All 5'3-5'4 ladies! Needing Motivation & Support

I am looking to meet other women with similar goals such as myself. Even those who have reached their goal weight. I would love to hear others outlooks, struggles, goals and advice. Even seeing some pictures would be fantastic! :)

I am currently 5'3 and 168 pounds. My goal weight is 145.

I have been up and down the past couple of years. I was very committed for a year and fell off track due to other circumstances. But I am back with a vengeance! I want this more now, then when I did 2 years ago at nearly 200 pounds. I have drive and motivation more than ever & I feel hearing from others and connecting to them would be good to have.

Success stories?

One....two...three.... GO! :)


  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member

    I am 5'3" and I currently weigh 173 lbs. My goal is to get to 140 lbs. I have been trying to kick this weight loss into gear but still wanting to drink and eat out, though I didn't eat out except 1-2 times a week, however I drank a lot of wine on the weekends. That wasn't working for me, so I cleaned up my eating drastically and now the weight is coming off. I cut out alcohol for a while just to kick things into gear.

    Some people can eat out and drink and loose quite fine, but unfortunately I am not one of them.

    Feel free to add me and good luck on your progress!!!!!
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I'm 5'4". I started MFP at 170 (highest was 200). It took me almost two years, but I am now down to my absolute lowest ever of 124 and I have officially put myself into maintenance.

    The key is to be patient. This is not a fast or easy process. Don't be tempted to under eat or over exercise. Establish healthy and sustainable habits and take your time. Enjoy the occasional high calorie day (I refuse to call it cheating) and don't deprive yourself of the things you enjoy. Moderation is key.
  • jigsawxyouth
    jigsawxyouth Posts: 308 Member
    I'm in the same boat! I'm 5' 3" and I always had a problem with my weight gain. A few years ago, I went down to 115. Gained back up to 140, and I got pregnant. Quit smoking and started eating meat, I went up to 200 (I left the hospital at 236, I WANTED TO SCREAM) BUT! I've been working hard to lose the weight. I'm currently down to 188, my goal is 115, but I'll be happy at 140 again!

    I know the weight I gained when I was pregnant was outrageous. I was working full time and going to school. I was still working out, but only the Leslie Sansone walk at home workouts.

    Now I work out twice a day, count my calories and I use a FitBit to motivate me. I know I still have a long way to go, but I'm not stopping yet! And I'm still really happy that haven't started smoking again! It really makes working out a lot easier!
  • PennStateChick
    PennStateChick Posts: 327 Member
    I am 5'3 1/2."

    Started my weight loss journey with Weight Watchers in Sept 2007 at 192.
    Hit goal in June 2008 at 123. (I think my lowest was 121.)

    Gained a bunch of weight back.....
    Tracked on and off on MFP for a couple years.

    Recommited in Oct 2012 at 182.
    Lost some, gained some until Feb 2013. Recommited (again) at about 175.
    Current weight is 135ish (135.2 this morning)
    Not sure what my goal weight is this time.

    My profile picture (with the boyfriend in front of the train) was at about 140ish, during a 328 mile bike ride across Ohio to raise money for the American Cancer Society.

    I eat about 1500 calories per day (although I don't really worry about days I go over at this point).
  • AmyMgetsfit
    AmyMgetsfit Posts: 636 Member
    I am 5'3.5". I am getting close to my goal of 120. I started back on MFP on February 1st and weighed 165. I had a failed first attempt that lasted 6 weeks in March of 2012. Last summer I suffered a rotator cuff injury that left me inactive for a few months. All I did was sit at the computer and eat and feel sorry for myself. I gained over 10 pounds from that. On Christmas Day I went to put on my size 14 dress slacks and they were too small. I decided that day, that when I was done with my physical therapy, I was going to work hard to get healthy and lose the extra pounds. The PT ended in January. I have now lost 40lbs. I have about 5 more to lose. Once I reach my goal, I will work hard with the weights to tone up.
  • talk2elles
    talk2elles Posts: 124 Member
    Hi there,

    I'm 5' 3.5", 27 years old and started on here properly in March 2013 at 177.4lbs. This morning I weighed 148.4lbs so 29lbs less

    I usually aim for around 1450 calories each day but I'm never fussed if I'm up to 100 under, or (more likely) 100 over :-) I also have higher calorie days where I eat what I want, just not to the point I used to. I am on here every single day but the last few weeks I have lacked the usual motivation due to stress but I wont be giving up this time.

    I hope your journey goes really well and we see you as one of the success stories on here at some point xXx
  • i_will_lose
    i_will_lose Posts: 9 Member
    I'm 5'4 and started the site at 182 on August 6th. I now weigh 173. My goal is 132. Add me if you'd like. I log on daily :)
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    Hi I'm 5'3" too and after starting in February at 182lb I'm down to 148 at the moment. 1st goal is 133 and I'll see how I feel and look once I get there. I hope to be maintaining by Christmas and I've vowed to weigh in once a week for life so I don't let myself get this far out of shape again. I'm 44 now so it's required a fair amount of dedication to get this far but I figure I'm too old to keep trying to lose weight so I'm going to do it once and be done with it lol

    So far I've pretty much just been counting the calories, logging it daily and trying not to eat too much junk. I've had the odd night off when going out to a restaurant but on those occasions I go a bit easier on the days either side to accommodate it and limit the 'damage'.

    For exercise, after trying a few bits and bobs I've found running to work best for me as it fits in with my lifestyle meaning I'm less likely to find excuses not to do it! This was very important for me as if I have an excuse not to do something I'll likely take it.

    If you want to add me for a bit mutual support, feel free :)
  • ashdawg8790
    ashdawg8790 Posts: 819 Member
    Goal weigh is around 120 but I pretty much just want to feel healthy. Thankfully never been overweight but I'm a supportive friend and log pretty consistantly. :)
  • Fuuko
    Fuuko Posts: 9
    Hi! I'm 5'3, started on here at 195lbs last Nov (though my highest weight was about 205lbs) and am now down to 129lbs with my current goal being 125lbs but I might stretch it to 120lbs.

    In my teens I suffered from anorexia and dropped to about 95lbs. I "recovered" (I use the term very loosely!) and maintained at about 105lbs until I was 19 when I began to suffer from severe depression. I developed a binge eating disorder at the same time, dropped out of college and ballooned up to 200lbs in the space of a year. I maintained at that level (miserably!) for about 2 years until I managed to get my depression under control and eventually, my binge eating. I'm 23 now and am delighted to finally be at a healthy weight for the first time in years! I still suffer from urges to over-eat, under-eat and over-exercise but overall I think I'm managing my weight pretty healthily. Bit scared of upcoming maintenance as I've never really maintained a healthy weight. But I'm hopeful and optimistic!

    Best of luck with your journey and feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • jeansuza
    jeansuza Posts: 148 Member
    I am 5'3'm. I lost 150 pounds since 16 months. Still got about 45 pounds to go. Feel free to add me if you want...
  • HeyGoRun
    HeyGoRun Posts: 550 Member
    Im 5'4 my highest weight was 170 2 years ago went down to 115 in 6m or so, gained back weight, started here 2 months ago at 152 now 141, goal is 130.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'3" and joined mfp in Feb. this year after being able to lose only 4lbs on my own. I worked out a lot, but didn't know a thing about counting calories or macros. Since then, I have lost 34 lbs(38 total). I passed my goal weight a while back, tried to maintain for a while, but have continued to lose, slowly but steadily. Here is what worked for me:
    1. Work out--I worked out up to 3x/daily, 5 days a week. Once daily 2x/week. 30 min. circuit training am, power walk with incline 10 min. mid day, run or weights pm
    2. Eat at a deficit--I had mine set to lose 1-2lbs/week
    3. Make sure you get enough protein, fat, and vegetables. I'd rather meet my protein and fat goals and be under on carbs, it just works better for me. I cut way back on bread and candy:)

    Oh, and I started at 152, and am now 114. My first goal was 135, then 125, then 120. I went from a tight size 10 pants to a 0.
  • I can fully relate! Cutting out wine is difficult. I have routine gatherings with my friends every Saturday and social drinking is how we all unwind. I feel that will be a challenge for me as well.
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    I am 5'3" currently at 225lbs and started at 270lbs. Feel free to add me! Like to give and receive support! :)
  • I'm 5'4". I started MFP at 170 (highest was 200). It took me almost two years, but I am now down to my absolute lowest ever of 124 and I have officially put myself into maintenance.

    The key is to be patient. This is not a fast or easy process. Don't be tempted to under eat or over exercise. Establish healthy and sustainable habits and take your time. Enjoy the occasional high calorie day (I refuse to call it cheating) and don't deprive yourself of the things you enjoy. Moderation is key.

    That is fantastic! Great job. I agree. It's hard not to either want to over indulge or under indulged. Every day can be a battle.
  • I'm in the same boat! I'm 5' 3" and I always had a problem with my weight gain. A few years ago, I went down to 115. Gained back up to 140, and I got pregnant. Quit smoking and started eating meat, I went up to 200 (I left the hospital at 236, I WANTED TO SCREAM) BUT! I've been working hard to lose the weight. I'm currently down to 188, my goal is 115, but I'll be happy at 140 again!

    I know the weight I gained when I was pregnant was outrageous. I was working full time and going to school. I was still working out, but only the Leslie Sansone walk at home workouts.

    Now I work out twice a day, count my calories and I use a FitBit to motivate me. I know I still have a long way to go, but I'm not stopping yet! And I'm still really happy that haven't started smoking again! It really makes working out a lot easier!

    Ya know, I am 8 days cigarette free myself and I find that quitting smoking has helped my motivation to get fit a lot more as well. All of the countless minutes a day I used to smoke a cigarette, I now fill with something such as push ups or activity.

    Good luck doll. It seems like such a long journey getting the baby weight to come off. I've been there. I was over 200 pounds with my first child. Stayed at 198 for years, even after the births of my next 2 kids. It was so stressful to get rid of,.but you will do great. Don't give up!
  • Hi there,

    I'm 5' 3.5", 27 years old and started on here properly in March 2013 at 177.4lbs. This morning I weighed 148.4lbs so 29lbs less

    I usually aim for around 1450 calories each day but I'm never fussed if I'm up to 100 under, or (more likely) 100 over :-) I also have higher calorie days where I eat what I want, just not to the point I used to. I am on here every single day but the last few weeks I have lacked the usual motivation due to stress but I wont be giving up this time.

    I hope your journey goes really well and we see you as one of the success stories on here at some point xXx

    Wow! That is amazing! You are such an inspiration for me. I'll be adding you :)
  • BluthLover
    BluthLover Posts: 301 Member
    I'm 5'3 and currently 141. Thinnest- 122 Heaviest- 200. Goal is 125 then I'm gonna "lift heavy". Anyone can add me if they like :)
  • Hi! I'm 5'3, started on here at 195lbs last Nov (though my highest weight was about 205lbs) and am now down to 129lbs with my current goal being 125lbs but I might stretch it to 120lbs.

    In my teens I suffered from anorexia and dropped to about 95lbs. I "recovered" (I use the term very loosely!) and maintained at about 105lbs until I was 19 when I began to suffer from severe depression. I developed a binge eating disorder at the same time, dropped out of college and ballooned up to 200lbs in the space of a year. I maintained at that level (miserably!) for about 2 years until I managed to get my depression under control and eventually, my binge eating. I'm 23 now and am delighted to finally be at a healthy weight for the first time in years! I still suffer from urges to over-eat, under-eat and over-exercise but overall I think I'm managing my weight pretty healthily. Bit scared of upcoming maintenance as I've never really maintained a healthy weight. But I'm hopeful and optimistic!

    Best of luck with your journey and feel free to add me as a friend :)

    You are such a trooper. I commend you on all of your inner strength & overcoming such difficult obstacles. I never battled an eating disorder but in my younger high school days, tried becoming bulimic because I was so down on myself. Worst part was, I wasn't ever overweight or obese. Just " thick" I guess you could say. Proportionate.

    As I got older, I started ' eating my feelings'. I still maintained a steady weight but after getting pregnant, my body changed so much. I packed on pounds I never thought I could.

    You seem like such a fighter. I like that. I'll be adding you! :)
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