I completely failed!



  • Steelytop
    Steelytop Posts: 145 Member
    6/10. Luckily, I don't shop for 90% of those items. By that I mean I don't go there. And I agree with Accountant_boi that there are better choices out there. If I'm feeling like fast food.....I go out to eat at a favorite restaurant. Maybe once a week or every two weeks. It just depends. And 95% of the time I pick something within my calorie limit. I've had zero ill effects from this so far. Perhaps it's a total shock to the system or something. I don't know.
  • Dellie22
    I got 8/10
  • BMW6Series
    5 right. Grrr.

    I didn't like the question about the Big Mac and the slice of Pizza. The Big Mac would have been safer for me, because I never stop with just one or two slices of pieces. LOL!

  • Mirlyn
    Mirlyn Posts: 256
    Took a quiz about calorie splurges. Boy! Do I still have a lot to learn! Try it for yourself here:


    I got 6/10 correct but I must be fair to myself and say I wouldn't eat either of the options on the ones I got wrong so I'll never have to make those splurge choices lol.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    5 5................guess Im not that aware of sweets, but FORTUNATLEY.........I AVOID EM AT ALL COST


    I just have to, at this stage of the game, I just have to...............I dont have any choice, I just have to stay away from em

    But, I do like Fat Free yogurt, theres a place not far, that I hit on Saturday, and the yogurt tastes like real ice cream........20 calories an ounce and its fat frree..........thats my vice..........Lloyd
  • valeriebpdx
    valeriebpdx Posts: 499 Member
    I got 7/10 but I think several of the questions were misleading--like saying if you have a frappuccino without the whip it's better. Well, of course it is, but that's not what the question asked. Same with the Reese's cups--if you have the size it shows in the picture, it's 42 cals each and a better choice than 120 c worth of M&Ms (half a bag)--but the answer referred to full-size Reese's. Finally, I think the leaner protein in the chicken wings makes it a better choice than mozzarella sticks (even though I think fried cheese is heaven on earth), even if it's a few more calories. Anyway, knowledge is power and it is good to get people thinking and questioning their assumptions about good and bad food.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    9/10... but I don't buy most of those anyway. Good to know that I have an idea for when I do splurge though! :) I missed the buffalo wing/mozarella stick one... but I am glad I did because my preference is the one lower in calories!
  • dogdaze
    dogdaze Posts: 110 Member
    Got 9 out of 10 but can honestly say that they are mostly not things I would want to eat -ever. The portion size was poorly indicated.

    Have you seen the Eat This not That quiz? http://eatthis.menshealth.com/game/ (comes as a free app too)
  • dldodson75
    8/10 never woulda guessed cheese sticks over wings or the frap was better choice
  • Doordie
    7/10 for me. I kept looking at the picture and answering that way. lol But I must admit I am reading label alot more these days. I am proud of this!
  • Behavior_Modification
    Behavior_Modification Posts: 24,482 Member
    You got me. I saw that you posted a topic titled this and was worried. I'm like "Oh, no..." But enjoyed the quiz and got 9 out of 10. Thanks for the laugh!
  • 1QueenB
    1QueenB Posts: 227 Member
    That was interesting 5/5, but I love me some Oreos, and I haven't them in like forever, so it was good to know they won't kill my whole eating healthy plan!!! I also took the one about portions, now that I got down to a science 9/10 correct!!!!!Great post girl!