

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We're home, and without guests! It has been a busy time. We went to my son's in Washington, drove into Seattle for a day. Drove DD to PDX for her flight and came home. We didn't get ort laundry done before relatives arrived for an overnight. We enjoyed their company and got better acquainted. Went to our local park with the relatives for the last music concert of the season. It was wonderful and we were happy to share the experience with them. We're hoping to leave tomorrow for a raft-up with boating friends. So much to do, so little energy to do it. LOL.:ohwell:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,381 Member
    Joyce - I am so much like you. I'm a visual person. I need to see things, not just tell me. Vince will say something like "oh, give me 1" to 2" rocks". That doesn't make any sense to me. But one time he said "golf ball sized rocks". Now that's something that I can see in my head. Same with lots of other things, I need to actually see it

    Renny - how wonderful is it that you made the fish? You know, I bet even if you had had your hubby's bacon and beans, you wouldn't have enjoyed it and your stomach might even have felt "yuk". I know now that bacon in salads, etc. really doesn't excite me one bit. I'd rather taste the vegetables, not the bacon. To me, it doesn't add anything to the salad. And I live in the South where BBQ is king, bacon is on lots, and lots are deep fried. They seem to think (I found this out the hard way) that "a little butter" translates into "we'll use 1/4 pound rather than the 1/2 pound we normally use"

    Well, it rained a bit last night so the area behind the equipment pad is going to be muddy. that area is in the shade so much that it's hard to dry out. Anyway, what that means is that I'll go to the Humane Society, then probably get more chocolate chips, go to the deep water class, on the way home stop at CVS and get Vince's prescription, give Loki his med. If we're not working outside until later in the day, I need to go to PetSmart to get Lance & Shadow more food. I didn't realize they would run out so quickly. Tomorrow is the farmer's market and then yoga

    Nancy - Lance is one of Jessica's cats. The other one is Shadow. Wish they got along with other cats, tho. Just with each other. Actually, I think (god forbid) if something were to happen to Shadow., Lance would interact more with our cats.

    Oh, someone (I don't remember who) was talking about bug bites and itching, I remember I suggested the AfterBite. Another thing you can do, and this is just temporarily, is put your blowdryer on the itch. Get it as hot as you can possibly stand it. When we first heard this, we tried it and couldn't understand why it worked. Then we found out. The theory is that the heat releases the histamines that cause you to itch. So if you need a few hours itch-free (like if you're going to sleep), put your blow dryer on it.

    Nancy - honestly, I don't know where I'd find the time to do cardio multiple times a day. I'm lucky to find the hour in the morning. Here I'll say it...but I bet it doesn't happen. Maybe thing'll slow down in the winter. But you know how it goes..the holidays and all will get in the way so I'm not optimistic at all

    grandmalle - you are such a busy lady. Could it be that you don't take in enough calories? Why would you need a shot when you don't want it. Can't you refuse it?

    jane - good for you losing those inches. That means so much more than a number on the scale

    Sue in TX - It's so frustrating when you can't use your glasses. I just went thru that. While exercising, even tho I had them off, one of my lenses fell out. Fortunately, I had an old pair of glasses. Not the right prescription. As a matter of fact, by the time I got to the store to get my glasses fixed, I was starting to have a headache. But they were able to fix them quite well. We think the party was a success. We were surprised at how many people went not only on the slide but in the pool.

    Pat - I'm so glad you got to talk to yuour sister. How nice of you to take your friend to the beauty shop! Very sweet thing to do

    Joyce - happy anniversary!

    Katla - glad you had a good time at the concert. What Labor Day activies do you have planned?

    yanniejannie - I'm not sure that I know what the "skinny licorice whips" are. Who's the manufacturer?

    sylvia - I'm with you, I so much prefer "talking" to mature women. Hope your son is OK. That was very nice of you to drive him, but then again, I know you wouldn't say "no"

    Heather - what WONDERFUL news!!!!

    Joyce - so sorry about your sister.

    Sue in SD - I so admire your commitment to doing whatever is necessary to get back to where you were. You need to be applauded for that.

    Well, this morning started out going to the Humane Society to give them my aluminum. Then I stopped at one store to get chocolate chips, didn't realize that the mini-chips were also on sale so I got those instead. Then went to deep water, stopped at CVS to get Vince's prescription and used my coupon to get him milk, went to the petstore to get Lance & Shadow's food (I didn't realize it went so fast. Me thinks Loki is going in there and eating their food....lol), had lunch then Vince and I worked outside. It's real slow going working at the equipment pad. Guess we were out there for about 4 hours, came in, had dinner, went to Lowe's Hardware to get more blocks (we think we need 7 more so we got 8 just to be on the safe side) and salt for the pool and they finally had Vince's work gloves so we got those too. Now home and just checking in.

    Tomorrow is the farmers market then I plan to do some yoga

    Love coming in here.

    Wish I had more time. Love to everyone

    Michele in NC
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    YAY for Friday! And double yay for a three day weekend, four for me. I stayed home today and plan to stay home on Fridays until after fall break when I’m supposed to work full time. I went to the Y today for water aerobics and the pool is closed for the annual maintenance…til Weds. Dang! I was really looking forward to it!

    It was hot, hot, hot here today with the heat index around 109. This afternoon I put out the awnings over our back deck and I thought I would die of heat stroke! I did the grocery shopping and drove across town to buy pellets for our pellet grill, then worked on a book some. Not much else is going on. Both girls are working and we had a lovely vegetarian dinner.

    Michelle: sounds like your animals are like ours….all kinds of medicine to dole out. I think I started the itch conversation. With oral steroids, steroid cream, and prescription antihistamines, DH is still itching!

    Renny: my hubby snores too sometimes and makes me head to the recliner! If he’s sleeping that hard, I can’t bear to wake him up to make him leave! Good for you to stick to your guns. Beans and bacon do sound good…I think of myself as a southern cook, but have never made beans that way. Beans and cornbread…oh yeah

    Nancy: a pedicure sounds grand. Funny your pool was closed too!

    Genealace: I can just see those poor ducks trying to keep up. I can’t stand mosquito bites…they leave welts that take years to go away and in some cases don’t go away at all.

    DeeDee: how are things going in your end of the world?

    Grandmallie: good for you to stick to your guns too and insisting on healthy foods. Take care of that foot!

    Jane: thinking of you today while you say good bye to your friend. Good news on the loss of inches!

    Sue: yes unfortunately I got the diagnosis. I have been pre-diabetic for years and was already on a morning dose of metformin because there is research that shows it slows or prevents the conversion to full blown diabetes. Well at my employee health screen my fasting glucose was 138 and the next day at the doc’s it was 140 and my A1C was 6,5 so boom. There you have it. My goal is to get off of all medications eventually. Now she wants to start me on a statin because my LDL is too high for a diabetic….GRRRRR I always wanted to be the only 100 year old granny in the nursing home who doesn’t take meds!

    Pat: how sweet of you to take your older friend to the beauty parlor! I bet she adores you for it.

    Joyce: piggy paste!!!! I’m heading to walgreens!

    Katla: I love what you said about charging your battery here. I think that is why I like coming here so much.

    Yanniejannie: today the sun was behind the house that is behind ours at 7:32!!! Couldn’t believe it I have bought Wacola bras before but now I like Cacique (Lane Bryant brand)

    Sylvia: I hope your son gets to feeling better soon!

    Barbie: I didn’t realize that the exercise diary can be open or locked. How do you unlock it?

    Heather: great news on the medical report! Mmmmmm wine and cheese!

    SueSD: hang in there with the PT!

    Well after talking about my diabetes, I realize I haven’t taken my dinner dose, so off I go! Enjoy the Friday evening my wonderful friends. Take care, Meg from ridiculously hot Omaha
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Heather - what great news! I'm doing a little happy dance for you :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'm back from the Y. It wasn't too busy tonight so we got a really good tour. Unfortunately they are closing the pool for 2 weeks starting on Monday. hmph, oh well, I can get in 1 aquafit class in on Sunday. They have 2 different change rooms, the regular one and one they call the "plus" room. The plus room (of course you pay extra for) includes your towels, spring water, a lounge, a sauna, a whirlpool, shampoo/conditioner, hair dryers & flat irons. I did the math and it would cost more to have the regular change room and wash our towels. I live in an apartment so I pay for washing & drying. We are going to start our 1 week trial tomorrow morning and then next weekend it looks like we are going to sign up. I am a bit nervous because I don't do well in crowds.

    Tomorrow is weigh in day and then I guess we will head over to the Y. My DD is so excited to do this.

    I have to get to bed, last night was a rough night.

    G'nite and I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,971 Member

    .GRRRRR I always wanted to be the only 100 year old granny in the nursing home who doesn’t take meds!

    Barbie: I didn’t realize that the exercise diary can be open or locked. How do you unlock it?

    :flowerforyou: Meg, I, too, wanted to live my life without meds and I was heartbroken about 10 years ago when my doctor put me on a statin for high cholesterol......he told me that my numbers had been high when I was in my 30's and weighed a lot less...I tried cutting back when I lost weight but my cholesterol went up
    .now my goal is to avoid meds for osteoporosis and to live past 100 and still be dancing..

    :flowerforyou: about locking your exercise diary......your food and exercise diaries are connected so if you lock your food diary, the exercise diary is locked and if your food diary is open then your exercise diary is open too........to change the settings, go to the home page and click on "Settings", then "Diary Settings", then go to "change diary sharing" and you can choose private, public (that's what mine is), friends only, or locked with a key.

    :bigsmile: I am starting to think of resolutions for September.....i want them to be achievable, something I want to do.and measurable.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: bedtime now, I get up so early that I dare not stay up late.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

    August Resolutions (with almost end of the month comments)
    *finish preparing the flower bed in the back yard (making lots of progress but won’t be done by the end of the month)
    *participate in the new strength training challenge (nine workouts so far)
    *walk 18,000 steps a day (every day and many more some days)
    *act the way I want to feel (going great…this makes a huge difference in my life)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Bump to find my place.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: So tonight we are looking after our little grandson. He's already asleep, with bear and blankie and a little toy car. It means that tomorrow will come early. DD made dinner and came with bacon wrapped beef, but fortunately had also brought chicken. So BBQ it was. She also made a broccoli salad and potatoes. I tried to put in the ingredients in my food diary as best I could and had no potatoes, since I want to reduce starch intake. I am having wine tonight though, some rose. What a nice treat. I have made a decision to keep the alcohol for the weekends, and so far I am doing very well. I will still be under my calories for today.

    :flowerforyou: A long weekend coming up. We have had to make some business decisions recently, and tomorrow is inventory day. Fortunately, one of our sons currently lives with us, so I will prepare the sheets and he and DH will count the inventory. They say, they'll be done in an hour. Sure! I don't really care, as long as someone else does it. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Some day we will retire from all of this, and live smaller. I am looking forward to leaving all the business stress behind. Personally, I am much happier working for someone else, although being in business for yourself has benefits of course.

    Have a great weekend!

  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Good Friday evening.

    After lawn bowling this morning DBF and I did our grocery shopping this afternoon. I was surprised how empty the store was. It takes us longer to pay on regular Friday's than it did today.

    Then I spent late afternoon and some time after supper working on my lace. Almost at the fourth corner and feel that it is going well, so far.

    Picking a few tomatoes every day. I think I need to pinch out the growing tips of a couple of the plants as they are so big - covered in tomatoes but they aren't ripening very quickly -perhaps too much energy is going in to growing the plant and making more flowers.

    This evening we have had some rain. While I was waiting for DBF to go for supper I used the watering can to water the front lawn which is under a very large tree. It was already raining at that point, and except for filling the watering can I was under the tree and keeping dry. The ground it so dry that the water wasn't soaking in. I thought that perhaps if I wetted the ground, when it started raining properly, that the rain would soak in and not run off. Had thunderboomers and lots of lightning after we got home.

    That's all the news that's fit to print. Goodnight all.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,328 Member
    Good morning all!
    Thank you all for so many kind wishes.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :love:
    I have woken up still feeling happy and relieved. I wish I could bottle this feeling and drink it down when I am letting life's little frustrations get to me.:tongue: Grandmalie - I am with you on the crowded beaches, especially on the music. The music of the waves is enough for me!:laugh: But I am resolved to try to remember this feeling and be grateful. Maybe it will work!:bigsmile:

    Did some more strength training this morning. I hadn't done any press ups for 2 weeks and was a bit nervous about starting them again. (I have lymphodema). I checked with the doctor and she said it was fine unless it caused a reaction, so I managed 20! Not quite my record, but not bad after a lay off.:drinker: I wish I could remember my August goals. I will have to search the recesses of my brain, but haven't quite made some of them because of the mastitis. Others I think I have surpassed. Will dredge and think.

    Lovely sunny day here so won't get to wear my new jacket! :laugh: It even has thumb holes so I look quite the part. The only kind of clothes I can get excited about at the moment are exercise clothes! Maybe the winter will prompt me into buying something. I have thrown out almost everything. All that remains are two pairs of too big jeans, one skinny pair that fit, and some t shirts, long and short sleeved that are a bit too big. Two skirts that are slightly too big. I live in my skinny jeans and my exercise clothes! I have my party dress from DSIL's 60th, which I have not worn again and a few party tops dating from 1990 when I was last at this weight! I'm almost scared to go out and buy stuff. (Not that I have any money at the moment) What size am I? What suits me? I love to dress in a young way, but not so young that I look ridiculous. I always say I will not wear anything a younger person wouldn't wear, but I will not wear everything they would wear. Does that make sense? Oh well, in the great scheme of things it is of absolutely no importance!:happy: A lovely problem to have and I expect some of you would kill to have that problem!!!:heart:

    Thoughts to all those with no toenails or bad shoulders or itching or hurting any which way. Or grieving. I always say to DH that reading about all our problems on here helps so much with any of my own. He says it all sounds depressing!:huh: :noway: :love: Maybe that's one of the differences between men and women. For me it acts as a sort of community where we are all on the same level and struggling with the stuff that life throws at us. Sometimes life throws us a big one. Or a huge one. Sharing all that and getting support makes it just a little bit easier and, besides, I am incurably nosey!:blushing: Love you:heart:

    Bye for now from lovely, sunny Hampshire. Time in the garden today.
    Heather UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,785 Member
    well I ended up taking 1/2 a pain pill and that helped tremendously, im up having lemon water and off to the gym...
    I will keep plugging along,but just disgusted with myself i am back up at 157 and a few ounces, have been like this for a week or so. I know there are times when this happens ,I guess I am taking in to much sugar and processed stuff, will cut down. and maybe not enough water. The darn scale isnt moving in the right direction:grumble:
    cloudy and muggy here today..
    anyone hitting the seashore this weekend,think of me and soak it up for me please:bigsmile:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    The sun is shining. 3 day weekend. Life is good!

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter.
    Beautiful PNW
  • phoo513
    phoo513 Posts: 231 Member
    Good Morning, my Friends,

    I will warn you right now that my brain and fingers do not seem to be connected today, so the typing may be 'creative'.

    Grandmallie- Would it give you a bit of an emotional break if you only weighed yourself once or twice a week? I am glad that you took that pain pill. If it gets too bad, then it takes so much longer to recover your calmness. However, if it hurts, you are still working it too hard, probably.

    Sandy- I am so proud of you for going to the Y. The pool will reopen, and you will really enjoy the special services you are going to pay extra to use. It sounds like a very nice Y.

    Michelle- When we buy work gloves for Bill, we always buy at least 3 pair of leather gloves because he is so hard on them. Of course, we also have to find the XL ones because his hands are so big! (size 14 ring!) I bet your DH goes through gloves just as quickly as Bill does. That river rock has to be difficult to work with. So, when you get the river rock done, what is the next big project?

    Today is a two-meeting day, so I will be out of the house most of the day. That will keep from just sitting and reading. I realized that with the easy access of my Kindle to the Amazon bookstore, I bought & read 22 books in August. I think I need to start going to the library!

    For today: breakfast: lite yogurt & blueberries; 1 slice toast w/ Pb2 & honey
    lunch: salad (?)
    supper: something fishy w/ vegies

    I need to go to the grocery store today. My cupboards and fridge are pretty empty. I did go in yesterday to pick up some fruit for my little friend, but I did no shopping for myself. What I did notice while I was there is that almost every other person was buying beer, wine, hard liquor! Not just one bottle but cases of beer, six packs of wine, multiple bottles of booze. I may have even already told you about this, but I am still thinking about it! I guess it drove home the truth about how many seniors become problem drinkers after retirement. I am sad about this.

    Ok- I had better get going. Have a great Saturday!

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi my wonderful friends. It’s cloudy here today so maybe we will have some rain??? There is a small chance after 10 pm. We are going out to dinner tonight and I have it all planned out so there will be no more blood sugar-raising crazy indulgences. The carpet guy came today and there is no way he can repair the carpet, so it looks like once again we will be getting new carpet in the entire basement. Once again ServePro ripped the carpet up instead of cutting on a seam. Also I noticed (how did I miss this?) the baseboard work is pretty crappy. So back to square one. I am sick to death of dealing with this basement.

    Today I plan to work til later in the afternoon with some time on the elliptical then off to dinner.

    Sandy: I think this must be the world-wide official pool closing season at the Y! Mine is closed too and someone last night said theirs was closed as well.

    Barbie: thanks for the info on locking the exercise diary. My food diary is open so the exercise one is as well. My doctor’s nurse called yesterday and said that now the cardiologists want everyone’s LDH to be below 70 for heaven’s sake. We decided that upon birth every person will start having a statin pump implanted because there is no way all these people are going to reach that goal!

    Rebel: I do love my wine too! I often think of how nice it would be to have a glass with dinner every night, but I usually don’t have the extra calories for that! I love pairing different wines with different foods.

    Genealace: I am jealous of your rain!

    Heather: I totally agree about the community aspect of this thread!

    Grandmallie: no seashore here although we do have some lakes. The scales will move eventually!

    Robin (with dogs!): glad your day is bright.

    Well the thread was short this morning, so I was able to respond to all (I hope!). Take care, stay cool, drink that water, eat those nasty green things, and enjoy life. Meg from Omaha where the rare cloud has graced our sky.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,878 Member
    Hello ladies: I notice several of you are bemoaning the closing of pools for cleaning. Having worked in the aquatics industry I can tell you this is normal. Pools all over routinely close at this time of year for cleaning and repair. And you must remember that water that is in those pools with small additions of course has been there for a year. It is time for a change. And just think how fresh and clean the water will be when they do reopen not to mention more healthy for all those using it. Tell your pool maintenance staff thanks for keeping their pools up to standard.:wink:

    I have the house to myself this morning. We thought the contractor would be done rebuilding our back porch yesterday but they did not quite get done even though they stayed until dark. They will be back on Tuesday. It will be so nice to have that done.

    No special plans for the weekend. Kind of wishing the pools were open myself but it is supposed to cool off here so I am looking forward to that. Maybe I will get some yardwork done.

    Sending healing angels to all who need them, and congratulations to those with successes. Sue in SD
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    RebelRenny: I’d like to hear about how to make broccoli salad. I love broccoli. :love: Your inventory is a necessary part of doing business, but I’m sorry you won’t have the full holiday weekend.:ohwell:

    Heather UK: I am so happy that you have had good health news. Yay! :flowerforyou: I agree with you about this group being a community. I appreciate it so much! :heart: In the wardrobe department, I have old clothes that I need to donate. My useable wardrobe is quite small. If I actually cleaned everything out that I can no longer wear my closet would be nearly empty. Maybe I should consider doing it.:wink:

    Robin: I agree with you. The sun is shining and it is a three-day weekend. Life is very good. :flowerforyou:

    Grandmalle: Pain pills allow our bodies to rest enough to heal. Take them and consider them to be the necessary medicine that they are.:flowerforyou:

    We had plans for a boating rendezvous with our sailing friends and have opted out. The Bonneville Power Administration has announced that they’re not going to spill water over the dam starting today and lasting until water levels rise with fall rains. They’ll only use enough to generate electricity. We could have been stranded in the place we were planning to meet everyone. That would NOT be good.:noway: We’ll have fun at home instead. We have a great island right across from us that is a park, and I may take the dog for an outing there later on. DH is still hoping to go fishing with our neighbor. I hope that happens. And we need to fix the boat plumbing. :tongue: Luckily for me, I get to pass tools and bring DH something to drink when he’s done. :bigsmile: I don’t know how to actually fix the problem, but he does. Sometimes ignorance is, indeed, bliss.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    August goals:
    1. Log every bite
    2. Move more.
    3. Drink at least 2 glasses of water daily.
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Renny – that's awesome that you can have your wine and still be under your calories...that takes planning :happy:

    Heather – I totally agree with you, sharing our struggles & our successes makes this a great community of women. I think it offers a support system that is very unique.

    Grandmallie – I'm with you on the crowded beaches too. As I get older I find I just like the serenity of peace & quiet. I live minutes from Lake Ontario, not that I would swim in that lake but the beach is really nice but extremely crowded so I don't go often

    Pat – Good for you going to the meetings today! Wow 22 books? So now I know who to turn to for recommendation on books. I can read at work when it's really slow (which happens a lot) so I thought I went through a lot of books but no where near 22.

    Meg – I plan my meals out on the weekends, I'm fairly sure I could enter all my food for the week in my diary and be done with it. It lets me play with it so I can stay within my goals. I hope you get some rain tonight

    Sue – I agree...time to thank the pool maintenance staff. I was just disappointed because I am just starting at the Y and love to swim. Oh well it's still open until Monday so I will try the water aerobics tomorrow and it will be open again in 2 weeks.

    Well I did it! I went to the Y this morning, signed up for a 1 week trial and I walked the track and used the stationary bike. My DD walked with me and then went off to use the elliptical while I was on the bike. If only I could figure out how to use my mp3 player :noway: . I didn't have my reading glasses so I couldn't read the screen and couldn't get the music going. Oh well, the bike I was on overlooked the pool so I watched the kids taking their lessons and listen to the music of the zumba class. Tomorrow I will try the water aerobics and I'll sit in the whirlpool, my knees will be happy about that.

    We had quite the storm last night, the thunder rattled the windows. Its cloudy today, threatening rain but very hot & humid...ick. This afternoon is meal planning.

    Have a great day everyone :drinker:

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I AM SO MAD!. My sister went to the hospital yesterday afternoon at 6:30 and the 'doctor' on call finally called orders in at 1 AM!!!!!:noway: :grumble: :explode: :angry: :mad: She took her off all of her B/P medicines saying her heart rate was to low. well on a beta blocker it is going to be! :angry: She took her off all of her pain medicine for all of her orthopedic problems and all of her fibromyalgia symptom control medicines. Plus of course with her diagnosis a doctor is going to order tests to be done stat or right now. So at 2 AM the ultrasound technician has to be gotten out of bed, called to come in and do that. I wish I could put my sleep number bed in my pocket for her to rest on for a few hours. She just hurts so much. But she enjoyed her breakfast and luckily TNT replays their movies frequently so she can finish the movie she was watching at 2 AM.

    Thanks for letting me vent. I will eat better today and not have to resort to stress eating. I can't remember who wrote about the differences about men and women but she said it so right about how we have this common bond that they don't have with us and wouldn't be bale to express it as we can. I hope there is a similar forum for men 50+ for support.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat.Got some much needed rain last night and today.sun is trying to come out.A lot cooler 80 vs 90+Didn`t get to my friends funeral,hubby working and a 1-2 hour ride.I said my good byes yesterday.
    Joyce,so sorry about your sister.
    Everyone sending hugs:heart::heart: :heart:
    Luv u all
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I have been wearing the same eight pairs of size 26 Capri pants all spring and summer. They are knit with drawstring waists, so they pretty much fit no matter what. I have been noticing that they have been a little looser, but overall I was disppointed with not showing any progress. Then this morning I was rooting around in my dresser drawer and found a pair of size 26 zip up pants that were my favorites last winter, but they had gotten so tight that I was afraid the button would pop off when I sat down. I havent worn them since about Christmas. Just as a test, I tried them on. They were WAY too big! Huh? I would not be able to keep them up if I tried to wear them. Then, I found a pair of size 20 yoga pants that I bought by mistake a couple of years ago. I didn't have the receipt, so couldn't take them back, so I just stuck them in a drawer. They still had the tags on them. Well, just on a lark I tried those on too, and guess what? (Cue the orchestra) They FIT! Well! I've been wearing them all day, and sashaying my little (232 pound) self all around in my tiny pants! My legs look so much thinner! Now, I do realize that fitting into stretchy yoga pants is not terribly definitive of any great success, but these aren't even too tight! I'm never taking them off. Ever. Heck, maybe it time to retire my baggy 4x tshirts too.

    I used to be 302 pounds, but never again!
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Good morning ladies from still HOT Nebraska. Does sound like tomorrow it is to cool off and only be 86. I am feeling alot better, I had been worried about a problem this week and it was really stressing me out. Well God answered prayer and things worked out. I just have to work on the waiting on God part. I want things done now. They also brought out the samples of siding so we can pick out to have the house and garage done. I can't beleive how long this is dragging out. Since they can not match the siding we have they have to do the whole house and garage. Been waiting for the go ahead from the insuarance company and got that so hoping it moves along now. Sounds like most of you are busy for the holiday weekend. DH and I are both working this weekend and I am off Monday, but he works so we are staying close to home. We are dog sitting for DS's pug. She is almost 10 and so laid back. Our dog Toby just loves having another dog around. I keep thinking we need to get another one for him, but I want to waite until this Fall or maybe later Just don't feel right about it yet. Can't believe today is the last day of August. I made about 4 1\2 of my 7 goals for the month. I am trying to think about them for September.

    Pat- You are a women after my own heart. I agree that grandmallie does a GREAT job of taking care of DH. They all need a kick in the pants once in awhile. My pet peeve is I will get the dishes done and kitchen cleaned up and my DH then thinks he needs a snack. He then dirtys some dishes. Drives me nuts. Congrates on being able to talk to sister. When you said you sang Happy Birthday on her answering machine, reminded me, my dad used to call me every year the day after my birthday( he could not remember it was the 2 not the 3) and he would sing Happy Birthday when I answered the phone. First year he was gone I got so depressed and didn't say anything to anyone, but that day when I got to work a guy I work with sang it to me. He had never done it before or since, but I felt it was my dad remembering my Birthday. You are not werid, I know what you mean about buying smaller size clothes. I find it hard to believe I am smaller.

    Michele- love the cake, I wish I could things like that. I have an idea in my mind but what I make looks nothing like it.

    Cheryl-- What a terrible thing for you and your son. So glad you found out and are dealing with it. I hope the police track them down. With all these young kids having phones and computers it scares me that people will try and do things like that.

    Meg-- hope you get some rain from that cloud. It is so HOT and doesn't sound like we are to get rain for several days yet. Where I work is in the old part of the hospital and they built the tower down the hall from us. Well the heating and air in this part got all messed up with the constuction and so we bake in summer and freeze in winter. They did put a portable AC in here for the summer but will not let us have a space heater as they say its not safe.

    Katla-- Glad you had a good trip with DS and DDIL. Congrates on the NSV with plank.

    Patceoh- Good Luck on the stress test. The flu shot alread? . The hospital makes us have them or we can not work. They have a nurse that comes around gives them. I guess I don't mind but within a week of getting mine I loose my voice for acouple days. Means I can't work as can't answer phone or page codes if can't talk.

    grandmallie-- Great Wal-mart find. I don't have the patience and I don't like to shop. I have a co-worker that is good at finds like that and then she will buy all they have. She is a bit of a pack rat. But I have learned if I am looking for something I ask her first as most the time she will have atleast one. And if she hears of someone in need she will give it all away. She likes the hunt the most.

    Heather-- Great new on the doctor. Enjoy your jacket. Please post a picture as since I don't know alot about clothes not sure what it is. I had mixed feelings about giving my bagging stuff away. DH dropped them off while I was at work and that worked. Hope your neighbors are about done with there work. So nice of them to share the noise LOL.

    Sylvia-- Welcome. What part of Kansas do you live? DH and I have family in Kansas City and Narka. In fact we have a wedding at Narka. Glad you are getting to spend time with DS and family.

    Jane--Hugs and Prayers to you and your friends family. I think when it is people we have grown up with it hits harder as it reminds us how easy life can change.

    Sandy-- Fantastic news for DH. Sorry about your glasses breaking, glad that you could get them fixed DH went and had his eyes checked acouple weeks ago and got new ones. Our co-pay was $286. I need to have mine done so working that into the budget for next month.

    Joyce--Glad yur deal with your toes came out well. Here they have to send anything that comes from a body to the lab. Seems silly to me, but thats the rules. I don't want needles anywhere near me let alone my feet. Happy 41st Anniversary. That is something to be proud of and I think over the years DH and I have become more friends then before. We love each other just become comfortable and trusting with each other.

    Well ladies time to get some work done. So enjoy the rest of August and be checking in tomorrow.

    Blessed! Vicki in HOT GI NE