

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good Thursday evening.

    Spent time this morning working on my lace, a little this afternoon and then again this evening after I got home from lawn bowling. I'm about half way, so I should be able to get it finished over the weekend. If I can get the stuff in the mail by Priority Post on Tuesday morning, there shouldn't be any problem for it to be there on time. I understand that I have until the Monday because the 7th Sept (deadline) is on a Saturday.

    It was a lovely evening to lawn bowl and while we were bowling a long 'v' of geese flew overhead. In the middle of them, there were 3 ducks who were flapping like crazy to keep up. The geese fly south from the river a couple of times a day to eat on farmers fields and then about 10:30-11:00 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. fly back to the river. I hear them go over my house about 6:30 a.m. on their way to feed. They spend a lot of time training the young ones to fly in formation - the ones this evening were quite good with only a couple of stragglers. The mosquitos were bad and I got two bites, one on my knee and one right in the middle of my forehead which is very itchy.

    Time for bed, said Zebedee
  • moharma
    moharma Posts: 9 Member
    I forgot to mention how impressed I am by all of you and your activity level. Some of you do cardio-type activities 2,3,4 times a day!
    I do it once, hate most of it, and count every second

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    morning ladies,
    im just :grumble: ..i did the gym, did the lawn, walked the dogs,got over 10,000 and still the scale hasn't budged...
    my heel still is bothering me, and I would love to take a walk, but I hear the DH voice saying go to the gym, so I might have to do that..
    did get 8 hrs sleep which is good..
    well better get my butt in gear:wink:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Cheryl:smile: Sending good thoughts your way, you`ve had a h*** of a summer!!! Hope the counseling will help your son!

    Jane Martin:smile: So sorry to hear about your friend:brokenheart: :cry: .

    Meg:smile: Congrats on being down 1.1 !!!!

    Michele:smile: Love the cake, it looks so cute. I would have hated to cut it!

    Nancy OH:smile: I love the fact that since you didn`t have the correct clothes on to exercise you got a pedicure:laugh: , I think that`s just perfect!!!

    Joyce:smile: Hope the toes won`t be too sore today:flowerforyou: .

    Sandy ON:smile: I am glad it`s Friday too:bigsmile: !!!

    Renny:smile: Bacon and beans turned into fish and veggies:happy: , good for you!!! Love your new profile pic!

    Barbie:smile: You are just amazing!

    I`ve been keeping up with everyone all week. Congrats to everyone that has posted a loss!!! Hang in there if the dreaded scale is being hateful ( I know that feeling well).

    Have a wonderful Friday ladies!!! Drink your water :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!

    Till next time....
    DeeDee in kind of cloudy and warm NC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    :grumble: can I smack the ol man?
    I just called him at work...he says dont worry we will go broke thats ok so you can have your healthy food.. because I bought nitrate free hot dogs and fresh veggies.
    I called him an A--.. He gets meals and snacks made for him, cookies snack ckaes, buy him his ice cream.. and what do I get hmmmmm
    ok enough of the rant.. some of it is just teasing some is being a worry wart about money..
    I dont ask for alot,but being healthy is something I need to do..
    Hope everyone has wonderful plans for the holiday weekend.. its going to be cloudy most of the weekend here in Connecticut, I am itchin to get to the ocean,but probably wont be going anywhere near there until we get to florida in October..
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~Today is the wake for my friend,doesn`t seem real.Looked at the obit today,just to make sure.We had a lot of good memories.I`ll miss the phone calls.
    On a good note.have`nt seen much loss in the scale,but loss 3 in on different parts of my body.
    Thanks for all your love and support.Luv u guys(gals).
    HUGS:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    We had a full day yesterday with doctors, scans, etc. Good report and DH doesn't have to do it again for 2 years! What a blessing.
    In the middle of all the appointments, I broke my glasses in two pieces. Unfortunately, I didn't have my contacts with me. Good thing DH was able to drive. We got back to our hometown in time for me to go to the Optical shop and get them fixed.
    Cheryl - so sorry to read about all your troubles and thank God your son told you. It is scary for young people on the internet. Hopefully they will catch the predator. Hope your ribs are feeling better each day.
    Meg - I didn't know you had gotten a diagnosis of diabetes. Will your diet and exercises control it? That is something I worry about as my mom and brother had it.
    Welcome to all the new friends. You'll love this site.
    Michelle - your cake is darling. You are so creative and giving. Hope the party was a success.
    Leaving this afternoon for the long weekend and won't have internet so I'll catch up with you all in September. August was such a loss (not literally) for me. It has been so hot that it's hard to get motivated. Actually,I lost a couple of pounds last week but I don't know why.
    Sue in Hot, Hot, Hot Texas
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, My Friends. Happy Friday!

    I just at the most unhealthy breakfast that I have had in a while! Really, it probably wasn't too bad, but it was calorie expensive. Because of the gluten free stuff, I do crave bread. So, I had two pieces of toast w/ Pb2 and honey, of all things! Talk about a sugar count! Oh, well. I will have to forego the bread for the rest of the day. Deep Sigh of Oh, Poor Me! :bigsmile:

    I did get to talk to my sister yesterday. It went fine. I didn't mention the house and neither did she. I gave her birthday wishes and said nice things, and then said Good Bye! Short, sweet, to the point and done. My stomach hurt, my head hurt and my heart ached, but I did what I needed to do.

    I also spoke to my son last night. He had gone up to the pro shop at his home golf course and picked up his birthday present. Since I really have no clue what to get for him, I just call the pro-shop and leave money on his account. When he was racing his motorcycles, I would leave money or gift certificates for the expensive tires, and I am really glad he has finally decided to stop doing that and play golf! Much, much, much safer! :laugh: :drinker:

    Today I am taking my little, 98 year old friend to the beauty shop. This is only her second time to the shop since she fell and broke her thigh bone. She is excited. She used to go every two weeks, and she deserves to go whenever she wants to! She is such a sweetie.

    Meg- Good job on the weight loss! I am sorry, I will not share our rain. Since most of the year we are in single digit humidity, we keep the rain we get!

    Michele- It amazes me how much you squeeze into each day! :happy: Wow! I get tired just reading about all you do. Keep it up and you may shame me into moving more! :blushing:

    Renny- I am proud of you for taking care of yourself w/ the beans and bacon meal. Husbands are cute, aren't they? My SO thinks everything must be cooked in butter, a whole lot of butter; he also believes that every vegetable should come with cheese sauce. But, we love them anyway, right?

    Granmallie- Go out and buy one package of the cheapest, ugliest, nastiest hot dogs they make, and when you enjoy yours, make him those. He will change his tune. (I would also stop buying him his treats for a while, but I am an evil woman.) You do an awesome job of taking care of both of you, and he needs a wake up call. My attitude about husbands, boyfriends, partners is "If you love them; I love them. But, if you are mad at them today; then I will be mad at them today, too" I am sure you will fall in love with him all over, but, boy Howdy, sometimes their teasing does hit a bit hard, doesn't it.

    OK- time for me to go and do some laundry and cleaning. :grumble: I'll check back in later.

    For today: breakfast: toast w/ Pb2 & honey :frown:
    lunch: yogurt and blueberries
    supper: hamburger, fried onions and cooked vegies

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Some have talked about their Labor Day weekend plans. 41 years ago on Sept 2 at 2 PM I married Charlie! Even though it started out like any romantic marriage through the years the romance seems to be gone but we have a good companionship. He will very proudly tell anyone what the secret to our long marriage is commitment. And also some comprimise, I add that, he doesn't. I'm not sure he know the true meaning of it but he is learning and I am learning how to pick my battles. We have two wonderful daughters, and of course 2 wonderful grand daughters. He thinks he just has to eat the evening meal out and there are 2 places that I have set my foot down on eating at since I started on my diet and I know that if I really tried I could find something there and so I may tell him to take his pick, but not get used to it!!!!!

    My nail beds seem to be doing OK. The little nail that was removed, well the toe since the nail isn't there anymore, gave me fits during the night. So I took a Lortab and that seemed to take the edge off it so I took a Lortab. The big toe still does not hurt at all but like he said the nail was hardly attached anyway. Now i am going to start treating the callouses that are on the toes by those bad nails. The podiatrist suggested a product from Walgreens called piggy paste!!!! So I'll get some of that and get those callouses softened up.

    I did put on my favorite god supporting walking shoes that I wear all the time and it didn't feel good last night and I kind of walked like my sister and all her orthopedic problems. So I'm not looking forward to putting those back on but the big bulky dressings are off now and I just have bandaides so they should fit OK

    Weather is awful, so hot and humid, heat index back above 100 again. since I enjoy watching profeesional gold as much as I do and two big tournaments start this weekend that may be what I do.

  • cws4me
    cws4me Posts: 25
    bump...on road trip
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: I’ve known one other person with a sleep number mattress and they loved it, too. I wonder if DH would be open to the idea. Thanks for your recommendation. :happy: I just read your toenail post. You and I are birds of a feather in the “watch my own surgery” camp. :bigsmile: All fruit is high in sugar. Fructose is nutritionally superior to glucose. I wouldn’t worry about the sugar in apples, I’d worry about sugar that comes out of a bag. Bottom line, it is calories in and calories out for weight loss.:wink:

    Heather: Isn’t it a treat to give away big clothes! :smile: It is tough to live in a home while work is going on. Been there, done that, and would rather not do it again, but sometimes it is the only way. Hugs.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: We did lie on the mattresses in the store and made a bad choice anyway. :angry: I guess that one is our fault. We should have stayed on the mattress longer.:ohwell:

    Jane: I’m so sorry for the loss of your hs friend.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmalle: Your hubby needs to sit in the time-out chair and think about his bad words.:frown: :wink:

    Cheryl: I’m sorry your son had a bad experience. It is all too common for there to be sexual predators out there on-line. It wasn’t your son's fault. Unfortunately, we have to teach our kids about existence of bad people lurking on the internet. Too bad he had to learn it in such a horrible way. :flowerforyou:

    DH’s niece and her husband spent the night at our house. We had a salmon dinner, and then walked to the park for the last concert of the summer. The band was called Jujuba, and we really enjoyed their performance. :happy: The niece and husband are gone, and I’m taking a moment with you all to stay in touch and charge up my own batteries before we start getting ready for lour Labor Day weekend activities. If I were still working, it would be back to school time next week. :noway: I’m free!!!:bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    August goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 2 glasses of water daily.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, everyone,

    Bright , sunny, and rather warm day here. I realized last night that it was already completely dark at 8pm........I hate the short days of winter and being dark at 8pm is a reminder of what is down the road. Have heard this winter is suposed to be very bad......Farmer's Almanac or some such.

    Jane......Thoughts are with you today. I met my bestest friend in kindergarten and can't imagine life w/o her, even though we've been miles apart and sometimes have gone months w/o contact; we always pick up where we left off

    Joyce.........Glad your toenail episode is going well. I had one with a bump across the nail horizontally which just split and tore a few days ago when doing a downward dog pose in yoga.........quite uncertain how to treat it........it's fine if I leave it alone but hurts too much to pull off the rest of the way and I'm fearing it will get caught on something and just rip.

    Sandy.........Enjoy your long weekend!!! Best of luck reaching your son. I believe you got an iPad recently---can you Facetime with him???? My dd and I are doing that quite a bit these days.

    Meg............YAY!!!!!.......for your loss!!! I stumbled across a bra-fitting day the other week and bought some new ones; a brand I had not tried before........Wacola (or something like that).........really like them

    Joyce...........The real skinny licorice whips might work as your ladder.......I believe they come in red and black and they are very flexible

    Pat.......sounds like you opened the door with your sister...

    Dinner out at Longhorn; have looked at a menu and planned.
    Good evening to all,
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I'm sitting in the waiting room at the ER, waiting for my son to be seen by the doctor. He has emphysema and sometimes gets lung infections, which he has now. He's 37 but he and his wife only have one car so I drove him here so she could stay home with the little guy and then go pick up the girls from school. He sounds awful, but he has been through this several times and says its no big deal. He had been a welder but is now on disability. We have been estranged for about 5 years and just recently reconnected after he moved back to town. So I'm taking it slow, getting reacquainted and enjoying time with the kids. It's a long story, but those poor kids have been through the wringer.

    After gym and swimming this morning I signed up for a trainer to get me started with lifting weights. I wanted to add something to my routine so this is it.

    When I was dressing I happened to glance in a mirror (I try to avoid that at all costs) and I noticed a row of puckered dimples running horizontally around my middle. I think it may be the beginnings of a waist! I'm so excited! I haven't had one of those in many years.

    I'm really enjoying reading about all you ladies' lives. I think I like being here among more mature ladies. Some of the comments on other threads seem to have been written by spoiled teenagers. It's like this place is divided into rooms and I have finally stumbled into the right room for me.

    Thanks for making me feel welcome.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :flowerforyou: Nancy, I tried to look at your exercise diary to see what kind of exercise you do, but your diary is locked. Someone told me that the best exercise is the one you’ll do. I walk a lot and go to line dance classes. I have a great book called “Strong Women Stay Young” that showed me a simple strength training program that I can do at home while watching TV. If you read this thread regularly you’ll hear about a lot of different exercise programs and activities and may find something that you like.

    :flowerforyou: Grandmallie, weight loss is not instantaneous…….it happens over time with good nutrition, good exercise, and keeping calories at the right level…..a day of good behavior may not result in a loss and a day of bad behavior may not result in a gain, but consistency with all these things will bring you the results you seek……never, never, never give up.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: DeeDee, I’m always happy to hear from you.

    :brokenheart: :brokenheart: Jane, sorry this is a sad day for you

    :bigsmile: Sue, enjoy your weekend

    :flowerforyou: Phoo, one of the smartest decisions I made was to not eat bread…..sometimes I think of it, but when I do, I don’t think of a slice, I think of the whole loaf slathered with butter and peanut butter so I have no bread at all…….one slice is too many and a thousand wouldn’t be enough.

    Renny, congrats on graciously declining a meal that doesn’t fit on your food plan even if your DH prepared it with love

    :flowerforyou: Joyce, enjoy your golf and let your feet heal.

    :flowerforyou: Katla, now that I’m not teaching, I love Labor Day Weekend…….I used to spend the whole weekend in my classroom getting things ready for the first day of school.

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, I go to bed so early that I don’t notice that it gets dark early, but I’m out walking the dogs so early in the morning that I notice the shorter days and how much of my walk is by streetlight or flashlight.

    :bigsmile: Sylvia, how great that you and your son are finding each other again after an estrangement…..take it one day at a time and miracles will happen…..being there for him when he needs you is a great beginning.

    :flowerforyou: We won’t do anything different this weekend. We’ll enjoy the time to work in the yard, walk the dogs, and do all the things we usually do. We were invited to a bbq on Sunday but declined in favor of spending time together with the pets. However, I expect that at some point, Jake will realize that it’s a holiday weekend and ask me if I want him to fix something on the grill.

    :flowerforyou: Don’t forget that there will be a new thread for September. I’ll post it at bedtime on Saturday and put the link on this thread……it’s time now to review your goals or resolutions for August and see how you’ve done and think about what goals you’ll set or resolutions you’ll make for September.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington where it is sunny again

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

    August Resolutions (with almost end of the month comments)
    *finish preparing the flower bed in the back yard (making lots of progress but won’t be done by the end of the month)
    *participate in the new strength training challenge (nine workouts so far)
    *walk 18,000 steps a day (every day and many more some days)
    *act the way I want to feel (going great…this makes a huge difference in my life)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    Well I'm back home and very tired - but HAPPY! I got the all clear. I had a mammogram and ultrasound and exam and all was well. They even gave me some "just in case" antibiotics to keep by me. I will go back in 8 weeks for a final check.
    It is so great to get good news. On the very crowded train coming home I decided I didn't care about the noise as I was so glad to have another chance to live my life to the full. I will have to keep remembering that when I get grumpy and irritable. Life is a precious gift.

    I walked across the Thames and ate my sushi by the river. Of course there were a lot of tourists around and also families out enjoying the last days before school starts again. I walked on a bit further to Leicester Square, then time was getting on so I got the tube to the hospital. I was seen very quickly, but the prescription took ages. They gave me a pager for when it was ready! By then it was the middle of the rush hour,, so I went down to John Lewis to delay my return journey a bit. I bought a workout jacket (Asic), which DH had promised me as my reward for losing 50 lbs. He can pay my credit card off when the bill comes!:laugh: I also bought a Speedo swimsuit for my trial of the new pool next week. Both items are tight, but I don't intend to get any fatter!:bigsmile: I decided against the Lulemon jacket as the price was quite outrageous, so this one, though pricey, seems quite cheap in comparison.:tongue:
    Then I got the train to a station a bit further away from home, but I would have had to wait a long time for the next one. DH was happy to collect me from there..:smooched: He was so delighted I was OK. His last partner died of breast cancer at the age of 47 so you can imagine he is a bit sensitive. . . .♡

    Tired now. I had dinner at John Lewis, Tuna Salad Nicoise, and a small glass of white wine, so inside my calorie allowance. I had my dessert at home. Then I could not resist a sliver of cheddar cheese.:noway: I think I walked off the extra and I had done my gymming in the morning, so more or less hit the target.

    Love to all. Keep on keeping on. Consistency wins the race. Congrats to you losers.:tongue:
    Heather in Hampshire UK.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    Heather that is awesome good news.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,816 Member
    evening my adorable friends~
    here I sit with my foot propped up.,the pain is really bad:grumble:
    I have a confession,I took a walk this morning instead of going to the gym:blushing: this is why I am in pain. you would think that after all I have been through I would get it through my thick Irish skull that until this heel is back to normal no excess walking...
    Not telling the DH,but I am hopin that it calms down.. I really really dont want to get another shot, because the last one didnt help all that much anyway..
    I wish I could just sit with my feet up all weekend,but dont think that is going to happen...
    at least I have 3 days off from work:wink:
    I soooo wish that I could get in the car, pack a nice lunch and snacks and a beach chair and umbrella and hit the beach. but I have gotten to the point that I want solitude at the beach, not a bunch of people with music, and kids running around and all.must be the age :laugh:
    going out for pizza with our friends that we cruise with, they will be going on the cruise in Oct .when we are going down to the house in florida..
    I am hoping Jim, the friend of ours is still coming to watch the dogs, my DH works with him and right now Jim isnt speaking to Tom over something at work..If not I will have to ask my son to come down and take care of the dogs,or fly them down with us.. I really dont want to have to do that.
    Hoping all of you have a splended weekend and will check in to see how things are going.
    Barbie-thanks for the pep talk.. I know Jason at the gym said well gosh it took you awhile to put the weight on, it wont come off quick either,keep working at it.. and I will. and I wont give up:wink:
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    It's called stress eating:sad: :grumble: If my sister didn't have bad luck she wouldn't have any luck at all. I have said before that she had had breast cancer, she has my Mom's bones and spine and is in constant pain and walks like an 80 year old woman even though she is 65. She has fibro and all the things that go along with it. And today she found out she has a blood clot in her lung. Her doctor told her that she could do the treatment at home. I don't know if they have drastically changed things or not but when I was a nurse blood clots in your lung were not treated at home. So I do hope she rethinks whether this doctor is the right one for her very complicated medical problems. So I am trying to get a hold of her at the hospital and see how things are going and I don't get nay answer. Either she is in xray, not really up to her room yet or what but I'm not getting her. So I had spaghetti tonight:sad: :sad: :sad: I knew it was wrong when I ordered it but I did it anyway. It was the senior portion and I brought 1/2 of it home but I know the pasta is bad. But it was good.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Just got in from the wake.Sad day,but know she is out of pain.Was good to see her family,Ive known for as long.
    Thank you all for your kind words,prayers and support.
    I love you all and am glad to be part of this wonderful group.
    HUGS:heart::heart: :heart:
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,892 Member
    Hello to all:

    Heather - glad things went well for you.

    Joyce - good luck with the toes and the same to whoever else said they ripped a toenail.

    Cheryl - So sorry to hear about your son. I worry about all young children on the internet and especially my DGD. She seems to me at times much too trusting and outgoing.

    To whomever asked: The Peace Choir I am singing with is a group from all over our area. Some are professional musicians. 1st Congregational church has a Fine Arts series every year and the first concert of each season is a peace concert. This year's theme is "Sing Out For Peace". the proceeds from the concert are going to Community Outreach. We just do three rehearsals and then the concert so it can be a real challenge.

    I have finally started active range of motion on my shoulder. It really hurts to do the exercises and I will admit I do not look forward to them but if I am going to get back my function which I am determined to do so I can resume activities I love then they will have to be done. I am trying to come up with some little reward for doing them such as reading in the recliner for one-half hour when they are done. They are much easier in the water but the PT wants me to do more than that. Well it can only get better. Sue in SD