

  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    Well I'm probably going to repeat what others have already but here it goes.....
    When your eating at other peoples homes and feel that you should eat the food then just portion it out. If you know ahead of time that you will be eating there plan for it. There's always going to be a time that your gonna eat somewhere else but home and it seems that you do it often so in order to be successful is to plan plan and more planning. Save some extra calories for the occasion. And you don't have to eat tons of the food just a small portion of it. Drink lots of water and eat slowly.
    As for eating out do what YOU need to do. If you have to order somthing special then you have every right to do so. If someone has a problem with it... Oh well that's there problem. Don't let others stop you from reaching your goals.
    And of course pack snacks when you are on the go.
    I want you to succeed so please think of yourself before you think of others. Your doing this for YOU!!:flowerforyou:

  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,646 Member
    I hope I didn't miss this in one of your posts, but what about you bringing a dish with you to these people's homes? you can bring something that you made so you have control of the ingredients, then you can fill up on that and take what I call 'no thank you' helpings of the stuff they make (those are just very small portions of the food they make so you can say you did eat it)

    Also, when you eat out - it is your $$ you get the food the way you want it!

    Please also be very honest with everyone you socialize with that you are making a lifestyle change and you would appreciate their support. Saying to you that you can eat whatever you want is selfish on their part - it is your life and it will be way to short if you don't take control.

    good luck!
  • Hey Steph. I hate going to someones house and telling them I am "dieting" because then I get all self conscious and think people are looking at me and everything I eat. I know it is probably in my head, but I get around it. I bring my own monster salad with all the fixings and then when it comes to dinner time I pull out my stuff and just say "you know, my doc says I need to eat more veggies and if I get them in before dinner I am more likely to eat them". I make sure my salad is so big it takes the whole dinner to eat it, and when people are starting to clean up I am usually not hungry anymore and I no one seems to notice what I did or didn't put in my mouth. Bizarre, I know. But I really feel weird changing my eating habits around people I know. Maybe because I think that they expect certain behaviors from me and will harass me if I make a point of it. Once again, I know it is a weird thing but I just feel strange thinking everyone is noticing what I eat. So not coming out and saying "hey I can't eat this stuff its too many calories" just doesn't work for me. Probably that way too nice gene that I have to work on - nice guys always finish last and are overweight? Boy, just writing this is making me realize that I have to work on some self-esteem issues! LOL.

    And as far as eating out goes... I always drink a lot of water and have a snack or a bar before I go in. Then when I make my choice it is not out of hunger and I think better. I have them bring me a carry out box with my meal and immediately put half of it in the container so that I don't eat the whole thing.

    For me, as I loose the weight it is easier to confront people and tell them that I am loosing and how much and what kind of life style changes I am making. Maybe soon I will be strong enough to come out to friends and say "hey, aren't you going to serve some food that is actually good for you and not packed with calories?!". I can't wait for that day.

    I know it is tough, and I know there is a big reason you are going this besides wanting to look good. So please hang in there. I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!
  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    :bigsmile: Thanks everyone for taking the time out to give advice, It is much appreciated.. :bigsmile:
  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    Hey Steph. I hate going to someones house and telling them I am "dieting" because then I get all self conscious and think people are looking at me and everything I eat. I know it is probably in my head, but I get around it. I bring my own monster salad with all the fixings and then when it comes to dinner time I pull out my stuff and just say "you know, my doc says I need to eat more veggies and if I get them in before dinner I am more likely to eat them". I make sure my salad is so big it takes the whole dinner to eat it, and when people are starting to clean up I am usually not hungry anymore and I no one seems to notice what I did or didn't put in my mouth. Bizarre, I know. But I really feel weird changing my eating habits around people I know. Maybe because I think that they expect certain behaviors from me and will harass me if I make a point of it.

    And as far as eating out goes... I always drink a lot of water and have a snack or a bar before I go in. Then when I make my choice it is not out of hunger and I think better. I have them bring me a carry out box with my meal and immediately put half of it in the container so that I don't eat the whole thing.

    I know it it tough, and I know there is a big reason you are going this besides wanting to look good. So please hang in there. I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!
    THANKS.... HAHA... At least one person in my family understands completely and wont' judge me..lol.... your rock lyss
  • Steph, I never judge. Never. I totally get it!
  • Steph, I never judge. Never. I totally get it!
  • spaul82478
    spaul82478 Posts: 709 Member
    Steph, I never judge. Never. I totally get it!
    I KNOW.... but ya know some people do... like recent blog posts..lol...
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