A group for 'grumblers'?



  • LJK100
    LJK100 Posts: 39 Member

    By far the BEST thread on here....if you never have negative moments, hate yourself, hate your butt, hate life in general, then your lying, because EVERYONE has those days. Some just are able to admit it.

    Me? I have started this thing about 6 times in the past few months...much self recrimination, depression, but I do keep trying. Glad to hear there is now a place to totally ***** about it. Actually, somewhat motivating to hear other peeps ***** about the same things we all go through. At least the whiners are not alone!

    Thanks for the totally funny, satisfying and motivating reading...I will be checking back here daily.

    Now...time for me to go eat an apple and get over myself.
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    This group is for me! It doesn't happen often but on Friday I was having a hard day, feeling defeated, confused, frustrated, and sorry for myself. So, I posted something called" I should only drink water."

    You got it rough Friday. I'm glad you stuck around. xoxo
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    I was contacted by the school the other day. My 11 year old daughter was asked to describe "self-respect". Her drawing and text were... "self-respect is like peeing in your pants. everyone can see that you have it but only YOU can feel it's warmth".
    OMFG! Your kid is SO Hilarious!!!!!!!! I want to use that as my signature from now on!!!!!
  • Danielle84Duncan
    Danielle84Duncan Posts: 48 Member
    I want to join!! I sometimes need to just grumble to release a little tension..... and I have plenty of grumbling to do from time to time people so get ready....lol.... I just want to get out of the 200's....... I have always been chubby, pudgy, heavy... well I am sick of it... and I hear all these people talking about their stomach being horrible because they have had kids..... well I hate my stomach and I have yet to have any children.... I just had to much Chinese and Japanese, I guess....lol.... anyways I would love to be in this group..... and blow off some steam once in a while.....
  • Iwillxceed
    Iwillxceed Posts: 20 Member
    I understand you completely. Hell my boyfriend is skinny so he doesn't understand my struggles to succeed in my weight loss goals. He says "I got you a beer", WTF!! it's hard dieting when the people around you eat and drink what they want and throw it in your face. I'm not speaking bad about my man cause he is WONDERFUL (one of a kind), but sometimes skinny people don't understand what we go thru. Also everyone I know that is "dieting" is also taking pills, some prescribed by "wellness doctors" and some taking I think it's called myzetan supposedly all natural> That's BS!!!! those herbal suppliments (diet pills) are from China and approved by the SFDA (China FDA), not the USFDA. I read online that one of the heads of the SFDA in China was assassinated because he was taking brides and approving suppliments that were harmful to human consumption. So all of you people trying to lose weight fast, go ahead....hopefully you are "NOT DYING TO LOSE WEIGHT".
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    I was contacted by the school the other day. My 11 year old daughter was asked to describe "self-respect". Her drawing and text were... "self-respect is like peeing in your pants. everyone can see that you have it but only YOU can feel it's warmth".
    OMFG! Your kid is SO Hilarious!!!!!!!! I want to use that as my signature from now on!!!!!

    Have at it! She had to destroy her paper and do it over "Striving to be more 'appropriate' "
  • MandiWS
    I know what you mean!! A few of my friends have been on here for only a week longer than I have (I've been on here 10 days). They've lost like 15 pounds.......I've lost 1.6 pounds ~ less than 2 pounds!!!!! Grrrrr!!!! I am truly happy for their successes, but I'm also kinda pissed that I'm not seeing the same results. I've been dutifully logging every dang thing I eat and drink, come in under my calorie goal every single darn day, AND have pretty much doubled the amount of exercise that I used to do. I love my friends dearly, but if I hear one more "oh I lost another 4 pounds this week." and another "Haha, this is so much fun to drop this weight so fast." I think I'm gonna scream.......
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    If I don't get my period within 24 hours I'll know it's my *kitten* and not water retention. >:-(

    hahahahahahhaaahhhaa haha omg this literally made me laugh out loud...i laugh because i know! i love this group...finally we can admit that we aren't happy and self motivated constantly...and that losing weight actually does suck

    As I told my husband (professional athlete) "exercise does NOT release endorphins in me. It releases hate".

    LOVE this last part! So true! You guys are my heroes! I need to join, too, because I am great at b*tching! hahaha
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    I know what you mean!! A few of my friends have been on here for only a week longer than I have (I've been on here 10 days). They've lost like 15 pounds.......I've lost 1.6 pounds ~ less than 2 pounds!!!!! Grrrrr!!!! I am truly happy for their successes, but I'm also kinda pissed that I'm not seeing the same results. I've been dutifully logging every dang thing I eat and drink, come in under my calorie goal every single darn day, AND have pretty much doubled the amount of exercise that I used to do. I love my friends dearly, but if I hear one more "oh I lost another 4 pounds this week." and another "Haha, this is so much fun to drop this weight so fast." I think I'm gonna scream.......

    SO obnoxious! These girls have to realize what they're doing. It's catty, and I hate it! I would never be so insensitive!
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    I understand you completely. Hell my boyfriend is skinny so he doesn't understand my struggles to succeed in my weight loss goals. He says "I got you a beer", WTF!! it's hard dieting when the people around you eat and drink what they want and throw it in your face. I'm not speaking bad about my man cause he is WONDERFUL (one of a kind), but sometimes skinny people don't understand what we go thru. Also everyone I know that is "dieting" is also taking pills, some prescribed by "wellness doctors" and some taking I think it's called myzetan supposedly all natural> That's BS!!!! those herbal suppliments (diet pills) are from China and approved by the SFDA (China FDA), not the USFDA. I read online that one of the heads of the SFDA in China was assassinated because he was taking brides and approving suppliments that were harmful to human consumption. So all of you people trying to lose weight fast, go ahead....hopefully you are "NOT DYING TO LOSE WEIGHT".

    I have the same problem with my boyfriend. He's 6'3" and weighs only like 200 lbs. He's skinny like a string bean but eats whatever he wants. He does eat healthy but not low-calories/fat, etc. And he definitely has beer every night. Keeps offering me beer, too. He totally doesn't understand what it's like to be a woman. Most women are like PROGRAMMED to hold on to fat, me included. I am not "overweight" but my body fat percentage is truly shameful. I definitely am chubby and I just wish my boyfriend would stop acting like I'm one of "those" superficial, obsessed girls just because I"m a woman and if I want to lose some weight, i cant' just cut out my nightly beer and lose 10 lbs. like he can! So frustrating how much easier it is for these skinny guys!
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    i friggin hate working out! i hate the sweating and the smelling, and the juice monkeys! i hate the gym...I hate the cute little girls in their $300 lululemon sweatshop outfits that don't even know how the ellyptical turns on! Yet they stare at me all snotty like "what are you doing here fatty"....UP YOURS YOU SKINNY BROAD!!!!!
    Amen, Sister!

    Totally! especially when I was in college. College gyms are the worst, because it seems like every single female in there is a size zero, blonde, and doesn't seem to sweat or even breathe heavily when working out. Plus, membership fees are ridiculous when I hate going in the first place. I avoid gyms like the plague.
  • cmlewis86
    cmlewis86 Posts: 46 Member
    This group is a great idea! Count me in.
  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    I'm definitely feeling the vibe of this group... but I think I'm still in the honeymoon stage of my journey. Don't get me wrong, I don't enjoy waking up at 4 am and 5 am throughout the week to reach my goal. And sometimes I feel like I have to sacrifice more to keep up with others... Still, I just think, at present, my enthusiasm is overriding my grumbling... I'll check in in a few weeks, when I need a b@#!$ session. :-)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    AAAAHHHHHH FML!!! Why the hell can't i 'shed' the pounds like everyone else seems to be doing on here? i'm not starving myself, i'm not eating over my calorie budget...i work my *kitten* off in the gym AT LEAST 3 times a week...what the hell am i doing wrong!!!!!! My measurements and my weight did not move in inch (literally)~ gawd this is stressful...besides the fact that i had a SMALL piece of cherry pie for breakfast this morning lol...every tuesday is donut day at work, and i'm usually pretty good...it was my turn last week so i brought tons of fruit and only a few donuts for the guys i work with.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    AAAAHHHHHH FML!!! Why the hell can't i 'shed' the pounds like everyone else seems to be doing on here? i'm not starving myself, i'm not eating over my calorie budget...i work my *kitten* off in the gym AT LEAST 3 times a week...what the hell am i doing wrong!!!!!! My measurements and my weight did not move in inch (literally)~ gawd this is stressful...besides the fact that i had a SMALL piece of cherry pie for breakfast this morning lol...every tuesday is donut day at work, and i'm usually pretty good...it was my turn last week so i brought tons of fruit and only a few donuts for the guys i work with.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    AAAAHHHHHH FML!!! Why the hell can't i 'shed' the pounds like everyone else seems to be doing on here? i'm not starving myself, i'm not eating over my calorie budget...i work my *kitten* off in the gym AT LEAST 3 times a week...what the hell am i doing wrong!!!!!! My measurements and my weight did not move in inch (literally)~ gawd this is stressful...besides the fact that i had a SMALL piece of cherry pie for breakfast this morning lol...every tuesday is donut day at work, and i'm usually pretty good...it was my turn last week so i brought tons of fruit and only a few donuts for the guys i work with.

    I miss donuts. I didn't notice missing them that much until I started MFP. Tomorrow is my birthday, though, so you better believe I'm having one!
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    Woke up this morning, stomach 'grumbling' from hunger, got on scale - UP a pound from yesterday. I don't know what I'm doing either. It seems like the more I eat right, log every bite, work out, the more I weigh. Maybe I should go away for a few days and then check back. Plus, I checked my diary on the iPhone yesterday and I'm ridiculously high in sugar, cholesterol and sodium, and low in all the nutrients. I ate 100% clean yesterday (except for a few nut crackers and some hummus as a snack). It seems like no matter how hard I try, I can't get it even CLOSE to right!
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    Something I find really discouraging is the fact that people keep saying that in order to have success on this website, you must invest in a quality HRM and take measuring cups/scales with you everywhere you go...apparently MFP is about 40% off of what is accurate as to burned calories and you have to measure every freaking thing that goes into your body because oh my god it might be off, and that's enough to make you not lose weight. I hear about these people doing this and also wearing HRM devices all day (and of course apparently the ones that "strap to your chest" are more accurate....i can't wear that all day every day, are you kidding me!)...that just doesn't seem normal or do-able at all to me. It sounds crazy, like it's completely taken over your life. It makes me angry feeling like I have to do these drastic things to lose weight. I already feel like logging stuff all the time is unrealistic, but then there's so many (successfully losing) people that do this plus so much more.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I agree, I feel like this website has taken over my life...i'm constantly checking and rechecking and adding in my logbook...plugging in my workout stats. I think that the work out calorie stuff is way off...no way do you burn 600 freakin' calories going for a leasure stroll! i certainly don't burn any more than 300 calories doing 45 minutes of cardio...and i have my heart rate up to 153 the whole time...i don't know, something smells fishy lol but i mean it's better than what i can do on my own. and i admit i looked into the HRM, they're freakin' expensive! i'm not that hardcore. But i would like to know how many calories i'm losing while i lift weights...not the ENTIRE day, just when i'm not doing cardio...but like i said, who the hell can afford one of those? and i agree about the scales...how awkward would that be at a resturant with the girls "excuse my while i weight my crap i'm about to stuff in my face"...but i'm with you, i'm angry that i have to obssess about being obese, i'm a little embarassed that i have to be this obsessed yet i have no idea what i'm doing. I don't have decent conversations anymore except what i learned at the gym and how bad my *kitten* hurts from the bike! maybe it'll get easier. Hang in there, we'll do this together without becoming psycho.:huh: