calling all non-moms!



  • cuddlegrl
    cuddlegrl Posts: 101 Member
    You can count me in! I've put on so much weight after years of fertility treatment etc only to never become pregnant and have it last. xxx

    Same here!!! I'm in!
  • stuartme123
    stuartme123 Posts: 210 Member
    I'm in : )
  • DEFINITELY! Count me in!!!
  • I am really excited about getting involved with this group!
    Long Term - Lose 40 lbs by this time next year
    Short term - Get back to regular exercise! Average 3-5 lbs a month off (Might me a little bit lofty)

    I completely fell off the wagon around March of 2010 because I plateaued. I have a pretty hectic schedule because I work full time as an engineer and am back in school part time. In addition to that, I play on a tennis team pretty much all year round. So for me, not taking my "days off" to do nothing is SUPER tempting! I really want to get on a regular routine! I lost 25 lbs from October 2009-March 2010 which was great, but really want to make the big push to really get the next 25-40 lbs off!
  • qpray01
    qpray01 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in. I am also a non-mommy who gained weight all by myself and I am ready to shed the lbs. I joined MFP a while ago but I have just recently started a new about two weeks ago. This would probably be really helpful for me.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I have a love/hate relationship with bosu! but tomorrow will be my 4th or 5th attempt, and i have to say, it's getting a lot easier. i might have called it quits after the very first day, but in just that small amount of time, i noticed an improvement in my ankles, which are very weak and prone to collapsing - usually with extremely inconvenient and embarassing timing! but the bosu balls pretty much improved that by 50% with one class, so that's enough to keep me going!

    i do recommend it - it's weird, definitely, but good. when you are stepping onto the bosu, just know that it is actively pushing against you, so you have to step firmly. don't stomp! you will go flying through the air! of course, i don't know that through personal experience or anything... :blushing: also, keep your legs actively engaged, almost like you are retaining a squat stance through the entire motion. but i would totally give it another whirl! there are still times when i do a ton of the workout on the floor and do the bosu when i can. and if you go back to it, have fun!

    ok so it improved your ankle strength? maybe I should try it again... my new gym has bosu balls but no classes, maybe I'll just incorporate a few moves into my regular workout and see if that helps (and if not I'm so yelling at you when I come back tomorrow with bruises all over because I went flying off for stomping on the ball!! Lol)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    :blushing: GAWD! So yesterday was weight and measure day! Here it is

    Neck = 14 in
    Chest = 41 in
    Waist = 41 in
    Hips = 45 in
    Thights = 26 in

    Weight = 210

    So i haven't moved in two months...and i just started...i don't give a crap that muscle weighs more than fat and all the other good feeling statements i'm bound to get...i haven't lost a thing! the 5lbs i've gained was due to menstruation, nothing it's gone, and i'm at the beginning inches and no lbs lost in 2 months...i'm under my calorie intake (no i'm not starving myself) because i don't eat my workout's 9:30 at night when i get home, of course i'm not going to stuff my face with 500 calories! so i'm feeling a little discouraged the point where i had a SMALL piece of cherry pie for breakfast :blushing: I'll be fine...i go back to the gym tonight and bust my @ss for another 1.5 hours
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    i definitely need to start taking measurements too! perhaps i will...i am a scale hopper. i'm on it all the time...i want to see how many ounces i just peed out, or how much that burrito in my stomach really's pretty pathetic. but really, it's primarily just because i'm curious. i understand that my weight fluctuates, so i don't get discouraged and take it to heart when it moves up...i actually think it's kind of cool. but my official weigh in day is wednesday, and i record that weekly. would ya'll suggest measuring weekly or monthly?
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    no inches and no lbs lost in 2 months...i'm under my calorie intake (no i'm not starving myself) because i don't eat my workout's 9:30 at night when i get home, of course i'm not going to stuff my face with 500 calories!

    i'm sure you are not starving yourself, but all the same, you might want to consider eating some of your workout calories. someone described metabolism to me once as a fire, and in order for it to burn, it needs fuel. i earn between 550 and 650 workout calories on most days, and i eat at least half of them...sometimes more! and it's not because i'm starving, that's for sure! but my body seems to respond to weight loss better if i eat those calories. it sounds backwards, i know, but in my case, it's proven to be true. play around with it and see if it changes it up.

    also, make sure you are drinking lots of water! :drinker: it'll happen! stay the course!
  • armesser
    armesser Posts: 5 Member
    If you love Moe's (like me) they have great nutrition stuff on their website. You can look at anything on the menu, then add and subtract toppings as you like. It helps you put in perspective what you REALLY want. For instance, I really like sour cream, but I don't miss the rice or cheese if it isn't there ---180 cal off of a regular. (A little FYI that I noticed the other day---the chicken has more calories than the steak! I am chronically anemic, so this was great news for me!) I just kinda play with it and figure what I'm putting in me. If I want more quanitity, I cut back on the fattier ingredients, but as I am learning to eat MORE SLOWLY, I have realized that I can eat the Moo Moo Mr. Cow for <300 cal WITH sour cream and be perfectly satisfied (an added bonus, with the cookie they put in the meal, I'm still <500 if I lay off the chips!) My moe's will let you upsize your drink from kids to regular, and my meal is under $5. Shrinking my waist and fattening my wallet. Panera has their nutrition site set up the same way. It is fun to play with.

    Also, I have finally figured out the trick for me. I put myself on a diet AND a budget at the same time. It helps to have the extra motivator, and eating out excessively is how I got in this situation in the first place. I put $100 aside each month for eating out. Once that is gone, I'm done (although I OCCASIONALLY make an exception for special occasions). I've lost 21 lbs this way so far!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    no inches and no lbs lost in 2 months...i'm under my calorie intake (no i'm not starving myself) because i don't eat my workout's 9:30 at night when i get home, of course i'm not going to stuff my face with 500 calories!

    i'm sure you are not starving yourself, but all the same, you might want to consider eating some of your workout calories. someone described metabolism to me once as a fire, and in order for it to burn, it needs fuel. i earn between 550 and 650 workout calories on most days, and i eat at least half of them...sometimes more! and it's not because i'm starving, that's for sure! but my body seems to respond to weight loss better if i eat those calories. it sounds backwards, i know, but in my case, it's proven to be true. play around with it and see if it changes it up.

    also, make sure you are drinking lots of water! :drinker: it'll happen! stay the course!

    ok, ok, i'm healthy, strong and confident! If i'm not losing inches, i'm strengthening my lungs:huh:
  • Hey...I am in too! So far so good, but need an extra push too!
  • hyenagirl
    hyenagirl Posts: 206 Member
    Count me in! I have only myself to blame. Time to change.
  • Alright guys, let's have a brainstorm so we can have daily challenges/exercises for our weight loss!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    how about everyone bumping their excercise program an extra 15 minutes...tell us what you did in that 15 minutes...lets see if we can get it up to half an hour
  • I want in! I want in!
  • Me too!
  • Jalah
    Jalah Posts: 14
    I want in on this! Please add me as a friend if you'd like, I'm newer to the website and need the accountability/motiviation!

    I gained this weight myself, lost 65lbs two years ago, and am now determined to pick-up where I left off and win this battle once and for all!
  • tjbeer
    tjbeer Posts: 90 Member

    I too am not a mummy, so would love to join in, hope it's not too late?

    I have lost a fair amount so far but need the extra push for the last 10 lbs. I weigh in on wednesdays and measure every 4 months. I need a new group to motivate me, as I can tell that I am losing motivation because the English winter months are coming closer and it's getting dark earlier and all I want to do is go home and veg out in front of the fire......So non moms...give me a push and get me through this awful winter that is coming!!!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Well I weighed in last night at 183 lbs. I didn't take my measurements as I couldn't find my tape measure.
    Here are different challenges we have done in another group.
    Burn 3500 calories a week
    Travel 15 miles either walking/running/eliptical/or bike a week
    Work out 300 minutes a week (1 hour 5 times a week)
    Drink half your body weight in water a day
    Meet/stay under your daily nutrition goal (fat/fiber/protien/carbs)
    Try a new form of exercise and report back
    Try a new recipe and report back
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