750 calories a day?



  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    ...what is my less than my daily ice cream and cornbread intake Alex.
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    Frankly, asking questions is great, but for real, taking the advice of strangers on the internet is just as precarious...not that you aren't getting good advice (settle down, folks) but you need to do the research and educate yourself. Then you can decide. I have no idea if your Dr. is a quack or not nor would I presume to judge. I will say this...I am on an appetite suppressant prescribed in a weight loss clinic by a Doctor (and I see a nutritionist who isn't half bad - I know more than her, but that doesn't surprise me) and would be MISERABLE on 750 calories. And I would fail because of it. I am losing plenty of weight eating around 1200=1300 a day. And occasionally more because I need to have a life.

    Google is your friend. Search.
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    That sounds sketchy at best and downright dangerous.
  • rachael1805
    rachael1805 Posts: 72 Member
    Of course you're losing weight. You're creating a huge calorie deficit. I'd suggest you read this excellent article.


    Just because they are medical doctors and nurses doesn't mean that they aren't in the business to make money. They are going for fast results to keep you happy and to keep you coming back for their worthless shots and whatever else they are selling you. Been there done that and lost a bunch of hair in the process.

    After you read that article, I'd suggest you read this one: http://www.aworkoutroutine.com/how-to-lose-fat/

    Read all of it, follow all the steps and you'll have yourself a sustainable plan that will help you lose weight safely.

    Good luck!

    These sound interesting, thanks for posting
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    that is stupid advice u received! It will throw u into starvation mode & your body will retaliate-believe me!
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Well, let's take a look at nutrition, here, you know, in the interest of science and all that.

    I'm going to make some assumptions. I may be a little off, but it won't make that much difference. Your profile says you have around 50 pounds left to lose. I'm going to assume your goal weight is around 130 pounds. For optimum health, you should get around 0.7 grams of protein for each pound of bodyweight (BW). Without adequate protein, you risk losing precious muscle.

    0.7 x 130 = 91 grams of protein.
    One gram of protein is 4 calories. So 91g of protein is 364 calories of your 750 calorie-a-day total. leaving 386 cals left.

    Fat is essential for good health. Recommended fat intake is about 0.4 grams per pound of BW.

    0.4 x 130 = 52g of fat.
    One gram of fat is 9 cals. So 52g of fat is 468 cals. Added to your 364 cal protein goal, you're already at 832 cals, and you haven't eaten a single carb yet. That means no veggies, no fruit, no grains, etc.

    And these numbers are for your goal weight, not your current weight. You want to have enough calorie deficit to lose weight, but also eat enough to stay well nourished. So, basically, you're guaranteed to be malnourished on 750 calories. Not only will your health decline, but you are likely to re-gain a lot of weight when you attempt to increase your calorie intake for maintenance. And since you've cannibalized a lot of muscle mass, your metabolism is slowed down, which means you need to eat even less to maintain. It's a vicious cycle - don't do it!
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I wont be quick to bash a place like this and I will tell you why ..they probably specialize in morbidly obese people and more than likely DO work for them. 30 days for someone over 350-400lbs who really cant get around and probably doesn't have the will power to stick to much ...so putting them on a low calorie diet as a last ditch effort with lots of support does work some people we have all seen it on these Super shows. However OP based on your picture and ticker I really think you may just need to put in the work and effort and do some calorie counting..but there may be more info needed... I mean when I was 286 I would have loved to afford a place like this to shed the first 50 just to get me more mobile..I could barely walk due to Diabetes complications with my feet..BUT I couldn't so I had to suck it up and put on my shoes Cellulitus and all and walk. But I understand some people just cant do that so clinics and places like these really do help.
  • CWynne3
    CWynne3 Posts: 116 Member
    I recently went to a medical weight loss center and was floored when they gave me my weight loss plan. They want me to consume just 750 calories a day for 30 days, after which they will up my caloric intake to 900-1000 calories until I reach my goal weight. This is a center staffed with physicians and nurse practitioners - besides weight loss, they specialize in pain management. I feel like I should trust their medical expertise, but I've always been told consuming under 1200 calories a day is dangerous... It's working - in 4 days, I've lost 9lbs (Besides just consuming 750 calories, I had a Lipo B-12 shot and am taking an appetite suppressant). But I feel kind of yuck. Thoughts??

    You are beautiful!
    You've lost 43 pounds to date .. and I take it, it was before going to said medical weight loss clinic? Your picture certainly doesn't indicate you need to lose massive amount of weight anymore.

    I would run from this place as fast as you can and get back to a normal, healthy eating plan; and no 750 calories is NOT normal or healthy.

    Go to your GP doctor and tell them what this clinic has advised you to do and ask what they think. A second opinion from a health care professional is in order.

    Well here's the thing - I just had a baby 6 weeks ago. When I found out I was pregnant (a very pleasant surprise), I had just begun my weightloss journey. I was 258lbs at my highest (I lost a few pounds before coming to MFP) and when I found out I was expecting, I was 238lbs. By cutting out sodas, drinking lots of water, and watching my caloric intake on MFP, I was 226lbs the day I delivered my son. I was not dieting at all while pregnant - I was eating healthily as I should and contribute the weightloss to drinking water vs Coke all day and eating healthful foods instead of junk. About 2 weeks postpartum, I had gone down to 203lbs. I was thrilled - so close to being out of the 200's where I've been so long. But my appetite started picking up and my weight slowly started creeping back up. I went up to 212lbs. I freaked out, not wanting to go back. So I contacted the weight loss center. As of today, I am back down to 203lbs. Feeling quite miserable... I acted out of fear of going back :/
  • CWynne3
    CWynne3 Posts: 116 Member
    Math says something is off with this:

    1 lb fat = 3500 cals
    9 lbs of fat = 31,500 cal
    31,500 / 4 days = 7,875 cal/day deficit

    Something tells me you have not been getting a 7,875 cal deficit each day.
    Of course, water weighs about 8 lbs per gallon...

    I didn't make the scales - I just use 'em. I weighed in on Monday at 212lbs at the weight loss center, which was consistent with my scale at home. Weighing myself today, I am 203lbs. 9lbs. I know the Lipo B-12 shot they gave me contains a fat burner. ?? And I now understand why the B-12 is there... I feel deprived of energy.
  • CWynne3
    CWynne3 Posts: 116 Member
    Well, yeah, you're going to lose weight starving yourself! But a plan like that is in NO WAY sustainable, as soon as you're back to eating regularly you will surely pack on the pounds. This plan does not sound healthy in any possible way....it may be time for you to speak to a doctor or nutritionist that doesn't have an agenda. How much are you paying these people?!

    Their prices are steep... $199 to start which included initial consult, bloodwork, in body analysis, 1 lipo b-12 shot, and the first month of appetite suppressants. Each week you're supposed to weigh in and it's $5 just to weigh in and $27 if you want another lipo b-12 shot.
  • RCottonRPh
    RCottonRPh Posts: 148
    Weight loss and pain management...what a profitable combination...to sell hope and pain prescriptions! Run away as fast as you can!
  • RCottonRPh
    RCottonRPh Posts: 148
    You are being robbed. 200 bucks can buy you a lot of healthy groceries....or a large portion of a gym membership...or a few sessions with a trainer. You could do healthy things with your money instead of pay to starve and drug yourself.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Well, yeah, you're going to lose weight starving yourself! But a plan like that is in NO WAY sustainable, as soon as you're back to eating regularly you will surely pack on the pounds. This plan does not sound healthy in any possible way....it may be time for you to speak to a doctor or nutritionist that doesn't have an agenda. How much are you paying these people?!

    Their prices are steep... $199 to start which included initial consult, bloodwork, in body analysis, 1 lipo b-12 shot, and the first month of appetite suppressants. Each week you're supposed to weigh in and it's $5 just to weigh in and $27 if you want another lipo b-12 shot.

    How much!?!

    Sheesh, send me half of that the money and I'll get you on a plan (where you can buy your own groceries and don't take weird shots). I mean, it'll mostly involve using MFP, a reasonable deficit, and compound lifts 3x with moderate cardio. I'm not a doctor but I promise It'll work. And cost less.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member

    I would stop this madness immediately.
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    750 calories a day?! Where did you go, the lap band center?! No, I do not recommend it. Calculate your caloric intake based on TDEE or BMR(not BMI).
  • Txsrose333
    Sounds unhealthy and a pain.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    ugh, no thanks
  • Carol_Magee
    Carol_Magee Posts: 69 Member
    Sounds like Dr. Bernstein.
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    I'm always curious … they call these places "medical weight loss centers" and call their people "physicians" … But I never see what credentials they have. Are they MDs (4 years of medical school successfully completed)? Nurse Practitioners? LPs? PAs? There's a lot of things that fall under "physician" that doesn't require a medical degree, let alone specialization in diet and nutrition. I don't know how much regulation there is over the term physician. And are the 'nurses' actually nurses? Even in the hospital, most of the people who take care of you are CNAs or something, very few nurses, but we tend to call them all nurses.

    My 2 cents: If you want medically supervised weight loss, you won't find it in some stand-alone or box diet company. It'll be doctors, usually teaming with a hospital, who have MDs and specialties, like registered dietician or Bariatrics.
  • mathjulz
    mathjulz Posts: 5,514 Member
    Math says something is off with this:

    1 lb fat = 3500 cals
    9 lbs of fat = 31,500 cal
    31,500 / 4 days = 7,875 cal/day deficit

    Something tells me you have not been getting a 7,875 cal deficit each day.
    Of course, water weighs about 8 lbs per gallon...

    I didn't make the scales - I just use 'em. I weighed in on Monday at 212lbs at the weight loss center, which was consistent with my scale at home. Weighing myself today, I am 203lbs. 9lbs. I know the Lipo B-12 shot they gave me contains a fat burner. ?? And I now understand why the B-12 is there... I feel deprived of energy.

    You lost the weight. The point was, that it probably wasn't fat, but water that came off.

    And there is no "fat burner" besides using energy. Maybe it sped up your metabolism a teensy tiny little bit (and that's a very strong maybe) but nothing goes in and burns off your fat. YOU have to do that, by moving more and eating at a deficit so your body uses the stored energy.