Any Doctor Who fans on here?



  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    Another thought... if the adipose really existed... would we need MFP?
  • Akumu
    Akumu Posts: 120 Member
    Another thought... if the adipose really existed... would we need MFP?

  • princesstoadstool82
    LOVE David Tennant... omg anything that man does is amazing... have you guys seen broadchurch!!!

    Going though the old doctors now but I do love the new ones a bit more :)
    Sad to see matt leave as I just started to like him... but cant wait to see David in doctor who again its going to be epic.. ♥
  • SkyPixie
    Me :bigsmile:

    Favorite ever Doctor has to be Tom Baker as I grew up with him but.the man was and still is as mad as a bag of badgers :laugh:

    Loved both David Tennant and Matt Smith but I think Peter Capaldi will be good .. time for a slightly older doctor I think.

    Loved Amy Pond as an assistant .. not sure about Clara ... though Mr SkyPixie rather likes her :wink:
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    I hope Capaldi brings back some of the darkness and anger of Sylvester McCoy. He was probably the best Doctor nobody knows.....

    I hate what Stephen Moffat has done to the show......need to bring back long reaching storyline arcs and classic villians, much like Tennants episodes were.

    I think the character of Clara was just god awful...
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    I hope Capaldi brings back some of the darkness and anger of Sylvester McCoy. He was probably the best Doctor nobody knows.....

    I hate what Stephen Moffat has done to the show......need to bring back long reaching storyline arcs and classic villians, much like Tennants episodes were.

    I think the character of Clara was just god awful...

    I could never watch Sylvester McCoy's Doctor because I really don't like Ace. I didn't dislike him, just didn't like Ace.

    Its funny my daughter couldn't watch this last season because she hates Clara. Funny how that works.
  • FattieBabs
    FattieBabs Posts: 542 Member
    I can't stand Clara either. Loved Billie Piper and Catharine Tate....\
  • jacobhyatt91
    jacobhyatt91 Posts: 120 Member
    me me me me me !! love it.. Cant wait for November :tongue:
  • StheK
    StheK Posts: 443 Member
    You are not alone!
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    Right here!!!

    I can't wait for the 50th Anniversary show!!! I'm really interested in how the new Doctor will pan out. I'll miss Matt Smith, but still stoked.
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    Yes! David Tennent is the only one I love though!
  • Ebo11
    Long time fan in the house!
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    Nathan Fillion for the next Dr.

  • budderbun
    It's one of my fav shows! Sad to see Matty leave though.
  • becckii
    becckii Posts: 32 Member
    I love Doctor who and was watching it the other day (the last episode with Tennant) and it was amazing. Full of characters that would be missed and it had amazing story lines. ( <3 Donna and The Master) Sadly it all went downhill very fast when Davies left. I only ever really liked Rory in the eleventh reincarnation. That is not to say Matt was not a good Doctor because he was. It is just that as it went on the plots lacked any real substance and had people I didn't care about and I didn't like Whats her face, the new girl. Bring on Peter Capaldi. I loved him in The Fire's of Pompeii and I loved him in Torchwood.
  • jelawton3
    jelawton3 Posts: 32 Member
    I've been a fan since the early 80's and had the opportunity of watching the early generations and met the first Master. To date K-9 has been my fav companion/tool, though there have been a few human companions that have been pretty good. I'll end with Eccleston wasn't the worst, Mcgann.
  • cingle87
    cingle87 Posts: 717 Member
    Currently working my way through the updated doctor who series before we get to the 50th aniversary. I'm looking forward to Capaldi as the new doctor, Im hoping for a darker gritter doctor with the odd slice of comedy to lighten the series.

    I know im going to get destroyed on this one but I prefer, and think Matt Smith's doctor was better than Tennatts, not saying I hate Davids version, just like Smiths more.

    Why do people like Donna? I couldn't stand her, but I think its more because I just can't tolerate Catherine Tate, so no matter how well see done I'd still hate her guts.

    Companions Rank

    Amy Pond

  • Guinivere
    Guinivere Posts: 357 Member
    Never liked Rose unless she was inhabited by Cassandra. My fiancé bares more than a passing resemblance to DT. Met Tom Baker a couple of years ago who was lovely and loved Sarah Jane, Leela, Martha, Clara and Nyssa.
  • landodewd
    landodewd Posts: 43 Member
    Doctor who is the best! BBC has so many good shows! I can't wait for the new season of Sherlock! Hint hint america we need better shows than master chef and jersey shore!