Official Nightshift thread!!!



  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    oops meant to reply to that...
    i feel gross after eating that cake...wasnt even that good!!
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    i hate that! last night i forgot to pack lunch, and by the time i went to break it was rather late, so i caved and had some fries.. not long after i had stomach pains on and off until i got home.. that'll teach me to cave!!
  • I dont know what is going on tonight but i'm right there with you guys....I just ate reese pieces :ohwell:
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    full moon?? lol
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    my husband made chocolate chip cookies that have been calling my name all night.
  • What a great thread!! I am the new kid on the block and hope you have room for another police dispatcher :) . Just wanted to say hi - I have lots of reading to do ....13 pages it looks like.

    Is anyone else trying the HCG drops?
  • Your on your way!!!
  • I'm new to the site as well. I am a police officer and work all sorts of weird shifts from days, night and mids. Needless to say my body doesn't know whats happening.

    Betsy14 I tried the HCG drops and they did work until I started eating again then I gained every ounce back right away plus it was really hard to stick to. I am doing a lot better just by watching what I eat, planning ahead for the week, making the meals on my day off and putting it in the freezer and working out every day.

    Every chance I get I do something lunges beside the car when I'm running radar, push-ups on the trunk what ever. It helps me stay awake and I get a little workout in at the same time
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    Thanks lynz... Better late then never... Been a little while since I checked the thread, I have just been getting on and logging.... Welcome to all the newcomers. I didn't expect this thread to get so big when I started it... I guess us overnighters needed our own thread. Hope everyone is having a good night.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Welcome to our latest members! hope everyone's been having a good night. i started 2 hours earlier today due to someone calling out.. can always use more money! lol. lately i've been craving ice cream a lot, and having a DQ about 5 min from my house doesn't help. i've been strong so far, but i may allow myself a small cup tonight at work.
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Thanks lynz... Better late then never... Been a little while since I checked the thread, I have just been getting on and logging.... Welcome to all the newcomers. I didn't expect this thread to get so big when I started it... I guess us overnighters needed our own thread. Hope everyone is having a good night.

    It is getting big! I always felt so alone at Im not, its great! We need our own website...myfitnesspal, vampire version :tongue:
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Welcome to our latest members! hope everyone's been having a good night. i started 2 hours earlier today due to someone calling out.. can always use more money! lol. lately i've been craving ice cream a lot, and having a DQ about 5 min from my house doesn't help. i've been strong so far, but i may allow myself a small cup tonight at work.

    Small cup good Allie...that cakes from last night are STILL HERE. Why would anyone need to buy TWO sheetcakes? We a re a small group! Its cool...Im staying strong!!
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    I'm new to the site as well. I am a police officer and work all sorts of weird shifts from days, night and mids. Needless to say my body doesn't know whats happening.

    Betsy14 I tried the HCG drops and they did work until I started eating again then I gained every ounce back right away plus it was really hard to stick to. I am doing a lot better just by watching what I eat, planning ahead for the week, making the meals on my day off and putting it in the freezer and working out every day.

    Every chance I get I do something lunges beside the car when I'm running radar, push-ups on the trunk what ever. It helps me stay awake and I get a little workout in at the same time

    Welcome to the thread! I do workouts at work too..mostly lunges and squats, and I have a resistance band here :smile:
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    lol yes to the vampire edition! i work with blood every night so that's right up my alley hahaha... yeah lee, 2 sheetcakes is a lot.. it's the opposite here.. they'll have a bbq or something during the day and we'll get the gross leftovers from hours before which are basically inedible. every now and again we'll have our own parties and get pizza from upstairs, fresh! or people will bring things in which is nice.
  • MegJo
    MegJo Posts: 398 Member
    Hahah LOVE the idea of a vampire edition! I check this thread so much at night, I had no idea how comforting it would be to know that there ARE other people who work this schedule :)

    Oh and Lee and Allie I totally get the food at work thing. A woman made cookies and brought them into work.. It was SO hard for me. Especially because she makes the most amazing cookies you'll ever taste. 10 hours in one room with a huge bin of cookies was just like hell for me. I tried to ignore them but I coudn't and I didn't have just 1, I had 2. Probably 3. I kept going over and breaking off pieces ahah so in the end I probably did eat like 3. I need to come up with a better solution next time. Bringing other food in doesn't work for me. I just eat my food AND the cookie haha.

    I'll have to work extra hard at Zumba tomorrow to work it off. :)
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    hehe...dont feel bad Meg...I had a lil cake too, but just a lil bit this time. I brought my gym clothes and Im debating if I should go and lift weights after work, I already worked out when I got up, but just cardio. Not sure if I have the motivation to do a twice a day thing, but it helped me lose a lot of weight before. Im kind of sleepy tho! lol
  • tabika05
    tabika05 Posts: 34 Member
    I never really check for support because I feel like I'm in my own boat but how amazing to find this!

    I work as bartender and nanny and I'm a student sooo I get about three hours of sleep every morning and random naps when I can't keep my eyes open. Unlike most of you I work nights four times a week but also days five times a week so I'm a day/night scheduled worker.

    It's horribly hard to have any energy to do all of you motivate and get it done?
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    lol yes to the vampire edition! i work with blood every night so that's right up my alley hahaha... yeah lee, 2 sheetcakes is a lot.. it's the opposite here.. they'll have a bbq or something during the day and we'll get the gross leftovers from hours before which are basically inedible. every now and again we'll have our own parties and get pizza from upstairs, fresh! or people will bring things in which is nice.

    I also work in a lab, I am the only one here so I have to draw blood, and everything else. I think I get called a vampire at least once a week. :noway:

    I like working this shift but when there is food in the break room it makes it really hard. I mean no-one is here to count how many cookies I eat a night. At least during the day I feel like some one is watching me, so I have to behave.
  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    tabika, you'll def find support here, so welcome!! for me, the best thing is having a schedule, not just for working out but everything. work is set, fine.. i go home, sleep, get up early afternoon, then either work out right away or eat something then work out..then it's done and i have the rest of the time free until later on, when i give myself quiet/nap time before work. granted life isn't perfect and things get mixed around a lot, but as long as you kinda plan out your day, i think you're more willing to make time to get things done.

    and yes i did have the ice cream, with sprinkles on break haha.. it was delicious... i'm off friday night, so i'll be able to recover from the first day of TurboFire lol..
  • leanmass24
    leanmass24 Posts: 304 Member
    I want the werewolf (lycanthrope or lycan for short) edition.