my side ALL night...............hence the number of nights I spend on the couch downstairs. Hard lesson learned!!!!!

    Cheryl.......There are no words to convey the punishment that should be visited on someone that would do that to a child. Hope your advisor is the best and your son can come to some understanding of how evil some people can be.

    Heather.......Good thoughts to you on your breast problem. I need to be more like you and make the apts. that I have been avoiding.

    My epigastric pain is better today; first since Sunday night. Wonder what will set it off next. Main problem is that food makes it feel better and I'm now up 3lbs.....................very frustrating, to say the least.

    I have been reading, just not posting much........will begin logging food again now that I am not eating like a pig.......back on the horse and all that.

    Welcome newbies; you have found the right place!!!
    Best to everyone!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I just found this topic and have yet to read all the posts but so far it looks like a good place for me! I just want to bump it so I can find it again.

    I'm 58 and live in Kansas. I have a sweet hubby who is very supportive in my weight loss efforts. I work out at the Y 30 minutes on the machines each day and then 30 minutes doing laps in the pool. Plus walking in the evening with our 6 year old whippet named Molly. This weekend we are going to adopt a new little guy from a shelter in Oklahoma, so I'll have another walking buddy. I had angioplasty and a stent April 23rd of this year and started to get serious about my health. So far so good. Another hundred pounds or so and I'll be in the normal range.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Had a post and pushed something,got deleted.Day not starting off good.Hubby only gets paid for 1 week.
    My girlfriend from h.s passed away this am.She had complications from lupus.I am in shock.
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Just a quick post now

    Jane - So sorry about your girlfriend. :brokenheart:

    Tina in MD
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Home from toe nail removal, was so easy!!!!! Of course it was easy because the doctor made it that way. The nurse in me took over and I sat up and watched the whole thing. Was quite interesting, I even had them put the nails in a baggie so I could take them home and examine them more closely with a magnifying glass. You don't many opportunities to look at the underneath side of a toe nail! Of course the toes are still quite numb so i don't know how I will feel when it is back to normal.

    Have a good day everyone. Time to get my yogurt. I wish I knew what is causing the scales to continue to go up. Another pound this morning.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: Cws4me, congrats on starting a walking routine….the longest journey starts with a single step….about the difference between reply and quote……if you click on quote the whole post shows up…..this is handy if your want to comment about something they’ve said and want everyone to reread it…..you can delete as much of the quoted text as you wish in case you want to comment only on a certain sentence…...then you write what you want to say below the bottom word “quote” on the post……if you click on reply, you can write whatever you want and it will show up at the bottom of all the posts…..you can experiment with this and if you don’t like how it turned out or you goofed up, you can click on edit and make whatever changes you want to make.

    :flowerforyou: Nancy in Ohio……a wise woman on this thread called all of us her daily dose of Vitamin F……the F stands for friends or friendship…….I’ve written in a gratitude journal daily for over four years and it keeps me focused on all that is good in my life…someone on this thread said, “if you think you have nothing to be grateful for, check your pulse”….your MUSE choir sounds awesome.

    :bigsmile: Michele, your cake is fabulous……looks so good that it would break my heart to cut it to be eaten.

    :heart: Cheryl, I’m sending hugs your way…..i knew about all the other stuff but this latest stuff with your son is heartbreaking.:brokenheart: :brokenheart:

    :bigsmile: Meg, congrats on 11,000 steps.

    :bigsmile: Renny, congratulations on your success at saying no to foods you didn’t plan to eat….it’s amazing that once you answer, people leave you alone and don’t make a big deal of it.

    :flowerforyou: Anamika, I go through a lot of times when all I can do is read and not post…..just keep coming back……my meditation takes place when I walk and it adds so much to my ability to cope with what comes along in my life.

    :flowerforyou: Heather, I gave up baking when I started this journey……when I decided to stop eating for recreation, I also decided that I would have to be famous for something that didn’t involve food. I gave away all my baking equipment and ingredients and haven’t looked back.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, congrats on your success with the plank….when we bought our bed, we lay down on a lot of different mattresses in the store….we bought ours at Sleep Country.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, welcome……I have two standard poodles and walking them is one of the main parts of my exercise program….I carry a pedometer in my pocket and am amazed at how many steps I walk with my dogs.

    :brokenheart: :brokenheart: Jane, I am so sorry about your friend.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, glad your nail procedure went well..

    :bigsmile: Walked the dogs for almost three hours this morning before line dance class……in a few minutes, I’ll walk the dogs again then do my strength training…..it’s raining so working in the yard doesn’t sound like a good choice…..the Pacific Northwest has been extra dry this summer and the rain is welcome…..the potluck we had here last night turned out good for me…….the pizza had pepperoni and the scalloped potatoes had ham and since I don’t eat pork, it was easy to decline them…..I ate whole grain crackers with Jake’s homemade salsa , two Clementines, and a small helping of pistachio jello dessert….it was enough food that I didn’t need my usual bedtime snack.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Home from toe nail removal, was so easy!!!!! Of course it was easy because the doctor made it that way. The nurse in me took over and I sat up and watched the whole thing. Was quite interesting, I even had them put the nails in a baggie so I could take them home and examine them more closely with a magnifying glass. You don't many opportunities to look at the underneath side of a toe nail! Of course the toes are still quite numb so i don't know how I will feel when it is back to normal.

    Have a good day everyone. Time to get my yogurt. I wish I knew what is causing the scales to continue to go up. Another pound this morning.


    Wow,the strength you have! Glad to hear it went well.Did they numb with needles? I'm a wimp when it comes to needles.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Jane.........my condolences to you for the loss of your friend.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    patceo :flowerforyou: he first sprayed this anesthettic spray on it, it was real cold, then put the needle in for the local anesthetic. He went and saw two other patients while it got good and numb. I didn't feel a thing.

    I just changed my diary settings to track my sugars. WOW, eye opening. maybe that is the key to my fight I am having with the scales. The 2 apples I have a day is the max of sugars this site recommends for me. Any advice or guidance?

  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Joyce- Glad everything went well.

    Cheryl- I am so sorry that your son was treated that way. I hope they find the person who is responsible and prosecute him to the fullest. My prayers are with your family and all you have been dealing with.

    Deb A in CNY
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    I'm so happy that it's Friday tomorrow and a long weekend...yay

    Pat - I hope you reached your sister, if not then you are right you have done your best and the rest is up to her.

    Joyce - holy cow you are a brave woman. I'm really glad that it went so well. I hope you make a quick recovery.

    Jane - I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear friend.

    Cheryl - I am so very very sorry about your son. I understand your pain as my son was molested when he was little. Don't blame yourself for any of it. It's not your fault and it's not your son's fault (I know that too)! I pray that the counselor helps. It helped my son.

    Tomorrow after work my DD & I are going to check out the Y. I really hope it's what we want/need. I have only received a couple of text messages from my DS since his move to Toronto. It's hard to find a time to call because he & his GF work the midnight shift. I think that I'll have to call him tomorrow.

    Early to bed for me tonight. I hope you all have a wonderful night.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Evening, Ladies- Just checking back in for the evening-

    I am eating my nasty, green leafies as I type. I am under count, but just barely. Luckily, I did spend time outside this afternoon cutting the horrific suckers off the sumac tree and trimming under my cactus plants. 4 scratches, 3 punctures but only 1 required a band-aid. That's not to bad for working with those things! :laugh: I hadn't been back in the house 10 minutes when it started to rain again. Great timing!

    Heather- Loved your NSV! When I go shopping, I am still looking at the 1X, 2X, 3X clothes. I always take a friend with me who gently (?) steers me into the proper sizes. But, I have found that I really don't want to buy smaller sized clothes because that might jinx my progress. I know, I'm just weird!

    YannieJannie- It was nice to hear from you! I am glad you are feeling better.

    Sylvia- Welcome! It sounds like you have a good support system at home and a great exercise plan in place. That is a wonderful start to this journey.

    Jane- I am so sorry for your loss. Lupus is a nasty disease, I am sorry your friend had to suffer through that.

    Joyce- You are one Sick Puppy! :laugh: Not only do I not want to watch any medical procedures, I don't even want to be awake! Glad you are home, settled and feeling Ok.

    I think I am going to go watch football and read. That sounds like something good to do on a rainy evening.

    Sweet dreams, my friends,

    Pat (phoo)
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hello all you lovely ladies! Today was weigh in day and I lost another 1.1 pounds. Hooray! I just wish it were faster!4 more pounds til the girls get new bras! Then hubby and I committed a major dietary indiscretion….we went out and ate breaded fried mushrooms and nachos. Holy cats, add two beers, and I feel like an advertisement for bad food!

    Well, it was one evening of not-so-healthy foods and tomorrow will be a new day. So I am not going to stress or worry over it. It has probably been 1 ½ to 2 years since I had such foods! I enjoyed every single bite!

    Michele: such a cute cake. You are really talented!

    Genealace: I hope the lace piece gets done soon to your satisfaction

    Katla; welcome home. I’m glad you had a nice visit!

    Anamika: you are so right when you say that even some little effort may be a big help to someone else. It’s amazing that different people respond to so many different things.

    Heather: I wish our health care system had some of the features yours does! Good walking plan! And I think you are way too young for the old lady’s pass!

    Patceoh: good job on the weight loss. Let us know what happens at the stress test!

    Joyce: good luck with the toe nail procedure. I hope it’s not painful

    Pat: please send some of your rain my way!

    Yanniejannie: good bed-buying advice!

    Carol: sending prayers and love your way

    Sylvia: welcome to our group. I too started with a 100 pound loss goal. I am ¼ of the way there!~

    Jane: hugs to you in your loss. Lupus can be a bad disease.

    Barbie: your choices at the potluck sound just great!

    SandY; great idea to go check out the YMCA. Let us know what you think!

    Well my friends I am off to bed shortly. Another hot day tomorrow and I’m doing all the grocery shopping. I think it’s supposed to be around 100 again. UGH. Take care, Meg
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Cheryl - boy, you sure have had your share of incidents. Good thoughts being sent your way. I do hope your son isn't suicidal but only said that he was

    Meg - WTG not being able to wear those shorts! Congrats on the loss

    katla - sounds like you had a wonderful time. So happy for you. Good for you showing those kids up doing your plank! We can do it. I remember a few years ago I was taking a strength training class. We did a lot of weight lifting. It was amazing -- here I was twice the age of most of the students, lifting heavier weights.

    patceoh - thanks for the reminder about the flu shot. That's one of the things I usually get done at my annual visit which is sometime in Sept.

    grandmalle - jeans for $3 -- awesome buy. Jeans are about the only thing I can ever find at WalMart that will fit me. Sometimes they do have petite sizes in jeans, not in anything else, tho

    Heather - you're so right, sizing IS weird. I've had jeans, same manufacturer, same cut, just different color. In the blue jeans I would take one size and in the colored jeans I'd take another. Some pants I can even fit into a size 4P, mostly 8P but sometimes I need a 6P. I look pretty funny going into the dressing room, I have so many different size pants.

    Thank you everyone for your kind comments about my cake. I enjoy doing things like this. That ladder and the rails are the absolute hardest. I'm trying to think of what is very sticky that I can use to attach the rungs to the sides (cookies). Gravity is fighting me, so it has to be something that is quite sticky. And those rungs of the ladder. Licorice comes in straight pieces and it's so hard to bed without breaking

    Sylvia - welcome!

    jane - so sorry to hear about your girlfriend.

    Joyce - you sound so good after all you've been thru. Glad it was a good experience for you

    Been pretty busy. Did an hour of Jari Love's Extremely Ripped DVD, then did a little food shopping (I think I'll go back and get more chocolate chips, they are a very good price), took the tables back to the church, went to the soup kitchen, went to the Green Room. It was so hot that in a way I was hoping Vince wasn't home when I got home but he was. However.....it was too hot outside for him then so I went into the pool for about an hour. Then we worked on the river rock for about 3 hours. I tell ya, I'm getting this sort-of down. I shovel it into one dumpcart, then have to shovel it into the smaller dumpcart so I can wheel it into the pool area. Some areas have to be rocked by the shovel full, you can't just dump. We're working at the equipment pad right now. What a good incentive to get thinner!

    Tomorrow Vince wants to start working outside at around 9. I was planning to do the deep water class which would get me home around 10:30 but instead I think I'll just swim some laps, then stop for more of the chocolate chips, then go to CVS to get a prescription for Vince and some milk. Actually, the milk isn't cheap however, I have a coupon so in the end it'll cost something like 59 cents for a gallon. Don't know if I'll have time to get to the humane society to give them my aluminum. Guess we'll just see.

    Tonight I was late giving Lance his insulin. I swear it looked like he was waiting for it! He still flinches when I give it to him, but then he gets brushed so I guess I'm forgiven.

    Vince took Bonnie to the vet this a.m. He couldn't find anything wrong with her. However, last time (months ago) we were there the vet gave us ear drops for Bonnie. Well, Vince only used them twice and they were supposed to be given once/day. I know deep inside he didn't want to be the "bad guy", so now the vet has increased the dosage and it's now twice/day. Oh well..........

    I can't get over how late it is.

    Michele in NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I really think that if more women were doctors when I was a young girl I would have loved to be a doctor. But I was not a good student, I recognize now that it wasn't that I wasn't a good student but I wasn't learning the right way. I have to be able to see what the concept is, I have to be able to visualize it. This is one of the things I stressed to all the nurses I trained. One patient can not learn in the same way another will learn. Some learn by just giving them literature, I need to see that model of the heart and look at the circulation myself. As I got older I learned that I loved to find out how animals 'ticked'. All my friends in the neighborhood would bring me an animal that they found dead and I would do an 'autopsy'. I autopsied snakes, turtles, mice turtle, you name it I did it. So I have always been fascinated with the human body. Part of the orientation of our new nurses was that they observe an open heart surgery. But I had been a nurse for 20 years already so I didn't get that opportunity, so I did it on a day off. it was marvelous! So eye opening. When I was at the birth of both of my grand children I don't know what I was more enthused about, my daughter giving birth or just watching a birth.

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :grumble: DH had prepared a meal of bacon and beans tonight. WTH was he thinking!!! So, I said, thank you but I won't be eating that. I have a goal remember, a goal I am committed to?!! I will cook up some fish and veggies. So, I did. And feel so much better for it.

    :wink: But that is not why we are not sleeping in the same bed anymore. We love each other tons. But we have been sleeping apart for years. Kids moved out, take the extra bedroom, because he snores like a freight train too :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Too much sugar ? I don, t worry about it if the sugar comes from real fruit. However, watch the sugar in the prepared foods.

    I hope the scale has moved down a lb tomorrow. I will just stare it down until it does!!!

    I have read all the posts on my tablet, but find it hard to post from it. Now have to get away from the PC, because I am already on a PC all day. Tomorrow morning is dentist. and then a long weekend.

    :heart: Renny
    from rainy Vancouver Island, BC
  • moharma
    moharma Posts: 9 Member
    Trying to get this post in before the end of the day. Things went well today although I didnt go to the gym- well , actually, I went there but the warm water pool (where I was going for a class) was closed for maintenance and the class was cancelled sooooo...since I was already there but didnt have the right clothes to work out I got a pedicure :laugh:

    Cheryl- I hardly know what to say about your son because that is so horrendous. How great that he had the trust and maturity (yes) to tell you . Hopefully this predator will be identified

    Patceoh- congrats on the scale. It is so frustrating when it sits week after week

    Sylvia- 68# weight loss??That is super!

    Joyce- Like Renny I only count added sugars, I don't include those in fruits or veggies (but just about everything else)

    Penny- I was impressed by your will power at a party. I have never done anythiing like that. Instead my mindset at a party is more "I may never get to go to another party again":drinker:

    Pat- How jealous I am about your cacti!I am a huge fan and have a little over 100 cacti. But here in Ohio they are all in pots and I have to take them in and out of the house in the fall and spring. Its quite a job- but worth it.

    Sandy- I miss my kids and also have a hard time calling them. My younger daughter lives in Brooklyn which isnt bad but she keeps strange hours and it isnt easy to get ahold of her. (I'm going to visit her next week so that will be good. )But my other daughter lives in Hong Kong and there is a twelve hour time difference. We usually skype on Sunday but my chances to get hold of her are small. Im hoping we can find more time now that I'm retired.

    Michelle- I thought I needed to tell you that I was reading your post about how you had to give your husband, Lance, his insulin. I was a little confused whenI read that he got brushed when you were done :noway: Okay....my misunderstanding:laugh:

    Well, I'll be back tomorrow. My husband and I are gong to the gym tomorrow- he has decided that he wants to join too - eek!

    Nancy in Ohio