How bad is sugar?

I have my app set so I am consuming 1200 cal per day. I am 5"4, 142 lbs. So back to my question, the last few days I have been making a smoothie for breakfast. I am allotted 24g of sugar for the day. Unfortunately that is exactly how many are also in my smoothie. I use 1cup of silk unsweetened almond milk,1 tbsp of ground flax seed, 2 tbsp of ovaltine and one banana. The ovaltine has 9g and the banana has 15. Everything else has zero sugar. Is it horrible if I end up going over? How much sugar would you consider too much? Thank you in advance for any insight.


  • sbbeana
    sbbeana Posts: 10 Member
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Unless you have a medical condition, do not worry about it.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Um, no.

    Sugar is not bad. Sugar does not cause insulin resistance, overconsumption of calories and fat gain causes insulin resistance.

    Also, protein spikes insulin just as much as sugar. So this entire argument is completely false, and based on irrational fear.

    OP, sugar is not bad for you, unless you consume so much sugar that you exceed your calorie goals, and that it causes you to not get enough protein or fat. If you hit your calorie goals, and get enough protein and fat, sugar will not cause any issues, unless you already have a specific medical condition.

    Also, for the record, insulin spiking when you eat is how a healthy human body is supposed to operate. It spikes when you eat, which makes you feel full, and then drops back to baseline afterwards. It works with leptin and glucagon to maintain energy levels.
  • I would agree. Hitting your macros is more important than worring about sugar. Enjoy the smoothie...:smile:
  • Minnie2361
    Minnie2361 Posts: 281 Member
    I would rather take my advice from the professionals., I eat Fresh fruit only and leave the refined sugars, artificial sweetners, and the processed food that contains so much of the refined sugar on the shelf.

    Sugar is the leading cause of obesity, not fat.
    and I would keep as much refined sugar out of the diet as well as the sweetners.

    My opinion,, for some people sugar is like an addiction, and speaking to them about, their sugar consumption is similar to addressing an alcoholic about his.her alcohol intake.
  • madelonism
    madelonism Posts: 292 Member
    fruit sugar dosnt seem threatening to me. its natural. other sugars maybe not so much. i like to use honey as a sweetener but if you have concerns im sure a docter is much better than our advice haha
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    I would rather take my advice from the professionals., I eat Fresh fruit only and leave the refined sugars, artificial sweetners, and the processed food that contains so much of the refined sugar on the shelf.

    Sugar is the leading cause of obesity, not fat.
    and I would keep as much refined sugar out of the diet as well as the sweetners.

    My opinion,, for some people sugar is like an addiction, and speaking to them about, their sugar consumption is similar to addressing an alcoholic about his.her alcohol intake.

    So misinformed, sugar consumption peaked around 1999-2000, yet obesity is going up, why?

    Fat makes you fatter in a surplus than carbs, so there's that

    "If you get your sugar through fresh fruit it is fine, it comes with fiber and more importantly it doesn't apike the insulin. "

    "My opinion,, for some people sugar is like an addiction, and speaking to them about, their sugar consumption is similar to addressing an alcoholic about his.her alcohol intake."

    So would you tell an alcoholic to just eat some food before drinking since it slows alcohol absorption? Same rationale as okaying fruit
  • How bad is sugar? Not bad. Sugar is good. Back in the 70s and 80s sugar, white sugar, was bad. Then came high fructose corn syrup, which is in almost everything btw, and now sugar is good. Don't worry about sugar at all. Worry about high fructose corn syrup. That **** is evil. It somehow doesn't send the message to the brain that you've had enough to eat so it is designed to induce craving. And aside from how nutritionally evil it is it has terrible karmic energy. When it was first learned how to make the stuff the process was too expensive so what was done with all the surplus corn in America was to feed people that had no food and then when a cheaper process to produce the nasty stuff was found America stopped sending the surplus corn to feed the needy and produced the stuff to put into almost everything we eat. Start looking at the labels and take notice of how much of that evilness you eat. Drink Mexican coke. It has real sugar.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I would rather take my advice from the professionals., I eat Fresh fruit only and leave the refined sugars, artificial sweetners, and the processed food that contains so much of the refined sugar on the shelf.

    Sugar is the leading cause of obesity, not fat.
    and I would keep as much refined sugar out of the diet as well as the sweetners.

    My opinion,, for some people sugar is like an addiction, and speaking to them about, their sugar consumption is similar to addressing an alcoholic about his.her alcohol intake.
    No. Overconsumption of calories is the leading cause of obesity. Not sugar, not fat, not protein, not carbs, not alcohol. As ACG said, sugar consumption has been declining for over a decade, yet obesity has been going up. Pretty much the opposite of what you stated. If you want to listen to professionals, seek out some real professionals, rather than fear mongerers.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I would not take advice from people who lost 0 pounds and have no avatar......but that is me.

    Don't worry about sugar
  • I think high fructose corn syrup is more troublesome than fat and sugar regarding obesity. People have been eating fat and sugar for centuries. And yes for centuries we've had obesity but not as ,ugh and I remember fat people being still somehow healthier than fat people today. Anybody my age will remember Jackie Gleason doing cartwheels. And he drank gallons of booze to boot. But people today are more sedentary as well. Maybe that is also high fructose corn syrup. Or the Internet.

    Moderation is important in everything but I don't think you need to be looking at your sugar levels if you don't have any health issues. If you are worried about it then get a blood test. Have a dr tell you that you are fine and not to worry. Or whatnot.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Personally, I tend to steer clear of sugar because I have X number of calories to work with and I prefer to use them on other things. But for people who enjoy the sweet end of the spectrum....IIFYM, etc.

    At the end of the day, honey is really no different than HFCS.

    Eat what you like, just be smart about it.
  • mom2sons02
    mom2sons02 Posts: 111 Member
    . Drink Mexican coke. It has real sugar.

    ^^This^^ Except it is so expensive here. When I go to Mexico a bottle is about .90 cents. Here I will pay twice that. But I do. Sometimes
  • kimtab
    kimtab Posts: 64 Member
    Same question has been asked before, do a search and you will see a wide variety of answers, some of them reasonable and some not. I'd like to see the diary of the person who stays within 24G of sugar a day because I just don't know how ya do that honestly. I decided to take sugar off my diary and replace it with fiber as I find that fiber intake actually tends to influence how good I feel while sugar doesn't seem to matter in that respect. Otherwise I just try my best to hit my macros. Sugar is a carb, I try to stay under 150 carbs. I try to get my carbs from fruits veggies and whole grains rather than doughnuts and cookies. I am not always successful but I am losing weight and I don't feel like I'm starving or deprived so that is enough for me.
  • jayrudq
    jayrudq Posts: 475 Member
    What are your goals? Are you meeting them? How do you feel? Are you hungry or satisfied after your smoothie? If it is working for you, why bother changing it. If is isn't, you may need to look at that, as well as what you are eating overall and how much.

    Personally, I try to limit my sugar intake. Eating refined carbohydrates makes me HUNGRY. Not everyone reacts to carbs as I do. I am the living personification of the adage about Chinese food: eat it and your hungry again in an hour. I am a firm believer in the glycemic index.
  • I have a very similar problem. If I have a banana and a low fat or fat free yogurt for breakfast I go over on the sugar at that point. I mentioned it to a friend who is a nurse and she said that this is the problem with the programme because it does not discriminate between good sugars in fruit etc and sugar in cakes, biscuits etc. She told me not to worry about it and although I go over every day I am still losing weight. Has made me careful how much fruit I have though and that cannot be good,
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I would rather take my advice from the professionals., I eat Fresh fruit only and leave the refined sugars, artificial sweetners, and the processed food that contains so much of the refined sugar on the shelf.

    Sugar is the leading cause of obesity, not fat.
    and I would keep as much refined sugar out of the diet as well as the sweetners.

    My opinion,, for some people sugar is like an addiction, and speaking to them about, their sugar consumption is similar to addressing an alcoholic about his.her alcohol intake.

    Apparently you do not take your advice from professionals and only rely on all of the silly articles that you post in the forums. All of your information has been challenged in numerous threads, yet you continue to spread misinformation that perpetuates the fear of sugar, origins of obesity, characteristics of addiction and other statistics. Obviously this is a public forum that you are free to post and others are free to respond to continue challenging the silly approach and misinformation.
  • Minnie2361
    Minnie2361 Posts: 281 Member

    DIABETES 11 WAS AN OLDER PERSONS DISEASE NOW IT IS OCCURING IN KIDS!!! Sugar is to blame. You want diabetes keep eating sugar, keep feeding it to your family.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
