Anyone own reebok dual heart rate monitor???



  • Doinitforgood
    Doinitforgood Posts: 5 Member
    Follow up to my prevoius post: i should say i stayed to reset it because after 1 workout i can't get it to track a workout another day without resetting it.
  • niteflorida
    niteflorida Posts: 1 Member
    I have the same one. How do you rest the calorie count. I have figured out everything but that. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
  • Doinitforgood
    Doinitforgood Posts: 5 Member
    I reset the whole thing. It's annoying, but the only way i can track #s per workout.
  • EmmieCar86
    EmmieCar86 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm not sure. I know I've brought it up before but it was always accidental. I just restart every workout bc I keep track of my calories from workouts on here. If I figure it out I'll post!
  • Doinitforgood
    Doinitforgood Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the reply. I wanted to make sure i was using it to the full potential.
  • almost99
    almost99 Posts: 1 Member
    Glad someone else is getting high results. I was worried about accuracy since my workouts burn so many more calories than some of the the predefined exercises. Must be the body weight difference that causes such a big fluxuation. I guess my 6'1", 195# frame burns more than average.
  • EmmieCar86
    EmmieCar86 Posts: 83 Member
    Glad someone else is getting high results. I was worried about accuracy since my workouts burn so many more calories than some of the the predefined exercises. Must be the body weight difference that causes such a big fluxuation. I guess my 6'1", 195# frame burns more than average.

    I burn pretty high too! I am 120 ad 5'6 so I had my husband wear it
    and then my brother a different time and one burned
    low (husband, he's a firefighter and pretty in shape) and my
    brother burned pretty high.
  • I have had mine for three weeks now and still cannot figure it out. I am going to try your suggestions today during my workout. I went to take it back but I cannot find the darn receipt so looks like I am stuck with it. Hope it works.. :)
  • eviejmac
    eviejmac Posts: 2 Member
    My problem is that after completing a workout, the time Below, In, and Above my target zone don't add up to to total time of the workout. Anyone know why?
  • qtcasmith
    qtcasmith Posts: 1
    So, I just bought this thing and after much button pushing, figured out the basic in and outs. However, after every workout it won't reset! I get this icon at the top that looks like a book with a pen, which I assumed meant consult the manual, but it doesnt show that symbol anywhere. So I have been resetting the whole watch and having to re-create my profile for every workout. This is annoying. I'm ready to just throw the thing away and spend the $80 on a Polar! :/
  • eviejmac
    eviejmac Posts: 2 Member
    qtcasmith, the icon that looks like a book shows you that you're in Memory Mode. Page 20 of the manual talks about it. To reset after a workout, follow the instructions on page 18.
  • wow I have this monitor system also. I am really confused as to how to reset the thing. One time one thing works and the next time not. I am getting really high calories burned numbers-so I am not sure how accurate it is. Should I just use the g and multiply by the 9. Plus is says in the manual the cH means calories consumed- is that the same as burned? Hopefully one day I will figure this out. I only paid 25.00 for it on clearance at target, so I don't feet too bad. It was listed at 75.00. Thanks for all the previous posts. They really help somewhat.
  • CvJ626
    CvJ626 Posts: 6 Member
    I have this watch and HRM chest band. I only use when I workout to keep track of calories burned and my HR during workouts. As soon as I purchased the watch I set it up with my height, weight, and fitness "zone". I noticed that I burned more calories compared to preset calories burned on MFP for certain exercises, i.e. Jillian Michael's workouts. Has anyone else experienced this and how accurate has the watch been for you?
  • runs4zen
    runs4zen Posts: 769 Member
    bumping because I just bought this...and got LOST in button land! So far the suggestions on here work, however, I'd love to hear more about setting the zones. Also, is the chest strap worn differently on women then on men?

    EmmieCar86, you'd be a huge hero if you did a YOUTUBE video demonstrating how to use this watch!!! :-)
  • gia759
    gia759 Posts: 1
    I bought this thing and I can't get it to go past the 0'00'00 mark. I've pressed start/stop and nothing will happen. I'm almost reduced to tears because I need to find a way to track my kettlebell exercises! Can someone help?
  • extremely11
    extremely11 Posts: 14 Member
    In the regular watch TIME setting you press MODE which will take you to the Heart Rate setting 0'00'00, once there you push the start/stop button. The timer (top numbers) should start regardless (you have to be wearing the chest strap to show numbers below) otherwise it will read 0'00'05 and this on the bottom - -.

    What $25 clearance at Target that is great! I got mine at $75 and well worth it.
  • I won this watch and cannot get the stopwatch to work to save my life. I read through all of your posts but nothing is helping. I do not want the countdown watch - I want the stopwatch. Has anyone got this working?
  • kyrstymoon
    kyrstymoon Posts: 1 Member
    I hate to re-open this since it's been so long, but my watch is stuck in memory mode and I can't figure out how to get it out. Can anybody help?

  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    I just purchased this watch; it was rather cheap so I figured what the hell. So far I’ve been able to figure out the important features on my own; the one issue that I am seeing so far is that for me the calories consumed/burned reads a bit low. The group I work with all use Polar gear and their burn rate is significantly higher than mine, like 250-300 calories more for a 45 minute workout, even though I push it harder than all but one of them.
    This could be because I don’t have my Zones set right, I keep playing with that.
    Personally, I think the watch is one of the nicer looking HRM/watch combos out there so I’m hoping that I can figure it out.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    seems like a poor design if its that hard to figure out how to start the timer