making time for work outs



  • espi180
    espi180 Posts: 80 Member
    Early morning bro. Sometimes I get up at 4:30 to hit the pavement. I don't like to mess with my family time in the afternoons either. I can always catch up on some sleep... but it's tough to catch up on exercise.
  • I'm in a similar situation (leave for work at 7AM, get back after 5PM) , so I started just getting up an hour earlier (5AM) to run or go to the gym. I have to force myself to go to bed earlier though, or I just wont do it. I used to go to sleep around 11PM-Midnight, but now, I'm trying to make sure I'm definitely in bed by 10.

    starting next week I have to leave for work by 6:15 , so I'm not quite sure I'm going to be running around at 4:00-4:30 in the AM. I plan on waiting until the kids are in bed then and trying to work out later.

    Its hard enough only having a couple hours a day with the family, it is easier to attempt to do your workouts in the AM before they're all awake. I consider my exercise time "My Time" , so I have to make room for my time when it doesn't interfere with family time.
  • espi180
    espi180 Posts: 80 Member
    I have to force myself to go to bed earlier though, or I just wont do it.

    Same here... I'm a night owl!
  • nolanerinbryon
    nolanerinbryon Posts: 80 Member
    My kids are 14 & 9...but I've been in your shoes earlier in life and you are's hard. You need that time with your kids! Everyone has posted several great ideas and I'll just add a little more. I am usually up by 5:45-6am & do my workout first thing (20-40 mins). This way you always know what your calorie deficit is. At first, it's hard getting up early but after awhile, you'll love all the energy that follows your workouts. I generally do at-home workouts and I've stocked up my space with a kettlebell, physioball, dumbells, and resistance bands. I have hand-me-down treadmill & stationary bike too but I rarely use the treadmill. The one thing I LOVE is you tube videos - they're FREE! Try Fitness Blender - they have a lot of variety, complexity and levels. I try to change up what I do M-F and on weekends I clean, garden, walk and/or occasionally get a run in. To keep it interesting, I mix it up: stationary bike, kettebells, kickboxing, strengthening, body weight exercises etc. It's great that you're taking a break to move at work. Feel free to add me if you like - good luck!
  • syk731
    syk731 Posts: 34 Member
    Same situation. I didn't start working out more until my kids got a little older and started sleeping better. But now that they are, I made working out a priority and work out when my kids are sleeping. I wake up early in the morning to run on the treadmill at home before kids are up. And I lift weights at night after my kids are in bed. I work out at home to eliminate the travel factor for working out. And I find that running in the evening makes it harder for me to fall asleep but lifting at night doesn't cause the same issue. Of course, the problem is that I don't sleep much. There's only so much time in the day.
  • Thanks everyone, I found a gym about 5-10 mins away that opens at 5am. Going by on labor day Monday to check it out !
  • ikrissyt
    ikrissyt Posts: 28 Member
    Loving all these suggestions!

    Same situation here! I have a 2 month old baby and am trying to figure out a new routine. I feel guilty going to the gym after work like I used to. I've been eating my lunch while I work at my desk and then spending my 30 minute lunch walking. I think I really need to start getting up really early to workout before work like everyone suggested.
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I have 3 children aged 17 and twins aged 9 the oldest and one of the twins have autism and ADHD. I work 30 hours a week on night shifts. My daughter also dances 5 nights a week and we have schoolwork to do also. I workout while the children are at school if I am on nights I either do a short workout that day or have a rest day, I can only sleep while the children are at school so if I workout this eats into sleep time and I only get 5 hours max anyway. I sometimes workout while they are watching tv or in bed but my kids are poor sleepers so my workout gets disturbed. It has been challenging during the school break to fit in a workout as the boys are so demanding but I do what I can. I am a much happier and calmer mummy if I get my workout in.