


  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    By the way I am a mother and an elementary educator. Not a druggy.

  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    How about telling you that detoxing doesn't even exist as a real thing. It's all make believe and wishful thinking. Does that do something for you?

    That is actually completely inaccurate. There are drug and alcohol centers where people go through detox before entering the rest of the program.

    Op asked an honest question and was interested in good factual info that she received. End of story.

    Please tell me you are not comparing drug detoxes with nonsense, money rapping, detoxes quacks and anyone looking to make a quick buck from the desperation of people wanting to lose wight fast cuz that my dear is laughable.

    Yes, that is exactly what I was doing. :noway:

    But that is EXACTLY what you did. The detoxes that people go thru for drug and alcohol rehabs are to detox themselves from those drugs. Some of which linger for a lot longer than people think. There is a HUGE difference between the two and for you to compare them is absolutely ridiculous. And as for telling that guy to find his heart, that's actually against the rules on MFP and can be seen as a personal attack. He didn't attack you and it's childish of you to react that way to someone whose opinions differ from yours.

    Your liver does a great job at detoxing your body. That's all you need, is your liver. Your liver is also free. Water helps too.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    timeout. it wasn't a personal attack. she was making a joke about something i joke about on my profile. i'm a big boy and it's totally cool.

    now, let's get back to our regularly scheduled snark.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    How about telling you that detoxing doesn't even exist as a real thing. It's all make believe and wishful thinking. Does that do something for you?

    That is actually completely inaccurate. There are drug and alcohol centers where people go through detox before entering the rest of the program.

    Op asked an honest question and was interested in good factual info that she received. End of story.

    Please tell me you are not comparing drug detoxes with nonsense, money rapping, detoxes quacks and anyone looking to make a quick buck from the desperation of people wanting to lose wight fast cuz that my dear is laughable.

    Yes, that is exactly what I was doing. :noway:

    So I misread then when you used a drug detox as a reference? Please quiet down now.

    yes, taking something out of context IS misreading. Very good. And, right back at ya.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    By the way I am a mother and an elementary educator. Not a druggy.

    No one called you a druggy. His post about drugs wasn't directed at you. He was trying to make a point to the girl comparing detoxes to drug and alcohol rehabs.

    No one here has even been mean to you. So I am not sure why you are complaining that people have been mean.
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    How about telling you that detoxing doesn't even exist as a real thing. It's all make believe and wishful thinking. Does that do something for you?

    That is actually completely inaccurate. There are drug and alcohol centers where people go through detox before entering the rest of the program.

    Op asked an honest question and was interested in good factual info that she received. End of story.

    Please tell me you are not comparing drug detoxes with nonsense, money rapping, detoxes quacks and anyone looking to make a quick buck from the desperation of people wanting to lose wight fast cuz that my dear is laughable.

    Yes, that is exactly what I was doing. :noway:

    So I misread then when you used a drug detox as a reference? Please quiet down now.

    yes, taking something out of context IS misreading. Very good. And, right back at ya.

  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    @grace, i agree that IF I was comparing the two it would be ridiculous. But I wasn't. Sorry you thought that is what I was doing.
  • mtylar89
    mtylar89 Posts: 18
    It's not really cool because people come here for help and get treated like morons because they don't know something? I'm learning about living a healthy lifestyle. It's a process and when I ask question I want honest, helpful feedback. Constructive criticism and learning how to give positive and correcting feedback is something I'm good at, I have to do it all the time with children. I sometimes forget adults don't have to I guess. I just didn't expect this. I guess I know where I can't go for help unless I want to be scorned.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    and you got your answers. why are you crying about it? so, not only do you want truthful answers, you want it delivered in a tone and manner that you personally can appreciate? ain't nobody got time for that. take the advice given and move along.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    People are honest, blunt and don't always sugar coat things. Don't take it so personal. You are going to get all kinds of answers in an open forum. Perception can also be off when reading peoples responses. From what I've seen, I don't see where people have been mean/disrespectful or scornful. You may not like how things come across, but that doesn't make it mean.

    I'm not trying to argue, or say you are wrong. I have seen some horrible replies in other posts. The point I'm just trying to make is try not to get upset (for lack of a better word because I don't think you are that upset) by peoples honest/blunt replies. If you don't like them, then that's your choice/opinion/etc. Just try to realize it's kinda like the telephone game, it starts off with one person saying a phrase, when it gets to the 20th person it's completely different because of how their brain perceived the message.
  • mtylar89
    mtylar89 Posts: 18
    Thanks for that. I wasn't upset just disappointed, I always figured if you don't know, ask! I can understand how conversations can get heated, I honestly just love mfp and I have been using it for a long time, and I have always had nothing but positive ( and by positive i dont neccessarily mean in my favor) responses to questions or thoughts, this was a new territory me. You are absolutely right though. It just completely thew me how crazy it got over my question.
  • phjorg1
    phjorg1 Posts: 642 Member
    Thanks for that. I wasn't upset just disappointed, I always figured if you don't know, ask! I can understand how conversations can get heated, I honestly just love mfp and I have been using it for a long time, and I have always had nothing but positive ( and by positive i dont neccessarily mean in my favor) responses to questions or thoughts, this was a new territory me. You are absolutely right though. It just completely thew me how crazy it got over my question.
    I think you are seeing things that do not exist..
  • mtylar89
    I think I'm done arguing about detoxing with complete strangers, I get it, majoriy rules.. it's bad, and ineffective, and imaginary... lol. happy Labor Day everyone Have a good holiday!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    If you look thru the thread I think you'll find that you are the only one arguing
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    Thanks, I didn't realize the word detox would set people off :/ the people that work at my local healthy habits store encourages a cleanse to rid the body of bad toxins... But thanks for the solid information! Just telling me detox is a bad really does nothing for me. Lol

    They are encouraging this because it is their job to sell you something.

    Your liver will remove any "toxins" that are in your body. That's its job. You don't need to do anything else to help it do this.

    And yes some people get all upset when you use certain words on here, even if they think they are trying to help.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    I think I'm done arguing about detoxing with complete strangers, I get it, majoriy rules.. it's bad, and ineffective, and imaginary... lol. happy Labor Day everyone Have a good holiday!

    Happy labor day to you too! And don't worry about the thread. It is the same posse that shows up in thread after thread that says the same things in the same way and then have people tell them they are being rude and attacking. The response by them is always the same. 'no i'm not, you're too sensitive', 'no, you should stay off internet forums', 'no, you're being argumentative. I've said/done nothing wrong' etc.

    Seriously, you would think that after hearing the same thing in thread after thread by new posters, veteran posters, and all inbetween, they would realize one obvious fact. The COMMON DENOMINATOR is them. But, I digress.

    Good job on keeping cool and classy throughout and have a great holiday weekend!
  • asbjrc427
    asbjrc427 Posts: 29 Member
    To me, "detoxing" means eating only healthy, unprocessed foods. If that's what they were selling, I'd buy it. Well, I wouldn't buy "it," I'd just go buy some veggies. :) If you want to go through a process that you feel cleanses you, try eating only fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, and grains for a day or two. Try drinking only water, and forego the coffee, soda, and alcohol for a day or two. All that fiber will surely cleanse your system, and you won't be stuck with only getting to drink some vile liquid, on the contrary, you'll have to stuff your face to get in all of your needed calories.

    You said you were a pretty healthy eater already, but not perfect. Maybe a few days of pure, unprocessed foods would be a good jumping off point for your new program, a "detox," if you will.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    I think I'm done arguing about detoxing with complete strangers, I get it, majoriy rules.. it's bad, and ineffective, and imaginary... lol. happy Labor Day everyone Have a good holiday!

    Happy labor day to you too! And don't worry about the thread. It is the same posse that shows up in thread after thread that says the same things in the same way and then have people tell them they are being rude and attacking. The response by them is always the same. 'no i'm not, you're too sensitive', 'no, you should stay off internet forums', 'no, you're being argumentative. I've said/done nothing wrong' etc.

    Seriously, you would think that after hearing the same thing in thread after thread by new posters, veteran posters, and all inbetween, they would realize one obvious fact. The COMMON DENOMINATOR is them. But, I digress.

    Good job on keeping cool and classy throughout and have a great holiday weekend!

    I stand corrected. There actually is more than one person arguing on this thread. But since the two of you are on the same side I'm not sure why the two of you continue arguing.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    I think I'm done arguing about detoxing with complete strangers, I get it, majoriy rules.. it's bad, and ineffective, and imaginary... lol. happy Labor Day everyone Have a good holiday!

    Happy labor day to you too! And don't worry about the thread. It is the same posse that shows up in thread after thread that says the same things in the same way and then have people tell them they are being rude and attacking. The response by them is always the same. 'no i'm not, you're too sensitive', 'no, you should stay off internet forums', 'no, you're being argumentative. I've said/done nothing wrong' etc.

    Seriously, you would think that after hearing the same thing in thread after thread by new posters, veteran posters, and all inbetween, they would realize one obvious fact. The COMMON DENOMINATOR is them. But, I digress.

    Good job on keeping cool and classy throughout and have a great holiday weekend!

    I stand corrected. There actually is more than one person arguing on this thread. But since the two of you are on the same side I'm not sure why the two of you continue arguing.

    :yawn: Old.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    At least you're not the type that feels they must get in the last word.