Why am I still starving? Will this get better?

Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I just had a HUGE salad for lunch and I'm still hungry! It was tons of spinach, tomatoes, and 3 slices of low sodium turkey lunchmeat. I also had a stick of low fat string cheese. I'm new to this healthy eating thing again and I'm so used to having pizza, cheeseburgers, hot dogs, etc for lunch. Is it my body's way of telling me to eat more (even though I don't need it!) Will I get "used" to eating less???? I just don't want to fail! I'm also drinking tons of water. THanks!


  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    Maybe you need more fiber to fill you up? Add a piece of whole grain high fiber bread to your lunch and see if that helps.

    I'd add some more protien too if it were me. 3 ounces of chicken or a hard boiled egg.
  • frogmommy
    frogmommy Posts: 151 Member
    It will get easier. Just make certain you are getting enough protein and (dare I say) fat in your diet. Both of those things will help you feel more full for a longer period of time. I am one of those people who cannot just have a salad and feel full ~ unless it is loaded with protein. Have you tried a hard boiled egg on your salads? THat helps me a ton.
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Maybe you are not hungry.. Just craving that pizza!
  • akcaswell
    akcaswell Posts: 6 Member
    eat more lean protien! Quite often I am going over the level of protien here on myfitnesspal to find that level of satisfaction. I will be under (or at) my level of calories and yet not be starved
  • If I feel hungry, I munch on granola or nuts. Apples are very filling. I like to dip them in peanut butter........I think a lot of it was in my head, I was thinking about food too much. I am so much better now.......
  • I think eating slowly helps.. it gives you time to let your stomach tell your brain that its slowly getting fuller.
    I hear that drinking some water before lunch helps too
  • I think it takes at least 2 weeks. After two weeks of being very careful about my quantities, and speed (a big issue for me), of eating, I saw a change in that I became satisfied much sooner. And, when I've had a few days where I have not been very "good" I actually felt very uncomfortable and icky....
  • thartsfi
    thartsfi Posts: 2 Member
    Salads are not filling, plus you probably are having more calories than you think with dressing. It seems your brain is craving something savory. Try a lean cuisine meal with the extra veggies. That will satisfy you and last longer. The more you keep yourself away from what you want to taste you will crave it. Try the healthy low cal options such as Weight Watchers or Lean Cuisine, you will adapt.
  • cuddlesworth
    cuddlesworth Posts: 9 Member
    Fiber does help. There are fiber gummies that I take, one in the morning, one at night. They help keep me feeling full. They dont cause gas or anything. They are called Vitafusion Fiber gummies and dont taste bad either.
  • AnaNotBanana
    AnaNotBanana Posts: 963 Member
    Yes it will get better! The first few weeks are the most difficult. It's like your body is going through withdrawals. Once your body gets use to eating less food and healthier foods you'll be surprised what you'll be craving.
  • My suggestion is not conventional but get rid of the low fat stuff. Eat more fat and ditch the carbs you will not be hungry at all!
    You will be much more satiated and still stay within your calorie goal. Try it!!
  • If you're just beginning it off that way, you'll feel like you're starving often, but you're body will get use to veggies for lunch. Add a good piece of fruit to add more fiber. Lunches for me consist of: 1 slice of turkey deli meat, string cheese, 1/4 of canteloup melon, 5 strawberries, 1 peach and 6 nuts (cashew/almonds). I'll sometimes add 2 tablespoon ground flaxseed with 1/2 cup of yogurt to add substance.
  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    It will get easier. Your stomach shrinks. I went to turkey dinner and had one small plate of food, half salad and wasn't hungry for more. Of course if I looked at the dishes filled with yummy stuff I could have but I had to admit I wasn't hungry and enjoy the thought of left overs the next day.
    Keep up practicing propper serving sizes and your body will reward you by learning when enough is enough. You'll see, it will come as a surprise when something smaller fills you up.
  • I agree that salads don't fill me up. Sometimes I eat them as a side. I have to agree with more fiber and protein. This is the first time I am not hungry all the time and my fiber is always over. Sometimes I have felt not satisfied but that has gotten better with time.
  • tessb84
    tessb84 Posts: 98 Member
    If you like popcorn, you could have a small bag after your salad, good source of fiber and it makes me feel fuller longer..
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Yes, it will get better. When I first started, I was constantly hungry for the first two weeks. I agree with the others. Add more fiber. I like those sesame rye flats and spread a wedge of the light laughing cow cheese on them. Mmmm. Two flats have about 80-90 calories, and one wedge is 35 calories. Also, try drinking a V8 or eating a fiber one bar. It will get better, promise!! Hang in there and good choice on the salad! Maybe add some cucumbers and baby carrots in there, too. (carrots are a great fiber source!)
  • Green Giant makes these great! veggie steamers-they are all kinds of veggies you never thought you would like because they are sauced to be very yummy!(I am a veggie person though!) I eat one of these almost every day at lunch with a grilled chicken breast, and some fruit- because these meals are so low in calories I sometimes add something sweet like pudding-but the fruit usually does it! Good luck!
  • The "more protein" to your lunch is a great idea.But make sure you are drinking a lot of water or tea.... that helps me out a lot.
  • One more thing- papa murphy's has a yummy mediterranian chicken pizza. It is 180 calories/slice-I was able to eat 3 slices for dinner and was stuffed!
  • AllietheLOSER
    AllietheLOSER Posts: 19 Member
    I started "dieting" Thursday. By Saturday I joked that my stomach was trying to eat itself because it was growling so bad. (I hugged my husband and he could feel it "growling" LOL) I'm new and am still learning but I can honestly say that by Sunday I didn't have that "I'm going to pass out from starvation" feeling. Now I feel that all I am doing is eating (I used to be a breakfast and lunch skipper), I'm feeling healthier and my stomach only growls when it's my scheduled time to eat. I'm amazed! I was also one that was used to eating hamburgers, pizza, etc, as well as a chocoholic and thought I was going to starve to death from eating lettuce. I have had to buy things that make me think "filling junk" food, but they are a little healthier---vanilla wafers, yogurt covered pretzels (you can only have 5 and believe me, you eat all 5 and you're good to go), nuts, granola and grapes (the sweetness took the place of chocolate). Peanut butter helped take the edge off as well. Ezekiel bread is made from beans, full of fiber and is filling (in the frozen food or frozen health food section of your grocery store)...it might help you.

    Whenever I REALLY feel hungry, I drink a lot of water..and it helps!

    Hope I helped you, like I said, I'm still learning BUT...you're definitely not alone in this :-)
    Wish you the best!
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