The dumbest diet you ever tried?



  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,032 Member
    Tony Ferguson. 2 crappy tasting shakes a day, a salad (no dressing) with lunch and 120g of lean meat with veg for dinner. Lost a heap of weight, very fast, put it back on just as fast when I stopped. I was grumpy and BORING the whole time I was on it. I even bought into the "you can turn your shakes into bread/pancakes/things that are almost real food" while on it. For shame.
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    Oh dear...

    Let's see. Cambridge diet, Slimfast. Generic 80's 1000 calories a day diet. Urgh.

    Favourite dumb diet though was the Guinness and Burger King milkshake diet, when I was at Uni. This wasn't planned, but was insanely busy with my final year, working part time and running a small student union. I wouldn't have time to eat during the day, would drink a few pints of Guinness in the evening, then grab a milkshake on the way home. Lost three stone (42 pounds) on that. But gained it all back and then some after Graduation!
  • sjanejack
    sjanejack Posts: 158
    Well I tried slimfast, I used to use slimfast drinks, drinking them before I would get a lot of exercise. Their shakes didn't taste very good, I didn't actually lose any weight. Plus I was actually over-exercising. I've tried slimfast bars, and they just don't taste very good, like a gross candy bar. I didn't really try anything else though luckily.
  • Unaisha8
    Unaisha8 Posts: 247 Member
    The lemon detox diet- I never do that mistake again in my life. I lost 7 lbs by the end of it but two weeks later, I put on 12 lbs and I didn't even have any cheat meals as I was eating clean.
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    The worst by far is the Standard American Diet. Gain lots of weight, high blood pressure, diabetes.

    I did SlimFast and Optifast and Weight Watchers.

    I did create my own diet and did lose over 30lbs and kept it off for several years.
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Chocolate diet. You eat only one dark chocolate bar a day - about 600 calories.

    Wine diet. Just dry wine and apples. At least a bottle a day. That was awesooooooooome. :))))))) But couldn't work, drive or study so I stopped. But my mood was great :)))
    :laugh: :laugh: Sounds like someone was playing a joke on you...twice.
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    anything that had the word diet in it
  • Maidofmer
    Maidofmer Posts: 908 Member
    Chocolate diet. You eat only one dark chocolate bar a day - about 600 calories.

    Wine diet. Just dry wine and apples. At least a bottle a day. That was awesooooooooome. :))))))) But couldn't work, drive or study so I stopped. But my mood was great :)))
    :laugh: :laugh: Sounds like someone was playing a joke on you...twice.



    sign me up for that one!
  • kindasortachewy
    kindasortachewy Posts: 1,084 Member
    eat more to lose wieght! hahahahahahahah

    This -- BS!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Awesome question:happy:
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I thought I had tried them all...until I read this post.

    LA Weightloss was ridiculously expensive, you had to eat these bad bars (that you buy from them of course) twice a day, and then periodically there was a 2 day thing where you drank this juice (that you buy from them of course) and ate small amounts of protein and green vegetables. Plus I had to go there 3x a week to weigh in. When I didn't lose weight as fast as they thought I should (needed to lose 2 pounds a week every week to stay on their schedule) there would have been an extra fee to keep going, on top of the $1K plus in fees, plus all the bars, juices, etc.

    I did some thing through my former chiropractor's office where I ate 700 calories a day 6 days a week, took these pills that were supposed to make it okay, and then had one day where I could eat normally. I dropped 20 pounds fast then stopped losing - their solution was that I should eat less on my one normal eating day because THAT was the problem.

    I did WW (lost 36 pounds but gained 15 back while still going to weekly meetings), Herbalife (lost 40 pounds & kept it off for a couple of years but couldn't lose any more than that), the soup diet (oatmeal for breakfast & soup for lunch & dinner every day-made it about 3 days), I met with a nutritionist, I did Protein Power (similar to Atkins - lost 38 pounds but then started eating carbs again), South Beach (didn't lose much weight but my cholesterol dropped nearly 100 points), Slim Fast, Special K Diet, Hydroxycut, etc.
  • sugarbum1990
    sugarbum1990 Posts: 7 Member
    I took some terrible advice from someone I thought was a friend, she gave me a "diet tablet" well thats what she called it that was meant to stop you feeling hungry...didnt eat for couple days and felt terrible.. that was quite weird.

    In the past I guess also only drinking water and tiny mouthful of foods and way to much exercise.. not a good idea!! quick diets never work
  • Peachy1962
    Peachy1962 Posts: 269 Member
    The milk diet!!! back in High school a lot of us girls were doing it!! No food except milk during the day and a small supper of 2 oz of protein and 1/2 cup of green veggies and milk before bed!! the whole fat milk was suppose to satiate the appiette and it did a fairly good job but Hey who could keep that up for long??

    we all did lose some weight
  • cj731
    cj731 Posts: 32 Member
    HCG homeopathic drops - I lasted 10 days and every morning after getting out of bed, I would have to lean against a wall for 30 seconds and wait for the faint feeling to go and the black spots in my vision to fade. To be fair I did lose quite a bit of weight in that 10 days. I was seven kilos (around 15.5 pounds) lighter than I currently am, but I honestly looked fatter then than I do now as there was no muscle tone.
    No exercise meant I probably lost what little muscle mass I had too, I was lighter but certainly looked pudgier and couldnt fit into clothes I can actually get into now. That's not to say other people haven't had success on HCG, but for me it wasn't successful. I rebounded from 59kg (just over 130 pounds) back up to 72.5kg (around 160 pounds!) within a few months as I just lost the motivation to continue after feeling so unwell on HCG and seeing so little improvement in my body.
    I also tried the lemon detox diet - 3 days and two migraines later I quit that too!
  • WenHurley
    WenHurley Posts: 166 Member
    Grapefruit diet - didn't work

    Dexatrim pills - gave me diarrhea. The Imodium I took to stop it, counteracted the Dexatrim and I was extremely hungry.

    SlimFast shakes - same as above.

    Also, tried Weight Watchers. That one didn't work for me.

    Now, trying to keep track of what I eat (eat less) & to exercise.
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Worst diet: eating whatever the hell I want in whatever amount I want. That's what got me here. :)

    This right here.
  • Cabbage Soup Diet, Lemonade Diet and The Hollywood Diet.
  • slimbettie
    slimbettie Posts: 686 Member
    1. cabbage soup diet
    2. maple syrup diet
    3. herbalife shakes diet
  • sassy9111
    sassy9111 Posts: 23 Member
    There are many, but one is very very dangerous, and it never hurts to warn people.
    Diet Pills, Ionamin, pure speed.
    Did I lose weight?
    Was I happy, pretty, and ready to date?
    My face was red and sore from not sleeping, my breathe stank, I was to tired to go out, and
    I could have killed myself, because they were speed.
    Oh, when you go off the pills, you eat again!
  • HeinekenMan
    HeinekenMan Posts: 80 Member
    I haven't tried that many "diets." Years ago, my mom had a book by Martina Navratilova. She was a tennis star, in case you didn't know. I don't know the name of the book. All I remember is that she advocated eating lean meats, veggies and lots of carbs. She recommended pasta and potatoes. Today, people would freak out if you said you were on a diet with those foods. But I did really well on that diet. I loved to have a big baked potato or a plate of spaghetti. These days, I have noticed that starchy foods leave me hungry again after a few hours. I now eat whole wheat pasta. But I certainly don't avoid carbs. I still believe in their value as part of a healthy diet. I could never do the Atkins Diet.