40 pounds in 4 months: the end of the year challenge!



  • xxAsheexx
    xxAsheexx Posts: 1 Member
    I would love to join.. been needing a challenge like this to motivate me :) so im in swell.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Forty pounds by New Year's is my goal. I'm in.
  • I'm game. Count me in.
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member

    I definitely didn't expect such a great turn out!

    I was thinking weekly weigh-ins... Setting a goal for a shorter duration (a week/ 4 weeks?)

    Also I want to include measurements and ACTION oriented goals (ex. This week I will work out 4 days) so even if we do not quite reach our WEIGHT goals, we wil have NON-SCALE VICTORIES!

    My other group (which I will continue participating in) does something along the lines of:

    SW: Start weight. GW: goal weight. CW: Current weight
    Gonabfit: SW: ____/ GW:____/ CW:____/ Difference: +/- ___ lbs
    Random: SW____/GW_____/CW:_____ Difference: +/- ___ lbs

    We update our weights weekly in that group... this may help us stay more focused and keep our eyes on SMALL CHUNKS instead of the big pot of gold at the end of the tunnel.

    Once I make the private group we can go into our personal goals, why we want this time to be different, and how we plan to reach our goals!
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    OK everyone! Invitations are sent... I'm heading to bed but we can start things tomorrow!

    Look forward to this journey with you all! Hope we can all keep it positive and healthy! Common goal of weight loss and feeling great...
  • feliperss
    feliperss Posts: 35 Member
    I'd like to be a part of this challenge as well! Even if I don't make it to a 40 pounds loss by the end of the year I don't mind having a support group and weekly weigh ins.
  • beckademic
    beckademic Posts: 69 Member
    I want to be part of this group too. never done a challenge so hopefully this will help extra motivate me. Thanks!
  • Count me in, am willing to so try this!!
  • WhoDat5o4
    WhoDat5o4 Posts: 50 Member
    Can I play? I was aiming to lose 20 but really my goal should be closer to 40. I set my goal low bc deep down I think I can't do it :/ motivation and help would be great!
  • I'm so happy I found this blog...Losing 40 pounds is halfway to my goal. I would love to join the group!
  • WhoDat5o4
    WhoDat5o4 Posts: 50 Member
    I want to be part of this group too. never done a challenge so hopefully this will help extra motivate me. Thanks!

    I love the picture in your ticker!!!
  • sunflwrgrl412
    sunflwrgrl412 Posts: 130 Member
    I'd like to join in!
  • I am totally excited about this, I would be happy to join... I would love to lose 40 lbs. in 4 months... Let me know the plan!! Weekly weigh ins/measurements... Food ideas, exercise tips!!! Let me know..
  • count me in :smile:
  • slacker75
    slacker75 Posts: 78 Member
    I'm in. My actual goal by the end of the year - starting fresh today - was 35 pounds...so 40 would be a huge bonus - however, i'd be happy with 15 too. I'm doing my best to lose this weight and any motivation, help, suggestions, support I can get along the way would be great.
  • calmlywilde
    calmlywilde Posts: 47 Member

    "Aim for the moon, even if you miss... you'll land amongst the stars!"

    LOL I live my life by that saying! Would love to join in - got a wedding dress to fit by Feb!

  • east2west14
    east2west14 Posts: 161 Member
    Count me in please! :)
  • I'm in! Send me an invite please !!!
  • KenishaFitness
    KenishaFitness Posts: 161 Member
    I am in!!!!!!!
  • Count me in!