How Do Non-Smokers Handle Stress?



  • CandelLife
    CandelLife Posts: 127 Member
    I did crafts, like embroidery, which is totally great.

    When you are trying to follow a detailed pattern, with pretty colors, and you make pictures with pretty threads, and your mind gets really into it, you really lose sight of things around you.. and also since you dont want your hard work and beautiful artwork you are making to be dirty with cigarett smoke, and greasy hands are a bad thing, then you wont want to do things that will harm your hard work.

    Plus when you do crafts like that, it releives stress because you are focusing on the artwork you are making, and your mind loves it. so relaxing.. its like the same feeling when you watch a great movie that takes you to another place and you really get into the movie, so that you dont even realize the time.

    I can tell an artist when I hear one ;) And yes, similar to movies as well as diving into a good book. Great advice! Thank you!
  • DamoniqueW
    DamoniqueW Posts: 147 Member
    I quit a few months ago and it helps me to listen to music and take a walk. Sometimes I think about lighting up but I've come so far. I don't want to start that habit again. Good luck!
  • CandelLife
    CandelLife Posts: 127 Member
    I quit smoking by replacing cigarettes with an e-cig vaping rig :) I'm on pretty low-nicotine e-juice right now but it helps with the want to stress smoke and you get your oral fixation taken care of with a very similar motion.

    I have an e-cigarette and cartridges in my purse still from another time when I tried that. The problem is, I need to throw it away because using chantix I have gotten the nicotine out and using e-cigarettes or gum or patches, will put nicotine back into my system so I can't use those. The nurse practitioner suggested that very thing but agreed it would hurt my progress because I used the chantix to quit.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    I've never smoked, but I tend not to get stressed very often. When I do, I take a nap. Calms me right down.
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    i also just quit i bought me green smoke ecigs you can get them without nicotin they have helped me so much
  • CandelLife
    CandelLife Posts: 127 Member
    I quit a few months ago and it helps me to listen to music and take a walk. Sometimes I think about lighting up but I've come so far. I don't want to start that habit again. Good luck!

    Congrats to you!! I want to say "a few months" too :) and then "a few years"....
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    Can You do push ups? Push ups release endorphins like crazy.
  • DragonSquatter
    DragonSquatter Posts: 957 Member
    I used to eat junk food when I got stressed. I do not recommend that.

    Now, I like to listen to music, read, and sometimes I do some hatha (stretching) yoga. Other times, I just get in the car and go somewhere. A change of scenery can do a lot of good to put things into perspective.
  • CandelLife
    CandelLife Posts: 127 Member
    i also just quit i bought me green smoke ecigs you can get them without nicotin they have helped me so much

    Without nicotine? So does it help only because you get to do the act of inhaling smoke?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,673 Member
    Exercise or some self pleasuring usually works.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • atb0821
    atb0821 Posts: 458 Member
    Exercise, alcohol, medication.
  • CandelLife
    CandelLife Posts: 127 Member
    Can You do push ups? Push ups release endorphins like crazy.

    Not currently due to medical issues being handled right now. But I'll remember that for later!
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    I have never smoked so I cannot comment to that urge or craving. I do think the difference is in the mind though. As a non-smoker I just learned to deal with problems to the best of my ability. If I fail, the world is not going to stop turning. All you can do, is what you can do, and no more. That's probably not much help but I know you can get through quitting if you set your mind to it.

    Think about it this way. You wake up some night, the house is on fire. Pretty stressful right? You wouldn't stop and light up a smoke, you would get your tail out of there doing what you could on the way. Life is the same, you handle what you can and get on with it. The comfort of a cigarette, beyond the chemical addiction, is in your mind.
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    I read. It takes my mind away to a better place!
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    I did my best to replace smoking with something more productive; 5 minutes on the treadmill, get up and fill my water bottle (ie remove myself from where i am, perform a task)

    I find $1 scratch tickets redicuously satisfying, but that's more about my urge to buy candy or junk food. I still get to go into the store, i get to look around, i leave with something that leaves me no better off than $1 worth of junk food would.
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    I like sex and candy

    They help me
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    I'll also add that when i did quit smoking, I had a bag of precut veggies (broccoli, carrots and cauliflower) at my side constanty... i would eat like 5 cups of raw veggies a day! not that easy to digest, but it took away that urge to put something from my hands to my mouth
  • g33kmommy
    g33kmommy Posts: 104 Member
    It used to be eating. That's why I got where I was.

    Now? I just log on to my PC or game console and game it out for a bit.
  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    run run run run run run run run run run
  • rosiemay3
    When I can, which is actually most of the time, I sort out whatever it is that's making me stressed. If it's uni work, I do the work rather than worrying about it. If I have a problem with someone, I'll speak to them rather than stressing over it. Usually, problems are better solved than avoided (even though it seems easier to avoid them). If I can't solve them, then I'll speak to a boyfriend/a friend/my family about the problem, watch a funny/interesting TV show or film to distract me, take a bath, go for a walk, just anything to distract me :)